View Full Version : Coup d'état (PM for Invite)

Apr 2nd, 2004, 12:00:13 AM
(OOC: Anyone who reads this that finds they would like to participate, please pm me)


The Unknown Regions account for just fifteen percent of the galaxy, yet much of it remains unexplored. The primary reason for this is the fact that the Chiss control most of the border between the Unknown Regions and the rest of the galaxy. They severely limit traffic into the Unknown Regions, but they also map large portions of the Unknown Regions as part of an ambitious mission developed by Grand Admiral Thrawn.

Decades of exploration have revealed a wealth of unusual creatures and races - as well as rogue planets. It was during the latter part of the previous three or four decades that an exploration team from Chiss happened upon Tolea`Fuin. Through diplomatic relations, the Chiss and Tolean's have lived at peace with one another since the declaration and signing of a non-aggression/trade pact. Though the Chiss have had and (may) currently have ties with the Imperials, Tolea`Fuin has managed to remain a neutral planet.

Until now.

Occurances the Toleans view as strange have cropped up within the past two or three years. Rebellions have begun on the peaceful planet of Tolea`Fuin, amidst the capital city of N`hrive.

Nothing that the local form of government and law enforcement hasn't been able to handle thus far, but the rebellious factions have been growing in number at an alarmingly steady rate.

Houses that once were among the most honorable have fallen to thievery, bribery and extortion, kidnapping and murder - pulling their schemes and throwing their weight around against those of the lower and middle classes.

Rumors are spreading like a wild fire out of control, ruining the reputations of the higher members of the remaining Houses. But exactly who is spreading them remains a mystery.

Invesitgations have kept undercover intelligence operatives running around in circles - or so it appears. Of course, the mastermind behind this intricately woven web of deception wants it to look that way. 'It's all a part of politics.', one Advisor continually says. No -- there is much more to this than what there appears to be on the surface.

Among the rumors currently circulating are those directly affecting the High Ruler himself - Sarhik Sonhali. A single man, age 430 Tolean years, whom lost his wife to an incurable disease nearly 170 years ago. Their offspring, a daughter, known amongst their peoples as Sable; and her older brother - Jayse Sonhali. The rumors claim that Sarhik is allied with the Ssi Ruuk and that he sends a group of his own military into the towns and villages to kidnap his own people, whom are then given over to the Ssi Ruuk to supply them with the precious life energies they need in order to power their technologies.

This rumor is supported by the fact that there has not been a war with Ssi Ruuvi during the past three decades, whereas war would break out regularly once every decade. Though the public has demanded an investigation into these allegations, that is not how things work on Tolea`Fuin and among the Seven Ruling Houses that comprise its government. The High Ruler is not an elected official - the position is denoted by birth right. Upon the death of the reigning High Ruler, the second born child of the House which sits next in the royal line assumes the position.

With the current (and very damaging) accusation circulating, assassination attempts on High Ruler Sarhik Sonhali have increased, requiring round-the-clock bodyguards and a non-existant public profile. Using his daughter - whom is a High Councillor - to continue with his duties, he has unwittingly made his own daughter a target for kidnapping and assassination attempts as well; however, he has seen to it that she is very well guarded.

Within the Council Round an emergency gathering of the High Council, Advisors and the High Ruler has been called.

The Council Round is a beautiful building which has stood since the first form of government was created many millenia ago. The Council Round, as are all buildings found on Tolea`Fuin, is constructed to blend and compliment its surroundings. Reminiscent of a sprawling estate garden, the grounds are covered with grasses, mosses, aspiring trees embraced by never-ending vines, and exotic blooms.

The outdoors extend into the interior where the walkways are comprised of stone and wind lazily throughout the building. Located in the center of the Council Round is a tree whose trunk measures one hundred feet in circumference. Long ago, the first members of the Ruling Council decided that hollowing out the trunk of that tree to access the levels below ground would be best. It is there that the closed sessions of the Council take place.

Access by the public is forbidden. The single (and only) entry into the chambers is guarded around the clock by two armed guards. Only members of the Ruling Council are allowed to pass. The roots have provided the perfect system of support for the spiraling staircase which leads to the lower levels.

One would think that these underground chambers would be dank, dark and musty; but that is not the case. The floors and walls are as smooth as glass and created using obsidian. Circular in shape, the first level below ground is where the Council members gathered for the emergency meeting.

Seated around the table for the past four and a half hours, the members of the Tolean Government have been discussing the latest rumors, developing situations and options of how best to handle each of them. Thus far, they've succeeded at accomplishing nothing at all - aside from in-fighting.

"Through a trusted messenger, communications between myself and one Tiberius Anar, Chancellor of the Imperial Sovereignty; and a member of his command. Jarek Tchort, have been taking place over the past month. ", Sahrik begins.

"Tolea`Fuin has always been a neutral planet, High Ruler. Whom has been submitting these correspondences?"one of the Advisors pipes in. To which Sahrik returns a look, narrowing his eyes dangerously, warning the Advisor silently that he is balancing precariously on the edge.

"Yes ... we have remained neutral throughout our history, however ...." Sahrik continues; "...our control over the people is waning and its waning rapidly. We have riots in the streets, businesses are losing money due to the extortionists demanding protection money and assassination attempts are being made on our own families. What more has to occur before you open your eyes and see the plight taking control of our once peaceful nation?"

Silence reigns for the better part of three minutes; the looks on the faces of those gathered solemn.

"What are we left with? Everything which has been suggested thus far has only been refuted, scoffed at and thrown aside. I fear the only option left is to declare martial law and bring in additional troops from the outside." Sahrik looks to each of the members gathered, each in turn, lowers their head.

Perhaps they too, realize that things have spiraled out of control and that Sahrik Sonhali is right. Then again, their actions may indicate a disappointment in his thinking. Either way, their emotional responses remain as personal thoughts.

"I see. Then as the High Ruler I will enact a state of martial law and arrange an official meeting with the Imperial Sovereignty. With their help, peace will return to Tolea`Fuin."

Sahrik rises, indicating that nothing more is to be said on the matter.

The Council members all turn in unison, their eyes all focus on Sable.

She returns their look, each in turn, then she too rises and departs. Those who are thinking that she is the messenger are correct in their assumptions; however, she will not confirm nor deny them.


Standing before the communications counsel, Sable relays the message her father had prepared before the meeting of the members took place.

"Greetings, Chancellor Anar. High Ruler Sonhali wishes to extend a personal invitation to you and Mister Tchort. High Ruler Sonhali wishes to discuss current matters with you personally. I am to further inform you that he has taken your offer into serious consideration and feels that agreeable terms can be reached."

Silently, Sable awaits the response of which she will deliver to her father.

Jarek T'chort
Apr 2nd, 2004, 10:36:13 AM
Admiral Antony Webber was something of a rarity in the Imperial millitary, the thing was, he understood, nay, even enjoyed politics. A man of medium height, with colcazure eyes and a thinning silver cap of hair, Webber had served twenty years in the Imperial Navy and had seen countless engagements and conflicts over his time. That experience showed in the wrinkles around his eyes, in his haggard neck, his greying temples, however his eyes possesed a fire few much younger men possesed. Yet nowadays, Webber found himself confined to Thyferra and the grandoise High Command complex or the Isle of Orrl.

Webber strode the corridors of the Chancellor's residence, escorted by two footmen in their red and gold livery. His grey/olive uniform was immaculate, his rank bar clear and bold on his breast. He walked staight backed and proud. A man who could shoulder the worries of thousands. Under one arm, gripped tightly in a black gloved hand, was the dossier on Tolea 'Fuin (assembled that morning by Marshal Tchort's secretary), a planet, on which the reputation of the Sovereignty was about to be greatly bolstered.

Two double doors, hewn from some exotic timber, creaked open, revealing the Chancellor of the Sovereignty at his desk, his holonet transceiver online and running, with the voice of a young woman issuing from it.

Webber stood respectfully by the doors, awaiting the Chancellor's leisure.

Tiberius Anar
Apr 3rd, 2004, 01:10:15 PM
Anar kept his eyes fixed upon the one-fifth size holo image standing upon his desk. Sable was speaking, her words music to his ears.

"...he has taken your offer into serious consideration and feels that agreeable terms can be reached."

He smiled slightly as he replied, "I am delighted to hear that, madam High Councillor. Naturally the Imperial Sovereignty will offer whatever aid it can to the High Ruler, within reason."

He motioned for Webber to approach, "May I present Admiral Antony Webber of the Imperial Navy." He keyed the transceiver to bring Webber within the sight of its cameras- Sable would now see both men simultaneously. "The admiral is one our senior officers and will be serving as my adviser on this matter."

Once Webber was in place behind him, Anar continued, "We have taken the liberty of preparing a brief dossier of all our intelligence on the internal strife your planet is suffering from. Admiral if you would be so good as to summarise your findings."

Jarek T'chort
Apr 4th, 2004, 04:24:16 AM
Webber stepped smartly up into view, his hands nimbly slipping the binding from his dossier, revealing several data pads and flimsiplast files.

"Thank you, your excellency."

He performed a sharp millitary bow to the holo of Sable, then smiled and held up one of the data pads.

"Greetings, High Councilor. I have the Intelligence assesment of the threat to your father. Allow me to read you some extracts."

Tapping the data pad lightly, the display changed to reveal an assortment of information regarding Tolea 'Fuin.

"It appears rogue elements in the Tolean armed forces feel greatly dissasitisfied with the lack of order amongst the public of Tolea 'Fuin. This, coupled with the unpleasant rumours about your father and the Ssi Ruuk, has created a most precarious situation. Those rogue elements, if brought to light, would have immense public suppourt."

Webber deftly threw in his final peice of information - or rather, disinformation.

"Our sources also tell us that members of the Tolean milltary have even been sent as far as Firrerre to procure the latest weapons that the underworld can offer. I am sorry to inform you, High Councillor, but your government may well face a bloody insurrection at any given time. Your position, as far as I can see, is most precarious."

With that Webber slipped a small data chip into the holonet transceiver, transfering the Intelligence into Sables' Council network. If the Toleans checked up the 'Firrerre connection' as Webber called it, they would find nothing, save the rumour of Toleans buying heavy weaponry from underworld contacts.

With a respectful bow to both the Chancellor and Sable he slipped out of view once more, a smug smile settling over his thin lips.

Tiberius Anar
Apr 4th, 2004, 01:33:45 PM
Anar made a mental note to commend Webber for his careful selection of information. This would certainly set the gundark amongst the nerfs. He looked at the image of Sable, watching for a reaction.

Apr 4th, 2004, 04:52:26 PM
"We are well met, Admiral.", Sable responds when introduced to Webber, her words accompanied by a subtle nod of her head. As Webber speaks, Sable makes a few mental notes about him, which she will pass along to her father. Obviously this man has made a career out of the Imperial Military; older, handsome and holds a coldness most soldiers possess. His smile, though a touch warm, also hides something - but what? By the tone of his voice, he is a charmer when he has to be in order to get something - get what?

Most of the information the Admiral provided to Sable was nothing that they did not already know; but the one piece of information that their own intelligence sources were not able to discover has just been revealed by this Anthony Webber. Sable's expression never changes; her features remain soft and her eyes attentive.

When Webber bows, she nods once more, then turns her attention to the Chancellor once again.

"Chancellor, I am to invite you to Tolea`Fuin. My fa - ...", she almost calls Sahrik her father. Yes, he is, but this is not the time to be addressing him informally. "High Ruler Sonhali looks forward to discussing matters further with you in person. May I inform him that you accept the invitation?"

Tiberius Anar
Apr 5th, 2004, 11:23:58 AM
"I would be delighted to accept your invitation, unfortuately circumstances prevent me from doing so at this time. As I am sure the High Ruler undrstands, it is difficult to abandon affairs of state at such short notice. Is shall, of course, come at the earliest possible moment. Shall we say two weeks?"

Apr 5th, 2004, 05:25:52 PM
The one-fifth size image of Sable hovering over the Chancellor's desk shimmers, and the noble woman looks away to another not visible in the holo-projection. She nods to the unseen person then looks back to the Chancellor.

"Of course, we do understand how difficult abandoning affairs of state is, Chancellor. However, as your own Advisor has said, Tolea`Fuin is in a most precarious situation at this moment and insurrection could erupt at any given time.

"High Ruler Sonhali has officially declared a state of martial law and has some of our military on the streets as we speak. However, on behalf of the High Ruler and the peoples of Tolea`Fuin, I ask if there is any way you could meet with us sooner?"

Only Sable knows whom is with her as she relays the message to the Chancellor - whether it is her father or not remains to be seen.

Though the situation is dire, and the urgency of aid from the Imperial Sovereignty is desperately needed, she maintains the diplomacy with which she was born and raised into. Her expression, calm and unwavering, hides very well the fact that she is growing more worried as time drags on.

Jarek T'chort
Apr 6th, 2004, 05:16:26 AM
Webber chewed at his cheek as he watched the flcikering holo of the High Councillor. He detected a note of pleading in her voice, as he was sure Anar had. Yet the woman masked it well, her voice never changing tone. It was simply the words she used.

He stepped forward once more.

"Your Excellency, if I may?"

The Chancellor nodded his affirmation and Webber spoke again with Sable.

"High Councillor, I have a suggestion. The situation indeed seems most precarious, for the High Ruler and for yourself." Webber inwardly smiled, it was a good thing to constantly remind her of the danger she faced, it would force her hand.

"Might I be so bold as to assert that a peacekeeping force is sent to Tolea 'Fuin? A single Star Destroyer would be capable of supressing any insurrection. That way your position would be secured and you would be safe until his Excellency is free to attend to this most serious matter."

Apr 6th, 2004, 05:48:00 PM
"I do appreciate your expressed concern for my safety, Admiral. I assure you that I am well guarded."

Not only does she have to listen to the worries her father voices about her safety on a near daily basis, but now she hears it from a man she doesn't even know. Tedious?


On the other hand, the Admiral's voiced concern does ebb away the fears that she has harbored about the Imperials. So far, they have not behaved in a manner such as is suggested by holonet news, newspapers or even from other species she has encountered while on diplomatic missions around the Unknown Regions.

In fact, the members of the Imperial Sovereignty with which she has been interacting with as of late have been nothing more than kind, willing to offer whatever assistance Tolea`Fuin needs and more.

Sable gives a subtle nod to Webber, then looks away to the other in the room with her. A few quiet words are passed between she and the other.

The room in which Sable transmits these private correspondences to the Chancellor is small and dark, save for the single illuminating lamp over her head. The temperature is kept constant and a touch on the cool side, insuring that the equipment isn't affected by the humidity rate of Tolea`Fuin. Its not unbearable, but its reminiscent of a modern day rainforest.

Sable turns back to Admiral Webber and offers a faint smile.

"Admiral, it is with humble appreciation that we accept your offer of a peacekeeping force. Might I inquire if this includes ground troops as well to aid in the riots that continue to get worse day by day?"

Jarek T'chort
Apr 6th, 2004, 06:27:33 PM
Webber returned Sable's smile with somewhat more vigour. With a short bow to the young woman, he spoke.

"Yes, a full Stormtrooper division is carried aboard an Imperator Star Destroyer as standard. A single Destroyer is more then enough for one planet. I assure you High Councillor, you shall have no fear of riots once our troops are on the ground."

The Admiral smiled serenly, his ego inflating as he spoke, one eye on Sable, the other on his superior. To display his skills in front of the most important man in the Sovereignty was somewhat of a god-send.

Apr 7th, 2004, 05:57:57 PM
"Very well, Admiral. Again, please allow me to express appreciation on behalf of Tolea`Fuin. I do not mean to press, but how soon can we expect your forces arrival?"

Sable, during the entire exchange with Webber, studies the man carefully. She has not had many interactions with those of the human species and she finds them to be a most curious race.

One Pair
Apr 11th, 2004, 06:24:06 PM
Queen. She's all Jahkob can think of as he runs through the protesting citizens, fighting against them to reach her mansion. He finally finds the durasteel fence and climbs it hastily, not bothering to call in to have them open the gate. He also neglects their front door, climbing apelike up the tree by his girlfriend's window. It's open, as usual, and he jumps out from a branch to grab the windowsill.

"Ugh...Queen! Are you okay?"

The blind girl shuffles over cautiously, finding his arms and helping to pull him inside.

"I'm fine...the protesters have passed us over for now. Father's business is one of the few untouched by the extortionists and all that. How about you? Is your family doing well, Jack?"

Jack hauls himself through the window with a sigh.

"Dad's too tough to let them get under his skin, though there've been a few drive-bys on the shop as a result. We're all doing well though...they've got miserable aim."

A short yip heralds the arrival of Rama, Queen's puppy, who leaps upon Jack and rubs his paws on the boy's face.

"Good to see he's okay, too. Do you still let him out, or are you worried the rioters will trample him?"

Queen picks up the little dog and snuggles him. "He gets to go out into the yard, but not out of the gates. It's irritating him, I think...he's been very moody this past week."

Elsewhere in the house Queen's father can be heard, shouting loudly at someone over a communciations device.

"I don't care if the workers want more pay! I can't afford to pay them anymore than they already get. Even if I wanted to, it just isn't possible with the state of affairs we're in!"

Every word makes Queen cringe, and Jack scoops her up to hold her close.

"It'll be ok. The Sonhali family will get this business sorted out. They've not failed us yet, and I don't imagine they will now."

Jarek T'chort
Apr 12th, 2004, 05:35:48 AM
Webber, the careerist, the solider, the politican, this time smiled geniuinely at Sable. This charming young alien did not deserve some rabid mob tearing down her life. Wasn't Palpatine's struggle against the Rebels much similar to this?

"High Councilor, the Imperial Star Destroyer Skrye will be en route to Tolea 'Fuin within five days. I hope your millitary can keep these rebels in line until then."

Tiberius Anar
Apr 12th, 2004, 03:39:47 PM
Anar watched this exchange in silence, his face passive. Inwardly he was smiling the Admiral had placed the Tolea 'Fuin government in a compromising position. They had asked for, and would receive, Imperial aid agreeing to it in the knowledge that payment was expected. Yet they did not know what form this payment would take. Excellent

Apr 12th, 2004, 10:03:30 PM
"As do I, Admiral. As do I."

Sable bows gently from the waist, her eyes never leaving the images of either the Chancellor or Admiral Webber.

"We will expect your arrival soon. On behalf of Tolea`Fuin and the High Ruler, I thank you."

The holo shimmers, blinks then goes blank, indicating that the transmission has ended. Sable turns to the other in the room with her, her expression solemn, shaking her head.

"Something doesn't feel right about this, but as my father says, it's probably just my own apprehensions with everything that has been occuring lately."

Asudak Jasra
Apr 13th, 2004, 11:26:09 AM
"No, I would say that your feelings are closer to home than he would have you admit, or that you would admit yourself. Personally, I don't like it, but given the alternative...I don't know what choice there is."

The man still sat away from where any prying eyes might see him, back into the darkened corner of the room. Crystalline blue eyes watched his charge as she finally looked away from the holoprojection, to look at him.

"But...the enemy of my enemy is my friend, or so the saying goes. Until my enemy's enemy becomes my own once again. We know my thoughts on the other big player in this chess game."

Namely, the Ssi Ruuk. It was them, after all, that led to him being on Tolea`Fuin, where he had now lived for close to fifteen years. He had arrived on the planet when he was fifteen years old, more or less crash-landing on the planet. Since that time, he was given a home within the walls of the High Ruler's home. As a way of paying his way, he did a good share of maintenance on the ships there, having been taught at an extremely young age how to do such.

Beyond that, his skill with a vibroblade had bested even the High Ruler's elite warriors, and thus it was given to the man to protect High Councilor Sable...especially now. Not that he minded being just short of glued to the beautiful woman, but with all that went on, he found the times rare that he could truly appreciate his position. No, most of his time and thoughts were on keeping her alive and out of harm's way. With this, came a few ideas of his own that went on in secret, the main being that his own ship was docked in a private, hidden hangar and only a precious few knew how to get to it. Should the situation turn extremely dire, getting the High Councilor away from peril would be easier.

"Just pray that the Imperials don't ask for too much in return."

Chanya Wethrinaer
Apr 13th, 2004, 06:13:04 PM
"Did you get that, Chanya?"

A male voice inquires into the earpiece worn by Chanya Wethrinaer, journalist for the Tolean Press; the number one news source on Tolea`Fuin. She's been with the paper for a little over a year and dreams of nothing more than having one of her stories hitting the front page.

"Yeah. Most of it. See if you can't clean up the recording so we can make out the rest of the communication exchange. I'll meet you at the diner."

"Got it. See ya' in one hour, then, Chanya. Don't do anything stupid now, girl."

She rolls her eyes and smirks then pokes her head around the corner from where she's kept herself hidden in one of the dark hallways, eavesdropping on the conversation that took place between one of the High Councilor's and some Admiral of an army that isn't located on the planet.

Seems safe enough. None of the Sentry Guards are patrolling and there isn't another body in sight, so Chanya slips around the corner. Up the hall, then up the stairs and as she exits the single entry into the lower chambers, High Councilor Capelli joins her.

"Perfect timing, my dear. The guards are changing shifts. Let's go before they arrive."

Chanya is escorted away swiftly by the High Councilor and taken to the open courtyard at the front of the building.

"Remember our deal, Miss Wethrinaer, and you will receive much more than you ever dreamed of."

"I'll remember it. Don't you forget it, High Councilor. Once the public reads my next article, things should begin to run more smoothly for you and your goal will be within reach."

"Go. I will contact you three days after the story appears."

High Councilor Capelli turns and rushes off, the hem of his robes billowing out behind him. A few passersby give him a questioning look, but he ignores them.

The House of Capelli is the worst of the Seven Ruling Houses. Up to their necks with accusations of extortion, bribery and murder; but none of it has been proven. Still, the stories and rumors that float around N'hrive and the rest of the planet keep the population fearful of those from the House of Capelli.

Just how Chanya was duped into dealing with them is not a story to be told just now. Besides. its a tale that can get her killed should it be known that she talked about it.

Chanya slips the small disk from the recording device held in her palm and flips the device over, inserting the disk into another compartment. A flip of a small switch and the recording begins to play back, though its full of static.

"Imperial St ..... oyer Skry. Five....Rebels ..military...."

"Damn the interference! Well, maybe we can filter it out back at the station and get enough of it."

Chanya removes the disk and slips it down her shirt. After hailing a hover-cab. she looks back over her shoulder once then tells the driver which diner to get her to.


In Today's Tolean Press Newspaper

N'hrive Patrol Attacked

N'hrive, Tolea`Fuin - Rebel
extremists opened fire on a Tolean Rescue Corp patrol cutter on the borders of the N'hrive sector yesterday, prompting an emergency taskforce to be dispatched to the area.

The Menomenta was strafed by a quartet of Subpro C-73 Tracker starfighters backed by a modified Corellian freighter despite transmitting its identifying telesponder signal and flying its recognizable red and black hull colors.

"When the engagement began, there may have been the off-chance the Separatists didn't recognize the vessel as a Rescue Corp ship," said Corps Director Rowen Foce, "but once they closed to attack, there's no way they could have missed the markings. An attack on an unarmed rescue ship is nothing short of barbaric."

The Menomenta was on a routine patrol mission of a densely populated inner city known as Anthatal, bringing in much needed aide to help the suffering peoples in the aftermath of the bombing which occured earlier this week which left over one thousand innocents dead.

As the Menomenta continued its survey, without warning, the Rebel vessels attacked the Menomenta.

"The cutter had its shields overloaded and sustained damage to its hull. To hinder pursuit, its captain was forced to take cover within the heart of the N`hrive canyons. Because of the damage to the shielding, the crew was exposed to dangerous levels of radiation while in hiding. Thankfully, no one was killed by the exposure, but the crew is currently undergoing antirad treatment," Foce told reporters today.

A taskforce led by Darrin Arkanian has been dispatched to the N`hrive sector to patrol the border and offer security to travelers on theTolean City-side of the border.

When asked just how the rebellion factions managed to get their hands on the vessels, Arkanian stated that he could not answer the question but that they do know who provided them.

Rumors around some of the Rebel campsites state that High Ruler Sahrik Sonhali supplied the vessels and the information needed in order for them to take down the rescue patrol.

Attempts to contact the High Ruler have proven to be futile as he is not accepting any calls or visitors.

Sahrik Sonhali
Apr 13th, 2004, 07:23:01 PM
Sahrik reclined slightly in his chair, and let a small sigh escape his lips. He watched as his daughter negotiated terms of occupation with the Empire.

He trusted her as much as he loved her. Three times he had wanted to interject, and three times he held his tongue. She was negotiating on his behalf, best not to step in because he was wary of the terms.

He himself would have argued for minimal show of force, more of a police force, than a military showing. But his daughter knew as he The Empire would not allow their own troops to be less functional in an unknown occupation. We asked them to help, they didn't offer.

When she finished, he took in her visage. Troubled, concerned, a bit relieved. Just as he had been his first time dealing with some unknown.

But that was for a trade agreement, he thought. I have asked my daughter to negotiate an occupation by an outside allegience. An allegience that had a reputation for hidden meanings and deeper agendas. The men seemed trustworthy in their spoken dealings with Sable. He wasn't sure if it was because she was a woman though. His daughter was beautiful to behold, one of the reasons he asked her to perform this action. But she was not a fool either. They could see that in her stare, hear it in her voice. If something seemed deceptive in their mannerisims, she would take note and pass it along.

"A drink, my dear?" he askd as she walked over to his desk. "You were impressive to say the least."

He opened a bottle and poured a small glass for her. She smiled, the smile he remembered from her childhood. She was still his little girl, no matter how powerful or splendid she had become.

"Tell me your opinion of the inquiry. What do you feel is the resolution of your invitation to our aid? Will this Empire aid us, or in time ask to command us?"

Apr 13th, 2004, 09:36:06 PM
"Yes, I do know your thoughts of the larger enemy, Nikerym.", Sable states to Asudak addressing him as 'Captain' in their native language; her soft eyes turn from glimpsing at her father back to her protector. He's earned the respect which is bestowed upon him, not only by she and her father, but by the rest of the Council as well. Asudak has proved his worth ten times over, his loyalty has been unwavering.

"Whatever it is that they do ask for in return, I'm pretty sure it will be nothing that we won't be more than happy to give."

Sable crosses the room and brushes her fingertips over a small plate set into the wall. The lights come on, fading in from the darkness to bathe the room in it's soft glow.

She shakes her head, declining the fion offered by her father. Sahrik pours another, offering it silently to Asudak as he speaks; "Tell me your opinion of the inquiry. What do you feel is the resolution of your invitation to our aid? Will this Empire aid us, or in time ask to command us?".

Sable draws a breath, slow and steady, considering her words carefully before responding to her father's question. She presses her palms together, steepling the tips of her slender fingers then rests them against her lower lip as she slowly and thoughtfully paces the room.

What appeared to be nothing more than a dark room over the holo-communication with the Admiral and Chancellor is much more. Rich mahogony walls, black marble flooring veined with natural gold. The furnishings are plush, comfortable.

"I think the exchange went well. The Admiral has a quality about him that I simply cannot put a name to, but he is charming; I'll give him that. His voice never faultered, so I don't have any reason to doubt his sincerety in wishing to provide the aid they have offered so freely."

Still, something about Sable's body language indicates that there is something tugging at her mind, but its not something that can be so easily explained.

It's as if she has seen the face of someone she has never met before in her life from across the street, and this inner warning goes up, practically screaming at her to keep a far distance from this person. But, that is a feeling that one pushes aside more times than not simply because their mind tells them that there is no legitimate reason to fear the stranger.

"The Chancellor, however ... he is a tricky man to read. His words sound sincere, but the way he allows his Admiral to do most of the talking makes me a touch leery."

She shrugs, dropping her hands to her sides, looking to both men.

"I do not know, Father. I only pray that the negotiations I've done help to bring peace back to Tolea`Fuin again. Perhaps it's my own fears that make me feel unsure. I've never negotiated before and to be thrust into a negotiation of such a grand scale and with the most repercussions - good or bad - at stake."

She takes a breath, a shakey one, and holds it for a full minute before releasing it quietly.

"I suppose only time will tell is the best statement I can honestly make at this time, Father."

Sahrik Sonhali. A man of his word and dedicated to his people. A man that Sable has admired and looked up to for all of her life. The day that he welcomed Asudak into their home is a day that Sable will never forget. Yes, she was more than a bit jealous of the long hours her father would spend talking with the human. Afterall, until Asudak arrived, Sable received all of her father's attention.

However, Sahrik's house is run with an iron fist. He's been strict when he's had to be and lenient in other areas. Jayse and Sable have never wanted for anything and they've been raised to be proper. In short, they are a well-bred family.

Asudak has become, amongst other things, one of the few men that her father trusts explicitly. He has fought side by side with the Tolean Military in the past and has defended the Sonhali name when others have tried to ruin it. Asudak has brought an honor to the Sonhali House that other's are a bit jealous of. Sahrik has made an excellent choice, in her humble opinion, with assigning the human as her personal guard.

"Father, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to walk home this evening. Escorted by the Nikerym, of course."

Sahrik Sonhali
Apr 14th, 2004, 06:02:35 PM
"The streets are full of strife, my child. But I have never run from a fight nor would I ask that of you. But please take care. Stay to the shadows, wear clothing that is Dark. Use the back entrance."

Sahrik, coughed. He was tired. The accusations and demeanor of the people had taken their toll on him.

"Asudak, please bear my daughter to safety. I entrust her to you. I will expect the both of you here in the morning. The darkness that drapes our land is growing. I would prefer you here, safe within my sight."

He walks over to Sable and plants a firm kiss upon her forehead.

"It is one thing to trouble my mind my daughter. Fair well in your nocturnal journey."

Sahrik turns from them both and walks out upon the balcony high over the square below. People shuffle about, making gestures, and pointing at his home.

"Where did I lose it, where did it all go wrong?" he wonders. He scans the night sky, wndering how long it will be before the Empire arrives to help quell this troubled world.

One Pair
Apr 14th, 2004, 11:52:02 PM
There's a loud shout outside, and both of the kids jump.

"Jack...what's that?" Queen asks. She knows already...they both know. She doesn't want it to be true though. Jack puts her down and edges his head past the side of the window. He ducks it back quickly as a blasterbolt whizzes in to char a hole above Queen's bed.

"Rioters," he says tersely. Carefully he shuts the window. "Don't move in front of that window, sweetheart. Stay right there, and hold tight to Rama."

He runs out and down the stairs, almost trampling over a maid who is on her way up to warn Queen. He bursts into Mr. Aeslred's study to find the man sitting before a fire, holding his head in his hands.

"Jack..." sighs the old man. "They're your people. What is it going to take to calm them?" Jack looks a little taken aback.

"How'd you know it was me?" he asks, wondering why he's being asked to advise one of the country's best businessmen.

"Only you can thunder down stairs like a herd of wild animals," replies Mr. Aeslred. "Now, how do I disarm this situation?"

Jack bites his lip. It's impossible to meet their demands. He needs an answer that will stall them. Telling them that it's impossible to meet their demands is futile; they'll say Mr. Aeslred is lying. To lie and say that they will have their demands met will only create a worse situation in the future. Jack sighs and walks away, throwing open the front door to a frenzied cry.

"People! Your efforts here are wasted! The Aeslreds are not home."

There's a hushed murmur.

"The person in the window you shot at was me. I broke in to force their hand in your favor, but they've long been gone, on a vacation or something."

The crowd roars with rage, but Jack knows they won't mess with him. He walks to the gate and climbs over it, landing amidst the people.

"Go protest at the capitol. They're the ones who can fix this mess, not the Aeslreds."

They turn mindlessly and march away, leaving Jack standing on the spot. Gone on vacation...he begins to think that may be the best answer to his troubles.

Jarek T'chort
Apr 15th, 2004, 08:11:46 AM
The eternal fabric of space was serenely calm. Stars lit the silent emptiness, like distant lights on a dark winters night. The emptiness was broken only by the mass of Tolea 'Fuin, it's orb shimmering in the pitch black of space.

With a sudden blurry rush of motion, another giant object appeared in system. A great angled prow directed straight toward the troubled world that lay before it. All along the behemoth, weapons emplacements and sensor relays lined the armoured hull, from stern to the command tower perched above the main body of the warship.


Captain Gorman watched the looming planet from the tapristeel viewport of the bridge of the Skrye, his hands clasped at his back. He turned to the XO with a nod.

"Inform the envoy we have arrived."

The Skrye had been waiting on the far edge of the system for the word of the Chancellor, Webber had forseen that the Tolean's would not be suspicious, since they had no ships anywhere near as advanced as an Imperator Mk III. It was an oppourtunity to prove ones capabilities came about every now and again and Gorman had ambitions to be fulfilled.

"Comm Scan?"

"Sir, we read several warships in orbit, but most vessels are under 1000 meters. Mostly civilian space traffic. We are also picking up terrestrial reports of unrest on the surface."

"Open a channel to the Toleans."

"To the High Council of Tolea 'Fuin. This is the Imperial Star Destroyer Skrye, we carry the diplomatic envoys of the Imperial Sovereignty. We await your convieniance."

Nothing was left but to wait.

Asudak Jasra
Apr 15th, 2004, 09:37:40 AM
"With my life, as always," he replies to the High Ruler, his expression passive enough to conceal the reservations in his mind over the situation.

"Whatever it is that they do ask for in return, I'm pretty sure it will be nothing that we won't be more than happy to give."

That reply remained to be seen, though Asudak Jasra had his doubts about that. Still, it was not entirely his place to speak freely, at least he didn't think that it was. He did not rule the land, nor did he have the title or permissions of free speech as appointed Advisors did. When asked, he gave his opinion, many times bluntly, but he had already spoken his reservations aloud, just not with the specifics that he felt.

Waiting for Sable and her father to finish speaking, the bodyguard stands at the door, peeking outside into the hallway to make sure that all was clear. One never did know with all the backstabbing that could go on when rule was being questioned and very obviously sought after by others. Most people that thought themselves strong never did live for being under another's rule, and now, they could very easily end up beneath the Imperials' bootheels.

Once the High Councilor joined him, he led the way down the hallway away from the room that still held her father. Posture straight and an unhidden air of certainty about his step, the bodyguard looked the part of a man that had been born into the military and never left, despite the fact that the first half of his life was not entirely ordered. But there were many things that one would pick up over the years, travelling from one system to another and seeing how natives of each acted. He did admire the discipline that came with most military types, at least the officers, and thus his own mannerisms tended to mimic those of the officers.

His voice finally breaks the silence interrupted only by the sound of footfalls down the corridor, and the question would be amusing were it not for the dire situation that spurned it. Still, his voice was rather dry in delivery. "And how much sleep do you plan on not getting tonight?"

Apr 15th, 2004, 04:58:46 PM
Sable's eyes could capture one's soul with nothing more than a simple look; innocent, yet intense. As her father speaks, she remains silent, having learned long ago to never interject. A simple nod is given to him and a smile as he kisses her forehead.

"Yes, father. And do not worry, I will be fine - so long as Asudak is with me."

With a heavy heart she watches her father take his leave, stepping out onto the small balcony. She turns to Asudak and smiles, inching up the hem of her formal gown and following in his wake.

Asudak has been with the Sonhali family long enough to know that the silence exhibited by Sable as they navigate the corridors is due the issues currently weighing on her mind.

It's when they both exit the main building and begin to traverse the magnificently landscaped paths that she answers his question.

"Less than I normally get. I've been going over events in my mind over the past few weeks, trying to figure out just where things went wrong and how it all spiraled downwards so rapidly. I know its in there somewhere, but I just cannot see it yet."

She sighs quietly, falling into step beside Asudak, her fingers laced together.

"I like your honesty, Nikerym. Please ... speak more of it to me and tell me how you feel about the situation and perhaps offer me something I haven't thought of yet or perhaps guide me so I can see what it is that is blind to me."

The in-coming communique wasn't heard by Sable, but her father would have heard it. Thus, Sahrik will be the one to respond to the hail.

Sahrik Sonhali
Apr 15th, 2004, 09:56:29 PM
Sahrik was still standing upon the balcony, watching the shadows of the night, when a court envoy approached.

"My Lord. Word from The Destroyer Skrye, in high orbit. They wish to seek a council with the High Council."

The speed of this Empire. They were in but conversation with my daughter mere minutes ago.

"Do not disturb the Council at this point. I will speak with the Imperial envoy first myself. Ask them to join me in the high council chamber, in an hour. Prepare an ample and appropriate reception. I will be there in an hours time."

He mulled over calling upon his daughter again, to provide council. He dismissed the thought, having spent a lifetime dealing with men of power. This time would be no different.

Tiberius Anar
Apr 16th, 2004, 12:51:55 PM
Envoy Lanius Harth strode onto Skyre's bridge. He was dressed in the red diplomatic robes of the Imperial Foreign & Diplomatic Service. Tall, thin and elegant he was the archetypal diplomat.

Captain Gorman crossed over to him, "The High Ruler is awaiting your word, Envoy." He gestured to the after-bridge's holoplate.

"My thanks, Captain." Harth moved to the holoplate and posioned himself. He then signalled to the comm officer that he was ready to begin.

"High Ruler Sonhali, I am Lanius Harth, envoy from his Excellency Tiberius Anar. I bring his greetings to you."

Sahrik Sonhali
Apr 17th, 2004, 06:21:03 PM
"Tolea 'Fuin welcomes you." Sahrik replied to the hologram. He stood rigid, a staff in his grasp, extending his hand outward.

"I have procurred a feast in your honor. If you and your envoy would care to join me, we can begin the discussions of our alliance. As you know, we have much to offer your Empire."

Sahrik nodded, and the landing codes were added to the bottom of the transmission.

"I will expect you and your envoy within the hour. We have much to discuss. I appreciate your timely delivery of your forces. But I do not wish to alarm the citizanery just yet. So I ask your presence for now be a diplomatic one. My gratitude. Sahrik out."

Tiberius Anar
Apr 18th, 2004, 11:08:22 AM
Harth turned to Captain Gorman, "We are invited to dine with the High Ruler. Would you be so kind as to prepare a shuttle?"

Gorman nodded his ascent and turned to issue the orders. Harth turned to leave, but then turned back.

"Captain, I am aware that you are not a member of the Diplomatic Service but, given the situation on the surface, I would appreciate it if you woulld join my party. Your counsel on the military situation will be most helpful. My thanks."

And with that Harth left the bridge, leaving Gorman in his wake.

One Pair
Apr 19th, 2004, 08:39:49 AM
Jack takes a different path from the rioters, choosing a slower but less obvious route to travel. He's heading sort of in the same direction, doing what they're doing with a different purpose. He plans to go to the capitol building himself, not to protest, but to see if someone will come out and make a statement to boost the spirits of the rich and poor alike, and quell the rioting that's tearing his world to pieces.

Jarek T'chort
Apr 20th, 2004, 03:59:30 AM
The scarlet clad figure of Harth strode from the bridge of the Skrye, his cloak sweeping out behind him.

Gorman turned to his XO, his grey eyes narrowed.

"Prepare my shuttle and an escort. We will leave immediately."

The XO nodded and turned to his console, transmitting the order to its relevant stations.

With a last gaze around the humming bridge, Gorman turned on his heel and stepped into the turbolift leading to his quarters.

Asudak Jasra
Apr 20th, 2004, 03:39:14 PM
The bodyguard continued his pace a short while, his mind going over his charge's question. She had asked, and whenever something was directed to him, his answers were blunt and honest. It was just the right way of expressing such at this time.

"As stated before, I don't particularly like this situation. You are calling on the aid of those that you hardly know, if you do at all, and trusting them at their word, which you do not know whether or not it is trustworthy. Granted, the situation of this land is quickly spiraling out of control, if there is any control left. You're doing what you need to do to try and save that. I only hope that once you do, you don't lose it again."

Hands clasped behind his back, the man looked the part of one of the high officials of Tolea`Fuin, and at times he had been asked to fill such a role when certain dangers existed. Like now.

Crystalline blue eyes are ever shifting as he scans around them, knowing that it wouldn't be the first time that someone would have tried to harm the High Councillor. And it wouldn't be the first time that he had put himself in harm's way on her behalf. Thankfully, nothing serious had resulted from previous attempts.

But here they were still somewhat protected, with security around the grounds for a while longer. Especially at this time, the security was heightened and quite present around the area. Not that this fact made him relax at all.

"Just remember that things are not always as they seem."

Apr 20th, 2004, 05:26:10 PM
To see the landscaping of the lands makes it hard to imagine that turmoil and strife is disrupting the lands. Tall trees, as ancient as time itself line the pathways and fill in other areas, creating a dense forest atmosphere. Rare and exotice birds and creatures make their homes in these trees, continuing a symbiotic relationship amongst the branches that continues the never-ending cycles of life.

The walkways are lined with torches, the flames contained in glass lanterns set atop of each one. Below the ground, the torch stakes are connected to natural gas lines, so the flickering torchlight never goes out.

The air is filled with many scents, given off by the flowers and bushes, melding with each other to tickle the senses as they are carried by the breezes.

Neither of the three moons are visible tonight. That's due to the storms that are rolling in. The thunder is still distant, but it just rolls on and on. Brief flashes of lightning are seen on the horizon, lighting up the night sky in all its glory. Hues of purples, pinks and oranges are notably pronounced against the deep dark blue/black rainclouds meandering their way across the sky.

Sable enjoys talking with Asudak. His blunt honesty the main reason; there are other reasons, but this is the most important. Asudak, though very well spoken, doesn't strike Sable as to being the type to beat around the bush or to walk on eggshells around one of high stature, such as herself. This is a quality she finds most admirable about Asudak, thus the reason why she confides much in him.

"I call on aide from those we do not know only because father told me too. It was a diplomatic decision, not a personal one. If it were up to me, Asudak, I would not have sought aide from the outside. I feel, in my heart,...", her fingertips gently brush against each other as she points to her heart while speaking the words; "...that there is another solution - a better one. I'm just not sure what that is quite yet."

It's Sable's turn to allow silence to linger as the two wind their way down the path. The sound of the rioters grows stronger the closer to the street they get. Sable pauses, turning her eyes in the direction of the protestors and sighs inwardly.

"We have no past experience with the Imperial Sovereignty, Asudak. We must take them at their word. It's all we have at this point. I too, share the same sentiments that you do. I hope that once control is regained - it isn't lost again. For if it is, I fear that there will be no getting it back again."

As Sable begins to walk with her guard once again, another approaches.

"High Councillor, please forgive me for intruding. I feel that you both should turn around and return to the Round; for your safety, of course. The rioters - they are growing more and more agitated. We've called in our reinforcements and they should arrive here shortly."

As if to emphasize the point, a flaming bottle comes sailing over the iron gates and crashes into a thick grove of trees, immediately igniting them. The flames begin to spread upwards, charring away at the thick and gnarled trunk. Once the flames reach the treetops, they spread more quickly.

The guard that had approached Sable and Asudak takes off running, shouting for the emergency crews to get the flames extinguished. Sable steps closer to Asudak, her heart beginning to pound faster in her chest and her eyes wide with astonishment and frightened awe, turned upwards to the thick roiling black smoke now blending with the ominous stormclouds in the near distance.

One Pair
Apr 21st, 2004, 09:00:36 AM
Jack is nearing the place he wants to be, keeping a careful distance between himself and the mob. The plume of smoke rising into the air makes his nose twitch; the smell of it is foul. He climbs up onto a street lamp to see better, but can make out nothing save the fire and the outlines of a few figures. It seems there will be no riot-quelling action from the capitol today.

"Tch...I wonder what they'll do now."

Sahrik Sonhali
Apr 23rd, 2004, 12:47:32 PM
The main hall of the Council chambers was a vast expanse, often used for the reception of dignitaries or other political and social functions.

Preparing for unexpected guestswas a common occurence, and as such, there was a special 'team' in place for just such an occasion.

Sahrik stood at the doors of the reception hall, awaiting the shuttles landing on the pad not forty meters away.

The shuttle dropped down, folding its wings as the landing gears opened. A few wisps of smoke and the large craft was on the surface.

Sahrik nodded to the Captain of the Gurad. "Recieve and escort our guests inside. We don't want a delay."

The captain nodded and he with twelve of his men headed off to receive the party.

Sahrik stood at the door a few moments longer, staring at the sharp fin of the shuttle as it sat in the distance. A strange forebodding washed over him.

"Hopefully there are not teeth to match that fin." He thought. He activated his comm, dialing for Sable.

"My dear, the dignitaries of the Empire have arrived. I wish you to observe the proceedings, if at all possible."

Tiberius Anar
Apr 23rd, 2004, 01:05:41 PM
The been most specific in his instructions to the pilot. "There is no need to hurry, Captain. Take your time when we land and do not rush to open the ramp." The pilot, therefor, took particular care with his shut down procedures. It took perhaps a minute before he keyed the exit ramp.

Harth stepped out onto the landing platform with his aides and Gorman following him. He stood at the foot of the ramp and surveyed the surrounding area. Before turning to the waiting Captain of the Guard.

"I am Envoy Lanius Harth of the Imperial Sovereignty." He indicated his uniformed coleague, "This is Captain Gorman of the Imperial Navy. We are here to meet with your High Ruler."

Jarek T'chort
Apr 27th, 2004, 04:13:31 AM
Gorman performed a sharp millitary bow, his eyes never leaving the Captain of the Gaurd. Gorman stood upright again and watched Harth carefully. Here was a man to be reckoned with, thought the young Captain. A lifetime of political manouvering along with plenty double crossing and backstabbing, he imagined.

Earlier, Gorman had argued for a detachment of Stormtroopers to be brought along, but Harth had disagreed, the show of force was not be begin yet, the Toleans had still to be won over. Gorman had no doubt Harth's smooth talking would have the desired affect.

Apr 28th, 2004, 08:43:09 PM
Asudak whisks Sable away, first attempting to go back from whence they came. However, their path is blocked by the rioters stalking their way angrily up the path, so Asudak whirls Sable around and hurries her out one of the secret tunnels whose entrance isn't that far from where they were standing just moments ago.

During all of this, the members of the High Council are informed of what is occuring a few hundred yards away and Sahrik is assured that Sable is safe as she is still with Asudak.

Luckily, Sable had not deactivated her comlink, so she did hear the message her father sent. Informing Asudak that she needs just a moment to respond, they pause in the underground tunnel.

"Father ... there's trouble above. I can't get back to the Round to be present but you can keep my com connected to the open frequencies and I can listen in as Asudak and I head to the safehouse."

Asudak ushers Sable to get moving again, so she does. Winding their way through the underground tunnel for another twenty minutes or so, they finally arrive at the safehouse which has been used by her family for the past six generations. Luckily, only the Sonhali's and Asudak know exactly where its located.

One Pair
Apr 29th, 2004, 03:55:03 PM
"More importantly," Jack wonders to himself. "What am I gonna do now?"

He can't go back to Queen's, because it'll be suspicious of him to go back in there with more upset peasants lurking everywhere. He could go home, but nothing can be done from there, either.

"What to do, what to do...maybe I can't do anything. I should probably just wait and see what happens."

Sahrik Sonhali
May 2nd, 2004, 10:07:50 PM
"This is bad." Sahrik stated, closing the comm. He walked away from the window, the streets now loud and dangerous below. He took his seat in the great hall, and watched as his guard led the Envoy of the Empire inside.

"Gentleman, I am Sahrik. Welcome to our capitol. I am afraid however, that my guard must make haste. My daughter, Sable is in trouble. While I care for the sanctity of my home and world, she is the only thing I hold more dearly. Captain, if you will?"

The Guard nodded, the location of Sable already transmitted to his hand held comm.

''Please gentleman, have a seat. Let us get down to business shall we. I know your time is of value, and as such I do not wish to waste it. As you can see, I am in need of your help. What I need to know, before we go any further, is what you will require in return?"

Tiberius Anar
May 3rd, 2004, 02:25:20 PM
Harth was startled by the bluntness of the man, although he did not show it. A lesser diplomat might have looked up sharply or flinched- but Harth didn't even blink.

He had hoped that the High ruler would be foolish enough to make an open deal, the ambiguity of which would have protect Sovereignty interests. Now he would have to strive to keep the terms vague.

"It depends upon what you ask of us, sir," he said placing his hands on the table palms down with the fingers interlaced. "My master, the Chancellor, is a businessman and regards this a a matter of business. We are offering our services in exchange for which you will offer some form of compensation. What, and how much, depends upon what you ask for in addition to that already agreed."

One Pair
May 5th, 2004, 09:40:46 AM
"Where are they going?" he mumbles, sneaking away after them. The boy follows with ease, catching a glimpse of Sable's face as she turns her head to her companion. He gasps and almost stops on the spot. Sable Sonhali! He moves up cautiously, gaining on them slowly as he tries to think. He's got so much to ask her, but what will he say first? How will he say it? But before he can even try, the two duck into a house.

"Tch...man. How troublesome." But y'know...now he doesn't have to worry about surprising them suddenly by approaching them ont he street. He can just knock. Yeah. He'll knock. The boy walks to the door, raises his knuckles, and with a slight sense of dread, knocks twice.

Sahrik Sonhali
May 5th, 2004, 07:40:15 PM
"This is not a business matter, no matter what you have been led to believe." Sahrik spat out, showing his disdain for how this envoy saw his dilema

Sahrik was disheartned by what he was hearing. A business deal? That is what he was negotiating here?

"My dear man. I have performed business deals all my life. But when it comes to the life and death of the people I serve, by an outside force, I don't view it as a simple transaction. It is a desperate time here for us, and desperate times call for desperate measures. That is why I asked for your assistance. But if your view of the sanctity of my world as nothing more than a feather in your industrial cap, then I am afraid you have been led astray. If you can not sympathise with my plight, then I am sorry for have wasted your time."

Wine was poured. The mood had grown somber. "Perhaps I should rephrase the question. What long term intention does the Empire require for providing assistance to my people?"

Tiberius Anar
May 6th, 2004, 07:17:39 AM
"A friendly working relationship, High Ruler, nothing more. The Imperial Sovereignty is not the same as Palpatine's Empire. We do not conquer and pillage worlds for our own profit, we work with them, for mutual gain. That is why I said that this was a business matter- business is about gain for all parties."

Asudak Jasra
May 7th, 2004, 12:20:13 PM
The knock on the door had come too quickly for his liking, considering all that was going on out in the streets. His eyes dart briefly from the door to Sable before his left hand motions her to step well away from the door, his right hand going to the blaster at his hip. As with all places that he had personally secured within the city, there were hidden cameras near the entryways and with the quick press on a panel, it slid away revealing the monitor that showed the opposite side of the door. And Jack.

"A young boy, Lady. Do you recognize him?"

Not the most imposing figure that could have been following them, though Asudak was not relaxing just yet.

May 7th, 2004, 04:20:47 PM
Catching her breath as she became winded from running all the way to the safe house, Sable whirls around and looks to Asudak the moment the knock comes to the door.

With a nod, she does as instructed, stepping well away from the door. Watching her protector press the panel, she shifts her eyes up to the monitor and furrows her thin dark brows gently.

"I do not recognize him off hand. However, he doesn't look like he poses much of a threat. If you sense the same, then please .. let the boy in."

A hand is run over her gown to smooth it out and a gentle shake is given to the hem to shake free any small particles of dirt that cling to it from their jaunt across the grounds.

Asudak Jasra
May 8th, 2004, 10:30:19 AM
And thermal detonators look like little metal balls until they explode in your face, but he did agree that the boy appeared to pose little of a threat. That, and he did not sense anything amiss. No, he was not a Jedi, not even Force-adept as far as he knew, but when one did what he did for a while, one could pick up that extra sense. The hairs prickling on the back of the neck. Gut wrenching in just a certain way. No, not this time.

Keeping a hand on his blaster, he activates the door to open it and allow the boy in, crystalline blue eyes studying the lad for a brief moment before scanning around the area beyond.

"Quickly, boy. Come inside."

Once Jack did as instructed, Asudak closed and locked the door once again.

Transil Gantar
May 10th, 2004, 02:54:35 PM
Business. Business. And more business.

Transil stood off to one side, unmoving. It wasn't as if he liked being stuck on guard duty, but guard duty was something. After that nice little forte with the Lady Sevon, and his discovery of Tear's... abilities, this was a bit easier. Those darn dogs had been a royal pain in the butt. Stupid blasters in their tails. If it wasn't for those he'd have been able to take them.

I'm going to get some new armor and a couple blasters. Try and stop me then.

Through the goggles of his visor he glanced at the two talking diplomats. Diplomacy had never been something he had really liked. Not at all. He was more preferrable to talking with his fists or his weapons. Half of the time they seemed to get the point across more effectively. No pun intended. His weapons had always been mightier than his mouth. For some reason.

Sahrik Sonhali
May 12th, 2004, 06:53:30 PM
"Well to obtain gains one needs investment. Investment in my world will be on your part, seeing that we can get back to order , and the everyday way of life."

Wine was poured and Sahrik took a glass. A small rain started to fall outside, tapping on the glass ceiling above. Sahrik motioned for all the windows to be closed.

"Forgive me. I don't wish anyone to suffer any illness, especially men of our age, eh Tiberius? Well, enough dodging the issue, lets get to the point. I was never one for formality when neither side wanted the show anyhow."

He waved a servant over who set a datapad beside Tiberius. Thirteen locations were listed upon it.

"This is a list of problem sectors. As a show of good faith, I would ask that your force eradicate them of the hostile forces involved, and restore peace to them. That is your investment in our business deal. After that, we can discuss terms of your continued occupation here as well as a more permenant structure to house your men and equipment."

A holoprojection came up, showing a large stone fortress of obvious ancient heritage.

"This is Fallow's point. It was the home of the knights who once governed our cities. It occupies twenty five kilometers of territory, has a landing field, and barracks for up to 100,000 men. Show me your skills in dealing with these trouble spots fairly and efficently, and I will see to it that Fallow's point is your new base of operations here."

Roasted fowl and boar was brought out, along with a cornocopia of other foods. The servants placed the food upon the table and vanished to the corners of the room awaiting the slightesty nod or gesture.

"So what say you, Tiberius? Sound like an offer worth undertaking?"

Tiberius Anar
May 13th, 2004, 02:31:11 PM
Harth looked over at Gorman, "Captain Gorman is responsible for the military aspect of our mission, I merely negotiate the terms of our arrnagment. Captain is what the High Ruler asking possible?"

One Pair
May 13th, 2004, 10:16:58 PM
The door swishes open with such rapidness that Jack jumps backward down the three stairs leading to the door. He steps inside at the command of Sable's guard, looking quite pale and nervous as he stands before one of the most important government officials on the planet.


That's a good start. Hi. Yes, a good start indeed.

"Miss Sonhali, I, uh, wanna talk to you."

Jarek T'chort
May 14th, 2004, 12:34:14 PM
Gorman smirked as Haarth passed the buck to him.

"Naturally, with a few battalions of Stormtroopers and Fleet troops deployed in the trouble spots, with close air suppourt, we can neutralise the millitants easily."

Gorman looked the High Ruler in the eye, a serious look now passing over his face.

"Of course, our men will do the uptmost to minimise collateral damage. But then, I would recomend that you use full force now, High Ruler, or risk being viewed as weak, even with the power at your disposal."

Sahrik Sonhali
May 14th, 2004, 12:46:16 PM
Sahrik sank in his chair. He opened his comm and dialed for Sable, hoping when she connected he could get her opinion on the matter.

"Gorman, I resent the impliction of weakness. Thats twice now you and your people have insulted me. I don't know if this your normal badgering that you perform on locals, but it leaves a disturbing taste in my mouth."

Sahrik stood up, and walked to the window. "I will authorize the use of ground force in those troubled areas. No fighters. I don't want our initial thrust to be perceieved as an invasion, nor do I want my people to think I have given up power to you and yours. You are here at my beckoning and as such will do as I ask. Otherwise, I am sorry for having wasted your time gentleman, and I will seek other means to deal with my dilema. The offer I placed before you is quite amicable, for all parties. I am not in the business of negotiating when one has no respect for my position or the power I hold."

"So the choice is yours. You do as I stated, your men using minimal force, with minimal damage to clean up those areas, or you may leave, and I will bid you a fond farewell. But do not try to humilate me into taking more action than I am prepared to do. I still run this world, and will continue to do so with or without your help."

May 15th, 2004, 07:50:39 AM

Sable bestows a regal nod to the nervous boy standing before her. She glances to Asudak, trying to contain her smile, for the boy has endeared her deeply. Never one to bear any desires to have children of her own, she does adore them nonetheless. She prefers to admire and enjoy the children that belong to other people.

"Miss Sonhali, I, uh, wanna talk to you."

Sable glides across the room, her footing so graceful that that is exactly how it appears - to glide across the floor.

"What is your name, young one?", she asks of the young boy. A casual glance out one of the windows tells her that the rioters are meeting a blockade by the guards; a good thing indeed, but the situation still rattles her nerves. She's just real good at not showing this.

As the child reveals his name, they are interrupted by a series of beeps coming from her comlink. Sable motions to the boy, indicating that he should stay his words for but a moment then she activates her com.

"Father? Asudak and I are at the safehouse. Has the meeting begun?"

Sable looks to the boy once more and nods once, subtlely, indicating that he should continue to speak.

Sahrik Sonhali
May 17th, 2004, 12:06:48 AM
Rising from the table, Sahrik excuses himself. He walks over to the balcony and activates his comm.

"My daughter, negotions are underway, though I would prefer if you were here. These men have a strange way of trying to humilate me into action I do not wish to take. It is taking all of my energy to avoid just expelling them from the homeworld. I need your.... patience as it were."

"Tell me your location and I will send the guard to escort you back, before things are drawn too far askew. You had the initial dealings with these men. Perhaps they would be more receptive to your beauty and tenderness than my curt old manner. I will expect you soon my child."

May 17th, 2004, 01:19:12 PM
"Asudak will escort me, Father. I'm in safe hands with him. We'll be there as soon as we can get there. Stall. Oh! ANd father? Mind your manners."

Sable disconnects the connection and looks to the boy and Asudak. "I know its against protocol, but the young one can come along with us. At least until we get to the Round."

Sable, unlike many other politicians, truly cares about her people and their concerns, so inviting the boy to hurry along with them as Asudak gets her back to her father and into the negotiations that she fears just might fall apart.

Her father is not all that patient when it comes to certain things and Sable knows this. However, he is wonderful at ruling the planet and taking care of his peoples.

Sahrik Sonhali
May 18th, 2004, 08:30:36 PM
"Stall?" Sahrik muttered. Mind my manners, he thought. If it was anyone but his daughter he would be insulted. But she knew the man all too well. But stall? What possible excuse could he have...

"Gorman. Explain something to me. How does one as young yourself, establish themselves as the head of a vast military force?"

Sahrik walked over to the table and sat back down. He seemed geniunely interested about hearing of Gormans military career. Hopefully he would not doze off before Sable arrived.....

Jarek T'chort
May 19th, 2004, 03:31:22 AM
Sonhali's question was certainly not expected by the young Captain, who had been berating himself to be more tactile with his words.

"Well, I graduated top of my academy class on Carida, I have served all along the Republic wise border. I have risen through the ranks fairly quickly, High Ruler, this is due to my abilities in ship to ship combat as well as orbital ground support."

Gorman clasped his hands as he spoke, his back ridgid. He was proud, with good cause. He had had a shining career so far, mainly built fighting pirates, but nonetheless, he had command of a Imperial Star Destroyer, which made him a very powerful man. He wasn't going to let Sonhali, or for that matter Haarth, forget it.

"Promotion in the Imperial Sovereignty is only given to those who prove themselves beyond doubt, Grand Admiral Desaria would allow no less."

Tiberius Anar
May 19th, 2004, 04:40:42 AM
Harth watched this little exchange, wondering what had caused the sudden change in topic. Sonhali had been in the midst of asserting his authority. To change topic, to something so, so mundane, was strange. Why the sudden interest?

Realisation dawned on him. Sohali was delaying, but why he was unsure- something to do with the comm call. But what?

Sahrik Sonhali
May 19th, 2004, 10:30:43 AM
"So you have seen battle?" Sahrik leaned in seemingly intrigued by this conversation.

"Regal us with a tale of your actions Captain. I have often found one can discover much about a man when one see's how well they handle themselves in combat."

Harth was watching him like a hawk. Reading his body language, no doubt. The man was no fool, he could tell full well this was a ploy.

"Harth, I assume you have been in the military as well, at some point?"

One Pair
May 19th, 2004, 11:04:46 AM
Jack sputters, trying to say what's on his mind, and by the time he thinks he's got it right he's being invited back to the capitol.

"Huh? But, you must be really busy! I don't wanna be a burden! I just wanted to know what's going on to fix this!"

Oops, that's not how he wanted to say it. It almost makes it sound like he thinks they're doing nothing about the problem.

May 19th, 2004, 06:48:20 PM
Sable and Jack meet little resistance as Asudak leads the two along a series of underground tunnels, heading back towards the Round. Twists and turns and winding corridors - these can all get confusing unless one has traveled these routes numerous times in the past. Most of the dignitaries have, thus, Sable knows most of the route like she knows the back of her hand. However, not wishing to lose the young boy, she keeps her pace equal to his, allowing Asudak the advantage of having a lead of ten to twenty feet.

"I assure you, young Jack; you - nor any of the rest of our people - are not a burden."

Sable presses the tip of a slender finger to her lower lip, a silent gesture to Jack to keep silent. Asudak's footfalls against the flooring of the Round go unheard. His agility and ability to move like a shadow in the night is something that Sable admires. It's highly unusual to come across a human who can move with as much grace as those of Tolea`Fuin; at least, it's unusual to Sable.

"Young Jack, you must stay your tongue and simply observe. You're about to witness something the public isn't allowed to witness. You stated that you wish to know what is going on to fix the turmoil plaguing the lands? Young one, you are about to find out."

Suddenly, the doors to the formal meeting chambers open and a figure of beauty and grace enters.

"I fear those tales will have to wait, esteemed High Ruler.", she states while bestowing a formal bow towards Sahrik.

An enigmatic smile adorns her delicately featured face, eyes of shimmering blue-silver shift their attention from the High Ruler to the two gentlemen across the way.

"Your accomplishments are commendable, Captain. ". Again, a formal bow of respect and welcome is given to both Harth and Gorman.

"I do hope that you will both accept my deepest apologies for being late in arriving to this most important meeting. "

She offers no explanation for her tardiness, but truly ... it's not necessary. She's sure that the two are fully aware of the rioting taking place and nearly under control at the main gate, so there is no need to bring it up again.

With no words spoken, she motions subtlely for Jack to take a seat quietly across the room and out of the way. She offers no introductions of the young boy and almost behaves as if he is simply a servant in the Ruling House. Perhaps this is what she hopes the others think. She also hopes that Sahrik minds his tongue and says nothing on the fact that a citizen is in attendance of an official government military meeting.

Asudak, who's been as quiet as a church mouse near the door, moves further into the room. Sable sweeps a hand in his direction while making the introductions.

"Gentlemen, I am High Councillor Sable Sonhali. Allow me to introduce Asudak Jasara, Captain of the Guards."

Sable walks with as much grace and dignity as the High Ruler himself while making her way to her seat. Its easy to see that she is related to him, for she has his looks and her mother's grace. Though they are father and daughter, one may admire the way the two keep these relations separate from business. The way Sable maintains the protocols of formality and proper address and the show of respect when greeting the High Ruler, just to name a few.

When seated, she glances to her father, then to Asudak and back to Harth and Gorman.

"Gentlemen, as you already know, Tolea`Fuin is in a most precarious situation. Through previous discussions that you've had with me, you're fully aware of what events have been taking place. I'm asking you now to inform me as to how you plan to aid us and what form of payment you expect in return."

Nothing was questioned, it was stated. Again, even if it's an illusion, the image of having control - or at least some control - is maintained. Inside, her stomach is filled with butterflies and her heart is racing rapidly. With her hands folded atop of the table as they are, clasped together, no one but her knows that her palms are sweating.

Negotiations are never fun and there is much riding on the negotiations currently under way. Her people's very lives, the welfare of her planet and yes; their pride - is all at stake. These are the things that cannot and must not be taken lightly.

Transil Gantar
May 19th, 2004, 07:59:53 PM
Transil watched these men talk, debating much of things he did not care to listen to. Orders were the only thing he truly cared about. When he got orders, he carried them out immediately no matter what problems he faced. If people came after him with the most high tech weaponry he didn't care. He'd do the job and do it right even if it would cost him his life. That was the price he was willing to pay.

Now they had switched to another topic. They were talking about military experience now instead of debating what to do. This was much more interesting. To hear the details of this mans career would be the most interesting thing he had listened to all day. By a long shot. He had to keep his ears open to hear though.

Hope it's good.

One Pair
May 21st, 2004, 07:41:42 PM
Jack sits to the side, nervously drumming his fingers on his knees and biting his lower lip to keep himself from asking questions. Who are they negotiating with? Why do they look so foreign? Why does the royal family need outside assistance?

Tiberius Anar
May 24th, 2004, 01:00:26 PM
"Madam," Harth intoned, "We expect to gain nothing that we have not earned by our actions here on Tolea 'Fuin.

"For example, the High Ruler asks that the Captain here, elminiate a rebel stronghold. We shall do this in exchange for the use of this stronghold as our base of operations here on Tolea 'Fuin with the right to make it habitable and secure to our standards.

"This is how I propose our relationship operate until a formal agreement can be reached by the Chancellor when he visits this world. Your High Council may call upon us to render a service, in exchange for which we shall ask payment in form or kind. This price will obviously be negotiable, to an extent. Is this arrangment acceptable?"

May 24th, 2004, 02:01:43 PM
Sable sits quietly, listening to Harth's every word, searching for any possible hidden meanings or deceptions. His body language doesn't reveal anything of the sort and his words don't, either. At least up until the last of his statements had been spoken.

"Please, address me as Miss Sonhali or even Sable. On my part, I feel there is no need to be formal during this discussion. I understand that in public there is a need for formality, but lets have this discussion be informal. "

She pauses, casting her eyes to the others present in the room, Gorman being the last man she looks at. To look at her, one could ascertain that she was thinking deeply, thinking ahead.

"Since the High Ruler asked for you to eliminate the stronghold, I cannot ask otherwise. I will however ask a few things of you and your men. Please understand that my people abide by our codes and conducts. Much of our land is sacred to us. Many of our own have spilled their blood protecting it from the Ssi Ruuk for many generations. Our dead are to be respected even more than the High Ruler and his Council."

To implore this upon others who are not of their ways seems difficult and though the words came out, she feels inwardly that they are not strong enough. However, a diplomat can never show anything that might suggest they are not pleased with themselves, the talks or that they feel as if they are losing something in the midst of it all.

"So long as your changes to make the stronghold habitable and secure for your people does not destroy our lands, look out of place when compared to our building structure and doesn't bring harm to the plant life or animal life. There is a sacred temple located within the area that you speak of - this is remain untouched and you and your men may not enter it. If you can agree to that, then I believe the rest of the Advisors will agree."

Sable pauses as one of the servants is allowed to enter carrying trays of food, drink and dessert, all of which are placed on a banquet table situated along the wall across the room. She offers the servant a gentle nod, excusing the boy, then returns her attentions to Harth.

"Gentlemen, I believe that the current arrangements are acceptable." She rises, offering her hand to Harth to shake on the deal.

"Is there anything that you or your men require for the time being?"

Tiberius Anar
May 24th, 2004, 03:01:09 PM
Worrying about the scenery at a time like this, extraordinary! Harth hid this thought behind his usual passive expression.

"Your terms are acceptable." Sable turned to go but Harth cleared his throat loudly. She turned back to him.

"I do have two further points to clarify. First, prior to any formal agreement being reached understand that the Imperial Sovereignty is under no legal obligation to render assistance to you and your government. For the time being we reserve the right to refuse assistance should we feel that rendering that assistance will be too dangerous for our personnel. We will, however, consider ourselves honour bound to provide what assistance we can within reason."

May 25th, 2004, 05:46:37 PM
Sable stands with her hands clasped loosely before her, her full attentions on Harth. She listens to all Harth has to say and when he is through, she just continues to gaze upon him.

'By the looks of you, your idea of honor and being bound by it are two seperate things.', she thinks. 'We'll see just what you know of honor; I'm sure of it.' Another thought that enters her mind.

Silence settles in the room and Sable looks from Transil to Harth to Gorman, to Jack and Asudak, finally her father.

"Understood. We reserve the right to relieve the Imperial Sovereignty of their honor bound obligations at such a time as we may deem necessary without being held liable for rendering any form of payment."

Tiberius Anar
May 26th, 2004, 03:02:36 PM
"That is also in order," Harth said with a nod of his head.

"The other point is this. The Chancellor wishes you to know that, should the situation here on the surface deteriorate, the High Council and yourself," henodded his head in the direction of Sonhali, "may seek refuge with us aboard the Skyre."

Sahrik Sonhali
May 26th, 2004, 08:14:10 PM
"I assure you, sir, no matter how bad our situation gets, I will not leave my homeworld. I was born on this planet and I shall die here."

Sahrik looked at Sable, giving her that look of subtle disbelief he often used with her in dealings such as this.

"Now, I assume you find my terms acceptable, and as such, I allow you to begin your police action."

Sahrik walked over to the two newcomers seated off on the side.

"Come you two, take a seat. You look famished. Have some food."

Tiberius Anar
May 27th, 2004, 11:34:49 AM
Harth sensed that he had been dismissed. To maintain the appearance that he was leaving voluntarily he rose to his feet. He indicated, by the smallest of motions, that Gorman should do the same.

"If you will excuse us, High Ruler, the captain and I must return to our ship in order to preapre for tomorrow's operation."

Jarek T'chort
May 27th, 2004, 11:51:11 AM
Gorman stood with the diplomat, his eyes roving over the Tolean's gathered in the chamber. He performed a sharp millitary bow to the High Ruler, before turning to leave with Haarth.

A quick nod to Gantar brought him into step.

Transil Gantar
May 27th, 2004, 04:46:50 PM
Transil only made a slight nod to the two people as he followed his leaders out. Guarding there backs from anything from behind didn't necessarily mean he would be ignored. Besides, he was only ordered to be with them, not to guard them per say. His orders read just to go along with these two. Nothing more, nothing less. These two interested him a lot. Especially if they were battle hardened as they spoke of.

"What do you expect to happen?"

Asudak Jasra
May 27th, 2004, 07:41:15 PM
Asudak Jasra remained silent as he stood watch over the meeting. While he did have a bit of an opinion, he did not consider himself to be in the position to offer it. The one that most tempted him to speak was the mention of the Skrye. If anything, Asudak was wondering if and when he may have need to secret Sable away from the planet as it was. Trust was not something given lightly, and most had to do a good deal to earn it from the man. For him, the Imperials had yet to earn it, and allowing the Councillors and High Ruler Sonhali to seek refuge on their ship was something that he would have objected to. Thankfully, he did not have to voice his opinion.

It was his duty to protect Sable with his life, a pledge that he repeated with every parting from the High Ruler. It was the least that he could do to repay them for their aid when he first arrived on the planet. It was what he was good at, and beyond that, it was all he knew to be. While he was the Captain of Tolea`Fuin's guards, the personal protection that he offered was what he preferred. He had learned much in his days here, having been privy to many meetings of this sort due to his station as protector. In some cases, he was asked his opinion on matters. In most of those cases, he was asked in private by Sable or the High Ruler. Never had he stated his opinion openly and without being asked for it.

It was a wonder, at times, that he still had a tongue left for the number of times he'd been forced to bite it.

May 27th, 2004, 09:45:31 PM
About to speak, Sable is silenced by the sound of her father's voice. If appearances weren't so important in diplomatic meetings, she would have shaken her head at her father's response to the Imperial's offer of safety and solace aboard their own spacecraft. Granted, the offer didn't settle well with the young woman, either; but still ... her father didn't have to be so brash with his response.

The way in which Sahrik dismisses the two gentlemen as if they do not merit any sort of respect or merit, doesn't sit well with her either. However, she knows her father and knows him well. This is just his way of expressing the helplessness he's feeling over losing control over his own people. Sahrik Sonhali, High Ruler of Tolea`Fuin, is not a man whom shares his inner emotions openly. Always the strict diplomat.

Sable watches her father approach Jack and invite him to partake in a meal and to make himself comfortable. She turns to Harth and Gorman, her expression almost apologetic for her father's actions.

"Gentlemen, your offer of a safe haven aboard your ship is most appreciated. Allow me to extend a sincere thank you on behalf of the High Ruler and myself."

Sable could feel her father's gaze shift from the young boy to her, but her own gaze never wavers from the two Imperials.

"If you will excuse us, High Ruler, the captain and I must return to our ship in order to prepare for tomorrow's operation."

"I bid you a good evening. Please, do not hesitate to contact me should you find that you or your men are in need of anything. We will do our best to accomodate your needs."

Sable watches as Harth, Gorman and Transil take their leave and waits a good five minutes before breaking the silence that has settled over the room.

"Father, I wish to speak with you before I return to the safehouse with Asudak. Please."

Sable waits for Sahrik to finish attending to Jack, all the while she carries on a whispered conversation with Asudak about what has transpired this evening.

Tiberius Anar
May 28th, 2004, 06:20:40 AM
The diplomatic party made its way out to the landing pad, with guards formed up in an escort pattern around them. Harth motioned for Gorman, who had been walking behind him, to join him as they moved to the shuttle.

"Captain, you will prepare the assualt as you see fit. But you are to ensure that some of the rebels escape, we do not want to make oursleves obsolete at this early stage in the proceedings."

One Pair
May 29th, 2004, 09:45:23 PM
Jack's still gawking. Sahrik Sonhali's inviting him to eat! He's too nervous though. Despite how good the food looks and smells, his stomach's turning flips.

"I...um...I had something already..." he mutters, looking somewhat embarrassed. But after a moment he wanders to the rest of the group anyways. He's brimming with questions, wanting to know everything, but is quite certain that he'll only be told to keep quiet or that it's none of his business. He'll wait until he can talk to Sable by himself to try and ask them.

Jarek T'chort
May 30th, 2004, 09:07:36 AM
A sharp wind began to whip across the landing pad on which the bone white Imperial shuttle was perched. As the Imperial entourage began to board the shuttle, Gorman walked beside Transil, a focoused look on his face.

"Gantar, the transports will be arriving on planet within the next few hours, I want you stay on the surface, dig up any information you can, by whatever means neccesary, on the ringleaders of the uprising. Once you have the information, report in."

The armoured Guardsman nodded, while a crewman handed him a small comunications kit and a fold away blaster rifle from inside the shuttle.

"Need anything else?"

Transil Gantar
May 30th, 2004, 07:31:09 PM
"No, sir. This is more than enough. I'll see what I can find out. Being raised a street kid has its benifits."

Transil saluted Gorman as the man walked up the shuttle ramp into the vessel. After a quick glance around, he slipped off the pad away from the building. Sliding the blaster rifle into his cloak and the communications kit opposite it, he headed off to see what he could find.

"Street gangs first. Crime lords second. One of those will know something."

May 30th, 2004, 09:22:27 PM
Though her father shot her look that most others would cringe from, Sable holds her gaze steady to his. Only for a minute though. Her attentions are diverted to the young boy whom she allowed to witness the meeting with the two men from the Imperial Sovereignty. A protocol which she violated by allowing this child within the very walls of the Round. No sense in keeping anything else secret this evening. She may have broken another protocol by becoming a voice of reason during the exchange, shutting her father out for the most part.

It was deemed necessary to do so in her eyes. Sahrik was losing his rational thought and allowing natural arrogance to take control. Now is not the time to be losing tempers or control of the situation. It's imperative to remain calm, cool and collected - especially in front of the Imperials.

Sable excuses herself from Asudak for a few minutes and walks over to Jack and her father, a faint hint of a smile edges her lips.

"Young one. Might I ask that you take some of this food with you and wait for me over by Asudak?" She motions towards the handsome Captain of the Guard standing off to the side of the room still. "He will escort both of us from the Round and we shall see you safely out."

Her smile to the young boy is one of reassurance, coaxing Jack into accepting the offer to carry some of the food with him. A nearby servant arrives and helps pack up a few things for Jack to tote away with him.

"Father ... please. Forgive me. I had no intentions of making things appear that I am in charge of anything. I didn't mean to give the impression that I am the single decision maker for our people."

Her voice is purposely kept low, barely above a whisper. This exchange between father and daughter is meant to be heard only by them. Besides, there is still one outsider present - the young boy. There's no need for him to become frightened at the sound of adult voices being raised or shouted.

Tolean's are masters at giving off the impression that they are always well mannered, soft spoken and that their existence is one of near perfection. Of course, impressions are usually far from the truth. Sable and her father have had loud discussions in the past. Asudak has witnessed a few of those himself. But the love shared between a father and his daughter never changes.

Sahrik Sonhali
May 31st, 2004, 10:36:23 PM
"Now is not the time nor the place my daughter. What's done is done. And while I am angered, it was your initial interaction that brought this Empire to us."

Sahrik took Sable by the hand. "Times are dark now. But I will not reliquenish control nor will I desert our world, no matter how bad things get. This is my place and these are my people. But mind yourself, my daughter. Someday, this will be your burden to bear. Your actions tonight could have detrimental effects to our future."

Sahrik looked at the vagabond Sable had brought with her. ''This was certainly not the time nor place for visitors either. You have now accepted the responsibility to keep these two with you, until this Empire concludes its actions. I won't have a possible leak, no matter how small."

Jun 1st, 2004, 11:13:07 AM
"Your actions tonight could have detrimental effects to our future."

Sable's heart skips a beat as she listens to the words coming from her father's mouth. The last, inparticular. My actions? He is the one who had me be the liason between he and the Imperials. Oh what have I possibly done?!', she begins to think to herself, casting a glance to Jack just as her father does.

'No. This was good. Tonight's meeting was good, as well. Those of the Imperial Sovereignty will aid us and things will be whole again for our peoples.', she assures herself.

"I apologize again, father. The boy had no choice this evening than to remain in the company of Asudak and myself."

"You have now accepted the responsibility to keep him with you, until this Empire concludes its actions. I won't have a possible leak, no matter how small."

Sable lowers her head, nodding solemnly. Clearly, she just now realizes that she hadn't thought everything completely through. So much weight to burden the fragile shoulders of the young woman, only a few years new to the High Council. So much to learn still.

"Yes, sir.", she whispers to having to accept the responsibility for the young boy. Lifting her head, she places a soft kiss against her father's cheek then steps back, bowing slightly from the waist.

"He'll accompany us to the safehouse this evening. If that is all, father, I bid you a good night."

With that, Sable turns to Jack and motions for him to join she and Asudak as they head out of the chambers and work their way out of the Round.

Sahrik Sonhali
Jun 1st, 2004, 05:07:02 PM
"Sable," Sahrik calls turning toward his daughter. He walks up to her and grasps her hands.

"Stay here this evening my daughter. Wait till the Imperial action is underway, before you take to the streets again. For my own peace of mind."

He places a kiss upon her forehead. "Forgive my harsh words before. Without you, I would be lost. You are the only star in my sky, since your mother passed."

One Pair
Jun 1st, 2004, 08:38:18 PM
One of the servants brings jack a deep dish with a lid to put food in. He's been dutifully loading it, trying to listen to what the royal family is talking about, but can't hear a thing. He shrugs to himself, closing the lid and going to stand by the Captain of the Guard.

"So...um...what now?"

Asudak Jasra
Jun 2nd, 2004, 12:56:47 PM
The blue eyes of the Captain look over at the young boy as he crosses the room, a brief glance to Sable and her father before his attention returns to Jack. He had been present at many such exchanges between father and daughter though he never did interject. The man did have rather large reservations about the Imperial assistance, but there was little other choice. Something needed to be done to quell the uprisings and he knew well that such was not within his power.

As Jack speaks, Asudak manages a reassuring smile to the boy who does seem to feel quite out of place. Not that Asudak was surprised by this fact.

"Sit down, relax, enjoy the hospitality of the High Ruler and continually instill in your mind that politics is not something to strive for."

With luck, that last little attempt at humor would help to put Jack at ease.

Jun 3rd, 2004, 05:09:35 PM
"And you are all I really have, Father. But, I think that the boy will be safer at the safehouse and I'm sure Asudak would feel much better keeping a watchful eye on both of us there, as well. I bid you a good evening and will see you first thing in the morning."

Sable returns her father's affections with a tender kiss placed against his cheek. Turning, she follows Asudak and Jack out of the chambers and through the meandering corridors and tunnel of the Round.

"Young Jack, how is it that you ended up finding me this evening and what made you come to me in the first place?", she asks of the young boy as they step out into the cool night air and continue along the secretive route to the safe house.

The sound of rioting has quieted down some as the Guards have nearly taken control over the situation. A few shouts are still heard, but that is about it.

One Pair
Jun 7th, 2004, 07:19:05 PM
"I was just heading up to the capital building to see if you guys were gonna address the mob. I was going sort of out of the way, so they wouldn't jump or something, and I happened to spot you two running to the side. I, um, sorta recognized you, and followed you. I felt like it'd be better to ask you in person, somehow."

Jarek T'chort
Jun 8th, 2004, 06:40:34 AM
A cool wind had sprung up among the vast fields that covered the Saukham Province, on the western continent of Tolea Fuin. It was here that the insurgents had a strong foothold, with massive suppourt amongst the local populations - many of them farmers who had long fostered resentment for the the Sonhali household, due to ancient grudges over land distribution.

Now, as Tolean farmers and droids tilled the fertile plains in the high sun of the afternoon, a shrill whine filled the air, distant at first.
As the whine increased, eyes turned skyward.

Twenty armoured gunships swept from the azure skies, skimming low over the fields. Up ahead the Toleans scattered, headed toward a small town that straddled two hilltops.

The town was ancient, with stone butresses and walls encircling it. Yet amongst the stones and houses, rockets and light flak fire leapt out, stabbing up at the racing gunships. In groups of three, the gunships roared over the town, blaster cannons pounding at enemy positions. Below, the civilians had raced for cover as blaster wielding rebels emerged and began to fire haphazardly at the Imperial ships.

Four of the gunships halted over the main courtyard of the town, setting down smoothly, the anti-personnel cannons mounted on their fore laying down a withering cover fire. From the open hatches on either side, Imperial Airborne troops leapt down, blaster rifles clutched tightly, sweeping the area with energy. A few fell as a heavy blaster opened up from the north quarter of the courtyard. The Imperials darted toward the building, shooting down lightly armed insurgents that a half hour earlier had been simple farmers or butchers, accountants or builders.

Within twenty minutes the Imperial Airborne troopers had captured the town hall and secured forty hostages, all important rebel leaders in the Saukham Province. In another ten they had left, the gunships wheeling about and racing back to base camp with the small hilltop town stunned and crippled behind them.

Operation Fell Wind had begun in earnest.

Transil Gantar
Jun 10th, 2004, 07:27:10 AM
Ahh the city. Nothing better when searching for those that break the law.

Walking through the streets, making sure to be as inconspicuous as possible, hard to do with the mask on, he looked around for the signs he sought. Once he got into the district that was less than reputable, he began to see the signs he wanted. Along most of the walls there was tons of graffiti and gang signs. His dad had always told him gangs were bad, but they could give you a lot of information when you sought the right people as well. Whether or not he found the right people today all depended on whom he found and where he found them.

The building on either side of the street began to show more and more grime and wear. It was obvious to him that he was in the right neighborhood to find them. At least it looked like the right neighborhood according to his eyes. More and more people began to appear lounging around these houses. Finally, he came across an ally full of a bunch of kids and a few older guys, just hanging around. He had found his gang. Turning, he walked up the ally.

“Excuse me gentlemen. I’d like to have a few words with you.”

“Oh yeah? Hey guys, look. A punk behind a mask.”

Some of them started to laugh.

“Call me that again and I will remove a limb.”

They kept laughing, not thinking about what he carried.

“Sure, punk. You and everyone else in the neighborhood.”

With blindingly fast speed, he had one of his blades pulled out and pointed straight at the ground. The one who had spoken lost his grin almost as quickly as he howled in pain. Transil pulled his blade back and began to wipe the man’s blood from the metal. His arm lay on the ground, completely severed by the sword in Transil’s hand. The others started moving back.

“Stop or I’ll kill you all.”

They froze.

“I’m looking for information. Simple, pleasant information. I’ll pay you even.”

“Yeah, sure. Anything you want man.”

“You see, my boss has given me the task of finding out who the leaders of this rebellion are. I’m wondering if you guys know anything?”

“We don’t know nothing, man.”

Transil spun to the one the spoke and jabbed him lightly in the ribs with the tip of his sword. Just enough to prick him.

“Oh you know something. Tell me before I do worse to you than I did to him.”

“Ok, man. Ok. There’s a crime lord named, Bashere. I hear he’s had dealings with them.”

”And where can I find this Bashere?”

“On Fourth there’s a pub called Johnies. He owns it.”

“Thank you for your help.”

Tossing the man a small purse full of gold coins, Imperial make of course, he walked off. A smile blossomed on his face for when those idiots realized the man they had just dealt with was likely an Imperial officer. They’d probably go running home to their mommies, crying. The thought of that made him laugh. The streets seemed quieter as he got into the better part of town. The better to cause more panic.

Asudak Jasra
Jun 17th, 2004, 02:04:23 PM
"Come, Lady Sable, we must get to the safehouse quickly. There's no telling how quickly the Imperials will enact their assistance to us, and for your sake, we should not be out in the open."

And while his tone and delivery made it sound as a suggestion or request, it was as close to an order as he ever gave the woman. Not only because it was not his duty, but of the respect that he felt for her. These were indeed tough times for her people, with her being plunged into the middle of it. He had seen such times before, in another place, and did not envy those then anymore than he envied her now. It was not a good situation at all. He only hoped that it did not degrade much further.

Jarek T'chort
Jun 18th, 2004, 10:06:56 AM
Bone white Imperial transports hovered over the city streets, dropping into open areas to disgorge Imperial Stormtroopers. The urban camo armoured soldiers set up E-Webs blasters, covering cross sections and junctions. They were fast, cold and efficient. The faceless masks and emotionless voices countered the contorted faces and simmering anger of the Tolean mobs, who contented themselves with yelling slogans and marching toward the Imperial positions, only to break up when warning shots rang out in the evening air.

Outside the palace, patrols of Stormtrooper armed with heavy blasters marched in loose order, following Chariot assault vehicles, that floated on repulsorlifts, their blaster cannons sweeping over civilians who now felt fear at this sudden and deadly force that had taken over the streets. Hardly a shot was fired as the Imperials secured key positions and government buildings. Yet the fear and distrust of the public gave the city an air of tension, a taunt tension that violence was only just beneath the surface.

Jun 23rd, 2004, 05:45:35 PM
Sable nods to both Jack and Asudak. She follows Asudak closely, keeping an eye out for possible trouble lurking around every corner.

"Well, Jack. I fear that our troubles are practically out of our hands now. However, I have every confidence that those who have just offered their aid will be able to restore peace and order to Tolea`Fuin. Tonight, you'll join Asudak and I at the safehouse. I would worry if you were to attempt to go home tonight. Once we're safe, you may send word to your parents so they will not worry."

She smiles to the boy, placing her hand against his shoulder as a gesture of sincere kindness. "Let's catch up to my guard." Hurried steps carry the graceful young woman nearer to Asudak. She lightly slips her hand into his arm, just slightly past his elbow, to draw his attention.

Just as she is about to say something to him, she stops in her tracks. She turns her eyes skyward as she hears the roar of the Imperial gunships rush past. Her mouth drops open as she turns in place, wide eyes watching each of the twenty fly by.

"What have I done ...", she whispers; breathless at the terrifying yet awe-inspiring display in the skies above. Once the ships fall from view, she looks to Asudak. Her expression says far more than any words can ever say. Sable just shakes her head, lowering it.

The sound of the blaster fire in the distance, the shouts and frightened shrieks from her people make her head snap back up, her attention focused in the direction the sounds are coming from. Asudak knows her all too well. He signals to her to remain close to him by easing his elbow in closer to his body, firmly trapping her hand in place.

Their eyes meet. She can see that he sympathizes with her, but that he also demands she does not take off. Sable nods subtlely then looks to Jack once more.

"Come, young Jack. The safehouse isn't that far from here and I wish to speak with you some more."

One Pair
Jun 25th, 2004, 06:23:39 PM
"B-b-b-b-b-but...but...they're shooting things! What if they go near my family? Or my friends?"

The boy's voice cracks as he speaks. He's never seen a blaster before, much less a blasterbolt. He's terrified of it.