View Full Version : ARG, not the most graceful start

Apr 1st, 2004, 03:41:41 PM
Ok, so I decided to work up a simple, little, won't-cause-anything thread to help introduce my character, and what it is I wanted to do. Then when I go to post it, I find out what? That the board is undergoing maintenance. I try to hit back, that doesn't work, so I just lost my first post here.


Oh well, I'll try again later. In the mean-time are there any rules here as to making up planets or races? And would anyone in the NR be interested in lending a hand when I DO get the thread up, to explain the galaxy to my alien race "The Azguards"? If so I'd appreciat it.

Here's to muddled beginnings.

Apr 1st, 2004, 03:43:57 PM
Sorry about that, just bad timing. Be warned though. I plan to close the site for maintenance again here in a little while to perform a full backup of the Database.

I recommend any posts you wtite, you keep an additional copy of in a word proccesor or text editor on your PC so that such problems won't happen to you again and your work will be saved to be posted later if there is an issue like this again.


Dasquian Belargic
Apr 1st, 2004, 03:45:50 PM
Giving a rundown of the planet here would be a good idea. Same goes for the alien race, just to make sure it fits within the rules. Generally, it's fine, people do it pretty often, but we just like to make sure :)

Oh, and just a tip on loosing posts - highlight the whole thing and copy it before you hit the post button (or ou can press CTRL+A then CTRL+C). You should avoid loosing any posts that way.

Not that the board is on maintenance much, but just for future reference.

EDIT - Oops, Mr Net beat me to the punch on that last bit ^_^;

Sith Ahnk
Apr 1st, 2004, 08:34:25 PM
I keep telling you Dolash, write it in Office...

Pierce Tondry
Apr 1st, 2004, 09:58:56 PM
Originally posted by Dasquian Belargic
EDIT - Oops, Mr Net beat me to the punch on that last bit ^_^;

Ogre once said that having someone else reiterate good points helps emphasize them even more. I thought that was wise, and so was your point.

To SWFans and Dasquian, you listen. *nods sagely*