View Full Version : OOC Training (For the Newbies)

Dark Lord Rivin
Apr 1st, 2004, 02:07:08 PM
This thread will be completely Out of Character and is mainly for regarding Lord Sith Homer, Dark Lord Rocoo, dark lord forrest, Lord Dakar, and Razvan, but the information that will be in this thread will be helpful for most newcommers.

I am her to help the group of you improve your RPing style, and OOC Posting habbits, because what is currently being done is annoying The Sith Order's admin, and the group of you are comming close to getting yourself banned.

I will also be starting an In Character Training thread for a few of you, and will be commenting on ways to improve your posts.

Well lets get started...

Basic Abrevations used in IC Posts:

IC = In Character
(This is only used If an OOC statment was made above your IC post)

OOC = Out Of Character
(This is used if you wish to make a Quick OOC comment revelent to thread. Using OOC comments without an IC post in an IC Thread is not approved of and Makes admin mad, as does having OOC conversation in an IC Thread)

(These are the abrevation I know that represent Groups on these boards)
TSO = The Sith Order
GJO = Greater Jedi Order
TLJ = The Lost Jedi

SWFans.net and the forums that live under it's roof are not Chat Rooms, and should not be treated as such. People need to be patient and give others time to respond, as an example of this, is Lord Dakar recutment thread (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=34870). Nobody gave me the time to respond to the multiple attacks that were coming at me, and I was forced to have Rivin act in a manner that he normaly would not act.

This brings me to another point. When you get a situation where you do posts that that will effect others, you can NOT assume how the other person will react. Example..

I 'sweep' your legs knocking you down.

"Your lesson for me is no lesson for you?"

I help Homer up for the fight to continue.

This is not aloud. You can not assume that your sweep will hit, or knock them to the ground. I will also use the quote above as an example of another problem. You have no detail in the post. A good post is discriptive of what you are trying to do. It leave less room for missunderstanding. If this was a real fight it would matter if the 'Sweep' was aimed at the Left or Right leg, the amount of power put behing the sweep, weather it was a High sweep going for the knees, or a low sweep going for the feet, or even if the sweep was done with your foot or arm.

That post could easyly be corrected...

I preform a foot sweep aimed for the back of Homer's left knee, atempting to knock his legs out from under him.

Dark Lord Rivin
Apr 1st, 2004, 02:57:42 PM
Further more...

The Admin and other posters do not like it when you open thread and do posts for no reason. I'm sorry to say this, but Razvan, you are the worst of the bunch for this, and the closest to being banned for it.

These are some examples of threads the were pointless...







most of these threads should have ether been put into other thread, in the same threads, our asked Via PM to an the person directed to. Also OOC post should be done in Corellian Moon Spaceport or in the Discussion Chamber with a thing in the Title saying it's OOC.

As for posting in other people's threads, even if it is an open thread, If there is no logical reason why you should be there, DON'T POST! Other people's recrutment threads should be between the person being recruted, and those recruting them.

Also if you are going to post, think first!

"Is this post going to fit in with what is going on in the thread?"
"Does this post make sence?"
"Could my character do this with their current skill level?"

If the answer to any of those questions is NO then ether fix it, or don't post it.

Apr 2nd, 2004, 06:29:24 PM
I hope im not interrupting your OOC Training Rivin. I think its very helpful and if i may id like to add some points.

When entering a thread you should ask yourself a few questions.

#1. Why am i here? Your entrance to a thread should be beneficial to the story arc or thread in some manner. Popping into a thread for no reason other then to be like "deWd i forgt to tell u i stole your car" will most likely be frowned upon in a wtf? manner. If you cant add to a thread in some way, dont join it.

#2. Referring back up to the previous point. Magically popping into a thread is sort of lame. Make an entrance. If two characters are having a fight in a locked room and you pop in, itll raise some questions. Instead roleplay your entrance...maybe you heard commotion stuck your ear up to the door and listened. etc

#3 For the love of god man use the spell check at the bottom of the reply screen. Its right there Submit reply, Preview Reply, Spellcheck. It takes 5 seconds. I know there will be some spelling errors. This post alone probably has a handful but common!

No more of that d00d im gnna crhsu u 2 deth wit my imperiul wlker!!111!!1 omg lol! Take things slow and make proper sentances. My grammar is horrible and so is my spelling but i at least make an effort for the poor people who have to read it.

...I just read what Rivin posted at the end of her second post.:rolleyes Same thing here lol..but it just goes to show its important! :p

Dark Lord Rivin
Apr 5th, 2004, 11:00:18 AM
No, your not interupting, In fact if anybody wants to throw out some pointer to the Newbies I invite them to do so here.

I have another pointer. It make your posts so much easer to read if you seperate actions from speech. most people use " " around speach, and nothing around actions. Some people use nothing for speech and put * * or :: :: around actions. Others uses colors, bolding , Italacs, or mixtures there of of those to signify a differance between speeking and actions.