View Full Version : Friendly Spar (Jame Kaman Dar)

Apr 1st, 2004, 07:35:39 AM
Satine smiles as he leads Jame into the combat area of the training grounds. Motioning around, he says, "And this would be where the combat grounds are."

Stretching a bit, he nods in Jame's direction. "You ready to begin?"

Jame Kaman Dar
Jul 1st, 2004, 05:01:20 PM
Jame smiled.

"Yes..I'm ready as I can be considering I have no clue what weapons we're using. I don't think we laid that one down..."

Jul 2nd, 2004, 03:16:39 PM
"Simple. Any weapon you'd like to use you can. I prefer a single blade in each hand myself."

Jame Kaman Dar
Jul 2nd, 2004, 04:29:09 PM
Jame wore a long jacket to the grounds, which covered a beautiful and long blade so sharp it could make the wind bleed when cut. She swept back the right side of ther coat to reveal it.

"A gift from my old captain..." And she reached to the backside of her left hip to grasp a long, simple-looking dagger. "...and my hunter's knife. And..."

And then she reached to her back and removed two silver bolt pistols. No solid bullets, but laserfire. "...these. I've just been going off of what the cap'n taught me before I resigned when it comes to anything longer than my knife. And i've never touched a lightsaber. That happens when you've only known you could bea Jedi for as long as I have."

Jul 3rd, 2004, 07:59:29 AM
Satine nods in appreciation at the weapons. He had a pair of slugthrowers attacked to his belt himself, and was fond of the solid ammunition they put out--something harder for a lightsabre to block completely, which was good for his line of work.

Opening up a long cabinet, Satine withdraws rtwo of his favorite weapons. the scimitars shine brightly in the dim light, the single jewel on each pommel sparkling.

"I prefer to use blades too. Though I do have several very nice lightsabres if I am in the mood."

Sticking one sword point first into the ground, he pulls out both of his SOCOM slug throwers, and puts them on the ground nearby, before taking up his sword, and getting into a fighting stance.


Jame Kaman Dar
Jul 5th, 2004, 09:00:10 PM
She removed the two pistols, and placed them away from herself.

Jame half-smiled, a glint coming off her eyes. The same glint she got before a fight. It was concious, and sure. She drew the blade from it's sheath, and set her stance, while drawing also her dagger. The sword was light, needing only one hand, but strong.

"As ready as I can be...You have the first move, unless you wish otherwise?"

The smile turned to grinning.

Jul 22nd, 2004, 03:38:58 PM
Satine simply nods, circling his opponent. Without warning, he brings his left sword into a high stab, while his right sword went into a stan towards her knees. As Jame blocks those, Satine jumps back, avoiding the counterattack. Stepping in, he brings both blades around for another attack.