View Full Version : A new beginning......(open)

Mar 31st, 2004, 08:21:27 PM
Now that she had left Federation space far behind her, Guinan wanted to start a new life. Many strange things had happened to her, and she didn't want her old friends to know.

Sitting in her 'borrowed' Ferengi Maruader, she activated her long distance communication port, and tapped in to Beverly Crusher's office, so many light years away on the Enterprise E .

The woman's face came on the screen, worn and haggard.

"Whoever the hell you are, I'm...oh Guinan! Sorry, it's been one of those days you know."

"What? Geordi's implants are acting up again?"

Beverly's face looked out from the screen. "Not quite. We've had a few other problems."

Guinan read the distress on her friend's face, even through the lines of static that began to mutilate it. "What's happened???"

"Data's dead, Guinan. He was destroyed when he saved Jean Luc by beaming him off a self destructing ship..."

Of all the news she expected, this wasn't quite it. "Oh Beverly, I'm so sorry...."

"W//l, ther///othin//we can do abo//it now. How's///ew republi///space been trea//g you?"

"Haven't seen anyone yet. It's only a matter of time before someone discovers me up here, a lonely Guardian floating around in a ship that's depleting power at every interval."

A static crackled laugh came from the screen in front of her. No longer could she clearly see the features of Dr Crusher, before they blacked out entirely. "See you on the other side of life, Beverly..."

She terminated the dead signal, and looked over her schematics. She was in orbit now, and began the landing procedures.

She was ready to announce her presence to the Greater Jedi Order, and find out if any Guardians had survived the attack on her home planet so many years ago...........

Mar 31st, 2004, 09:28:54 PM
Thread removed from public per FAQ section III.A.9. Offender warned via PM from me.

Name used: Guinan (ST-TNG)
Email addy: tardisprototype@hotmail.com
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