View Full Version : Resurgence [closed]

Darth Viscera
Mar 31st, 2004, 04:20:36 PM
The blurry vision was that of a moon lush with forests as far as the eye could see. Looking up, one could see floodlights from the Imperial shuttles which shot past overhead, angling towards a construction site based in a clearing. There, a massive construction droid loomed overhead, working tirelessly to create this outpost at the edge of the galaxy. A Star Destroyer loomed high overhead, depositing materials for the future base planetside.

The wide view of the planet faded out, to be replaced by a view of the Emperor's throne room on Imperial Center. A dimly lit, wide-open room housed an elaborate command chair in which the Emperor sat, looking out across the bustling capital world through a large, panoramic window. Outside, endless columns of starfighters and combat airspeeders of all types filled the sky.

Darth Vader cautiously approached his master, whose back was to the dark lord of the sith. Several tense moments passed before the Emperor rotated his chair to face Vader, who knelt before him.

"What is thy bidding, my master?" Vader asked, his head bowed low, the sound of his breathing lingering in the air long after his words had been spoken.

"Rise, my friend," the Emperor commanded, and the dark lord did so. "Is the facility on the forest moon nearing completion?"

"Yes, my master," the dark lord replied.

"Good! You have done well, my friend. The Rebellion will not be allowed to take hold. Their shortsightedness will be their undoing. I have foreseen it."

"And what of the reports of rebel activity near the capital? My son was with them."

"It is of no concern. Soon the Rebellion will be crushed and young Skywalker will be one of us! Go out to the Sanctuary moon and await my orders."

"As you wish," Vader bowed, then turned and exited the throne room. The Emperor's command chair rotated back to face the window, he watched the fading sun, and his eyes closed.

Darth Viscera
Apr 5th, 2004, 11:58:23 PM
The vision was more than enough to awaken the Sith from his meditative state, and he stood and walked to his command chair, seating himself and accessing his computer. He recalled the dream, reckoning it a memory of events just prior to Endor, and narrowed his search of the Emperor's archives to reflect that.

It took some time to filter out the irrelevant records in the archive, but at last he found what he was looking for - an entry regarding a planet deep in the Unknown Regions, far beyond inhabited space.

"The Tarrik system," the Sith said aloud, as he made preparations to go there.

Darth Viscera
Apr 6th, 2004, 12:20:58 AM
The Sith watched from the command chair of the throne room, lost in thought as the command ship dropped out of hyperspace in the Tarrik system, and set course for Tarrik 6. Some time later the turbolift doors opened, and Captain Vellis walked through, unchallenged by the black-cloaked Royal Guards who guarded the lift. The Diktat's chair rotated around to face him, and the officer bowed before him.

"My Lord, we have arrived at the planet. ComScan reports no activity in the system, zero indications of sentient life forms, and no lingering engine emissions. It is quite possible that no starships have visited this system in decades," he reported.

"Very well, Captain. I had expected as much," the Diktat replied. "Prepare a landing party and a security detachment. We're going to have a look at what's down there."