View Full Version : Don't look for bugs in French software...

Mu Satach
Mar 31st, 2004, 03:43:56 PM
Apparently you'll get hammered for it.

Bugfinder Being Indicted As Criminal (http://www.guillermito2.net/archives/2004_03_25e.html)

In march 2002, I published on my website a long analysis about this software. This webpage showed how the program worked, demonstrated a few security flaws, and some tests with real viruses. I showed that, unlike the advertizing claimed, this software didn't detect and stopped "100% of viruses". So, nothing really extraordinary. The company first reacted in a weird way: they denounced me publicly as a "terrorist", probably a nice attempt to make me change my mind. Later on, they filed a formal complaint against me in a Paris tribunal.
