View Full Version : Read This Before Posting

Mar 31st, 2004, 12:00:46 PM
Some important things to remember / take into account:

- Before you even consider posting here, read the board-wide FAQ (http://sw-fans.net/forum/misc.php?s=&action=faq). This will clear up many questions you may have to ask, and broadly explain how things work here. Once you have read the FAQ, take time to read some other threads here, particularly those where people are role-playing. This will show you exactly how role-playing is conducted here.

- If you have any doubts about what you are putting into a post, as to whether or not it would be realistic, or simply a question that isn’t covered in the FAQ, contact one of the board moderators. A good thought to keep in mind is that you are new and therefore, should make your character appear as such. Give them a background history, but do not give them unrealistic powers. Part of the fun of role-playing is developing and gaining these abilities as time goes by. It is considered very bad form for you to assume you have abilities beyond your characters capabilities. This is known as God Moding, and is strictly forbidden in the board-wide rules.

- Use the Spell-check button at the button of the reply window. If you are able to, write your posts in a word processor of some kind and spell-check them. You may think that this slows down the posting process, but what matters in role-playing is quality, not quantity. Poor grammar, spelling and overall presentation can reflect badly on you.