View Full Version : Definitely a Fixer-upper (open)

imported_Jacali Danner
Mar 30th, 2004, 09:41:26 PM
Jacali had bought it months ago. A grungy, green, older version Nexx speeder. I was her second baby, her first was hanging off her belt. Her lightsabre.

Since her accident she had decided that it was time for her to get off her duff and do something. She was quite the pilot and quite mechanically inclined. The brace hindered her some, but it wasn't going to stop the Padawan from finishing something she had started. Jacali wasn't a quitter, even though months ago while learning to walk again, she nearly lost her edge. But, with the help of her master, she regained the spirit within her that she had believed had been lost.

It wasn't lost at all and she finally figured it was herself that was causing her so much interconflict. Once, Jacali was able to realize that, her strength began building. Her mental strength as well as her physical strength.

Speeders were only one of her secret loves and when she had bought this particular one, she had to have a towing speeder tow it in.

Since then, she'd gotten it to run perfectly and now it was time to work on the outside.

Jacali ran her hand along the scratched paint and sighed, this wasn't going to be easy by any means.

Rognan Dar
Mar 30th, 2004, 11:37:50 PM
"Nice ride you have there."

Rognan said as he walked up to Jacali. Though, he had met her before, he didn't quite know her that well. And she shared a room with his sister. You'd think he would have heard about her more.

"Looks like it could use a little work, huh? Like maybe a good paint job. Does it run at all?"

He stepped up beside her, looking over the speeders inside now.

imported_Jacali Danner
Mar 31st, 2004, 04:32:47 AM
The Padawan had seen Rognan a time or two, since he was Jame's twin and Quay's friend. "Hi, Rog. Yeah, she runs. Purrs like a kitten. The engine and interior are done, all I need now is the outside finished."

The interior was in perfect shape. All new vinyl, since she hadn't the credit for leather. The knobs and buttons were all polished to perfection and she had even a very nicely upgraded sound system in it.

There wasn't a speck of dirt anywhere inside.

Rognan Dar
Mar 31st, 2004, 11:53:14 PM
"Looks nice...except for the paint. Are you going to get it painted or are you going to do it yourself?"

As Rognan looked at the interior, he was amazed that it was new, clean, and looking quite nice when it had the ugliest looking exterior in the world.

"It doesn't quite match the inside. Unless, of course, you wanted it to look like that."

imported_Jacali Danner
Apr 1st, 2004, 08:32:37 PM
"Oh, no. I'm going to finish it. When I'm done it'll look brand new. Though, I'm not exactly sure what color to go with, original or another color." She stepped back and began to think.

"I'm sure the green would look much better with a new paint job and I'll be doing the painting, can't afford for it to be done."

Rognan Dar
Apr 1st, 2004, 11:32:19 PM
"Mmmm...are you sure about the green? Sure, it would look nice. But I'm sure you can spice it up and make it looked better then good. Oh course, to do something like that your going to need someone that is experienced in this sort of area. Unless you think you can do it yourself?"

imported_Jacali Danner
Apr 2nd, 2004, 03:59:43 AM
She scratched her head. "Well, I did the interior and the engine, but I've not painted any thing. Of course, I'll have to fill in some of the smaller dings and there is a larger one in the back left quarter that will probably need to be hammered out and then filled in. But, you're right a new color is needed. How about candy-apple red? That would look hot."

Rognan Dar
Apr 2nd, 2004, 03:59:39 PM
"Yes, that would give it a good look. What do you think about making it more then one color? Or a combination of colors? They would need to flow with eachother, but I think it could be done."

Rognan went to the back side to see about this 'large ding' on the back. And it was large. Rog would even use the word big. It would definatly need a lot of work to get the outside of this looking good.

"So....your going to do this all by yourself, are you?"

imported_Jacali Danner
Apr 2nd, 2004, 08:21:14 PM
"I...well, I probably could. But, a partner or partners would even be better." She looked up at him with a smile. "You wouldn't happen to be interested in helping, would you?"

Rognan Dar
Apr 5th, 2004, 10:33:51 PM
"You want me tp help you paint that?"

Rognan from the speeder to Jac and back again.

"Uh...well...I guess I could. But, I must tell you, I'm not all that great at painting. But you can be assued that I will try my best. What color did you want again?"

imported_Jacali Danner
Apr 7th, 2004, 04:02:38 AM
"Well, I had thought about candy apple red, but I like that bright yellow too. Or perhaps a mixture of darker hues, like purples and violets? I don't know, what do you think?"

Rognan Dar
Apr 7th, 2004, 10:56:12 PM
"Well, I'm no fasion expert. I dont even know what shade candy apple red is. The only thing I can say for sure is that brighter colors dont always look that great. I'd choose a more calmer color. But thats just me. This is yours so you can make it any color you want."

imported_Jacali Danner
Apr 8th, 2004, 04:56:30 AM
Jacali thought about this as well. "A deeper color may look better, perhaps like a burgundy? Ohh, that would look sharp."

Rognan Dar
Apr 8th, 2004, 10:05:19 PM
"Yeah, that could look good. I think a navy blue would look good too. With white stripes on the sides?"

imported_Jacali Danner
Apr 12th, 2004, 08:31:52 PM
"Oh, that would look sharp. Do you think we can handle the painting?"

Rognan Dar
Apr 13th, 2004, 02:45:03 PM
"Sure, we could do it. Can't say that it will look any good...but I think that we might be able to finish it. Can you paint a strait line?" he added teasingly.

imported_Jacali Danner
Apr 14th, 2004, 05:02:00 AM
"Sure," she added with a smile. "This is going to be awesome. So, we'd better make a list of all the supplies we're going to need. I've been really saving for it, so I hopefully should have enough." She brought out a datapad.

"Well, I'll need some filler first." She put that down on the pad.

Rognan Dar
Apr 14th, 2004, 10:42:08 PM
"Yes, that is a big 'must.' Then you'll need paint and sprayers. Do you know if there is a paint primer for speeders?"

imported_Jacali Danner
Apr 15th, 2004, 04:51:52 AM
"I bet there is. Plastic, tape. I can probably rent the sprayers and clear coat, anything else?"

Rognan Dar
Apr 15th, 2004, 10:32:53 PM
"Not that I can think of right now. Are you sure you have all the credits you need to preform this? It sounds like its going to be a little spendy."

imported_Jacali Danner
Apr 17th, 2004, 04:07:11 AM
Jacali nods. "Yeah, I've been saving for quite a while. I've got enough. I've been keeping an eye on sales on paint and this week there is a big sale at Ayres Ship Quest."

Rognan Dar
Apr 19th, 2004, 10:28:42 PM
"Well, do you want to get started now or a little later from now, like say.....now?"

Shade Magus
Apr 20th, 2004, 12:09:24 PM
Shade could barely nod yes head, but he managed to get a weak yes out. Anything to help him right now would be good.

imported_Jacali Danner
Apr 20th, 2004, 08:49:05 PM
OOC: Bypass Shade's post.... :)

"Sure, I've got my cash card ready, let's go get some stuff. Hop in." She smiled as she opened her door and got in.

Rognan Dar
Apr 20th, 2004, 10:12:07 PM
"It does work right? You have tested the hoverers and engine right?" Rog said as he cautiosly made his way into the passanger seat.

imported_Jacali Danner
Apr 22nd, 2004, 04:28:19 AM
Jacali gave him a dry look. "Of course, it runs." She turned the key and the speeder came to life. It purred like a kitten.

She fastened her restraint and took off out of the Temple's parking garage.

Rognan Dar
Apr 22nd, 2004, 09:31:48 PM
Rognan had barely enough time to put his belt restraint on before Jac took off. It wasn't that he didn't like flying or speeders. In fact, he thought they were great. He was just uneasy about having a newly made speeder being the one he was riding in.

imported_Jacali Danner
Apr 24th, 2004, 10:08:54 PM
Jacali merged into the traffic lane and took a connection junction to an upper skylane. It wasn't long before they were speeding along with the wind whipping through their hair.

"I modified the retro-rockets to give it more speed." She pressed on the accelerator and zipped through some traffic before breaking and coming to another connecting junction taking them back down to a lower level street.

Rognan Dar
Apr 25th, 2004, 10:36:44 PM
Rognan would not admit this, but he was grabbing quite hard onto the hand hold on the side as Jac menuvered through traffic. That was one of the things you could count on the most here. Traffic. No matter what, there was always some kind of traffic some where on this planet.

"Yes, it apears to go very fast. Do you normaly travel this fast?"

imported_Jacali Danner
Apr 26th, 2004, 07:27:36 PM
"Not all the time, but I just wanted you to see it's speed." She turned off the busy avenue and towards the junction of Seymore and Noble, Ayres Ship Quest was right on the corner.

Jacali pulled up to a place and parked. "Let's go do some buying." She said with a smile.

Rognan Dar
Apr 26th, 2004, 10:26:57 PM
Rognan gladly got out of the speeder and followed next to Jac.

"You know, a idea just came to mind. You could just have a shop spray it and fix it up for you. That is, if you have the money for it."

imported_Jacali Danner
Apr 28th, 2004, 05:12:40 AM
"Oh, bite your tongue. I want to do it, I want the accomplishment in the end and to know I did that." She told him as they entered the store. She grabbed a cart and headed down some aisles.

Rognan Dar
Apr 28th, 2004, 10:14:49 PM
"Fine, fine. Make it hard on yourself. Just a suggestion anyway. Where is the paint section anyway?"

imported_Jacali Danner
Apr 29th, 2004, 07:04:48 PM
"In the back, come on." She smiled and headed towards the back.

Rognan Dar
Apr 29th, 2004, 09:46:49 PM
Rognan followed her to the back. There was quite a selection out on display. He was fasinated at how many different colors there were. Most of them had the name of to different color names and then just called it a new color.

"What color were you looking for again? Good luck finding it."

imported_Jacali Danner
May 1st, 2004, 11:38:16 AM
"Hmmm, metallic blue or purple." She found the blue and liked it. "Ya know what...what if we painted it blue, let it dry and then used paint ball guns on it and blasted different colors on it?"

Rognan Dar
May 4th, 2004, 06:10:44 PM
"Paintball guns? Where are you going to find those? And couldn't it also dent the panels? Sure, it might be fun, but you think it would look good?"

imported_Jacali Danner
May 9th, 2004, 06:48:47 AM
"So, we'll use the Force. You shoot, I'll reinforce the panel so the dent will be repelled, then I'll run the paint sideways instead of down and it'll look like shooting stars...especially, if we use silver."

Jacali smiled with enthusiasm.

Rognan Dar
May 9th, 2004, 10:24:49 PM
"Silver paintballs? Have you ever heard of anyone using that kind of color? Most paintballs have a very close resembling color, which is hardly one at all. To find one with silver is going to be a feat in itself. Though...I do think it would look cool."

imported_Jacali Danner
May 10th, 2004, 11:18:33 AM
"Well, we won't get it all done in one day, so we could special order them. I'd say three or four on each side and that's it. So, all we'd need would be eight tops."

Rognan Dar
May 12th, 2004, 10:16:05 PM
"I guess you could try and order them. Bet it will cost you more for it, though. We could just do the bass paint now and wait for the paintballs and do it afterwards?"

imported_Jacali Danner
May 15th, 2004, 08:05:09 AM
"Yeah, sounds good. Let's get the rest of our stuff and let the fun begin." She told him.

The two spent another half and hour in the store and soon exited with all they needed. Minus the paintball, but they were on order.

"I've got a friend who'll let us use his garage to do the work in, that's where my baby's been all this time, while I fixed her up. His name is Felix...he's a Ryn."

Rognan Dar
May 16th, 2004, 10:27:56 PM
"Well, that is very kind of him to let you use his garage. Is it close to the Jedi complex? I think that something like painting is going to take more then just one day to complete."

imported_Jacali Danner
May 18th, 2004, 03:53:37 AM
"Yeah, about a block over from the Temple." She answered as she the bag of things in the back seat and climbed in.

It wasn't long before the two were pulling up to a large garage, where a coveralled-covered man sat with his feet propped up, asleep.

Rognan Dar
May 18th, 2004, 10:07:31 PM
Rognan was trying to remember the way that they had got here. He would need it if he was going to find this place again.

As they came to the garage, there was a man lounging back in a chair.

"Thats your friend is it? Looks like quite a active fellow, wouldn;t you agree?"

imported_Jacali Danner
May 20th, 2004, 08:10:29 PM
"That's Rohn, he's Felix's assistant. Rohn, wake up!"

The man was startled and nearly fell off his chair. "Lady Jacali, go to see you back. What can I do for you and your friend?"

"We're here to talk to Felix, is he around?"

Rohn shook his head. "Will be back shortly. Go into his office and wait if you'd like."

Jacali looked at Rognan. "Well, what do you want to do?"

Rognan Dar
May 20th, 2004, 09:49:51 PM
"Well, I guess we can unload the supplies for now. Whats there to do around this place?"

imported_Jacali Danner
May 23rd, 2004, 06:38:06 AM
"Well, I can show you some of the work he's done, he has another shop attached to this one where he's selling some of his speeders that he's restored. Felix is the one who found me my speeder. I simply told him what I wanted and it took him about two weeks to find it."

Jacali led Rognan through a set of double doors. The office area was as neat as a pin, not a speck of dust anywhere. It didn't even look like the office of a garage. "He's got money from his hobby of restoring speeders."

She took him to another room and turned on the lights, inside was about ten different speeders all in perfect condition and looking brand new and just off the lot.

Rognan Dar
May 23rd, 2004, 10:16:03 PM
The site of the 10 cars took Rog away. He whistled to show that.

"My, my. Did not expect to see this kind of stuff here. Definatly not a cheap shop, this one. Does he restore everything on them? And paint them? Why not just have him paint it for ya?"

Rognan walked around some of the speeders, peaking in a few just to see what they looked like on the inside.

"I might have to get me one of these things..."

imported_Jacali Danner
May 26th, 2004, 07:18:26 AM
"He probably would if I asked, but I really want to do it on my own, it's like a final exam. You see the yellow speeder over there and the metallic purple one there?" She pointed to two different speeders. "I helped restore them and helped with the painting. I've just not done one alone yet."

Jacali looked at Rog. "Have you ever helped restore anything? It's quite fun."

Rognan Dar
May 27th, 2004, 10:33:17 PM
"No, I have not. Looks like fun, not to mention a good learning experience. If I had the time I wouldn't mind doing something like this.

So is it that your jsut into speeders or you just like to make and fix things?"

imported_Jacali Danner
Jun 4th, 2004, 09:35:29 AM
"I love to make and fix things. I'm a pretty good mechanic, but then I've been learning it since I was eight."

Rognan Dar
Jun 6th, 2004, 10:05:46 PM
"Since eight, huh? You should be pretty good by now, I'd think. Does that also mean you can fix other stuff too? Or are you mostly good with speeder like things?"

imported_Jacali Danner
Jun 11th, 2004, 09:51:55 PM
"I used to help around the manor that my family worked for, I can fix household appliances if I need to or at least usually figure things out. But, speeders and ships are my preferance."

Rognan Dar
Jun 13th, 2004, 04:14:41 PM
Rognan nodded as he aimlessly continued to walk around. Then he heard a sound that was close to that of a speeder. He leveled his head and listened closely.

"That sounds like it might be your friend returning. Shall we go have a look?"