View Full Version : Staring at the Sun
Mar 29th, 2004, 09:44:24 PM
The first anyone heard of what happened on Duxio was when a signal from the hyperspace relay dropped out. It seemed like a normal drop out, until a few minutes later, the backup dropped as well, without a hint of a prior problem. Other signals began to drop fromthe planet and in a matter of seconds, all contact was lost. suddenly, silently and without warning.
That type of drop outs could only be one thing. Jamming from an attack.
A fleet from the NR was sent out to see what was going on. Armed to the teeth, the fleet dropped out of hyperspace over Duxio and got a huge shock. The normally blue/green planet was a sand crusted ruin, the normally teeming life of colinists and natives were reduced to hardly a blip on life on scanners. Because, they were all in whatever could be used to escape the planet's surface. Millions of refugees in thousands of ships. The NR commander was very much taken aback, for he would have expected at least someone to make an escape out of orbit.
The reasons became clear when he contacted what turned out to be the ruling house's command vessel - tho the cause was frankly truly confusing. Not a single one had a working hyperdrive or even a working comms unit.
The reason for the evac was similarily clear but puzzling. every fusion reactor on the planet went critical and detonated, after some warning, allowing a mass evac.
Even more confusing was that the entire population had been accounted for, even the few on the surface. No one had died.
The Commander of the NR fleet sat back on his chair, furrowing his brow. How the hell had this happened? How was this possible?
The days after was filled with setting up a refugee shuttle service and question asking. It became clear that the populace believed one man responsible, a tall thin man with a red coat and big gun. Someone they called Typhoon. He had arrived some months before, seemed friendly, became well known for his kindness and willingness to help the downtrodden, even putting his life in the line for them. His acts had reached the ears of nearly everyone, when an entire city detonated in a catalysim that shook the planet.
It was rumoured to be this Typhoon. and the rumour was that he was going to do the same to each other city. Mass panic and mass evac. And from orbit, they saw the threat made good, the flash of nuclear detonations stinging the eyes of observers as they saw their home turned to rubble.
But no one died. No one could work that one out.
The fleet commander thought the stories perposterous, but he still put out a reward for information of Typhoon, suspicion of severe poperty damage. When it was confirmed it was Typhoon who did it, the reward became immense.
The last survivors on the planet were removed. But in the new deserts, there was one left. A bundle of rags, blown in the gales of the new deserts, with glowing yellow and inhuman eyes
Time passes. Wounds heal. Radiation dies. And soon, duxio had the first of the Returned come back to reclaim the planet. It was a barren and backbreaking experience, the soils were no longer as fertile, water as abundant. The sun was crual. But still, it was their home and some things cant be left or forgotten. Trade began.
And on a ship out, a pathetic human, dirtied, dressed in rags, seemingly beaten by his existance, snuck onboard.
Many years passed. The Jedi returned to Coruscant. The republic returned to being. Many new heros rose, new enemies to peace too. New chapters in the story of the Galaxy were being written with a new generation of giants, the story of Duxio just a mere blip with a Galaxy healing from decades of divisions and war.
As was the stories of some seemingly innoculous beings who came to find peace on another planet.
Ahhh, but I'm getting ahead of myself here. We'll meet them soon. this story had a beginning and it is not right to jump pages ahead. The man they called Typhoon seemed to disappear from all knowing. Eventually, the huge reward became just a fantastic rumour. Frankly, the Galaxy was so huge, it was impossible to find anyone if they wanted not to be found. Even if they were distinctive, like Typhoon was.
No, is. Typhoon exists. He is real. He also did destroy Duxio, tho if you asked how, he wouldn't know. He once was found by a Jedi on a planet named Harrvvi, came back to the Greater Jedi Order and was a Janitor there for a while. He eventually moved on to arcan IV, then on again, right now, right on a boardign ramp, exiting into the sun and plesant breezes of the planet Ukio.
He looked around, his red coat rippling in the wind. His spiked hair waved int he breezes as he got his bearings, then began to walk away from the ship that came from Arcan. He didnt really have much idea where he was going - but this planet looked liek a fine place to be while he worked that out.
"hey, did you hear the news?"
"Fregge sold his farm land!"
"That guy next to the Desvelles?"
"Yeah! Sold it for a pretty good sum too"
"Not to the Farming union...?"
"No! To some outsider, someone named... Evenstar. Apparently she's a senator of some sort and a Jedi Knight"
"A Jedi heh? What would one of them want to be coming here for?"
Typhoon smiled as he walked on. Yeah, just the right place.
Marcus Telcontar
Mar 29th, 2004, 11:16:06 PM
Spring on Coruscant wasn;t a bad thing really. There was often a bit of rain to washt he filth away, there was some nice breezes from the huge air scrubbers that filtered the crap out of the air and there was new life everywhere.
Well... actully, the whole place still sucked harder than a two dollar whore. What was making this day out int he sunlight worthwhile was the new life part.
On a deckchair on top of the roof of Dexter's Diner, there sat a near human. He looked about 40 odd years old, a bit scruffy, but at the same time quite handsome for all of the stubble and unkept hair. He was relaxing with a drink by his side, soaking up the warmth and reading a book of all things. Lord of the Rings, a fantasy novel about small halflings and a quest to vanquish evil. He quite honestly hadnt taken time out to just read for so many years, he was finding the whole experience quite a mind shift.
It was even more amusing that the human hero of the story was a Ranger from the North, who loved an alien woman, but could not take his bride until the halfling's quest was over. There also was a mighty Jedi named Dandruff the Grey, who eventually became Dandruff the White. Somehow. The point that happened was a real head scratcher.
"Sounds like that guy needs a haircut" he said outloud "Running all that way to the mystical forest of Fangsore must really make the three Runners work a sweat up. What do you think, arwen?"
Arwen, just three weeks old and in her walker, covered by a shade cloth, was fast asleep after her mid morning feed. And unlike her usual sleeping, quite heavily too. for some reason, she was a light sleeper and always a bit anxious if left alone. Not that Marcus left her alone much - the baby absolutly facinated him. Who would have expected this would ever happen? A father, a true father after 160 years? Not that he was all that old for his race.....
"How old was this Arrogait fellow again? 92 or something?" He reached over tot he compainion guide fo the Holoview (Of which the last installment had just come out, winning 11 Galactic Acadamy Awards (and amusingly, Helenias was on the A-list for invites), with actual dwarves, halflings and Halledean), to check a fact sheet. The lead actor was some human ponce, who looked like he was born filth. The women seemed to really like that guy tho - Xazor had a poster on her wall.
Marcus couldnt see why any woman would want someone as uncouth as this actor. Bikko Mortensteam. Hah. what an ugly cuss.
"And a penis about as big as a fly, I bet" he said, putting the companion guide down. "You try to go out with anyone like that Arwen, I will ground you for a month.
The baby slept on. Marcus continued to read, until about lunch time, when he closed the book (written on real flimsy too, none of this datapad nonsense) as he sensed Arwen was waking up and probably wanted to be fed.
Who would have thought? A Jedi master, wasting his day reading fantasy nonsense? With a baby? Next, he'd be in a basement doing on-line roleplaying. it always amused him that some kid somewhere was pretending to be a Jedi and even funnier, he had seen his old Jedi name used. someone had done a good job copying what he was like and then using it to express themselves. It was flattering. It was somewhat pathetic too. Get a life.
His comm unit buzzed.
"Hello, Coruscant Mortuary, you kill em, we chill em!"
"Hehehehe. Marcus, you really have lightened up lately. Come get lunch"
"Hey sure, thing big guy. Down in a sec"
Lightened up a bit?????
What an odd comment.
He got up, leaving the copy of Lord of the Rings on the deckchair. Really, it was a pretty damn good book, all about Jedi and the dark Sith Lord SoupNazi. Why hadn't he stopped years ago, stopped his incessant fighting and war mongering and smelt the flowers a bit?
Quay'Na Rakai
Mar 30th, 2004, 04:35:40 AM
The Padawan known as Quay'Na Rakai-Scott had been out most of the morning. Since returning to Coruscant, she'd found that her husband was on another shipping detail and wouldn't be around for couple of more days. Which was fine with her, due to her next meeting with him...would more than likely drop a bomb on what they shared and didn't share. Depended on the way one looked at it.
Quay had made her rounds, checked in with her twins upgrades in her new club, which were coming along very well. She had been very impressed. Opening night would be within another month or so. She had also gone to Wildside Animal Refudge to do a check on the animals, a few new offspring had finally arrived, but other than that, it was the same ole Wildside.
Soon after that she had dropped by the condo she shared with her husband and cleaned up a few things and also making an appointment with Dr. Lansing on her baby situation.
Carrying the child to term was constantly on her mind, thoughts of losing it haunted her. It was always a possibility that her womb just wouldn't be strong enough on it's own, but was it too late for the surgery? Those questions were still up in the air, until she talked to her doctor.
But, today was too nice of a day to be worrying about that, even though it would always have a place in her mind. With a sigh, she entered Dexter's.
"Heya, young lady!" Dex greeted her with his usual smile.
No one was there at the moment. "Seen Master around?" She asked as she placed a book bag on the counter.
"He's coming down for lunch right now, with Arwen."
"Cool," she replied as she got on one of the barstools and grabbed a menu.
"What can I get for ya, Quay? Remember, you are eating for two now."
It was common knowledge now among those of the Lost that Quay was indeed pregnant. "Ummm, give me a salad with no meat and...a slice of your Chocolate Lovers Dream cake with extra hot fudge, chocolate chips and pecans. Oh, and extra caramel topping as well. And an iced tea."
Dexter just kinda looked at her for a moment and shook his head while he mumbled. "Pregnancy. I'll get it together, Miss Quay."
The Padawan laughed and put down the menu, she was having a major sweet craving and knew Dexter's Dream Cake would put that to an end. She was very glad that she wasn't getting sick today, that was becoming a real bummer. One day sick, one day well, it really sucked.
With a sigh, she waited on her master, Arwen and her dream cake. All was well at the moment.
Marcus Telcontar
Mar 30th, 2004, 05:17:37 AM
Arwen barely protested as she was picked up and held whilst Marcus walked down the stairs, past the third floor, past the second floor that served as the base of ops for the Lost, first floor which was their living and lounge areas, to the ground floor and the secret entrance inside the Diner. he slid it open, into the small office, then to the hidden slide. That lead to the kitchen, which he sensed was empty and just right to pass through into. Arwen was now quite awake and squirming a bit, but still rather settled - unusual.
But as Helenias had noted, the tiny baby was for some reason more settled with Marcus. She hardly liked being nursed by anyone bar Quay or Xazor (barely for either) and no other male could touch her without a storm of wailing. But with Marcus.....
It was like she knew whom Marcus was and knew with the Jedi master she was safe. At three weeks old, all she should know would be her mother. But then again, no one knew much anything about Jedi children. Maybe the traum of birth had given some sort of sense about when she was secure?
Well, whatever it was, it wasn't like Marcus minded. He loved his daughter to bits. Frankly, he hadnt known such a time as this three weeks, bonding and getting to know his daughter, so unexpectedly thrust upon him.
Was he actually happy and content?
Yes, he thought. That was why he wasnt feeling strange. He was content and feeling good about everything.
He went to the fridge and had a look about in there. "Okay.... yak's milk, snaark milk.... lama milk.... breast milk. Right. Helenias left lunch for you, missy. aint you lucky?"
Arwen seemed impressed. Marcus regarded the bottle, used one hand to expose the teat, tested with a quick sip. Yep, breast milk. Never could be too sure in this place and with Dexter being a practical joker.... who knew what it would be
Even if marcus had told the huge alien in no uncertain terms there would be no jokes when it came to Arwen and her dinner.
The baby looked somewhat interested as Marcus held the bottle for a moment, cheating by using the force to warm the milk up to the right temp. He took another sip to make sure it was just right, before offering the bottle to the little girl.
"Yep. Hungry as a Gungan. Oh... hello Quay. Hungry are we?"
Quay'Na Rakai
Mar 30th, 2004, 05:29:57 AM
Quay'Na smiled as she saw the two enter and nodded as her Dream cake was sat in front of her along with her salad, but pushed that to the side and looked at all the sugar that was so perfectly in front of her.
"Yes, for once I'm not sick and I'm having a massive sugar craving, Master. This should just about do it in." The cake was globbed with caramel, hotfudge, choclate chips and pecans.
She dug into it as her master took a seat. After finishing off a couple of bites, she took a drink of her tea and sat back to let it settle. "So, how's fatherhood coming along? It seems to be agreeing with you, Master."
Marcus Telcontar
Mar 30th, 2004, 06:32:22 AM
He looked at the little girl, happliy slurping down lunch. Damn, how beautiful was she?
"You could say that. It's been a dream come true, as Dexter could tell you. It's the reasont he Lost came into existance, in hope this day would come. Where I could live in peace with my family. Family... never imagined that could happen. You see, that's why I left the Order and destroyed any record. I wanted to pursue a life that a Jedi can not walk. This... where family come first is not the path of a true Jedi. I know it and I accept it. Maybe arwen will be a Jedi one day, I do not know. I cant. i think and I feel far too much. And as you know, I'm not above dealing out justice to those whom think the rules dont apply to them"
"Strangely" he said, touching Arwen's cheek, "Life seems to mean more now. We all started like this... how do some go so wrong? why do some treat their lives and the lives of others with such contempt? But... well... quay, we're going to leave coruscant for a while. We are going to Ukio. Xazor might be happier these days, but she needs time to heal from the troubles of her life. I need time to reconsider what I am doing and also consider if Xazor is ready to face the Trial. Somewhere safe and quiet"
"Near where I grew up" he said reflectively, thinking back to Lowhold.
Xazor Elessar
Mar 30th, 2004, 09:19:01 AM
It had been a beautiful morning, the sun beaming in on the floor of the upper room above Dexter's Diner. There in the middle of the floor sat a figure clad in robes of white. They were wrapped around her gently and her golden hair fell down her back. Many things had changed as of recent, but the greatest change of all had taken place inside of this woman. There Xazor sat in meditation, her eyes closed and her head bowed deeply.
"Show me what you would have me to do." She whispered as she became enveloped in the Force. Both of her hands moved from the floor to her thighs and a golden ring upon her left hand glimmered in the light. Terran had taken her back and had been teaching her about the deeper meaning of the Force. He had given her a lot to think about -- about how she had been created by something more than just a random god on her planet. Indeed, Gaia had granted her many things in life, but she felt that she was lost all the time.
Things had changed.
Smiling as a yawn consumed her, the Jedi Knight shifted her weight and opened her eyes. "What a beautiful day." The Garou whispred as she rose to her feet and stretched. It did not take her long before she was down a small set of stairs and in the main headquarters of The Lost Jedi. The sun still peaked through the windows and caught the computer screens, bouncing back into her eyes. She simply smiled and made her way down the secret staircase and into the empty room below. This is where she stopped as her sensitive ears picked up voices outside of the door to the Diner. It was Marcus and -- Quay. Xazor was still getting used to the woman, and it seemed already that they were becomming good friends. Much had they in common, and they would face much more together.
"We're going to leave Coruscant for a while. We are going to Ukio. Xazor might be happier these days, but she needs time to heal from the troubles of her life. I need time to reconsider what I am doing and also consider if Xazor is ready to face the Trials. Somewhere safe and quiet." The words touched the woman's ears as she listened intently, and her heart stopped. "The Trials?! Oh yes! I am ready!" She burst, but quickly threw a hand over her mouth and breathed in through her nose. Marcus could not know that she had found out about this -- she wasn't supposed to know anyway, was she? He would have told her if it was intended for her to know.
Breathing in once again and gathering her thoughts, the young woman pushed open the door and walked out into the large room before her. There was a lovely picture -- Marcus holding Arwen and Quay speaking with her Master. It was much how Xazor had been once, so long ago. She had often sat with Marcus and spoke with him to learn all that she could. He would tell her stories of old and speak of his home. She had been like a sponge, absorbing all the information that she could. Now she was a very intelligent young woman, having grown in the ways of the Force as well as a Warrior. She was strong and independent, and of course, she was sure that she was ready to face the Trials!
"Good morning father -- Quay." The Knight bowed in greeting and gathered her white robes around her, sitting down beside the Padawan. Her smiled beamed from ear to ear and the sunlight caught her face, radiating the glow around her. Indeed, she had been happier as of late, and knew that this was the only path to healing. "So what's on the menu for breakfast? I'm starving!" The woman exclaimed just as Dexter approached the table. "Lady Xazor! He..he...he. What a pleasant surprise on such a morning! He...he...he. What can I get ya? The usual?" He questioned and Xazor simply replied with a nod. Her usual was the largest order of Pancakes that he had ever made, plus a load of butter and syrup -- and a large mug of milk. Her eyes nervously moved away from the alien's face and to Marcus's once again. She was full of excitement for a secret that she knew she should not even be thinking about. The Trials were no walk in the park, she knew that -- but to become a Jedi had been her dream. Not to mention the fact that going to Ukio had been something she had wanted to do for so long.
"So, how is everyone this morning?" She smiled and quickly changed the subject from her thoughts.
Apr 3rd, 2004, 10:57:21 PM
Ukio itself, the reader would be interested to find out, is a medium class inhabitable planet. It's gravity was .05 higer than galatic standard, it's day length was slightly longer than Coruscant standard, it's year was also the same. Where it differed was in the fact is was a highly fertile and well watered planet, with very few barren areas that were around the poles anyway. Lush and green, it was the perfect wolrd for food production and in fact, it was one of the top five exporters of produce in the Galaxy. In the time of Admiral Thrawn,t he planet was taken by the Imperials and it's porduction facilities modernised. When the Thrawn resurgance failed, enterprising farmers took control of the facilities, turning the farm co-operatives into the single most powerful political body on the planet. The Overliege had been shamed by their capitulation to Thrawn and hence a newer political structure put in place. In the intervening years, that structure had come back to the Overliege, a semi fuedal structure, but it was still beholden to the farming co-operatives.
The one it was said witht he most power was the ones on the southern hemisphere, on the huge plains of Acrilla, thousands of kilometers of lush land that had nothing but scattered communities, farmland, forests and millions of snaaks and nerfs, herders and of course, the farm homesteads / factories. the largest in the area of lowhold was the Desvelles holding, a place of rambling pastures and the best Ukio had to hold. It had been in the family for so many generations, it was impossible to know whom first built the first home, now a crumbled ruin near the existing homestead. it was a local meeting place of the farmers and it was once said that this was where the actual governing of Ukio took place.
Although if you asked the new Desvelles whom ran the farm, Simon, you would have gotten a denial. He was a large but modest man, not given to much expression, whom loved his land and all to do with it.
Tonight, the discussions however was on the news that his neigbour, Fregge Jonso was actually leaving! The gathered farmers, some whom had come in by super-sonic speeder, couldn't believe it. Fregge's family had ben in Ukio even longer than the Desvelles! But it seemed that the death of his wife and family in a fire at one of his factories had been too much to bear.
"Seems all he wanted to do after that was to bury his dead and leave" said Thommo, from the Highlands.
"Cant blame him" replied Desvelles, a committed bachelor, mid 30's. "That place would be filled of ghosts now for him. can't say I like whom he sold to tho"
"What, Barret?"
There was a set of collective groans and curses.
"No. Barret certainly put in a bid, but it seemed he got outbidded"
"Frell me" exclaimed another farmer from the other side of Lowhold, "Barret offered Fregge 100 million creds, or so I heard"
"No amount of money is worth selling to that scum" replied Thommo. "but I heard Barret won the auction? No one has money liek his backers"
"Someone does. Barret was plenty angry he lost"
"Sucks be to him. Who then Simon? You?"
"No, not me. I cant outbid The Consortium, though Fregge did offer to sell to me privately. No.... I got a strange tale here"
desvelles leaned back in his chair as he sought to remember the very, very strange night three weeks ago...
He had just come back from the funerals and where fregge had told him he was leaving. Desvelles was tired, emotioanl wrecage as he knew his neighbours well - the fire had been desetating for a whole lot of his workers as they had relatives whom also died. 117 workers gine when a thermal power plant ignited and then exploded, destroying the building Fregge's family had been in and so many others. what was really un-nervign was that Simon had left the building barely a half hour before the sound of devestation had rocked the plains. The explosion had been so huge, it was heard 78 km's away, right in this room he was in.
It had been so sudden and so shocking.
tonight. Desvelles had a glass of home brew, looking out the window of his home, out over the starry night and the single moon lighting up the plains. It was very late, but he wasn't even thinking about going to sleep. Too much on his mind, including the possible purchase of Fregge's farm. It would be a big financial hit, but it would keep it out of the hands of that bastard Barret. That was important, he mused. There could be no way the Corporation got a foothold here.
Knock knock
He nearly dropped his glass, he was so surprised. Someone at his back door? At this time of night?
"Hello? anyone home?"
The voce was oddly accented, soft but proected with a good deal of power, so it could be heard. Desvelles froze, before cautiously going to the door in question.
"Who is it?"
"Someone who wants to talk"
"Yeah? You part of Barret's little gang?"
A pause. "I dont know whom you speak of. But if it would comfort you, I come on behalf of someone who loves this place much and has been here before. That person wishes that you not accept Fregge's offer"
What? "There was no offer, I dont know what you are talking about"
Soft laughter and he realised there was two on the doorstep. A taller cloaked being and a smaller, lighter framed one. "Indeed. Master Desvelles, we come on behalf of a Senator and we can prove this is so. Might we come in?"
Despite his unease, he did so, lettign the two beings in. "Okay. Who are you?"
"Lawyers from Coruscat - Shark, Hustler and Shyster. Master Desvelles, we are acting on behalf of the Senator of Arcan IV and we have been, for the last few weeks, negotiating the purchase of the freehold of Fregge Jonso. Intil this most unfortunate incident, we were proceeding well as the family had a desire to leave, expressed to our client about 5 months ago"
Senator of Arcan IV..? "Excuse me, but who exactly is this Senator?"
"A High Princess Lady Helenias Evenstar, Jedi Knight to give her full title. She apparently has a desire to procure a homestead for when she leaves public life and Ukio was her preference. Thence, we have ebbn appraising property and approaching owners if they seemed willing and able to sell. We investigated this property, but deemed you would not favour an approach. We also noted that there is another group interested in freehold purchase and we are most keen to avoid any bidding wars or other unplesantries. Thence, even though we realise this is not an appropriate time, we wish to ask you to help us, if possible"
"Okay... so.... " he asked, caught flat footed. He stopped to think, then shrugged. "A Jedi? That's some story. I'm not buying it"
"No need to buy the story, for the proof is right before you" said the smaller one, as she took off her hood. "I came in person, Master Desvelles. I came to pay my condolances to Master Jonso in person"
Desvelles' jaw nearly hit the ground, as she took her cloak off, revealing a highly - no impossibly - beautiful woman, quite pregnant, the pointed ears the only indications he was not quite human. But more than that, she had one of those laser swords the Jedi possessed. But more than that, she smiled as his cup that he had been drinking out of hovered neatly in mid air, the woman taking hold of it. "Do you believe I am a Jedi now?" she asked.
Flabbergasted, he tokk a seat, indicating for his gusts to do so too. "Umm, so... what do you want from me?"
"Simple" she said. "Tell me what a fair price for Fregge's farmhold would be"
"... and that's about it. The Jedi I heard went to Fregge two nights later and paid him three times what I said - in real credits too. Not the rot Barret's been using. Since then, an agent of the senator has come to settle affairs and an overseer of farm business appointed. The fhomestead's been cleaned out and emptied, I believe reconditioners are coming to strip the fittings and change for her. Other than that,I dont know what her intentions are or wether she's coming here immediatly"
There was silence at the table.
"A woman comes here and buys one one of the best pasture lands for three times market rates??? 420 million?!? And she's one of those Jedi witches????!!!!!" exclaimed one of the other farmers eventually. That's insane!
* * * * *
Word of the pruchase had srpead in the intervening weeks. When news that Evenstar had been attacked on Coruscant while giving birth, the news proved more than a passing remark. Without even setting foot on the planet, the Jedi had become a minor celeberity. Typhoon, looing at one of the local holos as he sat drinkign a coffee, had a bit of think.
The sun outside was beautiful when he came outside. So good, he tripped over a cat, as he was staring at the sun
"Damn idiot" said a passerby
Marcus Telcontar
Apr 6th, 2004, 08:25:41 PM
A slight grunting laugh escaped Marcus, knowing exactly why Xazor changed the subject so fast. He and Dexter looked at each other in amusement. Arwen burped, before recommencing suckling on the bottle.
"Never better. And with the purchase contracts being approved by the lawyers, Helenias has the Lowhold farmholding in her name as of tomorrow night. If I have it right, it's the second biggest on Ukio, right up there in size to the Desvelles holding. Quite a place, I used to steal fruit from one of the orchids there. Never actually dreamed all those years ago it would be ours - but then again, I never thought I'd be a Jedi nor have a family like I have now"
"Is this the same place Helenias was after while I was her Padawan?" Quay asked
"Indeed. The old owner had a traqic accident and wanted out. She got the place for a good deal below what rumours would have say, I bet - but still, it'll put a decent sized dent in the bank accounts holding the TSE credits Scorpion and I stole a few years ago"
"Hehehe, only leave ya what, 10 billion?" said Dexter. Quay's jaw dropped as Marcus nodded and confirmed the exact amount, 11.34 billion.
"They cleaned out an entire planetary banking system. Marcus' mate got a fair bit, the Jedi have a secret trust account that makes donations to them, Marcus got the rest. What ya dotn know Miss Quay is that your Master, he has all sorts of business interests and investments all over tha place. All them computers up stairs makes the whole thing possible" explained Dexter. "57 Billion as of last night. Lady Evenstar has her own wealth too, not in the class of your here Jedi, but she be well off"
"That's how we afford the best equipment..... awww Arwen farted. How cute"
Quay'Na Rakai
Apr 6th, 2004, 09:04:40 PM
Quay'Na laughed lightly and shook her head. "Master, you won't think that when she makes a mess after doing that sometime and it's going up her back and down her legs." Quay stifled a giggle as she took another bite of her gooey concoction. After swallowing, she wiped her mouth and took a drink.
"By the way, Master. What kind of farm is this going to be? Grain, animal, both?"
Marcus Telcontar
Apr 9th, 2004, 01:53:57 AM
"Quay, you might be female, but right now, I know more about rearing children than you do. Think I aint faced a liquid bottom burp from Arwen before? You should have smelt the last one, it made Dexter smell like a bed of roses"
Dexter flipped the the Jedi a rude handsign, before waddling off.
"Fregge's farm, if I remember right, is mainly animal, with a grain area, mainly for getting the beast through winter. Desvelles, now you should see that place. Last time I was there, Old Man Desvelles was a firebrand, but he ran a good ship. I believe that he passed on not long ago and left the place to his youngest son. Not exactly the most appropriate of people, from memory..... maybe he's changed, but he used to be the biggest rabble rouser in the neigbourhood. Frec was the eldest and should have gotten the farm, but he went off planet and didnt return. Runs a restraunt on Coruscant, best damn nerf steaks...."
Simon Desvelles
Apr 9th, 2004, 02:23:05 AM
The farmhold was quiet, it was nearly midnight local time. The days tasks were well and truly done - the man now staring out the window moodily should have likewise been in bed hours ago, for he was supposed to be up at dawn. It was a farmer's lot in life, his day was strictly governed by the sun. But tonight, the tall, sun burnt and muscled man, dark unkept hair, sloppy clothes and no shoes found sleep hard to have. He was about 34, very handsome, just under 2 meters tall. His frame had developed against the hard, physical farm work he had to do, not a scrap of fat was on his frame, not a wasted kilo either. His hand had a cup in it, much like the night not long ago when that Jedi had appeared. Strangely, she had reminded him of Arya Ravenwing, someone he hadn't thought of in a long time.
Since that meeting, he had been rather unsettled. Evenstar had certainly had a presence about her and as big as he was, he was sure even if she was pregnant to the point of bursting, she could wipe the floor with him in a blink. But that was not what had caused him unease.
However, we are getting ahead of ourselves. The man here was Simon Desvelles, son of Grew Desvelles and the latest one to own and operate Ukio's largest and most sucessful farmhold. it should have been this way, but the other sons of Grew had left, leaving what Grew once called the most worthless human in existance to inherit the family holdings and business. Simon had spent his formulative years rabble rousing and skirt chasing, until he had met Ravenwing. He hadnt really told anyone else what had happened on that week he was gone, but when he returned, the change was extraordinanry. A man whom had not done a worthwhile hour of work in his life suddenly found himself enjoying the heartless and backbreaking work hearding nerfs and harvest.
It was a lot better than what was out there, the horror he had seen made him realise what was here and why it was important to feel the soil between your toes. There was no way he would ever go back out of the atmosphere and he could never understand how anyone woudl want to leave. So fate dealt the hand that saw him take the family home when Grew, pleased beyond words to see his worthless son become the best of the lot, passed away two years ago. Since then, Simon had lived in the sprawling home, normally not concerned how empty it was.
Except since the Jedi had been here. There was somethign familiar about her he didn't like, like he had seen her in the hell of Kuat. But maybe, it was Barrett causing his loss of sleep. Maybe it was a lot of things. Maybe it was the shocking deaths of Fregge's family. Maybe... yeah, maybe. Maybe it was him being silly. Yeah right. He looked out over the plains, bathed in moonlight. Everythign looked so peaceful, so beautiful, so perfect and natural. He sighed, taking a sip of his drink, think back to when he was young, a rebellious youth who had delighted in the type of nonsense Barrett was rumoured to use. And held the alcohol drinking record in Lowhold. That made him smile, even if the fight that had happened afterwards wasnt so funny. They had tried to steal the shoes off a dero, whom had proven himself to not be so pathetic as the normal deros. In fact, simon had been pummelled so badly, he spend a week in hospital. They had laughed afterwards, but they tended to give deros a wide berth, in case one of the grubby bums was that one again. Lowhold had attracted scum for a long time, but there also were the rough and tough ones, especially that guy Simon remembered was a hand on Fregge's farm - no one messed with him. No one talked to him either. He had disappeared when Simon was still young and never returned. He was still a legend tho.
Simon Desvelles finished off his drink, then decided to tryt o go to bed again.
Quay'Na Rakai
Apr 9th, 2004, 05:12:46 AM
Quay was quiet for a few minutes, she sat there contemplating an idea. No longer having her ferret, she was destined to have another animal. But, if this place was as big as he was saying, then one pen, two llama possibly wouldn't be too much harm.
"Master, I was thinking. Being a farm and such, how about getting a pair of llama? I'll take care of the pen and everything, won't be much different than Wildside and I've cleaned enough stalls there to do it professionally."
The Preacherman
Apr 9th, 2004, 07:19:36 AM
No one knew where he came from and he didnt say. In fact, on the part of his past, he would never talk. It was like this man's existance began the day he rode into Lowhold. Yes, rode and not on a speeder bike - he came on a four legged beast that was tempemental, bad tempered and bit anyone that came near. Yet, it also was quick - someone later claimed to see it run and near 50 kph. It's long legs and muscled body seemed purpose built for running and also for a human to ride.
But who rode in this day of speeders and repulsorlifts? Only primitives did that. And Ukio was no home of primitives. It was, despite it farming lean, quite at home with technology and the vast distances between farmholds and towns made a speeder a necessaty. No one walked those distances. No one rode. It was ridiculous to waste days on such treks, when a speeder could do it in an hour or two. Yet, this man arrived sometime after sunup, unannounced from the direction of the Rift Valley. No one had really seen him from afar, but when he was approaching, the beast he was on walking in a rolling, easy gait, it was one of the children who noticed first. He ran to tell his mum a stranger on an odd beast was coming. Sure, strangers were not so rare that they were remarkable - drifters and temp workers came here all the time unannounced. But not on horseback, as this beast people later found out was called.
His garb wasnt normal etiher. Mainly black, neat, with a brimmed hat. someone remarked he looked like an old time range worker, a herdsman. He did indeed have the impliments of a range worker on the saddle, but that was the end of the similarity. He had a strange white collar on. Others came to stare at what had to be an apparition. at least he seemed friendly enough, he touched his hat and said "Hi" or "M'dm" to some of them. Still, this was not normal.
he came to a stop outside of the local tapcafe. He dismounted in one flowing movement, his feet hitting the ground together. It was then you could notice his boots had some sort of metal wheeled spike. They rang and clicked as he strode to the doors of the tapcafe. He pushed the doors apart, strode into the bar with a fair bit of confidence and the air of a man whom had lived there his whole life. Heads turned to regard him. He ignored them, heading directly to the bar - at which point, he removed his hat, placed on the bar next him, then called for a drink.
The bartender sent over a shot of Corellian whiskey, which the stranger accepted and threw down in one hit.
"Not bad" he said, regarding the glass. His voice was rough and strong. "Genuine Corellian. That's rare stuff, considering who controls that system. How did you get it?"
"Depends. You a cop?" asked the bartender
"No, I'm a Preacher" he replied. There was a collective WTF? from those in earshot. A Preacher?!?
" A Preacher? what in tarnation you say your one of them for?" asked the barman. "Anyone with a lick of sense knows religion is for idiots"
"Good thing I'm not religious" replied the Preacher. "Gimme another one of those. And, where's a good place to stay?"
"How good's your credit wallet, Mister?"
"Good enough. God provides well for me"
The bartender scratched his head. Well, this man certainly didnt look liek one them religious nuts. If he had been pushed to say, he would have said this guy was too tough. He had a certain aura about him, a strength nothing would hide. "You really a Preacher, or you be joking?"
"No, I'm a Preacher.There's no joke"
"People in these parts would treat your knid as a joke" said the bartender, bewildered.
"No different from anywhere else. You were going to tell me where I can get a room"
"Oh - oh yeah. Here, upstairs if you want"
"Sounds good. I'll get my pack"
The bartender stared at the back of the stranger. "A preacher? You gotta be kidding me" said one of the patrons. "Who'd believe in that crap?"
"He does, obviously" replied the bartender. "Seems sane enough. Must be sorta brainwashed or liek that"
The Preacher took off the saddle from the horse, flicking it over his shoulder. He glanced up at the sun, his face soaking up the rays. a small smile broke onto his face, before he turned, spurs jingling, as he went back inside the bar.
Marcus Telcontar
Apr 10th, 2004, 06:25:17 AM
"Master, I was thinking. Being a farm and such, how about getting a pair of llama? I'll take care of the pen and everything, won't be much different than Wildside and I've cleaned enough stalls there to do it professionally."
"A... what? What the hell is a Llama?"
At least it wasn't a Krayt Dragon, he thought. Quay had a seriously worrying facination for the huge repitles of Tatooine, the largest and fiercest predator of all. He was pretty sure of that anyway, she had text dataviewers on them and also could rattle off a whole stream of faxcts on them. Apparently had even gone on an expedition to catch a Lesser dragon. She was nuts, he was certain - no one willingly went within a parsec of one of thise things, not unless they were armed with the biggest vehicle mounted weapon possible.
Marcus certainly wouldnt. And he was certifiably mad and had no problem facing down whole armies or Sith. But there was a line in the sand about what he would consider normal behaviour. tryign to pet a Krayt dragon certainly was not on that list.
Quay'Na Rakai
Apr 10th, 2004, 07:19:09 AM
"A llama is a four-legged pack animal from the system of Genora. It's a member of the camel family also called a Camelid." She told him.
"We had a few shipped into Wildside and I fell in love with the species, they don't really do anything. But, their fur can be sheered and sold to make rugs and clothing. People spend a lot of credit for the fur and they have races too on Genora, but those are a certain hybrid."
"Genora takes great pride in their llama's, Master. Mainly for the reason, they are the only place that raises them, but they are making them an open market now to get llama out and about."
Marcus Telcontar
Apr 15th, 2004, 06:43:48 AM
Marcus glanced at Dexter.
Dexter stared at Marcus.
What the hell is she talking about?
Dont look at me, she's your Padawan. She's too weird for me to deal with
"I would suppose so, although Ukio has very strict quarantine laws that I will not violate. If you bring some, you will have to get them passed as safe and in this case, I will not help you. It will be up to yourself to arragne this"
And look after them, he added to himself. Llamas sounded more trouble than they were worth... but he was prepared to give his Padawan the benifit of the doubt - this time, anyway.
Buzz Lightyear
Apr 17th, 2004, 04:43:31 AM
The doors to Dexter's opened,. Now, that in itself was not unusual - but what was unusual was the dress the being was wearing. A full space suit.
"Hello. Is the air toxic here?" he said.
Quay'Na Rakai
Apr 17th, 2004, 04:47:04 AM
"I'll take care of it all, Mas..." She stopped as the new guy walked in. Quay'Na blinked as she took in his strange uniform. "Ummm, no. The air is quite alright, sir."
Buzz Lightyear
Apr 17th, 2004, 04:51:40 AM
"Oh, thank goodness! For a while there I though this planet was lie ZZ Aplha Pural Z Alpha. Disgusting place that was"
The helmet went back with a whoosh. Which was actually pretty cool type of whoosh. This being radiated cool and sauve and confidence.
"Say, do you have any juice here? Us Space rangers live clean.... waht?" He asked as the guy witht he beard burst out laughing. "Waht's funny? Hey.... I know you, dont I? I dotn think I know your wife here tho"
Quay'Na Rakai
Apr 17th, 2004, 04:57:10 AM
"I'm not his wife, Sir." Quay smiled as watched Marcus laugh, she shook her head. "I'm his student, his Padawan."
She paused for a moment. "Space Ranger? I've never heard of a Space Ranger."
Marcus Telcontar
Apr 17th, 2004, 05:04:11 AM
From disbelief to recognition. He began to laugh, for he remembered the strange being from Xazor's wedding to shade Magnus, quite some time ago.
"I've heard about Space Rangers before Quay" he said wiping his eyes. "This is Buzz Lightyear. Yes, you know me, Buzz. We met at a wedding a few years ago. You have a good memory"
"Why, thank you sir!"
He gave an amused glance to Quay. "She's right, by the way. she's not my wife, you should remember whom that is. You trod on her toes at the reception"
Quay'Na Rakai
Apr 21st, 2004, 04:53:44 AM
Quay'Na gave her master a half smile at him comment. Trodding on Helenias' toes wasn't a good thing. This space ranger was lucky to say the least.
"Well, in that case I'm glad to make your acquintance, Mr. Lightyear." She shook his hand with a smile.
Xazor Elessar
Apr 21st, 2004, 12:50:24 PM
Xazor smiled to herself and shook her head, unable to believe this strange little creature that had decided to join them.
"So it seems you two have been getting plans set for things then, yes?" The woman smiled and glanced out the window, thinking of a wonderful trip to Ukio. It would be beautiful, from what she had heard. Quite different from Trilith, but beautiful in its own way.
"I expect I should like this journey."
Quay'Na Rakai
Apr 22nd, 2004, 04:22:51 AM
Quay'Na smiled at Xazor. She had gotten to know her a bit at Trilith and the two got along very well.
"Yes, I suppose that could be said. I can't wait as well." Quay'Na would be glad to be going away again and getting away from the hustle and bustle of Coruscant to a place to take quiet refuge. To allow herself to be more at peace with her situation. Right now, peace with her situation was far from, but she was handling it.
Tomorrow, she had an appointment with her doctor to see if everything was going to be fine. She looked at Arwen, how peaceful and completely dependant she was.
Quay'Na had been trying to keep herself busy to keep from worrying about her child, but sometimes it would sneak up on her. She wanted her baby, Anthony wanted her baby or at least he told her so. Quay wanted so much to believe him, but there were instances where self-doubt interferred. The Padawan couldn't blame him, if he just wanted to walk away, but this was one of those times....For better or for worse.
The Padawan shook her mind from those deep thoughts, though they were there,just buried so they wouldn't disrupt anyone. Epecially, right now. Her master had his daughter and Xazor was thrilled to be going to Ukio as was she.
The Padawan got quiet and took another bite of her cake savoring it.
The Preacherman
May 11th, 2004, 06:52:42 AM
evening a Lowhold could get quite chilly - not to the point of frost, for the latitude wasnt high enough for that. still, it paid to keep a coat of some sort. Most of the locals were used to this and had developed a lightweight coat made from nerf hide that suited what they needed well. Inside the bar, a real wood fire was going, adding an atmosphere to the old bar that no air scrubber could. It made the bar homely.
tongiht, the usual crowd were in. The Preacher was sitting at a table, quietly having a shot of drink and listening. Despite the curiousity of his arrival, theyre really seemed like nothing was remarkable about him. He smoked a strange 'cigar', but that seemed to be it. He didnt say anything. He just watched. Not like the usual religious nuts whom would preach at the drop of a hat. Eventually, he got up and wandered over to where a game of Sabaac was in progress, He looked over the players, stepped back as if he was thinking, then went to an empty chair at the dealign table.
"Deal me in" he said.
The other around the table looked the newcomer over. "You not gonna give us a sermon about the evils of gambling?" asked one fo the players.
"Now why would I want to do that and spoil a perfectly nice game. What's the bet and what's int he pot?"
"5 credits and 100 in the pot"
"Not much. You boys not been in this session long?"
"No sir. You'll be welcome to join us"
Sir? It seemed to be natural to address this man by an honourific. Sir, reverand, Mr Preacher. as the night wore on and the Sabaac game went on, it became clear that The Preacher was a good palyer - more than that, a very good player. He won quite a lot more than he lost and even if he didnt claim the pot in the end, he still had quite a pile of credits when the barman called last drinkks.
"YOu did well reverand" said one fo the players
"God provides" the Preacher replied, picking up the credits. "But he dont just hand out. You gotta go get it"
"so it would appear. How long you gonna be here, Preacher?"
"Dont know yet. Depends ont he souls that need to be saved, wouldn't you say?" The Preacher said that with a smile that would normally would have meant he was joking. But, no one could tell with tis man, for they had found out he had a perfect Sabaac face.
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