View Full Version : Unusual allies (Xazor)

Mar 29th, 2004, 07:12:30 PM
Southstar gazed out the large transparasteel window. The rain was pouring down relentlessly. Quickly his eyes darted to his chrono, it was barely seven in the evening but it felt like three in the morning. What a miserable, rotten day. Had he even been awake an hour when he got the call? No, his friend Viktor was murdered that morning and news travelled fast. The trip from Corellia to Kashyyyk was horrid. He hadn't eaten since that morning. And the police had been deciding amongst themselves whether or not they would speak with him... The list went on. He pressed his fingers on the bridge of his nose and rubbed the corners of his eyes.

"Mr. eh... Southstar?" a voice called from behind him. He turned around to face its speaker. The lanky man who was working with the Kashyyyk security forces turned his head downward to the right in order to avoid eye contact with the Sith. "The, uh, police told me they were willing to see you now."

Southstar nodded, "All right then." he said while trying to keep most of his anger inside. Hours, the police had kept him in the spaceport terminal for hours with the hairball Wookies and the rancid smell. Do these things bathe? he had asked himself more than once that day. Inhale.. exhale. This wasn't Sith territory, a burst of violent rage would only hurt him here. "Lead the way."

Southstar found relief in that the walk wasn't too far. The lanky man lead him to a closed off room that was usually reserved for searching bags. One, two three... Southstar counted to himself ashe scanned the room. Four!?! Four Wookies! It seemed a little overkill to him. Surely they knew that Southstar couldn't harm them on Kashyyyk. All four Wookies watched him carefully. The tallest one roared and the lanky man interpreted.
"Sit down." He spoke for the tall one. Southstar did as he was told and folded his arms across his chest. "So what do you know about Viktor? Why might he have been murdered?"

"I'm not saying anything until I get the full story." He responded and stared the Wookie in the eyes.

The tall one held his paw out in a stop gesture to the man and conversed with his associates. Then he spoke to the interpreter. "We've reviewed the holos and it seems the victim was stabbed in the left hand side. As of now, we do not have a suspect."

Southstar nodded his head and brought a hand to his mouth. Immediatly he knew something was amiss. How does one review holos and not have a suspect; especially the high grade holographs he knew Kashyyyk security was using. He wasn't getting the whole story. However, he was obligated to give some information he had. He needed the police, not the other way around. "Well, last year he had some dealings with some Hutts that had gone sour." The information wasn't anything spectacular, for the most part it was a lie. the deal went great. "The Hutts are rich, they likely hired a bounty hunter." There was no doubt about it, the thought had crossed the Wookie's mind already. But that didn't matter what he really needed was to see the holos. "I could tell you for sure if I saw the holos."

The tall one shook his head and let out a short bark. Southstar didn't need the interpreter to tell him no. "No." Said the interpreter. "You're wasting our time. We're done with you now." the man finished saying and opened the door. Southstar walked out and was more agitated than before. He wasn't going to find out who the murderer was through the police, that was for sure. Perhaps they're withholding the suspect's name from me because they anticipate I'll get to him first. He mused to himself. Agains he stared out the window at the drizzling rain.

"Miss Jedi." the same translator called.

Jedi? Southstar turned around to see a Jedi speaking with the lanky man. Unfortunatly, he couldn't pick up on the conversation. Finally the man parted with the Jedi and entered back into the room with the four Wookies. He approached the Jedi with his arms crossed. "And what business do you have here?"

Xazor Elessar
Mar 30th, 2004, 09:34:22 AM
Xazor suddenly turned around at the voice of a man behind her. She was a bit surprised when her eyes fell upon the face of someone she did not recognize. Obviously, he was a bit hostile to the Jedi and she could feel the darkness in his aura. "The police requested my presence." The words left her lips quickly and she attempted to walk around him, but this plan failed immediatly. He stepped before her, blocking the way out.

Folding her arms at her waist, the young woman sighed and looked down, knowing that he was seeking more answers than what she was providing him with. "I am a Jedi Knight and the police requested my help because I am a skilled mentalist. I see and know things that others do not and if they wish to solve this crime, I am their best bet." She stated dryly, hoping that this is what he was looking for. A sigh escaped her lips once again and the Garou attempted to move past him as before. Still, he shifted to stand before her.

"Please, sir -- I wish no trouble here. I just want to solve this crime and go home. It was terrible how this man was killed and since I was on planet, I decided to help so they enlisted me into the investigation. If I want to get anything done, though, you will have to move or I'll have to move you."

Mar 30th, 2004, 02:19:55 PM
"You'll move me?" Southstar was surprised, "Words of agression from the Jedi. I'm shocked." He said and smiled. He considered asking a few questions abou the case, but decided against it. He got barely any information from the police, getting anything out of her seemed unlikely. He sidestepped to the left and held his hand outstretched gesturing that the path was wide open. "Well you can leave now. I won't get in your way."

Xazor Elessar
Mar 30th, 2004, 03:24:37 PM
"Well it just happens that I'm no ordinary Jedi." A fanged smile crossed the woman's lips as she stepped past the man, still calm and collected as before. Obviously he was so wrapped up in seeing a Jedi be angered, that he missed the fact that she was completely cool. Even her lips were curled up into a smile most of the time, but that was no matter -- what could one expect from a Darksider?

Still something about him got to her curiosity and just as she neared the door, the Knight spun around on her heel and set her gaze upon him, a spark of curiosity dancing in her eyes. "Wait. What does it matter to you anyway? You're one of the Darkness, why do you care what my business is with this case?" She paused in her questioning, taking a few steps forward to reach the man. The Force spoke to her heart and told her that there was more to him then met the eye. Somehow, he was connected, and the Knight knew this.

"I saw you leave that room over there -- were they questioning you?"

Mar 31st, 2004, 02:26:17 PM
"No ordinary Jedi, that's a load of..." Southstar thought to himself as she walked by. He then turned and began to go his own way. It would be best to just avoid any more interaction with her, it could only lead to trouble.

He stopped and turned around as she spoke to him again. "I'm not a suspect if that's what you think." He said. These Jedi, always suspecting darkside as if it were the cause of all trouble in the galaxy. The darkside had only brought fortune for him. "The man murdered, Viktor, was a friend of mine." Yes, we Sith do have friends. he added to himself. "I'm doing a little investigative work myself and tried to find out exactly what happened. But the police have been stingy with their information."

Xazor Elessar
Apr 24th, 2004, 03:10:51 PM
Xazor shook her head. "So typical of him to assume that we Jedi always put a bad mark on them." Of course, Xazor was quite different. The only thing that separated this man and his kind from her and the Jedi was their beliefs. Otherwise, they were quite the same.

"Never trust a politician or the police, I always say." The woman smiled to herself as she approached Southstar. "Maybe I can help you then." She offered with a shrug. It would be more convenient if two Force users worked together anyway, and she knew he knew this too.

"We'll have to work together in the long run, if either of us want to find out anything. And since he was a friend of yours, that could help greatly."

Apr 25th, 2004, 06:19:46 PM
"Yeah, well I don't need your help." Southstar said though he knew it would be benificial. "I'll do this on my own." After speaking he turned his back to her and began walking down the long terminal. He could have said thanks anyway and pondered the possibility of actually working with a Jedi.

Lost in his thoughts he was startled by the loud beeping of a payholo. He was irritated at the likely prank. Honestly, who pranks a spaceport payholo? He walked over to it, pressed the recieve button and quickly hit the end button. Before he could turn around the obnoxious beeping started again. More irritated than before, he hit the recieve button and waited for the call to come through. A face coveved by a red cloth showed up.

"Sith Lord Southstar, correct?" The voice, indentifiable as a distorted male's. It wasn't often he was given the title 'Sith Lord', he had always found such titles to be stupid.

"Yeah..." He responded and crossed his arms. "Who are you?"

"Eh... Red. Red will do for now. I understand you are working on trying to find Viktor's murderer. Viktor was an old friend of mine and I wish to help. Listen, the police have an alterior motive: they have no intention of catching the real murderer, I think they're benefiting from Viktor's death somehow. They're hiding something, I know it."

As Red finished Southstar thought about how the police would not let him see the holos. His mind was made up, there was something on those videos he needed to see. "I think I know where they might be hiding their secret." Southstar said. "Give me some time and I'll find out what."

"Excellent, my boy!" Red said. The voice distorter could hardly hide his enthusiasm. "I knew you would be willing to help. I'll be in contact with you in two days, then."

Before Southstar could tell red he didn't know exactly where he was going to be in two days the transmission cut off and the holo faded. He turned away from the payholo and began walking towards the exit. How in the galaxy was he going to get ahold of those videos? That Jedi. The thought seemed ridiculous, why would a Jedi ever help him? Common goal maybe, if he could convince her the police were corrupt maybe she would help.

He turned around and began walking back to where he first met her. The idea seemed more and more foolish for every step he took in that direction. He finally got there but it seemed no one was around except the police. He reached out with the Force and came to the conclusion she was definitely around, somewhere. He stood around for a moment pondering what to do next. He couldn't just barge back into the police office. Maybe not barge, maybe politely ask to see her.

He walked to the door and knocked three times. Within a timely manner a massive Wookie answered. "I need to speak with the Jedi, only for a moment." He said then added, "Please."

The Wookie called over towards where the other ones had been before and the two shared a quick conversation. The Wookie at the door pointed to a row of chairs and grunted.

"I'll take a seat over there until she comes out, then." He said hopeing that it was what the Wookie wanted. The wookie nodded his shaggy head and shut the door as Southstar turned and walked to the seats.