View Full Version : Swiftness and Power (Open Spar)

Mar 29th, 2004, 04:57:42 PM
Spada stood with his hands in his pockets in the center of one of the many white, glossy training rooms. In front of him stood two thin, shiny droids who held blasters pointed at him. He quietly said,


The droids suddenly broke from their rigid stances and fired on Spada, who was pulling his saber out of his cloak and turning it on at the same time. He held his saber horizontally and blocked a high blaster as the other shot missed him. He briskly swung the saber down from the horizontal position, hitting a bolt towards the ground. He spun his saber at his right side and brought the saber up from the path it came from and met another bolt halfway. It ricocheted off and collided with one of the droid’s shoulders. It’s arm was torn off and its circuts overloaded, destroying the droid quickly and leaving the other droid alone to face Spada, who’s mind was completely concentrated on the one droid now.

The robot’s bolts chased Spada, who was quickly sprinting in circles around the droid to practice dodging and blocking while moving. He rolled forward towards the droid’s back-right and jabbed his saber out, performing what was known as a cho mok on the droid’s right blaster arm. The droid’s head drooped and it made a sizzling sound.

”I don’t think that the Council wants me destroying their droids.”

He deactivated his lightsaber and sat indian style in meditation, going over his movements and style of his lightsaber combat in his head. He suddenly sensed another mind nearby and looked towards the door to see who it was.

Rognan Dar
Mar 31st, 2004, 11:42:20 PM
Rognan watched a little of Spada's battle with the droids. It was quite impresive. Spada was farely new to the Order, but he could see that he catched on quick. His style of fighting was, he most admit, better then his own. But maybe he was better at fighting then he was. Well, Rog knew that he was not very good, and he had no problem admitting that. It might just be time to try and improve what he has learned.

"You know...I dont think those droids are going to be repairable. Are you paying for damage costs?"

Apr 1st, 2004, 01:40:19 PM
Spada was caught in the act. He looked at the droids and said,

"Oh-well...you see... the first one- I didn't mean to destroy. The other one, I guess I was too focused and didn't realize it. I'm sorry...I'll pay for it."

He reached into his pockets and pulled a small pouch out.

Rognan Dar
Apr 1st, 2004, 11:28:06 PM
"No, no. I'm not here to collect. I dont really mind either. Just admiring your skills with a sabre."

Rognan walked in further, looking back between Spade and the peices of the droids.

"How long have you been using a lightsabre? Or are you just naturally a fighter?"

Apr 2nd, 2004, 01:38:25 PM
Spada hooked his lightsaber to his belt,

"I haven't been using a lightsaber for too long, but I've been concentrating on it more than anything. I also used to use a Vibroblade, so I am aware of the basic movements."

Rognan Dar
Apr 2nd, 2004, 03:54:41 PM
"You are definatly skilled, I can see that. How would you liek to have a little spar? I would like to see your talent in action. Plus, I would like to excercise mine. Though, I must say, I think that you would be able to best me easily."

Apr 2nd, 2004, 04:54:34 PM
Spada pulled his lightsaber out yet again and replied,

"Naa, I'm not that great in a spar. Haven't really had a chance to practice it."

He ignited his lightsaber and held it with two hands at his right hip.

Rognan Dar
Apr 5th, 2004, 02:52:32 PM
"Well...we shall have to see how quickly you have learned then."

Rognan reached to his left side and took his lightsabre from its place on his belt. He then held it behind him, deactivated, with both hands.

"Are you ready to begin?"

Apr 7th, 2004, 01:11:30 PM

He slowly made his way towards Rognan, waiting for him to activate his saber also. He then remembered something and turned a knob on his saber. He kept note of his footing and how he held his lightsaber.

Rognan Dar
Apr 7th, 2004, 10:53:16 PM
Rognan watched Spada carefully. He noticed that he had not gone full into a attack, but was slowly moving closer. He most be waiting for a comfirmation by activating my sabre...hmm... But Rognan still just stood there, only his eye's where moving, looking over spada, watching his body as the muscils worked together to move him.

Apr 8th, 2004, 04:58:18 PM
Spada stood from his stance and said,

"Come now. It's no fun when the other person has no lightsaber."

he was trying to use this to trick Rognan into thinking that he was unprepared for an attack.

Rognan Dar
Apr 8th, 2004, 09:58:27 PM
"I agree. But if your enemy had no lightsabre, would you wait for him to get one so that it would be...fun? Think of every spar as if you were fighting your enemys. That is what combat training is about. If you hold back, just because it is someone you know, then you will lose the fight."

Apr 9th, 2004, 10:31:14 AM
"If I am fighting a person who wants to kill me, I won't wait for him. For now, I just want to practice fighting."

he shot back into a stance and stabbed foward towards Rognan's midsection.

Rognan Dar
Apr 9th, 2004, 03:14:12 PM
Through his careful watching, Rognan could see spada's attack coming before he excicute it. He then moved acordingly and dodged the attack.

"Yes, but even when your practicing you need to have the right mind frame," he said as he stepped back and once again waited.

Apr 9th, 2004, 05:02:58 PM
"But right now I am training for the fight. I have a different mindset while I am sparring with a friend, but I don't go easy on them."

Spada continued foward and followed up with a horizontal swing towards the right side of Rognan's chest.

Rognan Dar
Apr 9th, 2004, 10:36:05 PM
At this time Rognan activated his sabre and swung it around, stopping and holding Spada's savre in place.

"Well, to each his own on how he fights. Just though that I would try and give what knowledge I know."

Then, Rognan broke off of the hold and striked upward and spun at the peek of the attack and brought it around at mid height.

Apr 10th, 2004, 04:21:17 PM
Spada's blade was there to catch the swing. He rolled his lightsaber so that his wrist was turned down when he blocked the swing. He kept his saber on the inside of Rognan's and began to twist his wrist to turn Rognan's saber counterclockwise. He had it by Rognan's left shoulder when he pulled his saber off Rognan's, instead flicking his green saber vertically down onto Rognan's unguarded right shoulder.

(PM if it doesnt make sense)

Rognan Dar
Apr 12th, 2004, 03:47:24 PM
Rognan jumped to his left and rolled, coming to his feet and turning around to face Spada. He then charged forward slashing up vertically with one hand while kicking out with his right foot for spada's knee.

Apr 13th, 2004, 03:38:31 PM
Spada waited for Rognan to make the attack and as he made a motion to make an upward swing, he leapt into the air. Turning upside down, he grasped Rognan's shoulders and flipped over him, ducking quickly to avoid the backswing. Grasping the saber in one hand with the blade upside down in his hand, he made a slash at Rognan's right hip.

Rognan Dar
Apr 14th, 2004, 11:13:20 PM
Rognan quickly spins it upside down and stabs downward, almost digging into the floor, to block the attack. As he does so he flips forward, still holding his lightsabre in place and looking as if he was using it to balance, he brings his left foot down on spada's head.

Apr 15th, 2004, 03:58:21 PM
Spada brought his lightsaber up and as Rognan's foot arced and made its way towards his head, he made a downward swipe at his shin. He would still take the kick, but Rognan would be forced to take the hit to kick him.

Rognan Dar
Apr 15th, 2004, 10:29:25 PM
Seeing that Spada was countering his attack, Rog had to act fast or risk taking a major casualty. So instead of risking that, he instead adds more force to his movement and just flips over Spada's head before the his sabre got him. From his crouched position behind him, Rognan took the chance and kicked Spada in the butt with the back of his heel. Then he rolled away from spada incase he tried to counter.

Apr 16th, 2004, 02:45:51 PM
Spada's outstretched form was unable to stop the kick, but the upward force only caused him to be lifted a few feet which he recovered by rolling and turning around at the same time, turning around to face Rognan who was rolling away. Spada set himself into position and as soon as Rognan began to stand from his roll, he charged towards him swinging downward to catch him off guard.

Rognan Dar
Apr 19th, 2004, 10:11:56 PM
Rognan had enough time, after his roll, to see Spada's attack coming. And as he came he brought his lightsabre up with his left hand but did not stop the attack, he let spada's momentum continue to press down, Rognan falling backward with it. As he was falling backward he reatched out and grabbed Spada's hand with his right hand and pulled him down with him, putting his foot out, and kicked him over.

(OOC: If that doesn't make sense PM me.)

Apr 20th, 2004, 04:03:03 PM
Spada was caught off guard by this move, but he reacted in time. As Rognan grasped his wrist, Spada also clasped onto his forearm, locking him to Rognan with his powerful hand. The kick kocked a bit of wind out of him, but was more of a push and did not do as much damage. As he arced over, his hand grasping Rognan held on tight and he was not thrown from the kick. He arced over and as his feet made their way down, he bridged upside down and turned over so he faced down on Rognan and was standing at Rognan's head. Pointing his saber straight out, he jabbed it towards Rognan's right shoulder.

Rognan Dar
Apr 21st, 2004, 10:31:04 PM
Rognan was held down by Spada's iron grip. There was not much he could do about the oncoming saber. He could just see it if he strained his sight. There was one move that Spada would not expect. And the only thing he could do right now. So he did it, sending a force puch at spada, hoping to get his hand off of him, and to stall his attack.

Apr 22nd, 2004, 05:45:35 PM
Spada leaned foward into the stab, but the push came fairly unecpectantly. He stood by the push and resisted the bulk of it, but his momentum was thrown off so he could not hit him immediately. After regaining his senses, he brought his foot down to hold his lightsaber arm in place.

Rognan Dar
Apr 22nd, 2004, 09:48:07 PM
Rognan's plan work, sort of. It did what he wanted, which was to stall Spada. But, yet still being on the ground, didn't give him much time to try and get to his feet. Plus, he now hand both hands firmly stopped. Spada was yet to attack again after he planted his foot on his arm.

Rog brought his legs up, bending over his own body, and placed his them around Spada's head, clamping on it with all his strength he had in his legs. He then pulled his legs back down, bringing spada's head along with it, flipping him over his body and freeing his left hand.

Apr 23rd, 2004, 03:25:31 PM
Spada felt a tug as Rognan's legs went around his head. He began to fall foward and fell on top of Rognan. Using his legs, he wrapped them around Rognan's head and arm and began to scissor them tightly. Fighting to get Rognan's legs off his head, he leaned backwards and began to stand up.

Rognan Dar
Apr 23rd, 2004, 10:51:17 PM
Rognan could not do much in this new lock. Though he did have one hand free, and with it he could have used his sabre and chopped the legs off Spada. But he did not. Instead, he let Spada stand up, as he also lifted Rog's feet into the air as he continued to clamp his legs around his head. He it looked as if he was upright, Rog used his free hand and tugged on one of his legs forward, trying to knock him backwards.

Apr 24th, 2004, 10:08:51 AM
Spada felt like he was about to fall back and noticed that Rognan was trying to push one of his legs away. He remained firmly planted so Rognan could not push a leg away, especially since he was hanging upside down. Spada staggered around and struggled to get Rognan's legs off his head and he made a swing to nick Rognan's shin with his lightsaber to knock him off.

Rognan Dar
Apr 25th, 2004, 10:19:33 PM
Rognan was lossing his strength in his legs. He could not hold on much longer in this position. And taking the hit from Spasa's saber hilt only made it worse. He had no choice but to drop to the floor. Rog then took a cheap shot, one that he would not normally do to his fellow Jedi, but Spada left him no other options. He quickly de-activated his sabre and let go of Spada's head. As he dropped he forced out the end of his sabre toward Spada's crotch area, in great hopes of disabling him.

Apr 26th, 2004, 01:52:20 PM
Spada did not expect the shot in the crotch from Rognan. He accomplished what he wanted to do by knocking Rognan down, but suddenly he felt a surge of pain which caused him to jump and run into a corner of the room. He then called out jokingly,

"Ah, so you're goin the cheap way eh?"

After about a minute, he stood, still slightly in pain, and Held his lightsaber upright. He charged foward, pointing the saber outward, and slowed to a halt in front of Rognan. He feinted a stab at Rognan's midsection and instead made a diagonal slash from Rognan's right shoulder towards his left hip.

Rognan Dar
Apr 26th, 2004, 04:15:59 PM
Rognan landed with a thud. But it looked as if his plan worked. He wished he did not do that, but he couldn't have thought of anything else to do at the moment. As Spada ran off into a corner for a bit, Rognan stood up and used the free time to steady himself and reach into the force to strengthen him.

When Spada came at him, Rognan used the force to guide his movements. Instead of trying to block the feint, he instead rolled forward and right, completely clear from the attack. He then spun, his sabre and body, in a circle at Spada's knees.

Apr 29th, 2004, 06:30:21 PM
Spada's downward swipe saved him from loss of knee caps and allowed him to connect with Rognan's saber on the way down. He kicked the leg which was close to Rognan back and dodged the swipe, pushing Rognan's saber away from him to avoid a counterattack. Pushing Rognan's saber far enough, he broke from it and got into a good stance, ready to counter one of Rognan's attacks.

Rognan Dar
May 4th, 2004, 09:45:56 PM
After Rog spun in a complete circle, he rotated untill he was looking toward Spada. He then lunged forward, cutting up vertically, right up the middle of his body.

May 5th, 2004, 12:44:21 PM
Reacting just in time, Spada jumped into the air and stepped up onto his shoulder, pushing off and jumping away. He turned as he landed and prepared to defend the attack.

Rognan Dar
May 6th, 2004, 06:42:57 PM
Rognan stumbled forward from the pressure of Spada's leap. He turned his head around, before Spada landed. And just before he was about to land, he telekenetical pulled Spada's feet toward himself. Resulting in Spada about to land flat on his back.

May 7th, 2004, 02:54:01 PM
Spada began to fall but instead held out his hands to brace his fall, coming up like a push-up and pushing off the floor with such a force from his hands that he stood himself up. Making a half-turn, he concentrated with the force and launched a push as strong as he could to Rognan's face. As he did this, he turned fully and ran in to hit Rognan as he was recovering.

Rognan Dar
May 9th, 2004, 10:16:27 PM
Rognan's head wipped back from the push. He almost fell backwards too. But he spun around, back toward Spada, and was now moving forward from the momentum. If spada did that push any harder, he could have broken his neck.

Looking over his shoulder, Rog could see Spada coming at him. He then looked forward and started to run, Spada following him. There was a wall infront of Rog. He ran at it and as he did he flipped and swisted in the air. At the end of his menuver he planted his feet on the wall and launched himself off, heading right back at Spada with his saber outstretched for him.

(PM if confused)

May 10th, 2004, 02:42:36 PM
Spada began to fall for Rognan's plan until he realised it as he jumped in the air. Preparing himself, he suddenly hopped to the side as Rognan dove out at him, dodging Rognan's outstretched form. Seeing the man in a bad position, he swung down on a stretched stomach, controlling his swing to stop it in case he hit him.

Rognan Dar
May 12th, 2004, 10:08:01 PM
OOC: The twist in my last post was to make it that my back was up, I didn't explain it to much. Not a problem anyway. IC:

Spada caught on to his attack sooner then Rog hoped. As he was still going forward, now starting to fall, he brought his sabre above his side in hopes to block Spada's sabre as he falls.

May 14th, 2004, 12:06:55 PM
Rognan was saved for the time being by throwing his saber up in time to stop Spada's saber, but Spada continued to follow him and kicked his foot foward on the ground to connect with Rognan's abdomen as he was rolling from the dive. He kept his lightsaber up a bit to swing down if he countered the attack.

Rognan Dar
May 16th, 2004, 10:19:33 PM
As Rognan continued to fall, he stretched out is hand toward the opposite end of the room. And right before he hit the ground he moved faster, zipping across the room, in that direction, contacting with the floor seconds later, and was dragged untill his hand touched the wall.

He then stood up and looked back at Spada, now a rooms length between them.

May 20th, 2004, 05:39:04 PM
Spada flipped his saber to his side, holding it face down, and deactivated it. Quickly clicking it onto his belt, he said,

"Not bad for someone who doesn't specialize in fighting with a lightsaber. How long have you been in the Order?"

Rognan Dar
May 20th, 2004, 09:43:46 PM
"You would be surprised how much fighting is involved in the life of a Jedi. Weither you want to or not.

I've been here longer then I can remember. The days are long and the weeks are short. Quite easy to lose track of how long one has been here. And its not really a matter that tells everything. Many people are here for many a years and are at the same level of training as few gifted who are ahead. Its what you do with your time here that really shows.

But I must say, you are quite good with a blade. Much better then I thought you would be for being so new. That kind of proves my point about how you spend your time."

May 21st, 2004, 02:55:56 PM
Spada nodded in thanks for Rognan's comment saying,

"Thank you. I have mostly been training with a lightsaber, and my Master is going to teach me one of the more advanced forms soon. I must say in some of those situations, the force abilities you used were quite powerful."

Rognan Dar
May 21st, 2004, 09:51:26 PM
"I've done much of my training in more Force abilities then fighting. I'd prefer to not have to use a lightsaber whenever something becomes a problem. Though, I must say, that time hardly ever comes."

May 23rd, 2004, 09:59:22 AM
Spada nodded, saying

"I just figure that if I'm the best with a lightsaber, then I've lowered my chances of being killed by one."

Bowing to Rognan, he said,

"Thank you for sparring with me."

Rognan Dar
May 23rd, 2004, 10:09:22 PM
"No, thank-you. Its was a event that we will both learn and grow on. I was pleased to spar with you. You will become a great Jedi some day."