View Full Version : Original Planet

Rhea Kaylen
Mar 29th, 2004, 02:11:51 PM
Having just noticed Sable's thread concerning a similar topic, I realized it would be prudent to ask permission to launch my own original planet. It, too, is in the Unknown Regions, and, as Dasquian noted that many people do this, I wonder if it would be okay to do the same. Anybody? Thanks!

Morgan Evanar
Mar 29th, 2004, 02:43:42 PM
Um... why do you want a planet?

Rhea Kaylen
Mar 29th, 2004, 03:01:44 PM
For RPing and creative writing purposes. I actually invented the planet (called Imran) quite a long time ago. I'm just now bringing it to the forums. My character hails from Imran.

Mar 29th, 2004, 03:47:47 PM
Pretty sure nobody cares, unless your planet is a Death Star or something lame.

Navaria Tarkin
Mar 29th, 2004, 03:55:08 PM
heh Charley is right..make a description of the planet here so all of us can see :)

imported_Blade Ice
Mar 30th, 2004, 01:31:23 AM
Yes please do.

And hay i hail from the death star I'm not lame. Please don't respond to that.

Rhea Kaylen
Mar 31st, 2004, 03:31:41 PM
Okay guys. Thanks! (And sorry I'm late -_-;; )

Imran is located in the Aranio system, home to planets Maera (gaseous, uninhabited), Calo (inhabited), Imran (inhabited), and Aelia (inhabited). The sentient race of Imran is (big surprise here) the Imrani. Imran is a little smaller than our earth and, as Aranio, their sun, is cooler than our sun, Imran is generally slightly colder than earth. Average summertime temps rarely rise over seventy or seventy-five at the equator.

Imran has five continents: Juno, Ardia, Doryca, West Malre, and East Malre. Most of the action in my fictions happens on Juno, the largest and most populous of the continents, and location of the planetary and system capital, Aranio City. Imran has no native currency--the barter system is usually employed, though Republic credits are recognized for some transactions in the major cities. Imran is not a member of the Republic, or any group for that matter. For the most part, it has been completely segregated and hidden from the rest of the galaxy for most of its existence.

Government of Imran can only really be described as presbyterian. Most of the population live in scattered, small villages sprawled across the rugged, untouched landscape (my "avatar" is a pictoral approximation of Imran). Villages, towns, and cities are governed by a panel of elders, and the villagers meet at every full moon for a village Council. Women and children attend but are not allowed to participate--only one male from every household has a voting voice. Twice a year, at Midsummer and New Year the elders from every village on a continent travel to the continental capital for Assembly, a continent-wide version of Council.

The Imrani are, by nature, friendly, innocent, and intelligent people. Their great loves are, in no particular order, food, guests, family and friends, and learning. All Imrani are born Force-sensitive. Imrani are generally shorter and stockier than humans, have nut-brown skin, and jet black hair with white stripes (which are, by the way, a means of identification, like fingerprints--no two Imrani have the same hair pattern). Their eyes are dark blues, browns, purples, and, rarely, greens, and they have extraordinarily thick, bushy black eyebrows. Exception: albinos/hypopigmented indivduals have slightly paler skin, pale blue or pink eyes, and white hair with silver stripes.

Imran was discovered some two thousand years ago* by Jedi explorers, who taught the populace rudimentary Jedi skills in order to control their Force-abilities. Some exceptional Imrani students became full-fledged Jedi; a very few (as Imrani are homebodies) went to the Temple to train. After a number of years, however, the Temple and Imran lost touch with each other. Additionally, the birth of a local, vicious space-pirate clan known as the Planet Hawk Pirates effectively shut off that area of the galaxy from much travel. After that, Imran slipped into obscurity again. Children are still trained in low-level Jedi arts to control their abilities, Republic credits circulate occasionally, and the populace has adopted a heavily-accented version of Basic that in some areas is more or less hybridized with the ancient, now-defunct, native tongue. Other than that, Imran exists entirely independant of the Republic, as does the rest of the Aranio system.

*This time-bloc is subject to change as soon as I can cross-reference it again w/ my "Essential Chronology."

Any other questions/suggestions/caveats?