View Full Version : *wants to kick the RMIT computers very hard*

Azhure Darkstone
Mar 28th, 2004, 10:02:57 PM
OK, I'm supposed to be using publisher to create the my youth groups music books for youth mass at the church and hey - the publisher on this censored bucket of bolts wont open it up. I'm really starting to wonder why i was given this job.
First it was the email problem, and now this.
Apparently this bucket of bolts wont open the publisher files because its a different version - fair enough, accept this is a bigger version so shouldnt it upgrade the file properties? Also the guy who's in charge of the project is currently being bugged by me and I'm waiting for him to tell me to stop annoying him.

So I'll refer to you guys, does anyone know any backdoors to open a publisher file on a different version?

you know its probably a simple solution but right now im so frustrated my brain isnt working properly.

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 28th, 2004, 10:06:44 PM
My auto answer is Publisher is a true heap and to be avoided at all cost.

My nice answer is that ... I have no idea after racking my brain, for unless you have a newer version, there should be no problem. I know Publisher is not backward compatible.

Azhure Darkstone
Mar 28th, 2004, 10:10:29 PM
I agree, i would have rather used quark or indesign, I've used them before. sad to say Ive never really used publisher, and not planning to after this any time soon.