View Full Version : Casting Call -

Mar 28th, 2004, 08:26:16 PM
:\ I wasn't exactly sure about which tag to give this thread, so hopefully I chose the right one.

Anyways, I am searching for up to five players to fill in a few parts for an upcoming rp. Besides using the rp to introduce a new planet and get something started for this character that I've let sit idle for too long, this upcoming rp will (hopefully) get a few of those in the Senate involved and perhaps some from other factions as well.

I don't really want to say too much about what's involved in the storyline but I'll mention a few of the things: revolt, political uphevel (on her planet), intrigue, murder, war, wide-spread disease, and much more.

I already have my "bad guy", but could use a few more, truth be told. I also need someone who can portray a High Ruler and members of the High Council, Political Advisors, Military personnel. I suppose if someone feels like it, a few ordinary citizens from Sable's planet (located in the Unknown Regions) would be nice, too.

Anyways, if anyone is interested, please send me a pm.
