View Full Version : Yavin forums?

Mar 28th, 2004, 08:11:52 PM
I have a few questions. In the event that the answers are painfully obvious, and should have been known to me, you may slap me once for every obvious answer. Anyways, the questions are:

1: When did we get them, and why?

2: What purpose do they serve?

3: What are the restrictions on posting to them?

I'm just wondering...I don't wanna go doing something stupid with them.

Figrin D'an
Mar 28th, 2004, 08:30:45 PM
Lots of details will be provided soon. Morg and AB are the point-people on this, though, so if you want permission to post there, contact one of them.

The Yavin forums are strictly IC, serving similar roles as their Coruscant counterparts. It's a way for GJO to branch out IC, by establishing a training facility on Yavin IV, the location of the order before the return to Coruscant. Students will be selected to partake in the venture, to live and train on Yavin IV for a period of time. There may be a rotation of sorts involved, and from time to time, Jedi may make the trip between Coruscant and Yavin to visit, conduct GJO business, etc.

Announcements will go up soon, explaining things more clearly.

Mar 28th, 2004, 11:12:41 PM
Ah, coolness. Thanks Figrin.