View Full Version : The Unborn of Chaos

Mar 26th, 2004, 06:13:52 PM
Kane looked over his shoulder quickly to see what he had sensed behind him. Nothing more than a large rat poised on the shelf. He slowly turned back to the work table, his gloved hands resuming their previous surgery.

His hands moved along the internals, one hand holding a tool and the other guiding along the wires and synthetic muscles. He constantly checked the several data pads on the small table beside him. Their data was projected as holographic data and he followed them precisely using his force attuned perception. He occasionally used the force to assist in holding back parts or moving pieces where they would perfectly fit without human hands to guide them.

His force powers failed in their use of mental faculties against others and Kane had used them mostly to enhance himself with the rushing flood of power he could focus and call upon. Once being a rogue user of the lightside, he was now a warrior of the shadow, calling upon the frustrating anger and hatred of the darkside. So many things had been lost as he remembered the then and there. Isolated, alone, how perfect? And yet it had asked for the upcoming fate as his pessimistic mind now reviewed it.

The disease... the one that had stolen from Kane the primordial bacta fused with his circulatory system. It had granted him rejuvenation at an amazing rate and an agelessness he had taken advantage of. But now it was lost, being forced to remove his blood and the marrow of his bone and replace it synthetically at such a high price. It had put him out of commission for so very long.

The nightmares during that time... And to wake up to a new world? Anything he had laid claim to before waking up was no longer his own. He woke up in a reality that was not his own. His veins and arteries were now outlined scars that would never heal. His endless life now quite the opposite. Unaccepting of what life had done to him already and the new events that occured, Kane forsook that ideal life behind him and welcomed the darkside and its influence.

He had quickly realized after the first drastic blood drains and the amount of money spent that Kane would require life support if he were to continue. Kane got several other transfusions before the idea crept across his mind. The Vampyres. A race that like him constantly required blood. But his ways were not their's and he was not about to join their ranks either. But they were the blue print to his creation. The Unborn.

He sold the deed to his ship, wherever it had gone, and a few other of his belongings to get enough money to get the plans made and all the materials. He believed his own abilities in mechanics would be good enough to build it.

The Unborn was an exo-skin, designed for Kane's style of combat and to support him when he was inside. It had vampyric capabilities, built to extract blood from a victim within its grasp and transport it into Kane. It was efficient in most aspects in enhancing Kane physically but it had several drawbacks that Kane was afraid he would have to make up for as best as he could. Changing in and out of the suit required the Coffin he had designed and that took possibly too long if he was caught off guard. It had formidable weaponry but the lack of long range weapons depended on what Kane carried otherwise. It had a long power supply itself but it wasn't eternal, not that Kane expected to take it out very much.

One thing he desired more than his immortality was that most of the technology incorporated was from Sith architect files for these constructs. Kane followed the directions but to power them he required stones imbued with the darkside. Not easily come by and the only place he could figure were possible to find at no low price was Roon, home of the vampyres...

Mar 26th, 2004, 06:57:43 PM
Kane lifted one piece of the arm up and slid the limp limb into the sectional coffin designed for testing. He then followed his own arm into the cool slick steel of the armor and grimaced as he activated the module.

His body shook as the exo-skin latched onto his own painfully. Several needles pierced his skin and wires attached themselves to its surface. An extension of himself now, the bladed and segmented exo-skin moved as quickly as if it was his own. There was no lag time and no delay. Kane picked up a coin and slowly rolled it between the deadly fingers with dextrous ease. He was pleased. It had a few other functions but still unusable without supplied darkside to feed them.

He sensed the rat move again and he impulsively turned, the joy of the armor working as a success overwhelming. The large blade on the forearm sliced out in one step and peirced the skull of the rat exactly as Kane had intended. Like a fork, Kane lifted the rat up and smirked, his sunglasses already analyzing the dead form as the optical computers were supposed to.

But then the carved in veins along the exo-skin quivered. Kane's eyes opened wide in shock as he saw the dead figure almost deflate and drain. He flung his arm to the side and the body slid off but it had already retrieved it.

The rat blood traveled through the skin, was purified and then fused into Kane's bloodstream. He screamed in pain as the blood was rushed into his system quickly. The synthetic marrow would painfully revitalize the blood and make it more adaptable to his system until the blood expired and he was required to find more. Kane was slowly getting used to the immense pain of the process, slowly.

Kane staggers to the module and releases himself from the exo-skin, collapsing into the chair. Almost finished...with several test runs to perform before he went in search of the Roon stones. After resting for sometime, almost fainting from the pain as the blood ran through his system, He replaced the arm with the rest of the body and finished more work. Kane pulled the Coffin forward and pressed a plate on the outside of the exo-skin. It closed together, forming the actual visage of the Unborn. His hand ran along the shapr jaw line of the suit.

"Unborn, my new love."

The skin was lifted carefully into the open folds of the coffin and the coffin closed. The symbol on the lid sprang to life informing him that the suit was dormant and charging for the first time.