View Full Version : Small steps (Razvan)

Mar 26th, 2004, 09:38:48 AM
It was early in the morning and Southstar wondered again why he started these training sessions so early in he morning. It must be good for something. He turned around and faced the entrance waiting for his latest apprentice to show up and begin his training.

Mar 27th, 2004, 04:16:56 AM
Razvan walks through the entrance 15 seconds early and walks infront of His new Master

"I am here!"

Mar 29th, 2004, 06:38:05 PM
"Good. We're going to start with some testing today." Southstar bent over and picked up a rock. He rolled it in his hand and continued to speak. "We're going to see how in tune with the Force you already are. Sometimes, apprentices may be using the Force even though they don't know it." he cocked his arm back and let the Force flow into his muscles. He launched the rock into the air. It soared much farther than any human could have possibly thrown it. He turned back to Razvan, "I don't expect you to throw as far as I did, but you will in time."

Mar 30th, 2004, 03:03:04 AM
"okay! I guess its my turn, hope i dont dissapoint you in my first trial..."

Razvan slowly bends down and picks up a different stone
he tenses his muscles feeling a weird feeling in his muscles...


Then He throuws it only 3 quarters the way that Master SouthStar threw it.

Mar 31st, 2004, 07:14:38 PM
"Impressive." He said quietly as he studied the distance. "Well, your strength is good, the Force is with you. But to prove it wasn't a fluke, you will complete another test."

Southstar began walking to the training grounds wall and motioned with his hand for Razvan to follow. "This will not only test your strength, but your endurance as well. It is about half a mile from this point, moving around along the wall, to here again. It shouldn't take you more than twenty minutes to make four laps around." He stopped there, it was pretty obvious what he wanted Razvan to do. "Start when you're ready."

Apr 1st, 2004, 12:42:06 AM
Razvan walks facing the running ground...

"Thank you, i tried, not this test shouldnt be much of a challenge"

Razvan begins to jog the first lap
Then the second lap he starts to run faster
The Third one A Little faster
And The Fourth one the fastest.

Razvan stops next to Master Southstar and checks his timing



Apr 5th, 2004, 01:36:43 PM
"You are physically powerful, but how sharp is your mind?" Southstar asked. As he spoke he allowed his mind to overtake Razvan's. Through the mental connection Southstar ordered Razvan to take hold of a thorny bush nearby. If Razvan was mentally strong, he would resist. If not, he wouldn't be hurt greatly.

Apr 6th, 2004, 01:45:49 PM
Razvan looks down and closes his eyes whilst staying in the same position.

The pain grows


But still no movement