View Full Version : I've come to pick a fight (open)

Vren Demos
Mar 26th, 2004, 12:00:34 AM
Vren popped his neck and activated the suit. After a few months he had finally learned to enjoy the pain that came with the tiny organisms popping from their homes on his chest and slowly covering his entire body. The organic suit eased over sinking in tiny, hook-like nerve endings which Vren controlled with his mind. Or at least some of the time, as he had become familiar with the suit it to had become familiar with him. Now with enough credits in his pocket to be well off for a while, Vren was bored.

Without pause he slowly walked into the bar and allowed the suit to just barely come up to his neck while covering the rest of his 6'5" frame. Smiling he quietly walked to the bar, attempting not to project a don't mess with me attitude. Signalling to the bar tender he ordered a Hapan ale and waited.

Apr 4th, 2004, 08:53:06 PM
"Back so soon?"

The voice was familiar, and as Vren twisted his back to look over his shoulder, he saw, too, so was the face.

"You either cant get enough of our good rum, or Poseidon's is the only bar in the galaxy that will serve you in that outrageous skin suit. My credits are on the later."

Hera quirked one eyebrow at him in amused questioning.

Vren Demos
Apr 5th, 2004, 08:18:17 PM
The instant Vren heard the voice he smiled a little and turned. Forcing himself to relax Vren nodded toward the seat at his small table. He had come back soon, but then with a new ship and his buisness taken care of he had honestly nothing better to do.

"Both actually, although I have not been kicked out of a bar in this as of yet."

Vren bowed from his seat to Hera and gazed around the bar. The suit shifting on his left arm, making his shirt move as though a small animal was running beneath it. At a mental command however it stopped and Vren shifted in his seat, he hated when the suit influenced his mood.

"Buisness running smoothly?" Vren asked akwardly.

Apr 8th, 2004, 02:26:36 PM
"As smooth as a Gungan's ass" she replied with a grin.

Sitting down, she allowed herself a genuine smile.

"Its nice to see you again Vren. I trust you've been prospering since we last met?"

Vren Demos
Apr 8th, 2004, 06:55:58 PM
Vren blushed he was not used to women, especially beautiful ones, talking to him in such a way.

"It is always a pleasure my lady. And if by prospering you mean I have not been shot then yes I am. At least not incapacitating yet."

He rubbed a small burn wound on his chest, from a recent scrape with a Hapan bounty patrol, without thinking and Vren smiled then his brow furrowed in puzzlement.

"Although even with a new ship and a little bit of street credit I have not had much work. In fact if I do not receive work soon I will do something a little stupid I am afraid."

Apr 9th, 2004, 05:11:27 PM
Hera laughed as Vren blushed - he would get used to her manner soon enough. Everyone did.

Her question of prospering was a redundant one - Hera had put the word out for any information regarding Vren. She'd heard he had run in with a certain hapan patrol and had handled himself well. He omitted telling her of this encounter, so she kept her knowledge of it to herself.

"Im glad to hear youre still hungry, so to speak. I could use someone like you on my crew, if you are interested...?"

Vren Demos
Apr 12th, 2004, 02:49:25 PM
Vren tried quickly to hide his excitement behind his stony features then felt the suit squirm in response to the emotion, a job here would be prime. A small sense of pride washed over Vren, his loyalty did not come easily but when it did...

"If you think I would be of use then I would be honored to be a part of your crew."

Vren did not meet Hera's eyes. Salary, benefits and job descriptions were not something you discussed. In all Vren was just happy that he would not have to go back to Hapes and most likely be fragged, at least not yet anyway.

Vren Demos
Apr 20th, 2004, 05:38:31 PM
At a nearby table a tall blonde man suddenly stood and from beneath his jacket pulled a Mer-Sonn D-4 blaster. The man's posture and dark blue eyes immediatly made his race clear, he was Hapan and judging by his hardware a special forces agent.

Hera's reply was cut short as three bolts struck Vren in the chest and abdomen before he could dodge sideways. The bolts hammered Vren from the table blowing holes in his tunic, in his mind the suit let out a high pitched wail as it was caught unaware and the lowest bolt burned through to his flesh. Vren hit the ground and rolled sideways the suit already slowly repairing the damage to his side with special enzymes as best it could. Without a command from him the suit cleanly slid over his face covering his entire body.

Vren quickly adjusted and pulled his own blaster, and he winced as blaster fire from the bar's door whizzed by his head, of course they always work in squads of six, Vren thought and prepared to make his move.

Apr 24th, 2004, 10:06:11 PM
Such an incursion against Poseidon's Gate would not be tolerated. Being the unofficial contact point for ShadowFaene's business, the Bar was well protected and monitored despite its hole-in-the-wall atmosphere.

The moment the blonde man opened fire, Faene's security went into overdrive. The shooter from the doorway was mowed down in a hail of blaster fire which came from behind the bar. Five unsavory looking men bolted outside, spraying the immediate area with blaster fire to supress and deter any further advancement.

As for the blonde man, he found himself relieved of his weapon and suspended in the air by a force he had no way to combat.

Hera pulled him forward using the power of the darkside, her ice blue eyes burning with fury.

The Sith Master did not take her eyes from the attacker now being held helpless infront of her while she spoke to the ex-hapan native wounded and sprawled at her feet.

Her voice was hard and deliberate, conveying to the blonde man that he better hope the reply she got was a "yes"

"You still alive, Vren?"

Vren Demos
Apr 25th, 2004, 06:47:49 PM
Vren stood his and gazed around the room at the amount of blasters and other weapons being holstered or hidden beneath jackets or other clothing.


Vren said his voice sounding unhumanly deep and hollow from within the suit. The suit responded immediatly to his discomfort from standing and peeled back from his face which was covered in sweat. His eyes still held a dangerous light bluish glow, the aftershock of the suit's combat phase.

"Damn special forces agents, it appears I am worth more than I had first anticipated."

Vren holstered his blaster and the room swam as the suit applied enzymes to speed tissue regrowth to his burn. He nearly tilted sideways, and steadied himself on the table.

"I thank you for that. I doubt if the suit could've taken another blast like that."

Ashamed for needing the assistance Vren wearily picked up the knocked over chairs and avoided Hera's eyes instead fixing his angry gaze upon the squirming special forces agent suspened in the air. This one might be useful later, Vren thought regarding the helpless man.

Apr 26th, 2004, 12:22:09 AM
"Leave the chairs" Hera ordered.

"What do you want to do with this?"

referring to the suspended offender.

Vren Demos
Apr 26th, 2004, 02:24:35 PM
Vren moved closer to the helpless man, and spoke harshly and quickly in Hapan.

"Ili, ah fena arai? Fena arai! Ish ben alacahc?"

The man snarled and spat at Vren. Then the man replied quietly and smiled defiantly. Vren shook his head and reached forward; from his left wrist a long blade emerged from the suit and Vren slammed it into the man's throat then Vren watched as the life bled out of him.

"He is worthless, I will have to go to the Captain of the team if I seek any information."

May 9th, 2004, 01:10:42 AM
She watched in morbid enjoyment as the man bled out, the fire in his eyes diming, then dying altogether.

Severing her hold of him on a whim, the dead man dropped in a heap to the floor.

Then, his life and the taking of it as inconsequential to her as that of a bug crushed under her boot, Hera spoke to Vren.

"Would you like some company when you visit this Captain?"