View Full Version : Haircut

Morgan Evanar
Mar 24th, 2004, 10:45:27 PM
I need a haircut, and have an appointment to get one soon. I need suggestions as to what to do with my mop. Post pictures of what you think I should get. Right now panic is down, but most of you who are likely to suggest something have a pretty good idea of what I look like.

Taataani Meorrrei
Mar 24th, 2004, 11:07:12 PM
High & Tight man

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Mar 24th, 2004, 11:09:58 PM
Leave a touch of length to it...maybe a few spikes?

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 24th, 2004, 11:16:27 PM
HIgh and tight can = three inches on top, although I don't reccomend that much.

That being said, my vote is for high and tight, but not quite military.

Morgan Evanar
Mar 24th, 2004, 11:22:33 PM

I only have a vauge notion of what you all are talking about.

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 24th, 2004, 11:31:53 PM
Go the Guy Pearce look in Memento.

Mar 24th, 2004, 11:37:38 PM
How about Blink 182s Tom Delonge look? You have the length of hair for it, you could get it trimmed and styled to look like that. Guy on the right of the attatched image.

Dae Jinn
Mar 24th, 2004, 11:41:48 PM
Dru - ew, no.

I'd say short(er) but not too short, because I think you have great hair already.

Gav Mortis
Mar 24th, 2004, 11:43:50 PM
Short is so boring though, everyone has short hair lately and rather than losing all his hair in a flash, he might as well do somehting with it first. I'd reccomend styling your hair to something similar to in that pic, there's a great pic of that style, not on Tom, but on another guy and I have to admit, it looks great.

Morgan Evanar
Mar 24th, 2004, 11:50:23 PM
It grows out really quickly. I'm sort of done needing a handful of shampoo, so something short would be nice.

Mar 24th, 2004, 11:59:46 PM
Alright, I wouldn't suggest going for short and spikey though; it's been the in thing for ages now and I'd personally go for something different if I had the length of hair. Here's another pic, sorry it's cheesy boyband heaven.

Guy on right.

Mar 25th, 2004, 01:03:50 AM
Colin Farrell'ish is good:


Dasquian Belargic
Mar 25th, 2004, 02:07:11 AM
Originally posted by Marcus Elessar
Go the Guy Pearce look in Memento.

:love yes please.

or like this:


Mar 25th, 2004, 05:35:27 PM
Or ask the hairdresser if you have a regular and trust them - take a bungee jump.

Morgan Evanar
Mar 25th, 2004, 05:59:44 PM
I'm not really a regular anywhere. Either you pay big money (I'm going to this time) for the place my mom goes to, or you roll the dice. I don't feel like rolling the dice right now.

Abbyka Laine
Mar 25th, 2004, 06:03:51 PM
Cut it short and spike it then dye it blue.... and I'll be all over you... Mmmm sexy.

Did I just say that? Oops... crap. O_o

Xazor Elessar
Mar 25th, 2004, 07:30:48 PM
Originally posted by DarthHERA
Colin Farrell'ish is good:


Verrrrrra nice. I love this hairstyle. This is something along the lines I would suggest. It looks bood and it's easy to manage. :)

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 25th, 2004, 07:56:50 PM
I hate to disagree (okay, that's wrong, you know how much I liek to disagree :p ) But the Farell look screams to me of Dont Care about styling. It's a mess. It's the male equivalent of a bad hair day. It's what I look like after waking up from a rally the night before. I look like a disaster zone and so does Farrell there. ewwwwww.

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 25th, 2004, 08:05:34 PM
Colin Farrell never looks like a disaster zone. Colin Farrell always looks like a sexy Irisher.

Would you rather go with what a man thinks is sexy, or what mostly all women think is sexy??

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 25th, 2004, 08:20:06 PM
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville
Colin Farrell never looks like a disaster zone. Colin Farrell always looks like a sexy Irisher.

Would you rather go with what a man thinks is sexy, or what mostly all women think is sexy??

Well, I'm no Queer Eye for the Straight guy type of stylist, but IMO, he's got better hair days. The one linked looks bad. He's obviously been on a pub crawl and few womenz bonky bonky, only had 3 hours sleep in three days......

And as I said, that's what I look like after a rally. and it's NOT an attractive sight int he slightest.

Mar 25th, 2004, 08:55:11 PM
Go for the Conan O'Brien hairstyle lol

Sanis Prent
Mar 25th, 2004, 09:14:16 PM
I'm growing my hair out long-ish again.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 25th, 2004, 09:15:51 PM
Shut up Mark. *Shoves foot in his mouth* Okay, now that the comments from the peanut gallery have ceased..... ;)

*Runs from the pan*

Anywho -- I think that he looks very nice with that hairstyle. Nothing sloppy or unattractive about it. It doesn't say that he doesn't care about the way he looks, on the contrary. It says that he knows he looks good no matter which way his hair falls (and obviously, this is verrrrrra nice). :)

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 25th, 2004, 09:22:38 PM
The scream is not the typical one of yore. It was muted, but with a foot int he mouth, screaming is usually muted. And the tinea leaves a bad taste. But did you know tinea tastes like white cornflakes?

wait, wandering off point. The point being Marcus is screaming something - and if you listen carefully, it sounds a lot like.....




:: Xzaor suddenly finds her undies (apparently according to dasquain, she wears a lace G-String, so this has GOT to hurt!) wrenched upwards and she is lifted straight off the ground! The elastic of said undies is hung over a ceiling fan, which is attached to a turbo Subaru motor - which revs, spinning the fan at 7000 rpm! With a howl, Xazor is flung far away, landing in a pile of three week old kitty litter! ::

:D The Force Wedgy returns!

Dae Jinn
Mar 25th, 2004, 09:25:51 PM
Originally posted by Sanis Prent
I'm growing my hair out long-ish again.

Yay :D Charley, you always look great with hair.

Morgan, if you're going to get it cut, get it cut off. I think those longish hair styles look :x IMO

Morgan Evanar
Mar 25th, 2004, 09:26:27 PM
Oh for the love below... -_-

I really think that looks like a picture of Colin in a morning after scenario. I realize you ladies think he's hot and all, but you also think Guy Pearce looks hot and all.

I also so happen to think that haircut he had in Momento would look pretty good on me.

So thank you. :)

Xazor Elessar
Mar 25th, 2004, 09:28:50 PM

Thanks Mark...I feel better now..... :x

Yeah, I like Guy's hair in Momento -- it would suit you, Morg. Very nice too. :)

*is still dizzy from wedgy* Ugh... |I

Figrin D'an
Mar 25th, 2004, 09:29:15 PM
Only certain people can pull of that "organized chaos" type of hairstyle, though. There's an attitude factor that goes into it, and if the two don't match, you end up coming off as a complete slob (or someone who is trying WAY too hard.)

Not to mention the whole starpower angle here. The haircut looks good because it's been synonymous with the sort of "rough, doesn't give a crap" image that guys like Colin Farrell portray. Take that haircut, place it on any number of other people, and it looks awful.

(Not hatin' on ya, Morg... just providing out another point of view.)

The Guy Pierce type of thing could work, though.

Mar 25th, 2004, 09:34:08 PM
So no Conan? Aww... I was hoping I could actually get someone to have it... :lol

Sanis Prent
Mar 25th, 2004, 09:44:00 PM
Originally posted by Dae Jinn
Yay :D Charley, you always look great with hair.

Morgan, if you're going to get it cut, get it cut off. I think those longish hair styles look :x IMO

You confuse me. Either you like long hair or you don't. My hair is already longish.

<img src=http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/attachment.php?s=&postid=643519>

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 25th, 2004, 09:44:14 PM
I really think that looks like a picture of Colin in a morning after scenario. I realize you ladies think he's hot and all, but you also think Guy Pearce looks hot and all.

The difference being too is that I've never heard any guy saying they want to look like Colin Farrell. But Guy Pearce? He's got the physique and looks that most sane guys would kill to obtain. IMO, how he looks in Memento is about as close to male perfection as you can get.

wsh I could get that buff :(

Dae Jinn
Mar 25th, 2004, 09:50:59 PM
Certain long hair styles look like crap Charley. Like that Jesse Camp VJ loser from MTV kinda hair. :lol It's just my opinion -- early 1990's hair is ew.

Mar 25th, 2004, 10:13:20 PM
grow a shag, you know you wanna :cool

Abbyka Laine
Mar 26th, 2004, 10:13:08 AM
Eeeeewwwww shags and long hair..... Ewwww. >_<

Mar 26th, 2004, 10:34:14 AM
Originally posted by Marcus Elessar
The difference being too is that I've never heard any guy saying they want to look like Colin Farrell. But Guy Pearce? He's got the physique and looks that most sane guys would kill to obtain. IMO, how he looks in Memento is about as close to male perfection as you can get.

wsh I could get that buff :(
Farrell was Bullseye, Pearce looks down on comic movies. I think I'd rather look like Farrell, based on that dumb logic :)

But I do agree a Pearce 'do would suit you more.

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 26th, 2004, 02:09:27 PM
Bullseye was bald.

...don't do that 'do, Morg. :uhoh

Sith Ahnk
Mar 26th, 2004, 02:21:44 PM
Is it my head, or one of the new planets in Episode 3?

The world may never know...

imported_Grev Drasen
Mar 26th, 2004, 09:02:10 PM
4 on top, 2 on back/sides.

Mar 27th, 2004, 10:02:51 PM
Originally posted by Morgan Evanar
I really think that looks like a picture of Colin in a morning after scenario. I realize you ladies think he's hot and all, but you also think Guy Pearce looks hot and all.


I also so happen to think that haircut he had in Momento would look pretty good on me.


Did you go yet?

Morgan Evanar
Mar 28th, 2004, 12:59:27 AM
Nyet. My appointment is next week. Err this week. Sundays always mess with my head.

Morgan Evanar
Mar 31st, 2004, 04:11:54 PM


Tis time to loose the glasses, methinks.



Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 31st, 2004, 04:19:11 PM
delicious ^_^

Nathanial K'cansce
Mar 31st, 2004, 04:48:30 PM

Abagael Zellan
Mar 31st, 2004, 05:47:12 PM


Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 31st, 2004, 06:01:04 PM

Lookin' great Morg!

Mar 31st, 2004, 06:02:44 PM
:lol Ben Stiller!

Mar 31st, 2004, 06:12:17 PM
Originally posted by Morgan Evanar

So, how long did it take to perfect Blue Steel?

<img src=http://www.swforums.net/forum/attachment.php?s=&postid=645174>

Mar 31st, 2004, 06:51:42 PM
Morg, you sexy beehotch! Suits you to a T.

Mar 31st, 2004, 07:00:44 PM
I Love it! I know your secret plan to rule all women. Sound familiar?

You're hotness. Scurmpdiliumtious.

:: books plane ticket ::

I just figured out where I'm going for vacation!

Pierce Tondry
Mar 31st, 2004, 07:01:00 PM
Heh. You look a bit like me when I get my hair cut short.

Gav Mortis
Mar 31st, 2004, 07:03:49 PM
Shame about the t-shirt though. :mneh

Mar 31st, 2004, 07:08:26 PM
You look really different with short hair.

Mar 31st, 2004, 07:11:10 PM
Different in a REALLY good way.

And can I just say... those who are holding on to their lucious locks of hair (men I mean)... rethink things? Just my opinion, but you have no idea how it brings out your face and makes your look more like a man.

Dae Jinn
Mar 31st, 2004, 11:36:30 PM
Originally posted by s'Ilancy
delicious ^_^

I agree, you're a hottie Morg :)

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 31st, 2004, 11:44:36 PM
Put some muscle on and you would look rather much like Guy Pearce. go blonde and the resemblence would be startling.

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 1st, 2004, 09:54:22 AM
Chris, you look soooo good -swoon-

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 1st, 2004, 11:07:29 AM
This thread has convinced me that not only are women incredibly fickle, but that they are purposefully fickle, in order to drive men to short lives filled with high stress and an early death.

To hell with it, I'm going to shave my head again.

Apr 1st, 2004, 05:05:49 PM

WOW! You look fantastic Chris! I don't think I could look you in the eye now cause I'd be too shy! ^_^;

Apr 1st, 2004, 06:40:52 PM
Originally posted by Taataani Meorrrei
This thread has convinced me that not only are women incredibly fickle, but that they are purposefully fickle, in order to drive men to short lives filled with high stress and an early death.

To hell with it, I'm going to shave my head again.

To be honest, I don't care what women think when it comes to my looks since I consider myself to have sound taste in clothes and what have you whereas half of the women I know seem to think that simply because they don't have a Y chromosome they have better taste than men in such things. They fail to realise that there is no x in style. :cool

Apr 2nd, 2004, 02:51:38 PM
Chris - you look awesome. I absolutely love it.

I always told you, you were a hottie. You are too, too handsome!

*am wowed*

Dru, Ive seen your pic, and you definitely have nothing you need to change. Delicious.

I personally agree with Eve, though - short hair is much better than long on most guys.

Kelt Simoson
Apr 2nd, 2004, 03:22:56 PM
<< Has shoulder length hair
>> If girls think like that:
<< Is doomed

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 2nd, 2004, 03:30:10 PM
You can shush up, because we've already told you to get your hair cut short :p

Apr 2nd, 2004, 07:13:26 PM
No, you're doomed. It's your face that is neato. CUT THE HAIR!

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 2nd, 2004, 07:28:03 PM
Originally posted by Taataani Meorrrei
This thread has convinced me that not only are women incredibly fickle, but that they are purposefully fickle, in order to drive men to short lives filled with high stress and an early death.

To hell with it, I'm going to shave my head again.

do NOT shave your head again :verymad

Dae Jinn
Apr 2nd, 2004, 07:50:02 PM
Originally posted by s'Ilancy
do NOT shave your head again :verymad

Xazor Elessar
Apr 2nd, 2004, 08:21:35 PM
WOW! Morg, you're hair looks AWESOME! :D Seriously, it's fantastic. :) Verrrrrrrrrrra cute you are. ;)

Apr 2nd, 2004, 09:28:37 PM
pff dont give in, grow it out! :thumbup

Besides, you shouldnt change the way you look for someone else. I myself am 100% satisfied with my hair right now, and dont miss the short-hair days at all.


Dasquian Belargic
Apr 3rd, 2004, 02:37:06 AM
Originally posted by s'Ilancy
do NOT shave your head again :verymad

For emphasis!

Apr 3rd, 2004, 04:54:54 AM
My hairs pretty long right now, but only because I haven't been to get a haircut in ages :)

Lady Mylia
Apr 7th, 2004, 09:38:48 PM
Nice hair
and I personally like the longer hair look. I know I have a different taste than most girls. I mean, short it good, but longer is better.
My boyfriend got his hair cut short from like shoulder length and I was the only one who missed his long hair. All our chick friends love it short. Long is hot (on most guys)... always thought so...

Morgan Evanar
Apr 8th, 2004, 07:58:21 AM
It is a total pain in the neck though, and I'm glad its gone.

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 8th, 2004, 10:38:56 AM
Originally posted by s'Ilancy
do NOT shave your head again :verymad

for quadruple emphasis!

Apr 8th, 2004, 12:05:44 PM
Originally posted by s'Ilancy
do NOT shave your head again :verymad

For quintuple emphasis?...!

Apr 12th, 2004, 04:44:41 PM
Aw, your hair is gone! :(

I prefered how it was before, it just looks too average now.

That's the last time I don't check the boards for a while. Who knows what else might happen :cry

Apr 12th, 2004, 11:42:05 PM
<img src=http://www.panic.hopto.org/swf/charley/haircut1.jpg>
<img src=http://www.panic.hopto.org/swf/charley/haircut2.jpg>
<img src=http://www.panic.hopto.org/swf/charley/haircut3.jpg>

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 13th, 2004, 01:44:05 AM
q.t. patootie :p

Apr 13th, 2004, 03:58:06 AM
In that first picture, Charley, you really remind me of Brian Cox in X-Men 2. You do suit your hair like that.

imported_Taja Loraan
Apr 13th, 2004, 01:22:51 PM
Originally posted by Eve
Different in a REALLY good way.

And can I just say... those who are holding on to their lucious locks of hair (men I mean)... rethink things? Just my opinion, but you have no idea how it brings out your face and makes your look more like a man.

Why would anyone want that ? =\

Severen Morkonis
Apr 13th, 2004, 01:25:34 PM
That dont matter, ive been told by a number of women, even if i have short hair, i have a femenine face, so i might as well keep it how i enjoy it, long.

imported_Taja Loraan
Apr 13th, 2004, 01:28:10 PM
Originally posted by Crystal
I prefered how it was before, it just looks too average now.


Khendon Sevon
Apr 13th, 2004, 04:47:24 PM
My hair is getting crazy:

http://www.roxxu.com/hosted/hairallovertheplace.jpg http://www.roxxu.com/hosted/mecrazyhair.jpg

not sure what to do about it.

Apr 13th, 2004, 05:10:38 PM
Grow a tiny beard, and you'd be like Ryan Phillepe in Way of the Gun.

Apr 13th, 2004, 06:26:35 PM

Hello Matt Bellamy.

Milivikal k'Vik
Apr 13th, 2004, 06:41:33 PM
Originally posted by Taja Loraan
Why would anyone want that ? =\ You've bizzare. I like you immensly, but you're bizzare. :|

Arya Ravenwing
Apr 13th, 2004, 09:11:26 PM
I'd say Khendon looks a little like his avatar, but I think that's the point, nu?

Pierce Tondry
Apr 13th, 2004, 10:26:19 PM
Originally posted by Milivikal k'Vik
You've bizzare. I like you immensly, but you're bizzare. :|

Dude, where have you been. The rest of us figured that out ages ago. :)

PS: Love ya Shabz.

Khendon Sevon
Apr 13th, 2004, 11:40:52 PM
I've been told I look like some random DJ but don't remember his name :x

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 14th, 2004, 01:54:08 AM
ha! tornado-head :p

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 14th, 2004, 02:11:09 AM
Originally posted by Dru

Hello Matt Bellamy.

Good Lord, it is! :eek

Lady Vader
Apr 14th, 2004, 01:43:28 PM
Originally posted by Khendon Sevon
I've been told I look like some random DJ but don't remember his name :x

Only DJ I can think of is JoJo from KIIS FM (http://www.kiisfm.com/images/airstaff/jojo.jpg). Other than that, I can't think of anyone.

Khendon Sevon
Apr 14th, 2004, 02:09:24 PM
My friend said it was paul van dyke, but I don't think I look like him!


Marcus Telcontar
Apr 14th, 2004, 03:19:18 PM
Yes you do.

Apr 14th, 2004, 04:08:59 PM
Originally posted by Khendon Sevon
My friend said it was paul van dyke, but I don't think I look like him!

Slightly. He looks like he could be the Son of Vladamir Putin, you don't :)

Apr 14th, 2004, 07:00:15 PM
Paul Van Dyke? Nah, I stand by my original statement that you are Matt Bellamy.

Besides Matt Bellamy > Paul Van Dyke.

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 14th, 2004, 07:23:01 PM
http://www.strongbowrooms.com/SB_rooms/SBR_files/news/sept-pics/paul-van-dyke.jpg http://www.roxxu.com/hosted/hairallovertheplace.jpg
<img src=http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/attachment.php?s=&postid=649484>
