View Full Version : Seduction At Its Finest...[Complete]
Dantae Scott
Mar 24th, 2004, 07:28:03 PM
ooc: this is a split from here. (
*Dantae smiled and nodded to the barkeep.*
"Get the lady a fresh glass of whatever she had."
*The bartender nodded and quickly fetched a fresh glass of the liquid and set it before Quay. Dantae couldn't help but smile as he listened to the woman speak. He had to think of a way to make her trust him, and he had to think of one fast. Just as she introduced herself, the young man took her hand and smiled.*
"You're a Padawan too? So am I! You must have been here longer than me, though. Maybe that's why I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you yet."
*It was a lie, and a beautiful one at that. Dantae couldn't help but chuckled as his hand dropped from hers. The young man lifted his own drink to his lips and took a generous sip before setting it back down before him.*
"So, Quay -- what do you like to do in your freetime?"
*Dantae was attempting to waste time, now, to get a feel for her mood and stall her out. Perhaps she was beginning to trust him already. It mattered not, he had to take some risks in order to get what he wanted, and quickly he reached into his pocket for something. Just then, as Quay was about to answer, Dantae yelled and pointed toward the door.*
*He exclaimed as a strange looking alien passed over the threshold. Quay's eyes fell upon the being and quickly, Dantae pulled a powerful drug from his pocket, a sedative, and slipped it into Quay's drink. In no time, she would begin to feel its effects, but perhaps -- she would not understand what was happening to her.*
"Sorry about startling you, I've never seen anything like that, though. It was very -- strange."
*He grinned and casually took another sip of his drink, not giving two thoughts about the deed he had just performed. Tonight, he would get double what he wanted -- and he would ruin his brother in the process. It was a beautiful thing -- just perfect.*
Quay'Na Rakai
Mar 24th, 2004, 07:43:37 PM
At the point of his exclamation, Quay about jumped out of her skin. "I have no idea, Mr...ummm." She remarked back as she looked back at him.
She had to laugh for a moment as she shook her head and took a rather large swallow of her new drink. It was extra good tonight and she was in a pretty good mood. Thoughts of Anthony went through her mind, but he was gone this week and she probably wouldn't see him until weekend.
Quay'Na suddenly felt hot. "Pheww..." She gulped down the rest of her drink.
Dantae Scott
Mar 26th, 2004, 03:23:11 PM
*Upon realizing that he had never given his name, Dantae jumped slightly and stuck out his hand to Quay.*
"I'm so sorry -- the name's Dante."
*He looked around for a moment, attempting to locate the source of a last name, and within seconds, his eyes fell upon the trash in the far corner of the room. There was a large box sticking up out of it, and though his eyes were not perfect, he could nearly see it.*
"Cra -- acker -- uh, oh sorry!"
*"Damnit! I blew that out of the water." He thought to himself, noting how stupid he was to have tried that. Shaking his head, the young man kept his hand out to Quay, attempting to rectify the situation.*
"Sorry, my attention span isn't too long and sometimes I drift off in thought about food, especially when I'm hungry like this."
*Dantae laughed and his cheeks flushed crimson as he realized how close he could have been to being caught by her. Shifting his weight in his seat, the young man shook his head and smiled.*
"I'm Dantae Russo, a Padawan here at uh -- this place, you know. The Order. I like to be modest about it."
*These were such bold-faced lies, that he could not believe he was getting away with them. Just then, Quay coughed and took a huge gulp of her drink. She set it down, but in a moment, the glass was to her lips once again and she was dumping the entire drink down her throat. Dantae simply watched in amazement as the drug began to work on her and she yawned, appearing to be disoriented already.*
"Are you okay, Quay? Have you had too much to drink? Are you sick?"
*Dantae threw the questions out like a concerned friend would. Naturally, though -- he was only concerned for himself and doing this job quickly. "I'll get you my pretty....oh yes, I will." The thoughts circled his mind as he realized how close Quay was to being right in the palm of his hand.*
Quay'Na Rakai
Mar 26th, 2004, 04:52:03 PM
The Padawan set the glass down, she felt woosey and her stomach began to feel really queasy, but why? This drink shouldn't have done this.
Quay squeezed her eyes shut for a moment and tried to clear her head. ", I'm not feeling well, Dante. I think...I think, I'm going to head back to the Temple."
She stood and stumbled.
Dantae Scott
Apr 5th, 2004, 08:22:27 AM
*Dantae's eyes widened in mock fear once again as he watched Quay stumble and nearly fall down. Quickly his arms reached out and scooped her up, just as they had done several other women before Quay. Of course, she was not the first, and Dantae was well aware of the effects the drug had. At this, he smiled, adding a hint of sympathy to it.*
"It's okay, Quay, I'll get you back to the Temple safely."
*A wicked fire danced in the prince's eyes as he smiled down at his brother's bride to be. If there was any way of ruining that man's life, this was the way to do it. Dantae lifted Quay into his arms and smiled down at her face, his features nearly mirroring those of Anthony, save for the fact that Dantae was quite the opposite to him. Juxtaposed, they were not even similar -- they merely shared blood.*
"Just trust me, Quay, and I'll make sure you're taken care of."
*And with that, the man carried the Padawan out of the bar and began walking down a side street. Indeed, they were heading for the Temple, but first, Dantae wanted to make a little stop. Quay would not even realize what hit her until it was too late, until Dantae got what he wanted -- and Anthony got what he deserved.*
Quay'Na Rakai
Apr 5th, 2004, 08:42:26 PM
The Padawan felt strong arms catch her. She couldn't focus on anything.
Quay'Na suddenly felt as if something were very wrong, but her mind couldn't focus. "Thanth..." Her mouth wasn't working right as she felt the cool night air on her face as he carried her out of the bar and grill.
A few moments later, she felt her stomach lurch and she vomited. Quay didn't even have time to recover as everything faded from her sight and turned into darkness.
Dantae Scott
Apr 24th, 2004, 12:01:03 PM
*Dantae stopped as Quay vomited. It wasn't supposed to work that way -- she wasn't supposed to get sick. The woman was hardly able to recover as he hurried down a dark alley. A few turns later, and they were at their destination.*
"Here Quay, I stopped so you could rest before I take you back to the Order. I don't want the other Jedi to think we were out drinking or something. It'll look really bad, especially with you having a man and all."
*Dantae appeared to have the same concern as before, but he was really faking it well. He showed the woman to the bathroom and motioned for her to use its facilities if need be.*
"Are you going to be alright?"
*He questioned once again, hoping she would stop with the sick act long enough for him to do what he needed.*
Quay'Na Rakai
Apr 24th, 2004, 12:16:58 PM
Quay'Na had no idea where the heck she was, but went into the 'fresher and cleaned up a bit. "I'm fine." She said as she her knees felt weak and suddenly she saw the ground come up to greet her.
Dantae Scott
Apr 24th, 2004, 12:28:34 PM
*Dante couldn't believe the effects the drugs were having on her. This wasn't good at all, but at least she would be easier than the rest.*
"You don't look alright, Quay."
*He spoke in smooth tones and his voice sounded comforting to her, but again, it was just part of his ploy. He walked into the refresher and lifted the woman up as before, his strong arms wrapping around her. In fact, she was really beginning to see how strong he was when he used a bit more force than before.*
"Why don't you come over here and lay down."
*Dantae gently put Quay on the bed before moving over to the door and locking its deadbolt and chain. No one would be able to get in, and she was far too wasted to get out.*
"Just relax, Quay. This will all be over soon."
*Just as the words left his lips, Dantae was standing over the woman and it seemed to her that he was moving closer and closer with each passing second.*
Quay'Na Rakai
Apr 24th, 2004, 12:44:38 PM
"I want to go home, take me home, Dante." Her voice told him as she felt tired.
Quay'Na saw him coming closer. "What are you doing? I just want to go home. Please take me home."
Dantae Scott
Apr 24th, 2004, 12:48:45 PM
*Dantae allowed a sick and twisted smile to wrap around his lips as a laugh escaped him.*
"Oh yeah, I'll take you home alright. Just, it seems that I have a different definition of home than you do."
*He smiled as he came closer and closer to the woman. Suddenly he struck, like a vicious snake. There was hardly any time for Quay to react before Dantae was tearing her shirt off and attempting to unbotton her pants. He looked like a maniac, and indeed he was. There was one thing on his mind now -- ruining Anthony forever."
"Relax and it'll be much more enjoyable for the both of us, Quay."
Quay'Na Rakai
Apr 24th, 2004, 01:04:52 PM
Quay'Na wanted to scream, but suddenly found that she couldn't. It was as if her body had turned into a lead weight and she couldn't move.
Oh, my God! This isn't happening! No! She tried to twist, tried to move, but it was impossible!
The look in his eyes told all, he was a maniac! God, help me! Quay'Na was mortified, as he tore at her clothes.
Dantae Scott
Apr 24th, 2004, 01:19:45 PM
*It was frustrating to Dantae how much Quay was moving. He knew how to solve that in a hurry, though. Quickly he brought his hand up and slapped her across the cheek, giving her a reality check and letting her know that he would not tolerate her uncooperative attitude.*
"It's in your best interest to cooperate with me, here."
*The words were as calm and reassuring as before and he even held a mock apologetic look. He continued ripped at her clothes until finally, she was exactly how he had wanted her. With a few buttons undone and some zippers released -- he too was just right for the scenario.*
"Now then, Quay -- just relax and enjoy this as much as I am going to."
*Dantae smiled manically and forced himself onto Quay before viciously violating and raping her. There was nothing the poor woman could do but pray that it would be over soon.*
"You know, I bet you haven't felt something like this in a long time, Quay. You'd better enjoy it, bitch."
*But it was over in just a few minutes. The deed was done and it was too late for any effort on Quay's part. Dantae cleaned his appearance up and quickly left the Padawan there -- alone and naked, his own seed of quilt and shame planeted inside of her.*
"Anthony -- you'll never know what hit you."
Quay'Na Rakai
Apr 24th, 2004, 02:27:19 PM
The slap across her face brought the Padawan to be still, tears fell down her cheeks as she closed her eyes and prayed it to be over.
He forced himself on her and all she could do was lie there. What seemed like hours was only minutes and it was over and he was gone.
Quay breathed heavily as she tried to move and couldn't. Hours when by until she was finally able to get up, get dressed and stumble out the door.
She felt dirty and couldn't go back to the Order, not like this. There was only one person she wanted to see. Yasmin. In a trembling daze, Quay'Na made her way towards her twins home.
Quay'Na didn't even really know how she got there, but soon found herself outside her sister's door wrapped up in her Jedi cloak sitting on the floor, shaking.
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