View Full Version : Picking a fight (open).

Mar 23rd, 2004, 10:22:37 PM
Today wasn't his day. A feeling of anger and rage roared inside Jorshal and he was ready to let it out. His anger was evident as he stormed throught he hallways to the Training Grounds fists clenched tightly. He pushed open the door carelessly and it slammed into the wall. Quickly the sneer on his face turned to a grin as he picked up a fist sized rock. In the distance someone he couldn't identify stood. He lauched the rock with all his might at the person hoping to hit them in the head, but he would settle for just hitting the body.

Dark Daylight
Apr 7th, 2004, 08:18:58 AM
**I stand amazed by the throw of the rock as I was stood a very large distance away from this character, I see a rock some distance away from me hastily speeding towards me, I instinctively move out of the way but unfortunately the rock still lands on my foot. I grin.**

"Good throw friend, may I ask you for your name or is there something greater on your mind?"

**I stand amazed looking into the eye's or Jorshal, I see and feel the anger within him.**

Apr 7th, 2004, 09:51:02 AM
"Friend?" Jorshal said through clenched teeth and walked hastily to the boy he did not recognize. Anger flowed steadily through him as if it were the blood in his veins. Who was this guy to call Jorshal 'friend'? Upon reaching Daylight, Jorshal grabbed him by the clothing he wore on his chest and threw him, his strength amplified by the force.

"I'll show you friend." He said as he approached Daylight.

Dark Daylight
Apr 7th, 2004, 11:12:57 AM
**Being nice to this child obviously wasn't going to work, I stand up fist's clenched and teeth grinding**

Are you looking for a fight child? Or is this your twisted version of fun, Either way you're going to loose.

**I use the force to knock Jorshal over and walk towards him**

Apr 7th, 2004, 12:08:26 PM
Jorshal fell down on his rear end but returned to standing position in a matter of seconds. Had Daylight just lay down and accept what he had coming, Jorshal would have spared him some pain. Not anymore. He lunged at him and wrapped his hands around his throat, squeazing tight.

"I'm NOT a child!" He said

Dark Daylight
Apr 7th, 2004, 12:52:36 PM
**I begin to cough as Jorshal begins to add pressure.I fall to the ground holding Jorshal's arms, I knock him into the nearest rock and begin to furiously punch him in the face.I stop and then stand on my feet, and leave Jorshal with his face is bleeding**

"Do you wish to continue?"

**Daylight pauses looking down upon Jorshal with eyes full of fury.**

"You're choice young one, I suggest you make the right one!"

Apr 8th, 2004, 05:29:48 AM

Dark Daylight
Apr 8th, 2004, 11:40:05 AM
** I step over to Jorshal **

" You shall not have such an easy fight, this is till death or exhaustion i will not let you drink this"

** I then kick the bottle out of Jorshal's hand and onto a rock, where the glass smash's into shard's and the liquid inside pour's slowly down the side of the rock. I grin as Jorshal's face return's to the unhappiness it was before Razvan showed up **

" Now let us continue this battle with pride not like that coward Razvan who require's this potion to get him through his battle's"

Apr 8th, 2004, 12:54:17 PM
Jorshal was not unexperienced when it came to fighting, though he was far from achieving master status. He had enough common sense to block a few of the blows to his face, however, one had slipped through and caused his nose to bleed. He wiped it with his arm and pushed Daylight away. As he stood up, he used the little ability in the force he had and called on it to numb his pain and fuel him with anger and hatred.

He charged forward with a battle cry and as he anticipated, Daylight swung and Jorshal blocked. The attempted punch left a hole in Daylight's defenses and Jorshal punished him for it with a heavy punch to the diaphram.

Jorshal retreated back two meters and mocked the heavily breathing Daylight. "Do you wish to continue?"

OOC: I refuse to acknowledge Razvan's post about the bottle (and consequently Daylights following post considering it reacted to Razvan's). The post contributed absolutely NOTHING to the fight that was going on. Razvan: You can't just walk onto every damn thread and add a stupid and pointless reply. You should be banned from the boards and I'm surprised you haven't been yet.

Dark Daylight
Apr 8th, 2004, 02:02:16 PM
OOC/ I agree Razvans post is irrelivant.But what I do not take kindly to is that fact that you are making my character move.

Daylight swung and Jorshal blocked This is not acceptable in this kind of role play and you are not allowed to anticipate what I do so please either stop your post so I can do what I want or don't do it at all. I shall wait for you to edit your post until I continue with the fight.

Apr 10th, 2004, 10:58:53 AM
OOC: Wait a minute, i am sorry for whatever "i" have done but before you go anyfurther i want you to know that it wasn't actually me, it as my sister she got onto my account through the automatic loggin thingy and she said that she saw nice pictures here, believe it or not but the only time i came on was when i came to my training post i didnt realise the other ones.

Dark Daylight
Apr 10th, 2004, 12:17:32 PM
ooc/ Don't make excuse's. Just face it you are terrible at spelling and punctuating and you can't role play well, why do you even bother?

Apr 12th, 2004, 01:04:50 AM
OOC: Why are you trying to make me look stupid? is it because you and Oliver are a so called team?
Look why don't you mind your own business and I'll mind mine, your really trying my patience!

Dark Daylight
Apr 12th, 2004, 04:33:09 AM
ooc/ I am not trying toi make you look stupid I have been told to correct you and Rocoo and all the others by an elder.And on to the thing about minding our own buisness wasn't it you that came walking in here for no reason.

Je'gan Olra'en
Apr 12th, 2004, 06:57:13 AM
OOC/ I strongly suggest that you two move this discussion to the OOC forum. Razvan, you're getting paranoid. Knock it off. Daylight, you might want to tone it down a little. Comments on his RP'ing style are only helpful if they're constructive, and there's nothing constructive about "you can't roleplay, why do you even bother?"

But keep in mind, Razvan, that Daylight is in the right. One or two that I know of would gladly see you banned. If you try to be a little less reactionary, you can probably stop measuring your character's IC life in days.

Dark Daylight
Apr 12th, 2004, 03:40:30 PM
OOC/ I apologise for my reaction he just annoys me.