View Full Version : Diplomats and Negotiations

Mar 23rd, 2004, 06:05:42 PM
Saiynee sat at the long wooden table, drumming her short claws on the polished surface, waiting for the Sith order's diplomatic envoy to arrive.

She'd lost count of how many times the Sith Order had come to visit them, always with the same offer. And each time it had been refused. And yet, the Sith kept coming, not to conquer, but to continue to negotiate. She wasn't sure whether to admire the tanasity and stubborness or to be annoyed.

She blew out a snort from her nostrils at about the same time the small comm embedded on the table buzzed.

"About time."

The females on the other end informed her that the Sith envoy had arrived and they were on their way up to the meeting chamber. Saiynee thanked the female aid and then shut the comm off. Smoothing out her fur, she waited for the doors to part and spill forth Lady vader and her comrades.

Lady Vader
Mar 23rd, 2004, 06:06:58 PM
*Selonia had been independant and remained independant since before TSO had taken the Corellian system under their flag. LV didn't like to say they ruled the planets of the Corellian sector. In fact, they let the planets and it's people go about their business as they always did from years past. They were just under different management, and prospering quite well from it.*

*But there was that one, Selonia, which had not said yay or nay to being under TSO's protection. It was time again to open the table to the discussions.*

*While Selonia did have it's own small shipyards and could construct their own ships, they had never developed hyperdrives, feeling it unneccessary to travel beyond their sector. They did much trading, selling, and buying within the Corellian system.*

*It hadn't taken much for LV and her associates to gain permission to land on Selonia, having been there several times before, nor to enter into their ruling house to again discuss where Selonia wished to stand. LV did this on occassion to remind the Selonians of their offer, while at the same time giving them plenty of space to think and breathe. LV didn't believe in constantly conquering other worlds. Ruling through fear would yeild less fruit than ruling in harmony. She didn't think like most Sith, but that's what made her unique... and successful.*

*It had been awhile since LV had been to Selonia. the gravity here was a bit lighter, and showed in the lithe look the Selonians had. They almost reminded her of the cats she so adored.*

*Selonia consisted of several scattered island chains and wetlands, set in it's outter rim orbit, just shy of the two barren asteroids that had found a place around the Corellian sun, Corel.*

*On Selonia, there were no households, but dens. Each den consisted of one fertile female, the queen, with a few fertile males, and several hundred sterile females. All sterile females with the same father are said to be in the same sept, and members of the same sept are genetically identical. This made it exceedingly difficult for offworlders to tell Selonians appart. The Selonians, of course, had no problem as they used their unique sense of smell to tell each other apart.*

*In the Selonian culture, the sterile females were the ones that dealt with offworlders and did all the work for their dens and important work in Selonian life.*

*It was now that LV and the members from TSO she had brought with her sat at a polished table across from several ruling sterile females, each decorated with jewelry but no clothes due to their short fur.*

*LV looked at the head female across from her, Saiynee.*

(Info retrieved from the Star Wars website: http://www.starwars.com/databank/species/selonian/eu.html

Rasha Vill
Mar 23rd, 2004, 06:47:24 PM
Rasha sat beside LV at the table. She respected this lady the most out of all the sith. She treated those under her command like people, not like most of the sith. This is Rasha first time being near LV, even though she beleaves that LV was instramental in getting her elected as mayor of Coronet.

The political offices would not except her nomination for mayor due to the face she was Female, but the next day LV was seen entering the political offices and hours after she left Rasha got a call saying she was in the race for mayor. Then 2 days before election LV was seen visiting the other canidated for mayor, and they all ether steped out of the race or vanished, causing Rasha to win by default.

Rasha Owed her job to LV and was Honored when she was asked to assist with the diplomatic trip to Selonia. So now Rasha sits with The other Diplomats waiting for the Selonians to make the first statment.

Consul Mrahas
Mar 25th, 2004, 10:29:58 AM
Saiynee was no diplomat. In the times when the sept leaders elected their representatives for liaisons with the Sith, and such like, each sept would push forward their eldest infertile daughter. The hope was that though she was of no real use to the community any longer, she would be able to perform some role in the grand scheme of things. Often the Selonian in question had no choice in the matter, and was not particularly happy with the decision. Mrahas was an exception to this rule. She was an exception to every Selonian rule. In her youth, she had traveled away from Corellia and some two decades ago had even adopted a couple of humanoid boys, from Abraegado-rae. The Hesam brothers had gone missing of late, but that was an issue she’d have to deal with later…

“Good afternoon,” she said, with an expression akin to a smile. She was well versed in the customs of the humanoid cultures, thanks to her many ventures to other planets.

“I see we are all assembled,” Mrahas continued, glancing around the room, to her fellow Selonians seated beside her and to the arrivals from Corellia; the Sith and the Mayor.

“Shall we begin?”

Mar 25th, 2004, 10:36:35 AM
“That would be marvelous, Consul Mrahas.”

Warlock looked the typical Sith, in his dark robes, but somehow managed to radiate an aura of benevolence and approachability. A small smile played on his lips as he regarded the assembled Selonians. With the exception of the Attaché Mrahas, it appeared as though they all begrudged having to be here. Warlock found the insight that being here gave fascinating – they had been promised a tour of the dens later, which would no doubt also prove informative.

“First, may I introduce you to my colleagues – Lady Vader, a fellow leader of the Sith Order, and Rasha Vill, the newly elected mayor of Corellia. I am Tobias Moriarty. I would secondly like to thank you for providing us with an audience and for the kind welcome the people of Selonia have given us. I am sure you are aware what has warranted our presence here.”

Mar 25th, 2004, 06:19:18 PM
Saiynee knew what the other Selonians present thought of her. She hadn't really wanted this job of sitting on this diplomatic council. But because of her standing in her sept, it was expected of her, and she did what she could for her sept.

She kept her posture upright and almost regal as she answered Moriarty's question.

"It is the same reason that you came about a standard year ago."

She smiled.

"Yet we are interested to see what negoiatory elements you bring before us today."

Rasha Vill
Apr 2nd, 2004, 01:55:02 PM
Rasha pulls out a folder of data pads, and places them on the table. She fishes through them and pulls out one card. and Hands it over to the Selonians.

"On this card is a report of How the member planets of TSO have improved in the economy, after I brought to people's attention some of the rules that were giving the people some trouble. The markets have been on a steady climb for the last week, and TSO has aggreed to supply each of there member planets with the funds for transportation upgrades.

Instead of the old way where 50% of taxes went to TSO, now only 5% would be requested. TSO would be willing to provide a defencive military force, at no extra charge to the government. This is the current offer for membership we have, and of course this offer is not set in stone."

Consul Mrahas
Apr 4th, 2004, 07:44:01 AM
Consul Mrahas looked pleasantly surprised. “Well, this certainly is a change from the normal offer, wouldn’t you agree, Saiynee?” she asked, whilst looking over the data pad dossier.

Apr 4th, 2004, 07:45:10 AM
“Yes, as you can see, there are changes underway to the Corellia way of life. The Sith Order hopes that you would also like to be part of these changes. It will be mutually beneficial, I can assure you… and as Madame Ville says, the terms are not set in stone – if you feel there is something the contract is void of, please say so.”

Lady Vader
Apr 15th, 2004, 07:14:49 PM
*LV smiled.*

I'd also like to add, if the Selonian people would wish it, that if you deem it valuable to have hyperdrive technology, The Sith Order will aid in helping your technicions to aquire the neccessary hardware and instruction.

This would be a gift to the Selonian people.

*She knew that the Selonian people had opted not to use the hyperdrive technology, instead otping to trade with the planets within the Corellian system. Still, she wanted to place the offer on the table. It was an open offer and could be refused without insult to either party.*

Apr 15th, 2004, 07:22:12 PM
Saiynee stretched her long neck to look at the datapad Mrahas was viewing, and then looked up at Lady Vader once the woman had finished speaking.

"That is a most generous gift, Lady Vader. While advantagious to be able to trade with outlying systems, it is something that the Selonian High Commity would have to meet on."

She looked back at Mrahas who had finished reading the datapad and placed it down.

"And, yes, I do agree the terms have most certainly changed since our last meeting."

She looked at Rasha.

"Tell me, Mayor Vill, why has the Order taken such a sudden change in stance with it's holdings? It would almost seem they are helping the people of this system."

Rasha Vill
Apr 16th, 2004, 11:49:19 AM
Rasha smiles the the Selonian Representives.

"The reason it would seem like TSO is wanting to help the people of the system is because, we are wanting to help them. When the Sith first took most of the system, rules were put in place so that the sith could regain the supplies they lost in taking the planets they did. Unfortuantly, those laws got lost in the paper shuffle and were never abolished, untill I was reviewing the old law that were still in effect, and brought them to TSO attention.

This brought around a number of changes that followed, such as my ellection to being Mayor of Corellia, and the Sith handing most of the planetary opperations over to me and my offices, allowing us to make the changes required to keep the people Happy.

The Sith have aggread to help in any way they can to help us put the people first, And we think that the addition of Selona would be pivotable in the wellfare of the people of TSO and of Selona. Togeather we can make this system a wonderful place for every living being that enhabits or will choose to enhabit this system.

Of course We can not make you join us, and will not attempt to try. But to have the whole system united under one name, deticated to the wellfare of the people of the System, could very well bring the Corelian Sector back to it's former glory as one of the Galaxy's strongest voices. Togather we can make Selona as prosperous as it was in the time of the Old Republic, New Repubulic, or even Imperial Rule.

In short we don't really want you to join us. We want you to let us help your people have the best lives they can."

Consul Mrahas
Apr 24th, 2004, 08:09:53 AM
The Consul couldn’t help but be impressed. This young woman seemed to have a firm grasp of her ideas and policies. The idea of the Corellia system uniting as one had both its merits and flaws, but Mrahas thought that the positive points to the idea outweighed the negative. Of course, it was widely known that Mrahas was not quite as xenophobic as her peers. Many had scolded her when she had taken two children from Abragado-rae in as her own, but as time progressed more of the Selonian people were beginning to abandon the old ways, as new generations became more socially and culturally aware.

“I think this idea sounds marvelous.”

Apr 27th, 2004, 01:26:27 PM
Everything was going according to plan. Selonian, he had always said, would be easily swayed. Populated by brutes, all Corellia needed to do was flash a little technology in front of their greedy eyes and their grubby paws would be bound to the Corellian flag, “I am glad you approve, Consul Mrahas. As you can see, we are very much committed to these proposals.”

Lady Vader
Jun 1st, 2004, 05:41:39 PM
*LV was genuinely smiling from ear to ear.*

I senserely hope your people continue to prosper, and I can tell you with all honesty that the Sith Order and the Corellian government will do everything in their power to aid your people to grow.

*She looked at the data pads spaced on the table for all the counciled Selonians to see. All the agreement needed now was a contract binding signature. But she didn't want to rush them.*

If you would like to read over the data pads, please feel free to take all the time you want. We do not wish to rush you in any way.

Jun 1st, 2004, 05:46:38 PM
"I must say," Saiynee spoke while looking through some of the data pads, "The Order has certainly turned over a new leaf."

She looked at her collegues.

"Perhaps we should take a short recess to discuss these agreements? Lady Vader has generously allowed us the time to view the information, and I think it'd be wise to read it thoroughly before committing to anything."

There were a few murmerings among the Selonians gathered, with nodding of heads. They were all indeed astounded at this great fortune of being able to help their people move forward, but still cautious and wanting to read everything thoroughly, just to be sure that the Order was not hiding anything in between the lines.

Saiynee let her eyes roam over the others before settling on Mrahas, awaiting an answer to her suggestion.

Consul Mrahas
Jun 9th, 2004, 05:10:03 AM
“A prudent suggestion, yes. Let us take time to gather our thoughts.”

And speak in private, Mrahas thought to herself. Though many of the Selonian’s appear to be in favor of the Sith’s new policies, she had no doubts that behind closed doors matters would be entirely different. Her people may have been a strong and opinionated one, but even they held some amount of fear for Force users.

Rasha Vill
Jun 9th, 2004, 02:07:16 PM
Rasha Smiles as she addresses the Selonians...

"Please take all the time you require inorder to come to a conclusion. If you require any futher information about this preposal or about any of the other changes that are happening on Corellia, The number to contact my office is at the top of the data pad that I handed you earler. We will be very happy to provide you with any information that you will require."

Lady Vader
Jun 17th, 2004, 05:22:47 PM
*LV stood.*

I think we shall enjoy some of the sights your lovely city has to offer.

If you feel you require more time than just a few hours, just contact the number provided by the Mayor, and we shall depart to allow you that extra time.

*She bowed to the assembled Selonians, adhereing to their customs, and took a step back while still bowed. Then straightening once again, she turned and departed from the room, followed quietly by the others that had joined her.*