View Full Version : 99 bottles

Mu Satach
Mar 23rd, 2004, 04:57:52 PM
:: Mu wandered into the bar with a decided swagger to her step. She was looking for a new place to crawl inside a whiskey bottle and lose herself for a few hours, days... hell maybe even a few years. Mu had a way of losing track of time, especially around tasty beverages. In fact Lady Vader had in friendly manner suggested that Mu get out a bit, explore other establishments in the galaxy. Especially the ones where Mu didn't have a set of keys to the wine cellar. She paused and glanced over the patrons in the establishment.

"Ah, my kind of place; dark, dank and stank."

She squinted her eyes a bit from the smoke that hung low in the air and confidently made her way to a table in the back. As a server droid passed her by she reached out with one hand and grabbed something sinfull from the tray and flicked a credit towards the bar keep with her other. ::

"Make them another one."

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Mar 23rd, 2004, 05:07:26 PM
"Hey!" Dalethria got up from her table and walked towards the stranger, more then a bit peeved that this woman had the audacity to steal her drink. The Dark Jedi had been in a funk for a long time so even the slightest infraction against her person could easily set her off. "Been here longer then you, pal, and been waiting for that since I came here."

OW outcast
Mar 23rd, 2004, 05:27:15 PM
The three foot Duro dashed out from behind the bar as heard the commotion. He wondered where Ezra was the normal bouncer for the joint. It really wasn't normal for OW to get in on the scruffs. Being a three foot tall duro. He ran in between the two women and spoke up.

"What seems to be the problem Ladies?"

Mu Satach
Mar 23rd, 2004, 05:37:09 PM
:: mu sips the drink and winces a bit ::

"Oh my appologies. " moves to hand the drink back to the upset woman. "Though I must warn you, the drink is terrible and not worth the money you paid for it... or do you like drinking sewage?"

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Mar 23rd, 2004, 05:46:15 PM
Her nostrils flared at this woman giving her back a used drink, not to mention the slander she had against it. Then of course, as always, before she could properly response, some moron had to step between them. Dalethria looked at him point blank, "Go ... away."

Mu Satach
Mar 23rd, 2004, 05:51:32 PM
:: Mu reached out with her boot and nudged the little one away ::

"Go play fetch somewhere else."

:: a slight smirk tugged at the corner of Mu's mouth as she saw anger flare up in the womans eyes ::

Apr 5th, 2004, 02:09:44 PM
"'Evenin' ladies"

Remkah's deep gravel voice reached them as he approached the bar to stand beside OW.

"Getting everything you need, I hope?"

Recognition struck the tall Base Captain as he looked at Mu. Last he'd seen her, she was bleeding, he was bleeding, and they, along with Hera and Lady Vader, blew up the traitorous Doctor Tangikowski's secret inner city Lab on their quest to find answers to some weird summons Mu had received by a mysterious rich baron.

"Well, well. Ms Satach - what a nice surprise. You and your friend" (he gestured to Dalethria) "come to visit Hera?"

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 5th, 2004, 02:16:32 PM
"No," she grumbled, "Everything's not all right, and she is Not my friend!" Dalethria didn't care that she wasn't the one to whom this scruffy looking lackey was directing the question towards.

Mu Satach
Apr 6th, 2004, 11:45:57 PM
:: Mu arched an eyebrow and didn't take her eyes off the woman. ::

"Remkah my love," mirth trickled from her thoat as she kicked a bootheel up on the table infront of her and answered the swarthy gent. "how the hell have you been? I was just in the neighborhood looking for some thing."

:: A smirk tugged at the corner of her mouth as she continued to stare intently. ::

Apr 8th, 2004, 02:47:27 PM
Remkah canted his head slightly at Dalethria. She was a prickly one, thats for sure.
He was not too sure how to answer her, so he decided he would respond to the more welcoming of the women.

"Its wonderful to see you, too, Mu. I'd be happy to help you find whatever you need"

He did not miss the fact that Mu Satach was eyeing the second woman openly, and seemingly with great amusement.

Remkah turned to Dale, adding, "You too. How 'bout I get you a drink to start?"

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 9th, 2004, 10:34:05 PM
Remkah's word fell upon deaf ears. Dalethria's attentions were obviously focused upon Satach. She was sick of being ignored, and sick of the way this unnerving woman was staring at her. Already the anger had caused her to unconciously ball her right hand into a fist; so it didn't take long before to hear the crack of flesh on flesh.

Finally Dalethria had cause to smile as she watched Satach toppel over and making a lovely 'thump' when hitting the ground.

Mu Satach
Apr 12th, 2004, 04:24:27 PM
:: The world was spinning. It was either the fact she had been in out of action for such a longtime or maybe it was the number of drinking establishments she'd explored just prior to entering the Poseidon's Gate, either way it made for one extremely rusty sith *master.*

"Master," she hated the term though she didn't know why. She assumed it had something to do with memories that were dead and burried. She was master to no one and servant to even less. The order she had found a temporary home from her aimless wanderings died in flames long ago and she had shed no tears. Her title meant nothing to anyone, even herself. Her skills, once impressive had atrophied terribly. She was nothing but a vagabond, seeking solace in the bottom of a bottle in every dirt water saloon this galaxy had to offer.

A heartbeat before the world became a tilt-a-whirl, a small voice in the back of her head warned her that she was playing with a cobra. A cobra that would strike at any moment. ::


:: A few nearby people scattered as Mu's head hit the floor and the wooden chair she sat in broke apart underneath her. ::

Ow, the broken pieces of the chair stabbing her back were nothing compared to the pounding her skull took from the floor. The back of her head throbbed and a bitter familiar taste filled her mouth.

She slowly sat up and looked at the woman standing over her smiling with delight. Mu rubbed her jaw to make sure it still worked then spit the blood out of her mouth. Her eyebrows arched a bit and then tilted her head to the side and said with a devlish grin, "Alright."

A moment later she was on her feet and charged the woman with a primal roar. Mu's body slammed into the woman's torso and they both crashed into the bar behind them barely missing Remkah.