View Full Version : Seeking Viscera

Lady Vader
Mar 23rd, 2004, 04:45:55 PM
*LV sat in her chair in the Discussion Chamber, brooding, planning, and placing turmoiled thoughts into a coherent order. For a long time now, she had been mulling over the Order's fleets and their commanding officers. True enough, Darth Vader had complete command as the head of the fleet, but when it came down to smaller fleets, there needed to be more than one.*

*There was Roebuck, somewhere out in the universe, galavanting about, Parr in the Saiatah Highroller, and a few miscellanious names here and there LV coudn't place her finger on.*

*With Roebuck somewhere, she'd decided to begin giving Parr more responsibilities than just the Saiatah. The pleasure ship could easily be run by his second in comand in Parr's absence. She was very much interested in giving him a portion of the fleet to command, having been a former Imperial himself.*

*And then there was Viscera. He'd been a loyal ally and comrad to TSO, and LV felt it was time to add another commander to their fleet.*

*She hit a button on her large black marbled seat, calli8ng an aid in. Once the aid had enetered and bowed, LV spoke a single command.*

Find me Darth Viscera.

*She knew that his units would find her first; all she needed to do was to begin to spread the word within Coronet.*

*She continued sitting as the aid departed to do his work, and steepling her fingers towards her chin, she smiled.*

Darth Viscera
Mar 23rd, 2004, 07:33:32 PM
Dellis Toque had been given one set of orders by the mysterious human male who had hired him, the transmission of a single message should the time arrive. He had thought the day would never arrive, that he would just sit on the data disc and perhaps even die of old age ere the command went out to transmit it. It had caught him thoroughly by surprise, then, as he sat in his living room watch a holodrama, that the order had been given. His commlink chirped, and he lifted it to one ear, muting the holo.

"Toque," he said into the transmitter.

"The sun is black in the sky," said the nondescript male voice on the other end.

Dellis nodded, and immediately hung up. Grabbing a laser scalpel, he went to the refresher to retrieve the disc.

30 minutes later

The cantina in Coronet bustled with late-night activity. Four Bith stood in the corner, playing a rather catchy tune, their slitherhorns bobbing from side to side as they danced slightly to their own music. Dellis Toque sat at a table near the bar sipping a vasarian brandy and pecking away at a vagnerian canape, his eye on a nearly-nude blue twi'lek female dancer. He continued this for several minutes, before the vasarian got to him, and his next stop was the refresher.

He was just stepping out of the refresher to wash his hands, when one of the Bith musicians stepped in front of him.

"Sorry pal, I'm not really into that," he muttered, brushing his way past the alien. He never expected that the slitherhorn in the Bith's hand would be used to club him in the back of the head, and down he went. A silent shot from a holdout blaster ensured that Dellis Toque would continue to be discrete for the rest of eternity. The Bith looked around Dellis' clothes, and in a matter of seconds pulled out a small data disc and plugged it into a micro-transmitter built into the mouthpiece of the slitherhorn. The succinct transmission went out to a pre-designated recipient:

Re: Contact.

Direct transmission to coords 8689.73928-B24 for reply.

Satisfied, the Bith rejoined his band in the cantina.

Lady Vader
Mar 23rd, 2004, 07:40:36 PM
*It was late in the evening and LV had just finished getting ready for bed. She'd taken a moment to open the window to her room a crack to let a fresh breeze in, to which Iesis decided was perfect for lying next to.*

*She was about to remove her robe when the comm in her room beeped. Frowning, she resinched her robe and sat herself at the comm station she had built in her room and hit the "accept" button.*

Re: Contact.

Direct transmission to coords 8689.73928-B24 for reply.

*A corner of her lip went up into a half smile as she knew that this could only be Viscera's or one of his many units, doing.*

*Hitting the coordinates carefully, she fully encrypted the transmission so that it could not be followed or traced, or even cracked for that matter.*

*With the comm open to the specified coordinates, she sent a brief text message.*

This is Lady Vader contacting Darth Viscera. We need to talk.

*She hit the send button and stood, leaving the comm open. With that done, she undid her robe and slipped into bed, keeping one ear open for the comm to beep again.*

Darth Viscera
Mar 23rd, 2004, 08:10:52 PM
An hour passed ere a reply was sent, and when it came, it was in the form of a holographic transmission, which shimmered into life as a blue, interlaced haze.

"What is thy bidding, my mistress?" The aged figure of Darth Viscera asked from within a heavy dark cloak.

Lady Vader
Mar 23rd, 2004, 08:13:52 PM
*LV lifted her head from her pillow, making sure to keep the covers over her front. She squinted at the hologram.*

Don't you ever "knock"?

*She couldn't see his face, but she knew he was smiling. With a deft hand, she grabbed a small blanket at the side of her bed and tossed it in the direction of the holocam, covering it, and blinding Viscera. A few moments passed before LV removed the blanket and sat before the comm, wearing a robe.*

How have you been, Viscera?

Darth Viscera
Mar 23rd, 2004, 08:49:21 PM
"Well," he replied, thinking it likely that he had gotten the Sith Mistress at a bad time.

"And what would a Sith Mistress ask of her humble servant in the Empire?"

Lady Vader
Apr 5th, 2004, 02:41:21 PM
*She made herself comfortable in the comm seat and looked at the 3D holo of Visc.*

It's no secret that TSO has a substantial fleet, and we get by with what we have. What isn't so well known is the lack of competant leaders commanding the Order's ships.

*She looked at a corner in the console somewhere to the right.*

We have Roebuck in one sector with part of the fleet, Vader in another sector with another part of the fleet, and Parr commanding the Saiatah though he if called to command a fleet he would do so.

*She looked back at the holo.*

You've been a loyal member to this group for a long time, but I know your heart still lies with commanding a fleet, being in the freedom of space.

I want you to come out of wherever you have been for the last several months and command your fleet in one of the Order's sectors.

Darth Viscera
Apr 5th, 2004, 11:38:35 PM
Darth Viscera nodded, affirming that he would return to take command of the forces which required his presence. The conversation ended, and the Sith tapped a button on his command chair, ending the transmission. A smaller holo shimmered into being, that of an Imperial officer.

"Yes, my lord?" the officer asked.

"Commander, alert my Star Destroyer to prepare for my arrival," the Imperial Diktat replied.

Lady Vader
Apr 6th, 2004, 05:36:46 PM
*The holo flickered into nothingness as Viscera cut the transmission with his acceptance of her request. She sat back in the comm seat for a moment, pondering. TSO was going under a lot of changes, and this would certainly add to those changes.*

*With a satisifed smile, she stood and headed back to bed. Yes, many a change was coming; a storm was brewing, and the Sith Order was at the helm.*