View Full Version : Early morning start(open to any darksider)...

Shade Magus
Mar 22nd, 2004, 07:05:47 PM
The twin suns of Tatooine slowly raising on the horizon. It was a rare sight for some. Beautiful, glorious, and majestic, Shade Magus thought was he unclipped his lightsaber from his belt and let it hand loosely by his side. While it wasn't the best place to train in Shade's opinion, he wanted to be ready for any enviroment he had to be in.

Three hours later, Shade landed from his Force assisted backflip and rush forward swinging his lightsaber in a high arc and then twisted on the ball of his left foot, to bring the blade in from the left side. The Jedi then came up with the blade, doing another backflip. This time when he landed though, Shade immeadately spun around to his left, then his right, and finally brought the saber's blade resting in in front of him, pointing upwards at an angle.

Shade shut the power to his lightsaber off and dropped to his knees. His body was soaked in his sweat. For sometime now, Shade had been coming here, to practice his lightsaber technique, everyday getting better and better. Unfortunately he was pushing himself beyond his limits and that couldn't be good for his body, but that was the way everything worked. Nothing was for free.

The Jedi Knight leaned back and sat cross-legged, closing his eyes as he released a deep breath. With the breath Shade pushed out all his anger and settled down into a Jedi healing trance for all the cuts and bruises he had recieved from this morning's training exercise.

Feliciana Devano
Mar 22nd, 2004, 08:58:39 PM
Then there was a round of applause. It began slowly at first, but soon the clapping picked up pace and grew closer and closer to Shade. Then, just off to his side, a shadow was cast across the ground. It crept up close to his legs and soon the darkness washed over his body, covering up the sun -- draining the light from his features. "Well done! Good show!" The voice was oddly accented and it was that of a woman.

There standing before Shade, towering above him, was a beautiful sight. She was clad in flowing black robes and her straight black hair reached the middle of her back. The most intriguing thing about the woman seemed to be the soft green eyes that were contrasted against the entire dark scene. "Now, what do you call that?" She questioned, her voice only holding a hint of malice. The Dark Jedi Knight smiled to herself as she looked upon the Jedi.

If he thought he was about to enjoy this beautiful day, he had another thing coming.

Shade Magus
Mar 22nd, 2004, 09:05:07 PM
"Practicing is what most would call it. I call it relaxing."

Shade reached out and could feel the woman's presence and hoped she didn't want to fight. It was such a beautiful morning, as far as Tatooine goes.

"Is there something I can help you with?"

Feliciana Devano
Mar 22nd, 2004, 09:47:48 PM
Feliciana laughed to herself and shook her head, crossing her arms over her chest. "Not in particular." The words were rather empty as were her eyes. "Exercise? Out here? Stupid Jedi." The thoughts encompassed the young woman's mind as she read his aura. Obviously, he was here peacefully and would not give into her game of fighting right away. "That'll change." She thought to herself as a coy smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

"So, Jedi boy -- you got a name?"

Shade Magus
Mar 22nd, 2004, 09:51:59 PM
Now Shade's eyes were open.

"Shade Magus. And you would be?'

Feliciana Devano
Mar 23rd, 2004, 11:16:40 AM
"You think it's that easy?" The woman laughed to herself and shook her head as she shifted her weight slightly and took a new stance. "Shade Magus? Are you the Shade Magus?" Feliciana exclaimed with a hint of mockery. A sadistic smile curled up from the corners of her lips and she laughed once again. "Never heard of you."

Taking a step back and a deep breath, the Knight looked up at the sky and contemplated what to do with the Jedi. "Feliciana Devano -- and the pleasure is all mine." She smiled to herself as before. "So, Jedi boy -- you like fire?" The question seemed random until Shade looked to the left to see a little ball of flame hovering beside him, glowing brightly -- and threatening.

Shade Magus
Mar 23rd, 2004, 01:52:25 PM
Shade sighed deeply. It seemed nothing was ever easy anymore.

"Actually yes. I view it as a symbolic outlook of the Force."

Shade reached out with the Force to touch the ball of flame to see if it was really there or just an illusion.

Feliciana Devano
Mar 24th, 2004, 08:23:55 AM
The answer he gave Feliciana made her angry, but she did not display the emotion. Instead, the young woman put it away with the rest of her rage and decided it would be useful at a later point. As Shade reached out with the Force to test the fire, he could feel heat.

Of course, it was just a very skilled mentalist messing with his mind.

Feliciana touched Shade's mind and played with his sensory perception. To his eyes, the flame appeared real, and through the Force, it felt warm. Of course, if he had touched it with his hand, it would not have harmed him -- unless, of course, the mentalist decided to really have some fun. Then it would have been possible that he burned himself.

"That's an interesting way of viewing it, Shade. Why do you think so, though? Isn't fire, dangerous? Can it not harm you and even bring death? The Force is life, right? It binds all things together and without it, we are nothing." The Dark Jedi paused and smiled once again, shaking her head. "Fire is destruction -- it destroys and takes away life whereas the Force is safe and good. Fire -- it is pure chaos and the Force, well, to you it is peace. Of course, if you're walking a thin line as a Jedi, it is much more." With that, the flame disappeared and the Knight shifted her weight slightly, looking down at Shade.

"I know who you are -- murderer. You have been walking a thin line for a long time. There is nothing wrong with what I believe and practice. I see that you too could be very powerful and wise within the Force -- the Jedi are simply too stupid to grasp this theory. Instead, they tell you lies so that you will never become greater than their holy little council. That's right, isn't it? C'mon! You know it's true, Shade!" Feliciana raised her voice slightly, digging into the mind of the Jedi. He would eventually bend to the truth, or she would have to destroy him.

Either way, Feliciana believed that she was keeping balance within the galaxy.

Shade Magus
Mar 24th, 2004, 02:22:25 PM
Shade took a deep breath, deciding to answer her question about the fire, so to give him a moment to gather his thoughts before answering her other question.

"Fire, does harm yes. But so can the Force. They are both double edged swords. The Force is life and can help to heal and bring peace, but it can also harm and bring chaos. The same is true about fire. It can warm those that are cold, help cook food for the needy, while at the same time it can take homes from others and even kill those less fortunate."

Shade paused for a moment as he caught onto something.

"Murderer? Why do you call me a murderer? Who have I killed?"