View Full Version : Jedi Faith (open to Jedi only)

Nexus Barton
Mar 20th, 2004, 03:30:07 PM
The Jedi Priest of Kamaria walked into the Jedi bar. A jedi bar he thought to himself what a sacrilegious sanctuary. Drinking only polluted the mind and body. This was yet another example of the corrupt order, they had no discipline here.

Nexus walked up to the bar and order a glass of water. His Vision had lead him to this bar but why. Was he to spread the word of his belief to this heathen Jedi. These jedi had lost there faith and it need to be found again. Nexus spoke up so that a few ears close by could here him.

"I am Nexus Barton Jedi Priest of Kamaria. I Was wondering if anyone could recite the Jedi code to me?"

imported_Jacali Danner
Mar 20th, 2004, 03:42:53 PM
The young Padawan sat at the bar eating a salad and drinking a diet fizzpop when she overheard the stranger.

She perked slightly. "I'm a Jedi, I can recite the Code for you, Sir."

Nexus Barton
Mar 20th, 2004, 06:41:35 PM
"Okay Jedi then please recite it for me. It has been years since I have heard it spoken."

This was part of Nexus's game if she could indeed recite the code Nexus would applaud her. If she failed in the task she would learn a tuff lesson.

imported_Jacali Danner
Mar 21st, 2004, 08:39:29 AM
Jacali nodded and straightened.

"There is no emotion; there is peace. There is no ignorance; there is knowledge. There is no passion; there is serenity. There is no death; there is the Force."

Nexus Barton
Mar 21st, 2004, 01:57:44 PM
"Very good you know your code." Nexus smiled in approval.

"So what is your rank here ma'am?"

imported_Jacali Danner
Mar 21st, 2004, 06:52:57 PM
She pushed her salad back a bit. "I'm a Padawan, Sir. Jacali Danner." She told him with a smile and held out her hand in a friendly gesture.

Nexus Barton
Mar 22nd, 2004, 03:43:02 PM
Nexus shook the young woman’s hand. He hadn't seen this woman in his visions why had he missed her. His visions never lied or failed to give him details about his missions. Then again this last vision was different altogether.

"Well Miss Danner you seem to know your code. I was wondering if you knew the meaning of each aspect of the code?"

imported_Jacali Danner
Mar 29th, 2004, 04:16:25 PM
Jacali nodded. "Yes, I know...but some of it is well, not as pushed nowadays, precisely on the effects of emotion and passion."

Mar 29th, 2004, 04:30:34 PM
"Jedi are the guardians of peace in the galaxy. Jedi use their powers to defend and to protect, never to attack others.
Jedi respect all life, in any form. Jedi serve others, rather than ruling over them, for the good of the galaxy.
Jedi seek to improve themselves through knowledge and training."

Spada was sitting next to the two and could not keep quiet. This man seemed that he was testing Jacali, and he decided to make an attempt to dispel the man's feelings that a Jedi could actually not know the Code.

"And I don't mean to be rude, but it seems that you do not know the code yourself, sir. You have forgotten another part also. There is no chaos; there is harmony."

Nexus Barton
Mar 30th, 2004, 01:57:42 PM
"It may have changed Jacali but definitely not for the better."

Nexus turned to spada with a smile on his face. He had not forgotten that part of the code its just one he didn't care for. Sometimes a little chaos brought the best out of people.

"I did not forget that part sir, I just don't believe that part is necessarily true. You see you can create order from chaos and that is why it is a much needed part of this universe.

To answer your statements the Jedi of old serve the people the Jedi of now do nothing more then serve themselves. Jedi use there powers to only protect themselves if they where real protectors they would hunt down and vanquish the evil.

Jedi seek to improve themselves through Knowledge and training. Self improvement is self gratification it creates self centeredness. learning is not wrong its when you use that learning only to prove yourself better that it is."

Nexus looked at both young Jedi with a smile. By now he more then likely got them thinking one of two things. One this guy obliviously doesn't know what he is speaking of or two this guy is a sith or dark Jedi. Neither case was true though.

Mar 30th, 2004, 03:50:45 PM
"Those are not my words. Actually, thats part of the Jedi Code. I feel that you are slightly overanalyzing the Code."

imported_Jacali Danner
Mar 30th, 2004, 08:54:40 PM
Jacali remained quiet, she simply began to observe the man and was waiting to hear his answer.

Apr 9th, 2004, 05:09:08 PM
Spada thought after saying this and said,

"Sorry for coming off as hostile, Mr...?"

Nexus Barton
Apr 17th, 2004, 08:28:37 PM
"No need to apologize. The name is Nexus Barton no mister in front of it. To answer your little outburst I am not over analyzing anything, Jedi now days through the code aside to be heroes and to fall in love with damsel in distress. No true Jedi need to remember the code for one main reason if destroy or stop an evil another will rise from its ashes.

That Damsel you saved could be your down fall. There is no room to be a hero if you want to be a Jedi the road should be long and hard. It should be lonely and thankless. Because you serve the greater good, this Jedi establishment show allot of weaknesses most of it populace can't even be called Jedi. Most of them only serve themselves but there are a few here with the right spirit to be a true Jedi.

Evil is all around use just open your senses and look. Yet all you Jedi care about it is keeping your community safe. Calling yourselves protectors yet when you face evil or sin you turn your cheek. You need to hunt down the evil in this universe and destroy it and that is what I do and that is why I can call myself a true Jedi."

Apr 18th, 2004, 03:10:20 PM
"You can never destory the evil. It will always resurface. I joined the order to keep as many people safe as possible."

Spada looked in the other direction and looked back, saying,

"Although I agree with you about seeking praise, Jedi still should not go around and avoid gratitude altogether. People should realise that Jedi are doing the right thing. That could make our jobs much easier."

imported_Jacali Danner
Apr 18th, 2004, 04:29:34 PM
"I must agree as well. I saved the life of a little boy, nearly taking my life for it, but I would do it again. And I wanted no praise for it, I just wanted to know the child was safe. It was my duty and honor to keep the public safe."

Nexus Barton
Apr 27th, 2004, 09:52:02 AM
"Of course you can't destroy all evil but you can keep it in check. If you control it’s less likely to become an outbreak and a plague like it is now."

Nexus looked at both Jedi they where descent examples young Jedi minds. They where not fully corrupted but they where getting there. Their minds being washed slowly by the order into the perfect Knights.

"Jedi do not need gratitude for doing their job. Does the Janitor get thanks and praise for keeping the bathrooms clean? No, so why should a Jedi get thanks for keeping the peace? Yet the order demands and flashes there power in front of everyone it makes me sick."

Zacharia Dawnstrider
Apr 27th, 2004, 03:43:32 PM
Zacharia had been rather quiet the whole time, listening as the strange man spoke. Only a few times had the Padawan visited the bar and grill, but it was mostly to visit friends and enjoy a meal. Today he sat alone with a glass of water and a salad, paying hardly any mind to much around him as he was absorbed in a book. It seemed nearly uncharacteristic of him, but the young man had given up much of his rougher unkept ways to pursue a life of learning and serving.

"I'm sorry you feel that way." His gentle tenor voice touched the ears of Nexus. It was evident that this man had some sort of hostile feelings toward the Order, even if he kept them under wraps. The young Garou man shut his book on the marked page before turning a fanged grin to the newcomer. "Sad to see that a fellow Jedi generalizes such accusations."

Zacharia looked to his fellow Padawans, knowing that they were keeping much of their own opinions to themselves, but this young man was not about to do that. He was a fighter and though he had much to learn of the ways of the Force and the Jedi, he knew that this Nexus fellow was perhaps a bit out of line. This did not mean, however, that Zacharia would not give him a chance to explain. On the contrary, the Padawan sought to know so he could educate.

"Why is it that you have been deceived and you hold this misconception?" The Padawan gently questioned, urging Nexus to speak his mind for he was an open vessel ready and willing to take in the information that was to be presented.

Apr 27th, 2004, 06:51:50 PM
"Yes, you seem to be very genearlizing about jedi. Not all Jedi are alike, and none I have seen have ever looked for praise, and they all try their best to fend off the evil wherever possible."

He was beggining to become sick of the man making the Jedi out to be egocentric. The man made himself out to be the only one who was good and did things right.

Nexus Barton
Apr 28th, 2004, 09:50:04 PM
"You are right not all Jedi are alike. I am a Jedi and I am nothing like any Jedi you have seen. I do not generalize Jedi only followers of the order who no longer fit in the category of Jedi!"

Nexus spoke bluntly with no regard for what he said. He was far from angry in fact this conversation was stimulating. He was excited to here the young Jedi speak. Such young minds brought good insight and Ideas.

"Jedi for lack of a better word of the Order are growing uncontrollable. Padawans falling in love with darksiders. Jedi who use the dark side letting the taint take them over. Jedi clones of former darksiders or characters that went of the beaten path. Jedi turning darksider and back again. This order is too lax on who it lets in. They need a tighter reign on who they got and need to train pure good side of the force."

Zacharia Dawnstrider
Apr 29th, 2004, 02:55:10 PM
"There are none that are good -- no, not one." The words slipped quietly from Zacharia's mouth as his eyes intensified upon the face of the stranger. This man seemed a bit egocentric and in a way, too opinionated for his own good. However, being the person that Zacharia was -- he would give the man a chance. "If the Order did as you have recommended, then there would be no Jedi and no hope for the future."

The Padawan's eyes moved about the room for a moment, thinking about all of the life that gathered here this day. Many of the partrons were Jedi, gathered in small groups, speaking about various things with laughter mingling with their words. The Order was a wonderful place -- a place that took in strangers and gave the helpless hope. It was a place of education, and not just from books, but from experience.

"Everyone will make a mistake at least once in their life. It's in our nature and we cannot escape it. Those who fall in love -- they cannot help with whom they share their feelings. We are Jedi, not mindless droids of conformity. Those who have fallen off the path -- we take back in with open arms so that we might show them the error of their ways." Zacharia paused for a moment, realizing how serious he had grown in the last few months. His mind still rested upon skating, but as of late -- logic, philosophy, and ethics were his main focus. Not to mention, a Basic class here and there to brush up the speech of his that had once been rought and unpolished.

"We cannot help but take in everyone who seeks to learn. Those who have the slightest desire in their minds -- the ones who think they might want to pursue this life, we give a chance to. Those who are completely positive, we give a chance to." The Padawan sighed to himself, seeing at the beginning of this conversation that there would be no way to convince this man otherwise. It was unfortunate, seeing as though he was being blinded from the truth about the Jedi Order.

There was a moment of silence around the group as the Padawan exchanged glances with the others before turning his eyes back to Nexus. "Even the sure-footed fall. There are no tests to give to prove who will stay on track and who won't!" This was a known fact and this man, surly he should have known it. "I mean no disrespect and I understand that you might be a Jedi priest -- but sir, you're not walking this Path. And if you are, you're not holding to the Jedi Code yourself."

It was an outright accusation, but it was one that the Padawan would not stand down on. "The Jedi love, and have compassion. Without love, we would be nothing but droids who repeat everything they are taught. Without compassion -- sir, you're nothing."

Apr 29th, 2004, 05:07:43 PM
Spada felt that he could not add much to the man's statement and said shortly and feeling foolish,

"And if we turned a person strong with the force away, then where do you think they will turn to next? They would see the Jedi Order as unfair and might even ally with the Sith."

Nexus Barton
Apr 30th, 2004, 04:53:01 PM
"If the order at least followed some of what I spoke. I'm not saying all of it just some. They would be much stronger and closer to the force.

Mistakes yes granted it is human nature to make them. It becomes a habit when you continue to do the same mistake over and over again though. The word mistake then becomes nothing more then excuse to get out of discipline for your actions. Love is a weakness that can be exploited by the dark side that is why it should be forbidden to a Jedi."

Nexus stopped there and watched both Zacharia and spada for a few moments. He wondered if ether could comprehend what he was trying to get across. It seemed like a lost cause to him at this point.

"You take back those who have fallen with open arms to teach them the errors of their way. How cute that figment of your imagination is those who fall continue to fall.

Along the same lines you bring those who wish to learn. You do not investigate their motives and how they wish use what they learn. You teach them secrets so they when they fall from your ranks they can use them against you. You can turn them away and if they go to the dark side it was inevitable there was nothing you could do.

There minds where weak no matter how strong they where in the force. No there are no steps to see who will fall but there are preventive measures that can be put in place to prevent the flock from dividing."

Nexus stopped again and view both men still no light shown in their eyes. He continued on though hoping one spark of light would flicker so that they would at least spread the smallest part of his protest.

"As for me walking the path I already know I stray slightly young ones. I do so because I have been granted reprieve from the consequences until my message is gathered. Then when my message has spread I will be Judge for binds I break. It is part of my faith that says I must do this and in the end I will accept my punishment for what I do now. You can compassion but love is not needed."

Apr 30th, 2004, 05:18:27 PM
"You speak as if you are referring to a different Order. You claim that the Jedi are as stupid enough to make the same mistake again and that they all have bad intentions with what they learn. When I asked to join the Order, I was questioned as to why I am asking. Even now as a Padawan my master and other Knights look to see my behavior and help me to find out my problems and mistakes."

He looked around, then looked back at the man,

"And love, however potent it can be, will not always aid the dark side."

Zacharia Dawnstrider
May 1st, 2004, 01:31:03 PM
Zacharia could not help but shake his head. This guy was like a brick wall and no matter who it was telling him he was wrong, he would not listen. "Being so bullheaded is rather ignorant, don't ya think?" The young man questioned, his eyes burning with a zealous fire. He was a true Jedi and proud of it. This man sitting before him was nothing but a cardboard cut-out version. "What a poseur." The Jedi thought to himself, reverting his mental speech back to his more slang terms used at the skating competitions. He sighed and shook his head.

"I don't know what to tell you. You think you're right and we know you're wrong. You don't have an open mind and you criticize everything about an organization that you're no part of." Zacharia gathered his thoughts and remained calm as he spoke. The fire in his eyes held steady as he burned piercing holes through Nexus. "Instead of pointing out the supposed faults of the Jedi Order, perhaps you should spend some time evaluating yourself." It was something that had once been said to Zacharia, a long time ago when he had been a brash teenager. Now he was a grown man and wise in his experience. This Jedi Priest was nothing short of a child.

There was a bit of tension in the room and all gathered could feel it. The Padawan would defend the honor of his home and family here despite the strong accusations made by Nexus. "Besides, if you hate this place so much, why did you bother coming here? You must view us as a lost cause -- that's basically what you've told me. If we're so lost, why waste your time? I guarantee, no one is listening."

imported_Jacali Danner
May 1st, 2004, 09:05:52 PM
Jacali listened quietly to Zach and Spada, she had to agree. "If we don't love life, what is it worth to be a true Jedi? It's because we love life that we do what we do. What you are saying, is we shouldn't love at all. I don't believe that and does it mean if I fall in love, I'm destined to become a darksider?"

Nexus Barton
May 5th, 2004, 11:01:40 PM
"No you have what I'm trying to say wrong Jacali. I'm not saying because you fall in love you will become a darksider. I'm saying if you fall in love that love can be used as a tool against you to try and corrupt you."

He viewed the group again judge the comprehension as best he could. He clearly got that the group had feelings that he was insane and possibly even thought he was a darksider to tempt them.

"As for you spada no love is not always going to be used against you. But the fact that it can should be enough to keep it away from you. As for my views on the order I see allot more of then you think and allot more then I like. I know the dirty little secrets of this order I'm cursed by visions of it."