View Full Version : A Fairwell Lunch
Dasquian Belargic
Mar 20th, 2004, 10:09:43 AM
Continued from here (
Mid-day was always busy in the Bar and Grill. Since Yogs was so conviniently close to the Orders grounds, Jedi would come inbetween training sessions to grab something to eat. Still, there were a few booths empty. Dasquian and Rhianna seated themselves at one of them. "Let's see what the specials are today," the Knight said, handing a menu to his friend, then opening one for himself. "They make almost anything you can think of here, so don't think you're limited to whats on the card..."
Rhianna Ravenloft
Mar 22nd, 2004, 08:35:46 PM
Skimming over her options, Rhianna tried to think if she had ever seen so many choices before. She didn't think so. Her selections had been somewhat limited lately. Mostly due to the desire to have a roof over her head versus a full belly. But since her arrival on Coruscant she had been fed quite well actually, and was beginning to look less like a scrawny urchin.
Still though, she had no idea what to order. Peeking at Dasquian over the top of the menu she wondered what he was going to get. Studying him further she wondered more about her friend. Briefly she considered trying to read him - fortune style. Hiding a grin she thought probably he wouldn't be up for her nonsense.
Smiling she lowered the menu a notch. "What would you suggest? I really have no idea what my tastes are. I think I was fond of salad. The last time I encountered fresh vegtables anyways.."
Dasquian Belargic
Mar 28th, 2004, 09:37:12 AM
“Well, it depends on just how hungry you’re feeling,” he replied, looking back at Rhianna over the top of his menu. They do a nice Ahrisa - very spicy, was quite popular on Coruscant a couple of years ago. There’s a nice kind of bread too… what’s it called… Parwan Nutricake! Spiced too, actually, I think. No where near as hot of course. I think I’m going to go with the Doisey Bird legs. My stomach is growling just thinking about them.”
He looked up again, smiling broadly.
“How about some Algarine wine to drink?”
Rhianna Ravenloft
Mar 28th, 2004, 10:23:15 AM
"Well that all sounds... good. " Folding her menu shut and setting it down Rhianna rested a her cheek on her hand and grinned at the Jedi Knight. "Tell you what. I'll have whatever you're having, then I know it'll be good. Doisey bird legs did you say?"
Rhianna was sure she would like whatever they got. She wasn't particaular at all. Taking her napkin off the table she unfolded it and set it across her lap. She wasn't sure what Algarine wine tasted like, but she would give it a go.
Dasquian Belargic
Mar 28th, 2004, 01:02:05 PM
Dasquian smiled, then looking up at one of the part-time waiters who had arrived to take their order. The Bar and Grill was an unusual place. In some respects, it was a like a bar, but in others it seemed far too formal for that. Then again, there was nothing formal about the waiter, dressed in khakis and a t-shirt. Dasquian recognized him as one of the Jedi Padawans.
“Hello, we’d like two servings of Doisey Bird legs and a bottle of Algarine, please.” The waiter nodded, taking the two menus and Dasquians credit chit before disappearing off behind the bar. “That shouldn’t take too long. They’re pretty quick in here. I suppose they’ve gotten used to the high demand, in the years that this place has been open.”
Rhianna Ravenloft
Mar 28th, 2004, 03:17:51 PM
Linking her fingers together under her chin, Rhianna grinned at her host impishly. "So, aside from being a Jedi Knight and a brother, what else should I know about you, Daquian?"
She was going for the normal everyday approach of just asking rather than using whatever power rested inside her. She hadn't had any occaision lately to use her little gifts and was getting used to the blunt way of asking what one wanted to know.
Dasquian Belargic
Mar 29th, 2004, 01:32:55 PM
Dasquian gave a little shrug and smiled. He had been asked similar questions many times before. “I’m not sure where to begin really, but do ask away about anything you’d like to know. I'm sure I'm not as interesting as you think me to be.”
Rhianna Ravenloft
Mar 29th, 2004, 01:39:33 PM
"Well... let me see. What do you do for fun, anything..?" She dearly hoped so. Because if not she was going to have to introduce some into his life..
The idea brought a blush to her cheeks. Rhianna looked up an wondered where that wine was..
Dasquian Belargic
Mar 29th, 2004, 01:50:40 PM
“Oh, well,” Dasquian hesitated, feeling his cheeks reddening slightly. He paused, clearing his throat quietly as the Padawan returned with a couple of glasses and the wine bottle, setting them down on the table. The Knight took the bottle, opening it and beginning to pour a little of the liquid into each glass as he spoke, “I don’t have much time for fun, to be honest.”
Rhianna Ravenloft
Mar 29th, 2004, 01:58:55 PM
Rhianna remained quiet for a long time. She picked up the glass of wine that had been poured for her and took a small tentative sip. Truth be told, she had never had wine before. She had tasted rum though and this was far better. It made her throat and chest feel all warm.. "That is no way to live, Dasquian.. "
She had absolutely no right to lecture a Jedi Knight but somehow she didn't think he would begrudge her, her opinion. "Think on it, how can you properly appreciate the lives you protect with your own if you don't enjoy it to its fullest potential..? Its important to have fun, I think.."
Dasquian Belargic
May 14th, 2004, 07:05:17 AM
“I’m sure there will be a time when I can enjoy myself freely, whenever I please, but in becoming a Jedi I have willingly forfeited this freedom for the time being. It’s all good well and to enjoy yourself, but I believe we should have some greater purpose or goal – and indulging in luxuries will not help us achieve this, but instead distract us from it. I imagine many an hour has been wasted by a student spent in this very bar when they could have been training.” Dasquian sighed slightly as he finished speaking, looking skeptically at the wine.
Rhianna Ravenloft
May 14th, 2004, 08:07:35 AM
"I'm not all for indulging in luxaries, myself. That should be apparent in my hesitaion regarding ordering." She chuckled a bit, toying with her napkin again, clearly not really knowing why she kept going on when she should probably just let it go. But something wouldn't let her. The thought that Dasquian denied himself things he enjoyed as a matter of principle didn't sit quite right with her.
"I think maybe some concessions could work though. For example, people who enjoy reading could spend their free time reading things that would benefit their Jedi studies. Myself included, after today I am going to the library to see what I can dig up on botany. No pun intended." Winking, she continued. "But to be honest, my favorite past time is dancing. I suppose is is a tad overboard for a Jedi, but it is extremely good excerise for both body and mind coordination, you know..."
Dasquian Belargic
May 16th, 2004, 02:38:02 AM
“I… don’t really have any hobbies,” Dasquian confessed. “I’m not really passionate about anything outside of my studies- and my family, of course.” He gave a small smile. “It’s good that you have something that you can incorporate into your training that you enjoy, though. It will take some of the stress out of physical training at least.”
Rhianna Ravenloft
Jun 6th, 2004, 07:09:36 AM
The lunch had actually been quite pleasant. Rhianna was't quite sure how much time they had idled away chatting on this and that, but it didn't really matter to her. Dasquian did have to return at some point though, but she was reluctant to let him go just yet.
The wine she had consumed with her meal hadn't gotten her inebriated, but it had given her a warm flushed feeling. Slowly making their way, by scenic route, back to the Temple proper, Rhianna caught the sound of a guitar. The music quickly picked up the beat and became quite tempting sounding. She just had to go listen, but didn't know quite how to broach the subject.
Peering askance at Dasquian, she gave his hand a tug and tried her most sympathy winning eyes. Which probably just looked silly, she was, after all not exactly skilled with swaying men to her cause. "Oh come on! Ten minutes?"
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 9th, 2004, 05:48:11 AM
“Why not,” Dasquian smiled nervously. As much as he appreciated music, he couldn’t help but think that he would somehow going to get roped into dancing, and that was not something anyone wanted to see. Still, he followed Rhianna’s lead towards the source.
Rhianna Ravenloft
Jun 9th, 2004, 07:15:28 PM
Following the sounds of the music, they came upon the source. A quaint little cafe full of people who, like Rhianna, loved to dance to such sounds. Several torches had been lit, casting the dancers into a soft yet somehow decadent glow. Their bodies moved to the almost primal rythym of not only stringed instruments now, but primative sounding drums as well. It was in her gypsy nature to love such a thing, she supposed.
Before she knew it was coming, a young man running around the group in a circle singing and laughing had grabbed her and pulled her into a merry dance. Grinning at his audacity she humored him a bit, getting into the wild spirit of the thing.
Flipping her bouncing red curls out of her face, Rhianna tried to catch sight of Dasquian. He looked like he was trying to have a good time but didn't quite know how to go about it. She would see about that..
Shaking off her partner, Rhianna moved alone now. Pulling free the green shawl that had been tied about her hips. She would show the rest of them how a Gypsy danced. Perfectly in time with every note, she moved with the music, scarf accenting the sway of her hips as she made her way closer back to her Jedi Knight friend.
A little breathless and quite energized, she closed the distance between them and stopped on the last note of the song. Tripping a bit, she pitched forward grabbed hold of his shoulders, laughing.
"Now that, was fun...."
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 11th, 2004, 02:46:20 PM
Dasquian smiled a bashful smile, nodding somewhat. While he had nothing against such things, Dasquian wasn’t the type to get involved, but rather to sit at the sidelines and nod appreciatively, thinking – my, isn’t this lovely! He could tell Rhianna had enjoyed it though. “You should ask if they’re here often,” he remarked, glancing a moment at the hands on his shoulders.
Rhianna Ravenloft
Jun 12th, 2004, 02:10:24 PM
It seemed the most natural thing in the whole galaxy to be here with Dasquian. Rhianna couldn't help but smile at random couples as they passed arm in arm, wearing grins not unlike the one she wore.
Looking back up at Dasquian, she caught sight of him glancing at where her hands still lingered on his shoulders. She hadn't even realized it! Blushing profusely, she pulled her hands away and mumbled a quick apology.
Rhianna was no good at this, whatever it was. She hadn't wanted to take her hands away. She had wanted to move closer.. That was definately new. But she didn't know how to go about explaining that to him, nor did she think it would be permissable. Frowning a tiny bit she was sure there must be protocols preventing Jedi recruits from manhandling the Knights...
"Sorry Dasq, we can go whenever you're ready.."
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 13th, 2004, 07:28:54 AM
“I’m sorry, I’m not very good at this am I?” he apologized, smiling a little. “We can go whenever you want to. I just want you to enjoy yourself, before you’re whisked away to Yavin.”
Rhianna Ravenloft
Jun 13th, 2004, 08:43:39 AM
Her smile faded, but only a notch. Rhianna kept forgetting that was the whole point of today, to say goodbye to Dasquian before she left for Yavin. Biting at her bottom lip, she looked back up and grinned impishly.
"I think I've gotten enough excersize for one day. Let's just walk back...slowly."
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 28th, 2004, 12:21:37 PM
He nodded and they began to walk. There was something of an awkward silence between them, as though neither knew what to say or do next. It was a vaguely disconcerting and made Dasquian feel self-conscious of the fact that in spite of his usually warm persona that many people saw, he was still a bumbling fool in most social situations.
“I’m sorry,” he apologized again. “I know I’ve just said that, but I feel like I’m putting a damper on your last evening here in the hub. I wish I could make it up to you. I’ll come visit when you’re on Yavin, make you one of my famous meals. How does that sound?”
Rhianna Ravenloft
Jun 28th, 2004, 01:42:02 PM
"That sounds....wonderful." She hadn't thought much about Dasquian coming to see her on Yavin but he had just promised to do so. The thought brought a pink tinge to her cheeks and a silly grin which she hid by watching her feet as she walked as if they were fascinating.
She was really no better at this than he was. In fact he probably was at least a tad more experienced than she. Rhianna didn't warm to people easily having been exposed to nothing but a neverending swirl of strange faces her whole life. But that was all past now, she had a new hand that the fates had dealt her and she was going to make the most of it. She was going to be happy!
Looking back up, she glanced about at other people walking and tried to adopt their carefree stride as her own. She spotted a couple walking, randomly switching from holding hands to wrapping an arm around each others waist. Well.. the latter might be going a bit too far, but it certainly looked harmless..friendly yet..not too bold maybe?
Discreetly she slid her glance to the side, to Dasquian and wondered just what her Jedi Knight would do if she were to slide her arm around his waist! Blushing again she didn't think she had the nerve... not yet anyways.
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 21st, 2004, 09:37:48 AM
“You know… I have been giving some thought to spending a fair bit of time there myself, with an apprentice or two. Perhaps a farewell meal was a bit preemptive?” he laughed, smiling to himself at the thought of spending time on the lush forest world so like his home.
Rhianna Ravenloft
Jul 21st, 2004, 10:18:58 AM
"I'd like that Dasquian, to see you again I mean.."
He just seemed to at ease at that moment for her to act upon her silly whims of something more. She really didn't understand either why she was having such thoughts. She certainly never thought this way way before. Of course, she had never known anyone like Dasquian before either.
Reaching up, she plucked the flower from her hair. They had obviously been gone longer than intended because it was already starting to wilt. Most likely from her exertions with the dancers. As they walked, Rhi pulled the petals loose one by one, in the way other girls did when saying the silly 'He loves me. He loves me not'. Rhianna didn't mutter the silly phrase but for some reason she thought it anyways.
She thought it, all the way back to the Jedi Temple where she dropped the last petal with a grin.
"Well I guess we're back..."
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 21st, 2004, 01:00:15 PM
“It would appear so.”
His eyes fell and he sighed somewhat. Then, looking up, he smiled.
“Well, thank you for a nice evening, Rhianna. It’s been good to spend some time with you. I know we don’t know each other all that well yet, but I feel like we’re becoming good friends.”
Rhianna Ravenloft
Jul 21st, 2004, 06:43:45 PM
"I feel that as well. Thank you, Dasquian. It was nice going out for a walk, I haven't been out from the Temple since... well since my return from Tatooine."
Her eyes fell for a moment, she looked like she would dwell on her mistake ont he desert planet once more, but she did not. Dasquian had already helped her to set that at ease wihtin her soul. She turned, ready to leave and begin her packing for the trip to Yavin.
A sudden wind of the wild hit her and before she knew it she was turning back. After such a lovely encounter, they deserved a proper good bye. The ones that other late night strollers may have. That and Rhianna felt truely greatful to Dasquian for teaching her that a tiny bit of indulgence was not necessarily a bad thing, she'd have her first go at that theory now.
Before she could rethink it, Rhianna leaned close an placed a tiny soft kiss to her new friends cheek. Closing her eyes, she lingered there no more than a second, not even time enough to really enjoy the feel of his skin or the closeness. She whispered a small shy 'goodbye' in his ear and disappeared within the Temple.
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