View Full Version : The perfect little girl
Railynn Surontina
Mar 18th, 2004, 07:01:14 PM
Ever since I was taken from Dathomir as a child, people have been afraid of me. I guess they didn't understand that some people are stranger than others. I was very young when I was placed in a foster home, the young couple who had adopted me had been so happy when they discovered the perfect little girl. But they would discover that I was far from perfect, in fact, I was the anti-christ of perfect. I hated them a lot, though they seemed unaffected by my hatred, always showering me with expensive gifts and clothes. I hated all of it. The only thing I loved was my little dolly that they had allowed me to keep after I had been taken from my home.
Some of the people who had taken me said that I should get rid of it because some of the witchy people might have cast a spell on it. They thought it might attack people at night time when I was fast asleep. Of course I didn't believe them. The thought was entirely stupid. To think, a little doll coming to life. It was frightening how correct they were. That bad poppet killed both my foster-parents and all their sickening love that smothered me, choking me on kindness that I didn't want.
But that bad doll, she blamed it on me and the stupid mean people believed her! They thought just because my finger prints matched the one's in the blood all over their stupid worthless bodies, that it was me who killed them. They sent me away again, but not to a foster home, but to a very scary, lonely place. They kept me there for years. But Clarice never left me. My sweet dolly... how I love her..
Coruscant Asylum
"Come, dear, time for your medicine."
'Okay, Miss Kathy...' Railynn opened her mouth and stared up innocently at the new nurse. She could feel the nervous pumps of her heart as she slowly brought the pill between her fingers and toward her awaiting mouth. She smiled trustingly as she lowered the small tablet to the girl's lips and then... the woman's pain-filled screams echoed through the padded walls.
"She bit me the stupid little brat! Guards!''
Two bulky men rushed in and glared down at the small girl huddled in the corner of the small room, her doll clutched tightly to her chest. They raised their clubs menacingly above her, she could already feel their horridly hard length sinking into her tender, sensitive flesh.
'No no! I didn't do it! I swear! It was all Clarice's fault!' Railynn screamed, shielding her fragile skull with her frail arms, marred already with bruises.
Someone.. make them go away.... Help me Clarice
Railynn Surontina
Mar 24th, 2004, 10:10:58 AM
No one came. No one wanted to help her. Not like she could really blame them; Who in their right mind would ever want to help poor little Railynn and her doll of lesser evil? That was fine, she didn't need them any way, and when she got out of this hell, she would make all those protectors of the weak and helpless know that they had let her down. Could they not hear her screams? Perhaps it was her origins that kept them away, or her violent display toward the nurse. Wasn't it them whom had put her here in the first place? Had she become the monster that little children feared?
She was no psychotic child killer, but she did have some grand advice for them. Trust no one, love no one.. but yourself. And maybe your little doll, she thought amusedly. Looking down at Clarice, Rai sighed softly and then set the tattered poppet down on the floor. If she was to ensure the asylum of her sanity then she would have to be on her best behavior, thus ruling out the whole plotting with the mad doll thing. But as she gazed down at the worn, porcelain face, Railynn began to hate herself for ever setting it down.
You can't set me down! You love me too much. If you get rid of me, who is going to protect you from the nice people?
''Myself, I suppose.''
The nurse and guards will be here soon. Why don't we make our final move? How about we kill them together and get out of here?
''Cause it is bad to do stuff like that, Clarice. You know that.''
Do it...
Milivikal k'Vik
Mar 27th, 2004, 03:57:31 PM
"I and I thought I had problems." Milivikal mused musically. The cell had been a welcome distraction from lower Coruscant. Less leering and jeering.
Pale blue-green eyes flashed from across the hall. Mili pressed her face up against the transparisteel. Raven-black chin length hair framed high cheekbones and a fine nose
"That doll's been you're only friend, mmmm?" she hummed.
"I can let you out..." Mili's voice was seemingly at a whisper, which was theoretically impossible with the transparisteel between the two of them.
Railynn Surontina
Mar 28th, 2004, 03:58:52 PM
'Railynn stared at the black-haired woman distastefully for a moment. The whole idea seemed completely impossible from where she was standing, but then she switched views and a spark of hope.. no.. desperation claimed her senses and she launched forward and pressed herself against the glass, her dirty hand, not occupied with the slight weight of her dolly, pressing against the woman's face.
'Let me out.. oh yes.. that's what I want.' She said, staring directly into her eyes for a moment before her gaze flashed down to Clarice. 'You'll let her out too, mm..?' She asked, mimicing the woman's voice perfectly.
Milivikal k'Vik
Mar 28th, 2004, 04:22:16 PM
Milivikal stared at the doll, chewing her pinky nail in thought. The doll was a dangerous anchor, probably. It let a secondary personality manifest. Either it would make the girl stronger... or it would destroy her. Mili decided she could likely put her back together, or at least tape her up well enough to take her home.
She looked at the girl, noting how well she had come along physically. Graceful ladylike curves, smooth, creamy skin, and delicious looking full breasts. Yes, she would be coming home, if only for a bit of fun.
"I'm Milivikal." She said softly, too soft to pass through the glass, but it did. The voice was a gentle caress, and calming.
"Might you two have a name?" her voice flowed sweet and smooth like summer honey.
Railynn Surontina
Mar 28th, 2004, 04:31:36 PM
That's such a pretty name. Rai thought to herself, her gaze once again returning to the woman. Two names. No one had ever asked about her poppet before. She suddenly began to like this woman, a like that went far beyond stranger fondness, perhaps more like a friend. Maybe. Giggling slightly, the silvery sound muffled by the glass between them, she held up her doll for further inspection.
'Her name is Clarice, she's rather shy so she doesn't talk much.' She informed the woman, snuggling the doll tightly against her chest. 'And my name is Railynn, I'm not shy at all!'
Milivikal k'Vik
Mar 28th, 2004, 07:53:30 PM
She studied the doll intently. It was old, well worn, but sturdy for what it was. The painted eyes were faded in spots, going from a warm, dark earthy tone to a light brown. The black irises were grey, and the whites were smudged with grime.
Mili smiled gently, noting that Railynn was socially stunted. Unless she had been given growth speeding drugs, she was at least fifteen. More likely seventeen or eighteen. Minimal contact with others coupled with what was likely a terrible upbringing made Railynn childlike.
"Mmmhm. Indeed you aren't." Mili licked her lips.
"When the nurse gets back, we can leave."
Railynn Surontina
Mar 28th, 2004, 08:02:10 PM
'Mmm, k. Where are we going to?' She asked, not that she really minded. Anywhere but here was most likely better, though she had been very few places that would better approve her opinion of this universe. In truth, she wanted to go back to Dathomir, but that was currently not an option. She had so much more to discover for herself, and then she would go back home and see her aunts. They were probably not worried about her anyway.
She smiled awkwardly at the woman, flashing a set of gleaming white teeth, then her head snapped violently to the side as she heard the loud clanking of her nurses heels clanking noisely against the floor outside of her cell.
Milivikal k'Vik
Mar 28th, 2004, 08:48:04 PM
Railynn's head glanced back. Mili kissed her fingers and planted it against the transparisteel. The Siren stood and began to nervously pace her cell.
The nurse was a haggard woman with bad taste in shoes. She was dressed in uncomfortable and ugly protective clothing. Mili could hear her every move, her every breath, her every heartbeat. Right before the woman was even with her cell, Milivkal charged the glass. The impact resonated a sickly "thak."
Mili curled onto the ground and began to sob.
"Looks like you need medicine early today." Mili balled up tighter and began to wail, hitting uncomfortable notes in the proccess. All the nurse had to do was touch her skin with the hypo, and the mild mood stimulant would flow through the pale woman's body.
"SsSttTTtopp." Mili's wove in and out, laden with command. The nurse paused. Her face was confused.
"PpPuuuTTTTttt the HhhyYYypppoOh to Yuuooorrr neck." Still confused, the older woman complied. Mili waited an extra five seconds, and gave her arm a yank, breaking the skin injection. It took a minute, but the double dose of chemical brought a smile to the middle aged woman.
Mili smiled too.
"Open the door, would you please?" Drugged into an obedient stupor, the nurse complied. Once free, Mili closed the door.
"And her door, too." she pointed at the keypad on Railynn's.
Railynn Surontina
Mar 29th, 2004, 04:31:36 PM
Railynn watched in wonder as the amazing drama began to unfold. Though the conversation, mostly made up of whimpers and commands made by Milivikal, was muffled by the barrier locking her in place, she still had a pretty good idea of what was occuring. Her eyes grew wide as two silvery moons as the nurse opened the door and for a moment, she just stood there in a stupor of her own. How had that been so easy for her? Why couldn't she do things like that? A pang of jealousy shot through her momentarily before she stumbled from the cell along with her smiling poppet.
'Ooo.. that was sooooo cool!' She squealed lightly, looking toward the nurse. Her brows knitted downward in a hatred that ran far deeper then for the people whom worked here, but for most all people that didn't see her as she saw herself.
'So.. how are we getting out of here?'
Je'gan Olra'en
Mar 29th, 2004, 05:22:09 PM
Something felt deeply wrong.
Je'gan Olra'en, acolyte of the Sith Order, was simply cruising around, enjoying a bit of liesure time. It was a matter of course to sense things that felt wrong - on a planet with Coruscant's population and, more importantly, crime rate, that was inevitable. On occasion, if things felt wrong enough, say if he detected the unmistakable tang of a Forcer's presence, he might actually investigate.
This particular sense had that tang, and strong enough so that he felt rather driven to take a closer look. The presence felt a tiny bit familiar, too, almost like Kasajian. Almost, but it wasn't, and yet his mind was associating that sense with the Sith Witch. Perhaps a shared incident?
As he realized this association's existence, he also realized that he had become exceedingly curious.
He wheeled the little speeder in the vague direction of the wrongness and refined that direction as he got closer. Within perhaps five minutes he was in eyeshot of the probable location.
The Coruscant Asylum, he thought grimly. Classic...
The speeder touched down on an empty landing pad. Je'gan took a moment both to evaluate the forbidding-looking structure and to check that his weapons were in order. Azubah hung at his belt, beside which was an eighteen-inch-long dirk of simple, cold durasteel. He'd been up against projectile weapons before, naturally, and recognized the inadequacy of his arsenal, but he wasn't nearly proficient enough at range to chance using one in a practical situation. Better the devil you know, after all.
He cleared the door, rueing the fact that without that sense of the wrong to go by, he couldn't find his objective. In turn, he couldn't create a shield to hide his presence without blinding himself to the sense. He couldn't hear anything out of the normal, too.
Someone irrelevant approached. Since he couldn't hide, there was no reason not to go in with guns blazing. The attendant collapsed, victim of a refined mental assault that ripped out both sanity and motor control in the space of seconds. Je'gan took no notice, just continued on, heading for the source of the wrongness.
Milivikal k'Vik
Mar 29th, 2004, 06:16:12 PM
Milivikal grinned. She was indeed childish, and spoke strangely.
"We walk out the back door, of course." She took Railynn's hand, and gave it a gentle, reassuring squeeze. Mili stole another glance at her breasts... and pushed such thoughts from her mind. They needed to leave first.
"Take us to the service entrance."
While the service entrance wasn't secluded, exactly, it was far better than the front, which was heavily monitored and locked down.
The Coruscant Coco District Asylum was in an older building that used to be a more conventional hospital. Railynn and Mili had been kept in the high security ward. There was only one guard at the service entrance, a male Twi'leki. He got up from his holoshow,
"Kaa..." Milivikal pulled her shirt up, revealing a pair of bare, perky breasts. He stopped, dumbfounded.
"Kaa..." she returned, putting her shirt back down, and began to speak as fluent Twi'leki as one could without head tails. Her voice began to twist and weave, the tone of command taking hold.
Obedient, the guard opened the door. She took Railynn's hand, pulling her to the other side. The nurse stood, stupid with mood altering chemicals. The door closed with a satisfying clunk.
The Siren kissed the guard as promised, humming deeply all the while. Abruptly he collasped. His eyes were dead.
"Come, its time for us to leave." She took Railynn's hand again.
Railynn Surontina
Mar 29th, 2004, 06:35:58 PM
The man was funny-looking, though she wasn't one to judge with her overly short blue asylum scrubs clinging loosely against her thighs; she had never been one to wear clingy pants to begin with. What ensued after the alien-man began to approach was not totally unfamiliar to Railynn, but it still struck her as completely odd when seeing the woman do it. Her thoughts on the matter changed, however, when the doors were opened and they were allowed through. So thats all it took...
An eyebrow arched as the woman slanted her lips against the man's own, and inwardly she cringed. Didn't that taste nasty? Was that perhaps why he hit the floor with a thud soon after it happened?
'Oh, okay..' She murmured curiously, sparing the glazed eyes of the fallen guard a wry glance before she was once again pulled down the hall.
Je'gan Olra'en
Mar 29th, 2004, 09:32:49 PM
Using a lightsaber was an immediate tipoff to whomever he was pursuing, and Azubah's snarl especially carried in these sterile corridors. He'd only used it on the front door because there was no other way that was equally efficient. That was all right; at the distance between the Forcer and the front doors had been sufficient to essentially mute the saber noise. Here, however, he knew he was getting close, and that was why when he sensed the presence begin to move - along with an odd echo, probably a second individual - Je'gan had no qualms about carving a quick path through interfering walls and floors.
He turned a corner and felt somebody nearby either die or fall unconscious, causing him to quicken his pace. Leather boots thumped on the floor - another tipoff that he didn't especially mind. Azubah flashed out and sliced an efficient arch in the wall dead ahead. Through the hole, two figures were visible.
"Oy!" he called, deactivating the saber but not replacing it. "A word, if I might?"
Milivikal k'Vik
Mar 29th, 2004, 11:46:41 PM
k'Vik was more than annoyed-- the interloper had drawn tremendous attention to them. The athorities would likely arrive soon, and she was not properly prepared to deal with them. Simple minded inviduals like the drones servicing parts of the hospital were easily controlled, but she didn't need the Jedi upon them. Residual bits of the numbing drugs flowed through Mili's system still, making focus difficult.
Trying on a strong force user would be futile.
"Yes?" She avoided berating him for the commotion, but still came off as... tired. Mili held Railynn's hand a bit tighter.
Railynn Surontina
Mar 30th, 2004, 04:12:51 PM
'Mili.. let's go..' Railynn said nervously, looking toward the man whom had snatched her new acquaintance's attention. Stepping behind her slightly, she looked around. She didn't want to be trapped here any longer. She wanted to leave right now. Couldn't they talk outside? The grip on her hand tightened and in turn, hers tightened as well. Was he here to take her away again? Make her go back to that lonely cell and keep her there? She would never let that happen...
You sniveling little coward. How dare you embarass me so? Stop hiding or I'll be bad again..
Oh please no. I won't hide. I'm a brave girl, Clarice, I am.
Edging out from behind Mili, she sank her teeth into her bottom lip and stared defiantly at the man standing before them.
Je'gan Olra'en
Mar 31st, 2004, 07:11:11 AM
Je'gan ducked through the smoldering arch, but kept at something like a respectful distance. His smile didn't quite reach his eyes.
"I was just in the neighbourhood and your little escapade caught my attention. Well...not the escapade per se - I'm not going to take you back to your cell, girl - but the people involved. In all honesty, the way you-" he was looking at k'Vik "-feel through the Force reminded me of someone I know. I believe her name's 'Kasajian'."
Milivikal k'Vik
Mar 31st, 2004, 02:13:27 PM
The centipede chittered quietly. The Siren agreed. She needed to be brief and vauge, but not wholly impolite.
"Kasajian and I maintain a curious relationship." Mili stated matter-of-factly. "Tis rather complicated, though, and we had best not discuss it here." She looked about. Surely half of the district Police was heading this way by now.
"Might you know of a, ah, low key exit?"
Railynn Surontina
Mar 31st, 2004, 05:30:05 PM
Did you hear how he addressed you? How rude. Don't let him get away with it.
It's fine, Clarice. I haven't even told him my name yet...
You're such a pushover. They are coming for you, darling, what are you going to do?
Railynn's head snapped back violently and then from side to side, like some possessed host seeking to escape her controlled fate. Her eyes rolled back into her head and then back again, a smile beginning to form on her lips. The smile was not one to regard a friend with though, more like one would grant a raped victim after gaining a bit of satisfaction from their useless flesh.
"They are coming for us... so close. Don't let them get me!'' She shrieked, flailing her doll around as if it held no other purpose. "Mili.. take me.. take me away.."
Je'gan Olra'en
Mar 31st, 2004, 05:38:32 PM
The entrance he'd come by was too far away to be of use, not to mention that it and his speeder were likely to be the first focii of any search like the one the screaming girl was implying.
Ah well. The speeder had been stolen anyways.
"I'm afraid I don't, although by the looks of your companion speed might reasonably be preferred to stealth. This service entrance would suffice if we leave now." He didn't feel a great deal of danger, but enough to know that Surontina's fears were partially justified.
Milivikal k'Vik
Mar 31st, 2004, 06:30:11 PM
Milivikal looked at Railynn, observing her go frantic. Once they were in a controlled environment, The Siren would destroy the doll.
"CaalllmMMmm ddooowWNNnnn, and fffFFFffolllllllow." Her voice rippled with command. Railynn's panic eased, but she was still on edge. "Shhhhh." Mili brushed the girl's hair with the back of her hand.
"We'll be gone from here soon." She whispered gently.
"I agree. Lead the way, if you would?"
Railynn Surontina
Apr 4th, 2004, 11:12:36 AM
Railynn stared up at the woman in a dazed stupor of her own. It was as if she had been throwing a fit and all the sudden someone had walked up and slapped her, without the stinging pain of course. However, she was jolted, as was the little dolly in her arms. Looking down as a gentle hand swept through her hair, she nodded slightly and shuffled her bare feet.
Je'gan Olra'en
Apr 6th, 2004, 06:41:39 PM
Trusting to his highly attuned danger-sense to watch his back, Je'gan headed down the hall, leading k'Vik and Surontina. He wasn't entirely sure that there was a door in this direction, but if they got close enough to the outer perimeter of the building, it was simple enough to make one.
"Interesting technique you've got there," he commented over his shoulder.
Milivikal k'Vik
Apr 7th, 2004, 12:09:10 PM
"I am what I am." She said simply. Mili was in no state or place to explain things, nor did Je'gan give her reason to.
The trio jogged down the corridors. Now that Mili being disoriented was no longer an advantage, the centipede aided her body's natural filtering mechanisms. She was still unfocused and unable to test the walls around them for characteristics. The siren chewed her lower lip as they moved closer to an exit of sorts. She would have to redouble her physical training when she returned to her Sisters. While not the newborn kitten out of the box she had been, her lack ability to focus made her feel all too vunerable.
She was trusting Je'gan because she had no choice. He had no real reason to help them, Mili felt, beyond curiousity. When-if she made it back home, she would ask Sorsha about him.
They made a right against a wall. The Siren rapped against outer side of the corridor.
"Tis solid."
Je'gan Olra'en
Apr 21st, 2004, 05:41:02 PM
OOC/ With Railynn's permission...
IC/ "Twas solid."
Je'gan narrowed his focus, so far that his awareness of his surroundings dimmed to a general danger-sense. His eyes dipped halfway shut as he placed his hand against the wall. A few moments' work, and a muffled concussion sounded.
And a door-sized, four-cornered chunk of wall detached itself explosively, courtesy of the many exploitable flaws in the wall material. He opened his eyes with a satisfied smile.
Maybe thirty metres away and a floor up from where they stood, a walkway presented itself, wide enough that overshooting on the landing wouldn't be a problem. Nobody was in sight. In fact... He craned his neck. In fact, the walkway diverged twice very near by. That would go a ways towards dealing with the significant directional leads they'd left behind; Je'gan's 'doors', and the two asylum personnel back there.
He moved back to give the Siren a view of the walkway. "How are you physical enhancement-wise?"
Milivikal k'Vik
Apr 24th, 2004, 04:54:12 PM
"I'll manage." In reality, her head still swam with sedatives.
Frell you, drugs. She began to hum Wrognaph's 32nd symphony, composed after Wrognaph had lived on Vortex for eight cycles. Milivikal began to walk away from Je'gan slowly, enough room to sprint to top speed.
Mili crouched down, thirty some meters from a long fall to oblivion.
In sync with tempo, she started her spritn
Twice tempo
Four times tempo
Eight times tempo
Twelve times tempo
Her arms and legs continued in motion, her body airborne. Mili barely had enough height. The bottom of her left foot clipped the railing. It wasn't so much of a landing as a scarcely controlled tumble. When she stood a moment later, the right side of her forehead was scrapped and bleeding along with her knees and elbows. After lying on the ground for a moment, k'Vik walked to the balcony and waved.
Je'gan Olra'en
Apr 26th, 2004, 08:23:41 AM
Je'gan drew back as k'Vik had done, focusing as he had before, this time on his muscles. He took several steps and leapt off the ragged edge, landing in a neat roll on the walkway despite the drag from his robes.
"How do you propose we get the kid over here? I'm no great shakes for telekinesis, but together we might manage something."
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