View Full Version : Taking the Road Less Traveled [Soolin] [Complete]

Vishan Korogoth
Mar 18th, 2004, 02:40:02 PM
A week had passed since meeting Soolin at Yog's Bar and Grill and that one chance meeting forced Vishan to really take a long hard look at himself. What had he really done lately that he could be proud of? He was mostly a lonely traveler that hitch hiked through the galaxy with no destination in mind; only using what skills he had to offer as payment, learning others from people that were willing. Then there was that one job on Coruscant, if you could call it that, with Eluna. More of a monkey lap dog to the woman that happened to pay well. Granted, the side benefits were nice, really nice, until he found out his boss wasn't even a woman. Some sort of high tech android.

There went a shot to the ego, not to mention making Vishan feel really stupid that he couldn't have figured that out about Eluna. He knew something was wacky about that woman but a robot???

He ran a hand through his hair and sighed, kicking at the ground as if trying to kick that bad memory away and glad he was almost to Soolin's ship. It didn't surprise him in the least when the Academy Coordinator told him that Knight Anjhurin held no quarters on the grounds and could be found there.

It was a nice ship too. A really old model light freighter but was well taken care of. Vishan ran his hand down the length the YT-2400's hull, heading towards the on ramp, admiring the design. Ships like this were few and far between and it brought back fond memories of a happier time in Corellia. He look like a little kid smiling, "Man. Ah haven't seen one of these since ah was ah boy." He crouched down on one knee to get a good look at the undercarriage, lost in his fascination, forgetting for a bit why he was even here.

Soolin Anjhurin
Mar 19th, 2004, 12:47:21 PM
:: He hears Soolin's voice behind him ::


Vishan Korogoth
Mar 19th, 2004, 12:52:15 PM
There was a thud as his head hit the underbelly of the ship, startled by Soolin's voice. Vishan winced and rubbed the back of his head while standing up fully, "Ow..." He was hoping that he wasn't looking too stupid, "Um. Hi?"

Soolin Anjhurin
Mar 19th, 2004, 01:30:09 PM
:: She winces at the head bump, and raises a curious brow ::

"What brings you here?"

Vishan Korogoth
Mar 19th, 2004, 01:35:47 PM
He chuckled at himself, the throbbing in his head subsiding, "Besides gawkin' at your ship?" Vishan brought his hands down and his voice took a more serious tone. "Ah dunno. Kept thinkin' about what ya said in the bar that day. Makin' choices an' all? "ave a lot of bads ones recently. Ah think Ah want ta start choosin' some good ones now."

Soolin Anjhurin
Mar 19th, 2004, 01:57:53 PM
"You're bleeding. Come inside and I'll fix that for you."

:: she waits for him at the top of the ramp ::

Vishan Korogoth
Mar 19th, 2004, 02:02:38 PM
Her response perplexed him greatly. "Bleedin? Wha?" The only cause of injury would have resulted from hitting his head. That was when he noticed the small smear of blood on his hand. "Ah damnit." He followed Soolin up the ramp and shook his head. "Your ship 'its hard."

Soolin Anjhurin
Mar 19th, 2004, 02:10:43 PM
"This was a bountyhunter's vessel before I aquired it."

:: Soolin leads him to a chair ::

"Sit down and I'll fetch a kit ."

Vishan Korogoth
Mar 19th, 2004, 02:14:52 PM
"Well, that 'splains alot then." He took the offered chair, checking the back of his head. It was still bleeding and he frowned, thinking to himself, Ah'm an idiot.

Soolin Anjhurin
Mar 23rd, 2004, 04:38:17 PM
:: Soolin returns with the medkit and tends to Vishan's wound ::

Vishan Korogoth
Mar 23rd, 2004, 04:42:49 PM
He stayed still for Soolin as she patched him up and muttered a thanks when she was finished.

Soolin Anjhurin
Mar 30th, 2004, 05:18:46 PM
:: she sits down across from Vishan ::

"Now, let's talk about your decision."

Vishan Korogoth
Mar 30th, 2004, 05:24:18 PM
He sat up a bit, trying to not feel stupid with a big bandaid on his head. "Before your ship attacked me," Vishan grinned, "Was sayin' more or less Ah wanted ta start makin' good decisions again. Been ah long time since Ah made any. Ya made alot o'sense in the bar."

Soolin Anjhurin
Mar 30th, 2004, 05:27:08 PM
:: she locks her gaze on his, seeming to look into his soul with pale blue-grey eyes ::

Vishan Korogoth
Mar 30th, 2004, 05:34:25 PM
Vishan was usually a laid back sort of guy, but even he knew when to turn serious. "Look, Ah've never asked for much in my life, but Ah was hopin' ya could train me. Ah want ta know why those Sith were afraid o'me an' felt it necessary ta make my life hell. Ah've haven't had a purpose since they killed my family an' it's about time Ah did. Ah'd ask th' Jedi at the Temple but," he sighed, "Ah dunno. Jus' doesn't feel right. Not my style as Ah said in th' bar too."

Soolin Anjhurin
Mar 30th, 2004, 05:42:45 PM
"To learn the ways of my clan, you must become oathbound. That oath, once given, cannot be abandoned."

Vishan Korogoth
Mar 30th, 2004, 05:44:13 PM
He turned his head and looked at Soolin inquisitively,"What is the oath of your clan?"

Soolin Anjhurin
Mar 30th, 2004, 06:11:13 PM
:: Soolin walks to the center of the training area and kneels, waiting for Vishan to do likewise. She draws a cut across her palm and passes the small knife to him as she speaks the words ::

"By blood-oath we are bound, held by more than mortal bands.
For the vow we swore was crowned, by god-fires upon our hands.
To defend, or avenge."

Vishan Korogoth
Mar 30th, 2004, 06:15:41 PM
He watched her intently, fascinated by what he witnessed. There was such passion to Soolin's voice and pride that Vishan didn't even need to think about taking the oath or not.

With the blade, he performed the same cut as he saw Soolin did and repeated what was said.

"By blood-oath we are bound, held by more than mortal bands.
For th' vow we swore was crowned, by god-fires upon our hands.
Ta defend, or avenge."

Soolin Anjhurin
Mar 30th, 2004, 06:26:30 PM
:: She grips his hand in hers firmly, and for a moment, there was nothing.

Then he felt a tingling up his arm, as their joined hands glowed brightly with white gold flame. Flame that did not burn, but flowed through him like life's blood. Then the glow receded and was gone ::

Vishan Korogoth
Mar 30th, 2004, 06:34:50 PM
He wasn't expecting a literal fire to happen as was said in the oath, but he trusted Soolin and the fire was just for show, signifying the sensation that coursed throughout his veins that bound himself to Soolin and her long dead clan. Vishan was silent for a long while, waiting for the effects to simmer down and to find the words to express what he was feeling. None came that would do justice for what Soolin had done for him and lowered his head in thanks.

Soolin Anjhurin
Mar 30th, 2004, 07:01:56 PM
:: Soolin releases Vishan, and holds her palm out for him to see. There was no cut, only the trace of a freshly healed scar beginning to fade ::

Vishan Korogoth
Mar 30th, 2004, 07:07:44 PM
Half smiling, he looked down at his own hand. There was a similar mark and he wiggled his fingers, "Ah guess that's ah good sign?"

Soolin Anjhurin
Apr 2nd, 2004, 10:53:05 AM
:: she nods ::

"It is. Have you any business to settle here on Coruscant?"

Vishan Korogoth
Apr 2nd, 2004, 10:58:39 AM
"Uuuuh." Vishan blinked, looking confused. "No." Then he thought about the answer. Did he? The apartment that Eluna got him was her's anyway. There were a few odds and ends there, but nothing that he couldn't live without. They were mostly 'gifts' from that damned woman anyway. All he really needed was already on him, which was oddly the same clothes and weapons he started with when he came to Coruscant. "Nope, nuthin'," he said this time with assurance.

Soolin Anjhurin
Apr 2nd, 2004, 11:11:09 AM
"I have heard news of Jedi grounds on Yavin. What are your thoughts?"

Vishan Korogoth
Apr 2nd, 2004, 11:15:07 AM
"Anythin' is better then bein' 'ere ta be honest, Soolin. Ah hate this planet. It'd be ah welcomed change. An' Ah've never been there but heard alot about it."

Soolin Anjhurin
Apr 2nd, 2004, 11:30:36 AM
"Then we are in agreement. Grimya also wishes to go."

Vishan Korogoth
Apr 2nd, 2004, 11:32:45 AM
"Heh. Ah can imagine the big city not bein' much fun for ah wolf. When are we gonna leave?" And the sooner, the better..., he thought to himself.

Soolin Anjhurin
Apr 2nd, 2004, 01:20:19 PM
"I must pay a visit to the council on the matter."

Vishan Korogoth
Apr 2nd, 2004, 01:24:25 PM
"The Council?" Vishan thought Soolin didn't have much contact with the Jedi here, let alone answer to them. It didn't bother him at all, he just thought it was strange. "Did ya need me ta come along for this?

Soolin Anjhurin
Apr 2nd, 2004, 01:36:30 PM
:: Soolin stands ::

"You may come with me if you wish to."

Vishan Korogoth
Apr 2nd, 2004, 01:41:12 PM
"Yeah," Vishan was curious about them. "Ah'd like ta." He stood up and frowned, realizing something. "Um, Ah hope Ah don't haveta wear anythin' formal?" He motioned up and down at himself, wearing his usual clothing; black leather pants, dusty boots, shirt and his flight vest.

Soolin Anjhurin
Apr 5th, 2004, 12:47:50 PM
:: Soolin looks at her own dark garb and gives Vishan a slight smile before leading the way ::

Vishan Korogoth
Apr 5th, 2004, 12:53:58 PM
"Heh," he smiled, "Guess that answers the question." With Grimya on his heels, he followed Soolin out of the ship and towards the Jedi Temple.