View Full Version : Senate: The Mayor of Coronet (Rasha Vill, Senate)

Senator Thareena
Mar 17th, 2004, 05:53:10 PM

"Rasha Vill." Toni explained for the second time.

Thareena rubbed her forehead wearily. It was late in the day, and most of her staff had already headed to their respective homes. The setting sun had already skimmed the artificial horizon of the city planet, and was attempting in vain to shine it's rays into her window.

"Okay, hold on, the mayor of Coronet...Coronet being the capital of Corellia...has landed on Coruscant and was seen <a href=http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=34768>entering a restaurant</a> known to be frequented by Jedi?" Thareena peered at Toni through her fingers. Her head was starting to pound.

"Yes, that's what our sources have told us. All the senators who have gone home already will be briefed on this tomorrow. The Chief of State has located the woman and sent out a welcome committee. Apparently no one was advised as to her coming, and it was a fluke that got her through the planetary shield with no warning." Toni cleared her throat. "She has few options, as she represents a system that holds itself in opposition to the New Republic and has closed its borders to us. There was no notification of a diplomat coming, although as a political force on the main planet of Corellia she certainly could fulfill that role."

"They'll probably address this in chambers, pushing that education bill of Hesith's back again." Thareena massaged her forehead. "Why don't you go home Toni, and I'll do the same. The whole place will be a buzz with it tomorrow, and I don't want to have to talk to everyone before Chambers in the afternoon."

"Agreed." Her main aide nodded, and smiled. "I will see you in the morning."

Fa'un left soon afterwards, wondering what this meant, a political pawn of the Sith Order...or something more?


The next morning she was cornered by the Senator from Ryloth about the news, but she feigned ignorance to avoid a difficult debate, and slipped into her offices, where she was 'told' the news again. Time enough for debates later. Chambers would be interesting.

Rasha Vill
Mar 18th, 2004, 10:06:38 AM
Rasha was woken in her hotel room by a knock on the door. She got up out of bed dressed in only a T-shirt that was barely long enough to cover her privates completely. She opens the door to find news reporters, and an welcoming party of almost every flavor of diplomat on planet. She quickly closes the door...

"Ah Sugger! There goes my vacation!"

She sighs and quickly tidies herself up and gets into the only formal dress that she packed for her vactaion. Then opens door, and walks out. A man steps forward saying...

"Greeting Lady Vill. On behalf of the Chief of State I welcome you to Coruscant. Your arrival was rather unexpected! May I subjest that we go to the Senate Chambers, many of the Senator are looking forward to speeking with you. We have a limo waiting to take you there"

Rasha puts on her dipliomatic Smile and smiles to the reporters and diplomats...

"Thank you kindly for such a warm welcome. If you would be so kind as to lead the way to the limo, I was going to be visiting the Senate this morning, so I must thank you for making my trip so much easer."

As they walk to the speeder Rasha kept the smile on her face even though her thoughts were not so happy.

My first time off Corellia for a vacation, and all I get is one stinking day before the diplomats find me! Well this just goes to prove that my work is never over.

The speeder takes off leaving the media behind, but sure enough when they reach the Senate Building there was another swarm of reporters waiting. The speeder stops and she gets out, and is instantly asulted with questions about Corellia. She had no Idea that Her home was THIS politicaly Isolated. She answers the media...

"I'm sure all of your questions will be addressed later today woth the rest of the senate. Untill then it would be unfare for me to answer them."

She is lead through the swarm, and to the doors to the Senate Building. As the start their walk through the hall her guide starts to explane the history of everything they pass. She simply pretends to be interested and ingnore most of it.

Alexi Hesith
Mar 19th, 2004, 03:32:11 PM
Alexi Hesith watched the news feed with interest. The Mayor of Coronet here in the heart of the New Republic. What are the odds?

He turned to his loyal aide Draxara, "Anything known?"

"I'm afraid not, Senator," said Draxara apologetically, "Only a file image, name, and occupation."

"An unknown then," said Hesith with a frown, "I do not like unknowns."

Draxara gave him a quizical look.

"It is so difficult to guess what someone will do if you don't know much about them."

"Well you can find out shortly, I am sure," said Draxara.

Rasha Vill
Mar 19th, 2004, 05:04:33 PM
After a while Rasha is getting anoyed by the history lession that is being forced apon her so she desides to interupt the man walking with her and try to change the topic.

"I really do appreacate your highly informative version of the history of this wonderful building but I have a few questions for you."

The man replys..

"Of course Lady Vill, what do you wish to know."

Rasha smiles, glad that she has at least go the man to stop rambling mindlessly...

"I was wondering, this being my first time off Corellia, How long has it been since anybody of any political standing arrived here from Corellia? I'm guessing it has been some time."

The man thinks for a moment...

"I guess it has been a while. In fact I don't think there has ever been a Corellian Represantive, during my entire time working for the Senate."

"How long have you worked here?"

"Only 2 years Miss."

"Very well." She raises her voice so that others in the halls and near by can hear her. "Can anybody tell me how long has it been since a politcal Rep arrived here from Corellia?"

Senator Thareena
Mar 20th, 2004, 01:47:50 PM
The office was abuzz with the news. Rasha Vill, the mayor of Coronet, was in the Senate building right now, although only in the lower level. Rasha Vill didn't know how long it had been since Corellia had had a political presence here. Rasha Vill was fantastically beautiful, and Rasha Vill was a Sith Witch sent here to kill us all in our beds. Rasha Vill was also a poor political pawn that really knew nothing at all.

Oh, and she was ugly, too.

Thareena waved off her aides, and gave them a stern warning about contributing to gossip. As soon as she closed the doors to her inner office, however, the outer office hummed with conversation once more. The Senate was, quite literally, in an uproar.

Bringing up some data on her computer, Fa'un Thareena refreshed her memory on Corellia. The system had been a part of the Corporate Sector for many centuries, and then after the rebirth of the Republic, Corellia had joined with the others. One of the most famous generals of the Rebellion was Han Solo, a Corellian scoundrel of no small repute. He'd also married the woman who became the second Chief of State - Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan.

However, with the re-emergence of the Sith, and their subsequent take-over of the Corellian system under the notorious, self-proclaimed Emperor Itala Marzullo... Corellia had withdrawn from the Republic minutes before it was kicked out, and borders had effectively been...closed. That had been over twenty years ago.

The rumors about Rasha Vill were running rampant, and Thareena had the idea that they would never find out the truth unless they could meet with the woman themselves. She picked up the comm and dialed Senator Hesith.

Alexi Hesith
Mar 20th, 2004, 04:00:52 PM
Hesith's comm buzzed. "Yes?"

"Senator Thareena of Chandrilla for you, Senator," came his secretary's voice.

"Put her through," there was a pause and then a click as the line changed, "Fa'un what can I do for you?"

Senator Thareena
Mar 20th, 2004, 04:09:27 PM
There was an annoying wait while Hesith's secretary buzzed the call through to the Senator, and then she heard Alexi's reassuring voice on the other end. He was somewhat of a mentor to her, although she'd never admit it. After Senator Maren had...died in his sleep, she'd been the new kid in the Senate. Alexi had not gone out of his way to help her get used to her new duties, but he hadn't made her job more difficult, either.

"Alexi, I'm sure you've heard the news about Rasha Vill from Coronet, Corellia." There was an affirming throat noise on the other end of the line, and she continued, "Before Chambers this afternoon, I wish to speak with this woman, find out what she's about. The Chief of State has already commissioned the Security Council to verify Miss Vill's claim of mayorship and to determine possible meanings of her sudden arrival here on Couscant.

"I am going to propose to the Chief of State that a separate group of senators interview Miss Vill to see what we can glean from the woman herself. Would you like...in, as they say?"

Alexi Hesith
Mar 20th, 2004, 04:18:51 PM
"A most intriguing proposal," said Hesith, "When do you intend to speak to the Madam Chief of State?"

Rasha Vill
Mar 20th, 2004, 11:07:48 PM
Time passed, and still nobody approched her with an answer. She could hear them talking, well not really talking, more like wispering from all people in sight, people rushing into view, and then running off.

She was guessing that most of these people have heard nothing about her before, though they may have heard about her father, Jason Vill, who was the only person of any political standing that the sith left alive after they took over. Her father was one of the top 3 in charge of Corellia when the sith showed up, and then became the Mayor of Coronet after the sith took charge.

She could guess that some where afrade of her, others were had some kind of intrest in her, but all the same rumors were flying. Now doubt some of those rumors were that she was a sith, and hence the only reason why she got to the place of power that she is in. That of course was false. She was tested as a child for force potental, and tested negative, so there is no way that could be true.

Rasha takes a closer look at the people around her, and guesses that they are only aides, secretaries, and building maitnance staff. To her It looks like they are keeping her where they can see her, and in the public floors untill they can confirm who she is, and get some kind of reason why she would be here. She doesn't blame them, she would do the same thing if one of them showed up at her office unannounced.

Rasha starts to act like she is slightly anoyed. She places her hands on her hips, and starts to tap one of her feet on the floor. After a few more moments she speeks up again, loud enough for a number of people to hear...

"Alright! What is with you people! You drag me out of bed! You walk me around this building with no destenation! You can't even answer a simple question that should take one minute to look up! I would like to talk to somebody other than an assistant to this place, or I will just walk out of here right now!"

Rasha does an abrupt about-face and starts to walk towards the door leading outside. The man that was showing her around trys to stop her...

"Lady Vill, please! I'm sure that one of the senators will be here shortly to greet you! There is no nead for you to be in such an outrage over this! They will be here soon!"

"Then If they will be here soon, Hope they reach me before I reach the door! For I will be telling the press out there about this half hearted responce that I am getting here!"

"But Miss, No harm has come to you here!"

Rasha stops and faces the man again...

"Did it not ever come to you mind that I had a long flight here yesterday?! Did you not think that I would rather still be in bed rather than being diverted through ever non important Hallway here?! Do you think I liked opening my hotel door, half nakid, and come face to face with every news station on planet?! I find this treatment appauling and insulting! I can guess that you will have people following me after I leave so I don't think it will take you long to bring me back AFTER thing are in order HERE!"

She then turns back to the door, and continues her walk towards it.

Senator Thareena
Mar 21st, 2004, 02:16:36 AM
"I will pay her a visit as soon as I get off the comm with you." Thareena scrubbed a hand through her short red hair. "Or I may just call her office. She probably has a mob of people outside the doors right now."


"Lady Rasha Vill?" A mild looking woman with stark white hair stepped between the infuriated Corellian and the door. The actual door was many hallways away, as she had been taken further into the Senate building during her mini tour. The mayor stopped in her tracks as the people who had been showing her every courtesy stood open mouthed at her rudeness and show of anger.

"Lady Vill, the Chief of State apologizes for the delay, but I am to show you upstairs." The serene female smiled slightly, and looked at the tour guide. "Thank you for entertaining the Lady Vill, Mr. Dukaa. You may return to your scheduled tours now."

He knuckled his forehead and walked away...not quite stalking in his indignation at the treatment he'd recieved. Afterall, he was only doing as he'd bee told. It was unfair of this so-called 'Mayor' (what was a mayor anyway? Some horrid Sith title no doubt) to assume that this was all his fault.

The woman with the long white hair beckoned to the now calming Rasha Vill. "Come, please."

Rasha Vill
Mar 21st, 2004, 10:14:47 AM
Rasha turns to face the one who said her name...

"Finally! Somebody that can get something done around here!"

She turns to the tour guide...

"I'm sorry for doubting that somebody would be here shortly, and snaping at you like I did. I had no right to do that."

Rasha looks back at the new person...

"Please lead the way."

Consul Mrahas
Mar 22nd, 2004, 10:49:21 AM
Few Selonians took pleasure out of leaving their home planet. A generally insular species, there were only a handful of denizens who ventured off planet, let alone out of the Corellia system. Among that minority was a woman named Mrahas. It was a pleasant surprise, then, to hear that she was requested to attend talks in the Galactic Senate forum, on Coruscant. It would be her first visit to the hub world in a long time, and although thoughts of anxiety crept into her mind, she arrived on the planet in a suitably positive disposition.

A short humanoid approached her, as she departed her shuttle-transport, “Greetings, Consul,” he said, with a broad and welcoming smile. It wasn’t often, Mrahas knew, that a member of her species was seen on Coruscant, and so she fully understood and was not offended by the curious and somewhat fearful glances many people afforded her as she was lead into the interior of one of the Senate buildings.

Apparently, a representative of Selonia was necessary for a discussion that was currently being organized. The plant had not had a delegate in Senate discussion since Mrahas had taken her mothers place as the often superficial and under-used diplomatic liaison for the xenophobic planet. The Selonian was ushered into a small chamber, accompanied by an aide, who was to wait with her until her presence was requested. Mrahas didn’t mind the wait in least – she intended to make the most of all of her time here, before her inevitable return to the somewhat claustrophobic dens of Selonia.

Alexi Hesith
Mar 25th, 2004, 02:48:47 PM
Hesith looked up from the report. "A Selonian? Here?"

"Yes, Senator," replied Draxara, "Apparently she is sitting in one of the conferecne rooms now."

"For us presumably," mused Hesith, "Anything from Senator Thareena?"

"Not yet, Senator. She left for the Executive Building ten minutes ago."

Senator Thareena
Apr 5th, 2004, 12:05:56 AM
As Fa'un approached the conference room, she nodded to Senator Hesith, who was arriving at the same time. "I see you got my message. The Chief of State was agreeable to our request, and Mayor Vill has been escorted to a conference room.

"I also found out that a representative from Selonia, one Consul Mrahas, also arrived on Coruscant today. The Consul has been requested, and was agreeable, so she will be sitting with us as we talk with Miss Rasha Vill." Thareena ran a hand through her straight red hair. "The meaning of both these diplomats here at the same time escapes me, but the Consul was expected, whereas Mayor Vill was not."

They both reached the doors where Mayor Vill had been waiting a mere five minutes. A security guard opened them, and the two senators entered. The Consul would arrive momentarily from another conference room.

The doors shut behind them, and the white haired aide of the Chief of State smiled in greeting. "Senators, meet Rasha Vill, Mayor of Coronet City on Corellia, in the Corellian system. Mayor Vill, this is Senator Fa'un Thareena of the Chandrilan system, and Senator Alexi Hesith of the Gall system."

Rasha Vill
Apr 5th, 2004, 10:19:01 AM
Rasha stands and bows to the senators...

"Greetings Senators. I must commend you on your ability of detecting important people as they show up on the planet. I was also rather suprised that my arrival was such big news, that the media were swarming my door this morning."

Rasha looks to one of the assistants in the room...

"Could I please get a cup of Caf?"

The assistant runs off and comes back soon, handing a cup to Rasha as she is taking her seat again. She nods to the assistant thanking her, then turns back to the others in the room.

"I'm guessing that the group of you have some questions for me. I know that there is not much know about me outside of Corellia, And I have heard some of the rumors that are running around about me, and of the ones that I have heard, all of them are false."

Alexi Hesith
Apr 5th, 2004, 11:37:49 AM
Alexi, who had heared none of the rumours, decided to play it safe "Be that as it may, Madam, I would appreciate it if you could clarify a few points. For instance, the purpose of your visit to Coruscant..."

Senator Thareena
Apr 5th, 2004, 12:16:05 PM
The two senators found their seats, and caf was served all around by the Chief of Staff's aide. Her name escaped Fa'un at the moment, but she was often seen around the senate buildings, usually on important errands for the Chief of State. She did remember that the woman had a near perfect memory, or at least, that was the rumor. The Chief of State had probably requested that her aide stay, so that she could get a full report later.

The Consul had not yet appeared, but there was a rustle outside of the door which Thareena suspected woud soon open to reveal the xenophobic Selonian female.

"I'm guessing that the group of you have some questions for me. I know that there is not much know about me outside of Corellia, And I have heard some of the rumors that are running around about me, and of the ones that I have heard, all of them are false." Rasha Vill held herself as one who expected people to jump at her every word.

Alexi spoke first, "Be that as it may, Madam, I would appreciate it if you could clarify a few points. For instance, the purpose of your visit to Coruscant..."

Fa'un waited for Ms. Vill's answer. She herself had heard many rumors, but they were all so contradictory that they couldn't all be false. The one that proclaimed Rasha Vill to be beautiful wasn't far off - the woman was pretty, with long reddish brown hair that fell below her shoulders. And the thought that this woman could have heard the rumors that had only started since she'd been conducted to the Senate building... It really was a reach by the Mayor to singlehandedly attempt to wipe clean the slate.

The Mayor was trying to appear innocent of whatever rumors she could imagine might be circling, which made her instantly suspicious.

Rasha Vill
Apr 5th, 2004, 12:45:00 PM
"My reason for visiting this fine city is rather complicated. There are some major changes going on In Corellia. The Sith are stepping down from being the driving force in the running of Corellia. The people of Corellia are today voting on who will take control of the planet. All of the City Leaders are runnig for the job including myself. I came to Coruscant in order to see for myself how a large City such as this, could be run with the effectivenes that is accomplished here. In the off chance that I am selected to be the next leader of the Corellian people, Thought I would look at a model that has shown success for so many years, in order to base my model of leadership on."

Rasha already knew that she would be the next leader of Corellia, but since the paperwork would not be cleared untill later today, she thought it best that she should make it sound that it was still to be desided on. Also Really the reason she was here was because She wanted to get some time off Corellia, and her father had told her so much about Coruscant, she wanted to see it in person.

But it never hurts to make diplomatic relations with people, and make people think that you admire their work.

Alexi Hesith
Apr 5th, 2004, 02:12:54 PM
Hesith raised an eyebrow, "Democracy on Corellia? I would have thought that the Sith would have opposed it with every fibre of their collective being."

Rasha Vill
Apr 5th, 2004, 02:20:11 PM
"As I said there are some big changes. And I wouldn't really call it Democracy. The one who is Elected will have final say in every thing going on. The Sith have requested that they are kept in the loop of the political stuff, and that in return for allowing them to remain of Corellia, they will provide the defencive force to keep it safe."

Rasha takes a sip of her Caf...

"Some of the Sith were ageinst it, but most of the Sith council agreed to these condition, and thus the rest of the Sith have no say."

Alexi Hesith
Apr 5th, 2004, 02:27:31 PM
"A most...direct...method of decision making," said Hesith with a smile, "May I ask what these changes are, that have changed the mind of the Sith?"

Rasha Vill
Apr 5th, 2004, 02:43:37 PM
"The Sith relised that they are not good with politics, so they came to the conculsion that they nead to step back. People were leaving, and visitors were not comming. They were making little money in taxes to pay for city repare, and things were falling apart. I brought to there attention some laws that I thought had to be exterminated if we were ever going to make sure that Corellia was not going to become a dump that only those that didn't have the money to leave, would live in. They saw that as things were they neaded happy people on the planet in order to sustain their own well being, so they steped back, And let the people deside which of there local leaders they want to take control.

Who ever takes control must get rid of the laws I brought forward, and must send half the military funding from each budget to TSO, so they can effectivly defend the planet. Also whoever takes over must not Evict TSO from there current location on the planet."

Senator Thareena
Apr 6th, 2004, 11:56:48 AM
"And so Corellia will belong to Corellia again? Tell me, do you know if the so-called Order of Sith plan on relinquishing the hold they have on the other planets in their 'care?' I do not -" She was interrupted by the door opening, and a lithe being covered with sleek fur was admitted into the conference room. Fa'un stood to her feet, giving the Consul a slight bow as the aide to the Chief of State made introductions.

ooc: pay attention to posting order please /ic:

Consul Mrahas
Apr 27th, 2004, 01:22:20 PM
The Consul inclined her head very slightly, as a mark of greeting and respect. Her keen eyes scanned the room a moment – it appeared her entrance had interrupted the talk the group was having. The Selonian smiled very slightly as she was shown her seat, and took it with a surprising amount of grace for such a large being. “My apologies for my tardiness, Senators,” she said, then motioning one paw towards the seated parties, “Please, let the discussion continue.”

Alexi Hesith
Apr 29th, 2004, 02:13:57 PM
Hesith inclined his head in a slight bow to the consul. "We were just discussing the situation on Corellia. As you may know the Sith Order intends to allow the Corellians to govern themselves and we, that is Senator Thareena and I, are wondering whether this change will be repeated on the other planets ekd by the Sith Order."

He looked at Rasha Vill, "I doubt whether you can tell us what occurs in the inner councils of the Sith Order, Madam, but perhaps you might be able to tell us something of the mood in Sith space?"

Rasha Vill
Apr 29th, 2004, 02:43:16 PM
Rasha nods...

"You are correct in assuming that I do not know much of the workings of the sith. Thought I don't know much about the other planets, I know that the mood on Corellia has been rather low. I did notice however that the mood was getting better when the people were offered to have one of there own in charge. I expect that things will be improving quickly now that the people will be in charge again, no matter who takes charge, as long as it is not a sith."

Rasha was about to continue when her comm link went off...

"Excuse me..." She says to the senators, as she pulls out her communicator... It was her political aid on the other end informing her that the paperwork declaring her the new leader was complete...

"Hello... Yes... Really!... Thank you for informing me!... Yes, I'll see you when I get back.... Bye."

She then hangs up her comunicator, and turns back to the others in the room with a suprised tone in her voice...

"Well... That was my assistant back on Corellia, with some rather suprising news. It seems as if The people of Corellia have chosen me to be their new leader."

Senator Thareena
May 4th, 2004, 11:16:53 AM
Thareena shared a look with Hesith. "Their new leader? Apologies, Ms. Vill, but I'm afraid I don't follow. You're telling me that Corellia has had public elections?"

Rasha Vill
May 4th, 2004, 11:27:40 AM
Rasha smiles at Thareena.

"No apologies are required. Yes, that is correct. As I said earlyer, The people of Corellia are voting today on who will take control of the planet. All of the City Leaders are running for the job including myself.

Also as I told you before, I came to Coruscant in order to see for myself how a large City such as this, could be run with the effectivenes that is accomplished here, In the off chance that I am selected to be the next leader of the Corellian people. Well the results just came in, and it seems as if I got the off chance that I mentioned. A number of people are asking for a recount, but I'm sure that the tally system used was rather accurate."

Alexi Hesith
May 28th, 2004, 01:58:24 PM
Hesith looked back at Thareena and raised his eyebrows ever so slightly. A minute ago they had been talking to what was, to all intents and purposes, a minor dignatary. Now they were talking to a planetary head of state- an entirely different situation. Even he, with his years of expereince, was unsure of how to proceed. None the less he felt he ought to speak.

"Madam, at what point does this appointment take effect? I would have thought that it would be when you return to Corellia, but one does not like to assume..."

Rasha Vill
May 31st, 2004, 10:10:59 AM
Rasha turns her attention to Hesith and replys to his question.

"From my understanding, according to my assistant, the file transfers and documentation required to change hands to give me the full leadership of Corellia are being transfered as we speek. By law I will be the leader before the end of the day, but in the eyes of The People I will be the leader after I set foot on Corellia again, and give a speech excepting The role as there leader. I do regret that this will cut my stay on you fine planet to being shorter than I would like, But I'm sure that you all know that when duty calls one must answer. Though I will still give myself today and tomorow in order to prepare for my new role as Leader of Corella. After that I will return home."

Alexi Hesith
Jun 2nd, 2004, 12:35:14 PM
"Then I think it is in order for us to continue this discussion," said Hesith, "You understand of course that as Senators we represent our own worlds to the New Republic government here on Coruscant, not the New Republic itself. If you were offically the head of state of Corellia it would be a matter for the Foreign Department to deal with you. But as it is I see no difficulty with the present arrangment."

He glanced at Thareena who gave him a nod of approval. Hesith smiled, he knew he was on safe ground once more.

"Well, you have told us a great deal, Madam Vill. Perhaps it is our turn to tell you something? What do you wish to know about Coruscant, or indeed the burdens of government that you are preparing to shoulder?"

Senator Thareena
Jun 2nd, 2004, 01:01:53 PM
Thareena sat back, trying to guess the Consul's opinion of all this as Rasha Vill thought about any questions she might have. And. . . yes, there was an opportunity here. An opportunity to make good on the favor she owed Vide.

Rasha Vill
Jun 2nd, 2004, 03:12:30 PM
Rasha Smiles. Her plans were going well, but there was something about Thareena she didn't like. She didn't let it show, but she suspects that Thareena has almost as many Evil political plots going through her head as Warlock and Lady Vader.

But she keeps her attention on Hesith, and responds to his last statment...

"I'm glad that things are still in good order. I would hate to have to be shuffled around to a diffrent department at this time. And yes I do have a number of questions about this wonderful planet. Such as how do you make sure thet everybody has access to food shelter, and medical facilaties? No doubt there are some dificulties in this, expecaly with this many people."

Alexi Hesith
Jun 5th, 2004, 11:34:20 AM
"Alas we cannot provide for all Coruscanti. There are over a trillion beings on this world and keeping track of them is extremely difficult. But the Muncipal Authority does its best to provide the essentials- food, of the most basic sort, is provided to those who cannot afford it and there are shelters for those with out homes. State funded medical facilties provide basic health care and education is free in public schools. But I would suggest that Corellia could learn more from other, less densely populated worlds. My own Gall for example makes extensive welfare provisions for her people, and I believe the same is true on your homeworld, is it not Senator Thareena?"

Consul Mrahas
Jun 9th, 2004, 05:08:12 AM
Corellia? Public elections? The Consul was somewhat flabbergasted. To think that the Sith occupiers would ever allow the citizens of Corellia a choice about who lead them – it was something that Mrahas would have previously had written off as fallacy. How the times had changed. Still, she was not so naïve as to believe everything on face value. There would, no doubt, be investigations into the validity of the elections. Monitors would be put onto Corellia, to ensure that the Sith Order was living up to their changes. Hopefully, they were see this as a necessary precaution, and not an insult to their newfound generosity.

Mrahas looked to the female Senator as she was addressed, awaiting the womans response before she gave her own answer, in regards to Selonia – a place much different those that the Senators would be used to.