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Abagael Zellan
Mar 17th, 2004, 01:07:05 PM
Little girls were so much easier than little boys.

It was true, Abby thought as she walked through the gardens, little Nora on her hip. Trent was a ball of energy, always running or yelling, or a combination of both. Even as a little tot he'd been... enthusiastic.

Nora, on the other hand, couldn't have been more opposite. She was a quiet little thing with big brown eyes and a mass of dark curls. The child was content to look curiously at things, as long as her mother was close by; it was a condition that Abby was finding to be a treat rather than a burden.

"Brr! Brr!"

The soft coo of her daughter brought Abby out of her thoughts. The blonde mother squinted her eyes at the treetops, where Nora's finger was pointing. A little brown bird sat, bouncing on a thin branch. Abagael smiled.

"Yeah, a bird. Bir-duh. Bir-duh/"

Nora watched her mothers mouth and then very sweetly pointed again.


"Okay. Brr."

Shifting the kid to her other arm, Abby continued on their little trek. It was becoming a daily ritual, this little walk before they went to pick Trent up from his fathers.

"Baby girl, don't grow up. Just stay little your whole life, make it easy on yourself."

Nora just chewed on her knuckles.

Wei Wu Wei
Mar 18th, 2004, 09:01:04 AM
A baby's burble caught Wei's attention from his book and he looked up to see who was making such a sound.

"Well now. Abagael, is it? How are you today?"

The Council member marked his book and shut it. It had been some time since Wei had seen Abagael standing before the Council with a confession on her lips.

"I see you have made an addition to your family since then. Are things going well?"

Abagael Zellan
Mar 18th, 2004, 12:48:43 PM
She had to fight the urge not to duck her head as she turned to face the voice. Ever since the council meeting during which she'd finally exposed herself Abby had been, for the first time, ashamed.

"Hello Master Wei."

She smiled thinly, glad for the comforting warmth of the babe at her side.

"Things are going..."

What? She didn't know anymore. Abagael shrugged and shook her head.

"They're going."

Wei Wu Wei
Mar 18th, 2004, 03:23:37 PM
Wei shrugged. "That's always good to hear. Has the baby been behaving for you and giving you time for your training?"

Wei could tell she was nervous. Or at least on edge. He'd leave that be for now. Hopefully he'd figure out what was on her mind without having to directly ask her what was wrong.

Abagael Zellan
Mar 19th, 2004, 12:50:00 PM
Abby nodded, gingerly untangling her hair from one of Nora's fists. The baby let out a whimper, obviously hurt to have been deprived of such a fascinating pull-toy.

"Nora's been just fine; she's pretty quiet, for a little one. As for my training..."

Abby sighed.

"I haven't been doing much. I've found it much harder to resist just staying with the kids, especially now that this one's getting bigger."