View Full Version : Midnight feeds

Helenias Evenstar
Mar 17th, 2004, 02:31:40 AM
"Waaaaaaaaaaa! Waaaaaaaaaaaa!'



I yawned, coming out of my doze. It was the first night spent back in the Living quarters for some time and I had forgotten my aide had not come with me in here. It was, I realised the first night I had been alone with the baby since I had given birth. Spirited away to Tritith for 10 days, then back to Coruscant and a safe house. Now, as I was now able to walk with only the assistance of a cane, I had come back here to continue my recouperation, much to Marcus' reluctance.

He made the excuse that his hired help could protect and care for myself much better than anyone else could. Personally, I knew better - if I was in the Living Quarters, he could not be with myself or Arwen. despite the roughness that he was legendary for, of appearence and attitude, he was a wet blanket over his daughter. And, he didnt want to let myself out of his sight for a moment, not after going so close to losing both of us forever.

All nice and good, but I was a Jedi. I was expected to at least be here now and again. Which lead to tonight's hassle - no help when Arwen decided she wanted feeding.

"By the force, what is the time?" I moaned. Just past local midnight.


"I'm going to be sooooo glad when you stay asleep at night, young lady. I can't flop a boob out just because you feel like it"


"All right, I take the hint" I sighed.

When Arwen had finshed, she made no signs of going back to sleep. Oh great. Just what I needed. I tired a few things, but to no avail. sighing again, I knew I wasn't going to get back to bed myself for sometime, so I may as well take the baby on a bit of a walk.

<center>* * * * *</center>

".... and this is the ante room. People pertitioning the Council wait here"

Arwen of course wasn't interested. She was more interested in staring at her thumb. But it was keeping me entertained, pretending to be a tour guide. The tap-tap-tap of my crutch was seemingly loud in the quiet and dark

"And here, as we go through here, is the Council room. What do you think, young one? Oh, your thumb is still more important. Don't blame you, the council are stuffy old beings"

I glanced out the windows of the darkened Council chamber, overlooking the bright lights of Coruscant and the traffic flying through the air.

"See those bright lights? That's where mummy works. That's the senate"

Mar 17th, 2004, 07:30:06 AM
Satine had been having trouble sleeping the past few nights. this time was no exception. With an exasperated sigh, Satine pulls on his normal attire, and heading to the door. Pulling on his trenchcoat, Satine just begins to wander. Stifling a yawn, Satine shrugs, and opens the doors in the Temple Avalon. Maybe he could sift through some of the lesser petitions the Council got, and get one or two of them finished.

As he enters the ante room, he notices someone else already there. He recognizes her from his time here, though he hadn't, personally, ever really talked with her.

Apparently she couldn't sleep either Satine thinks to himself, before smiling. "Hello," he says, unsure of how else to start a conversation.

Helenias Evenstar
Mar 25th, 2004, 04:12:18 AM
"Good Evening Master Satine" I replied. "Is it not late for a Jedi to be awake?"

Mar 25th, 2004, 07:59:38 AM
Wth a wry grin, Satine nods. "Either that or it's too early." He shrugs. He notices the baby. "I take it you're little one is the reason you're up at such an ungodly hour?" he asks, his tone light.

Helenias Evenstar
Mar 28th, 2004, 05:59:49 AM
"Well, it's certainly not for my own benifit I am here. I would rather much more to be asleep, but it appears she does not agree. If the truth be told, a young baby is more tiring work than facing the Sith. And more challenging. I have never felt so tired in my life"

Mar 28th, 2004, 05:12:53 PM
"I'll take your word for it." Satine says, his mood cheerful, despit the late--or was it early?--hour. "I'll chalk it up as another reason to not have kids..."

Helenias Evenstar
Mar 29th, 2004, 07:13:21 AM
"Oh? Then little you know of this. Admittedly, I dont know much either, but this child is a reward far beyond late nights and early feeds. Before you dismiss children, think what it would be like to hold one of your own. Arwen is a delight, a miricle of life. Why would you want to miss out on that?"

Mar 30th, 2004, 09:06:38 PM
Satine had no immediate answer to this, and when he did speak, it wasn't one of his normal cheerful tones, but, instead, was thoughtful.

"You have a point there...I don't know though...I've always thought the life of someone like me was solitary...Aside from my sister--and I haven't seen Xazor in months--I have very few I can talk to. Let alone getting close to someone like that."

Satine gives Helenias a thoughtful look. "May I ask you something? How did you and Marcus meet?"

Helenias Evenstar
Apr 7th, 2004, 07:40:36 AM
Xazor was his sister? Pardon?

More to the point, how did he know... oh. Of course. He was one of the few who knew Marcus existed. Satine had been here longer than I had been and knew him. How well, I could not say.

"Many years ago, in the middle of a war zone. The planet died in that war and we only barely escaped. But tell me, before I continue - call this a trade of information. Unless my eyes mislead me, you are not Garou. How can you be Xazor's sister? I've not heard her tell of a brother. Did I get a two for one adoption deal without knowing?"

Apr 7th, 2004, 04:36:14 PM
Satine chuckles. "She pretty much adopted me as he brother. We're not related by blood, but we might as well be siblings with how close we are."