View Full Version : No one knows....

Alexi Darkmere
Mar 16th, 2004, 06:44:27 PM
What looked to be a five year old was running through the halls of the great black temple of Nehekara. Her little legs going as fast as they could carry her. Her raven black hair billowed behind her, and her pale face was a beam of joy. She had just felt him, he touched her mind as she always tried to do with him over the spanning vastness of space to where he was. She always tried to keep close to him, even though she never really knew him. Al she remembered of him was a blurred image of his face. So handsome and a loving smile as he held her. Her daddy was coming and he told her he was. She was so excited she went off looking for her mother or brother, or anyone whom she could tell....

Anyone except her grandfather of course. He wanted to hurt her father and she promised she wouldnt tell him. The little leather outfit she wore shined in the light of the temple as she went chamber to chamber looking for them.

"Mommyyyy!! Draven!!"

The patter of her little boots echoed slightly as she took another corner and kept running.

" Mommyyyyyyy!!"

Mar 17th, 2004, 08:22:32 AM
" Mommyyyyyyy!!"

Kariss looked up from what she was reading in her room, her eyebrow raising at the racket her daughter was making. A quick glance to her son Draven saw the he was still napping peacefully and she set her book down quietly, walking out to meet Alexi in the hallway. She could only imagine his own noise he would make if Fulkrehm found out about this.

"Lexi, what is it?" She asked softly, coming down on one knee infront of her. "Why so much noise?"

Alexi Darkmere
Mar 17th, 2004, 10:34:08 PM
She smiled cutely and pointed towards the way back to the main entrance. She stayed that way and didnt even look back at her mother. Her brown eyes stayed in the direction her finger pointed. Her smile got bigger.


She then looked back at Kariss and her little hands grabbed her mother by the cheeks and pulled her close as she herself leaned her forehead against her's and whispered her confirmation of what Kariss hadnt felt yet.

"Daddy's coming."

Ezra's eyes stared back at her own as Alexi giggled.

Mar 18th, 2004, 08:33:54 AM
"Daddy's coming."

Kariss' eyes went wide in shock and about when she was going to scold her daughter for such trickery on her mother, Kariss searched for him, a gasp escaping her lips when she did indeed feel her lifemate's presence.

"Get your brother." Kariss whispered, getting up off her knees and running towards the docking bay where she knew Ezra would be. Crimson tears fell freely from her brown eyes. It had been too long since they had last seen each other, years actually and she could not believe he was now back on Khar Sian. She had not given up on him, she would not.

Running to the entrance of the docking bay, she saw the all too familiar form of the Empress Marva and skidded to a halt, her eyes wide, her blood pounding in her ears as she searching longingly for Ezra.

"Ezra." She both whispered and sent to him.

Mar 18th, 2004, 08:45:25 AM
The ramp had slowly opened and he already had felt her coming to him. When the ramp touched the floor, to her happiness filled eyes, his form appeared. Walking slowly down the ramp, his thick soled boots softly thumped, and his leather pants shined under the lights of the landing bay. The thing that probably got her attention was not only the lack of a long coat, but the mesh top he wore. Totally out of character for him....and his hair was worn down and appeared wet.

His all too familiar smirk showed as he stopped and looked to her. She still looked beautiful to him, and his hand came up to cup his chin as he gazed upon her. The smirk turned to a smile as he held his arms open as an invitation for her to come to him.


Mar 18th, 2004, 08:50:29 AM
As soon as she saw him, she had taken off running towards him. She let out what was a mix of a laugh and a cry of delight as she launched herself towards him, throwing herself into his arms with such force that he had to stumble back a bit to steady himself.

"Ezra, my love." She whispered over and over as her arms wrapped tightly around his neck. Her hands buried themselves into his hair as she pulled back a little to look into his gorgeous eyes and she smiled brightly at him. "You're late." She whispered breathlessly before capturing his mouth with her own in a searing kiss.

Mar 18th, 2004, 09:54:46 PM
Breaking from the kiss he so longed for, Ezra looked into her eyes and smiled. Ohhh to be back in her arms once more, he could give it all up and stay here....but he knew he had to go back. He had to finish what he started with Daiquiri.... His training. And good thing about this time was, Kariss was coming back with him....so was the children.

"True....I am late....and no, I cant stay."

He almost laughed at her expression. It was even worse than the last, sh edid not want to hear those words ever again yet she heard them now. But he "hushed" her and shook his head.

"But....I have good news to go with that....."

He paused to give it more of a agonizing twist....to make her squirm and he laughed.

"You're coming back with me.....to stay with me. You and the kids."

Mar 18th, 2004, 10:18:56 PM
Her eyes had actually flashed pure black for the briefest of moments as he said those words she detested most in the world. Kariss had gotten sick of hearing them time and time again and was about ready to scream when he once again, uttered them...but this time, they came with the sweetest words she had ever heard...

"You're coming back with me.....to stay with me. You and the kids."

Kariss laughed happily as she hugged Ezra once again, holding him to her as tight as she could. She placed soft little kisses up and down his neck, making him laugh and she finally planted a loud kiss upon his cheek.

"Oh Ezra...." Kariss gasped, pulling back to look wide eyed upon him. "Your father...he has sent the Bloodpack out to bring you back....but you already know that, don't you?" She grinned.

Kariss looked back over her shoulder to where she knew the twins were waiting to meet him and then turned back to him.

"Good timing, My Love. Your father is not here. He's off at a Council meeting with Dante." Kariss pulled out of his arms, her hand sliding down his arm to grasp his hand as she pulled gently on it. "Come, I've got two little trouble makers for you to meet."

Alexi Darkmere
Mar 18th, 2004, 10:28:36 PM
They didnt have to wait very long. The little girl came runing out as fast as she could from behind a corner section of the wall. Laughing loudly, she wore the biggest smile any five year old could. Bounding into the waiting arms of her father, who had crouched and waited next to her mother. Her little arms wrapped around his neck and she hugged him tightly.

Her head faced her mother and Kariss could see her daughter's elation that he was here with them at last.


She felt her father's arms go tight around her little form and she sighed and giggled.

Mar 19th, 2004, 07:51:48 AM
Kariss blinked back fresh tears as she watched the reunion and she looked back to see the little boy who not only looked like her, was her in every way, still standing by the wall wearing a stoic expression years beyond his age. She sighed. She loved Fulkrehm like a daughter loved her father, but he was putting too much onto Draven at such an early age.

"Draven." Kariss gently commanded as she knew he would come to her side. He flew to her, his brown eyes never leaving his sister and Ezra. Draven clutched at her leg as she brought a hand down to caress his thick hair, already down to his shoulders.

"Draven." She whispered, moving to kneel next to their son. "This is your father. You know him. Say hello."

"He's come to take us away, hasn't he? Make us leave Grandfather!" Draven suddenly exclaimed and Kariss cringed. Fulkrehm was wrapping Draven around his finger, making the boy just like him and Kariss would be eternally greatful for Ezra's timing.

"Yes, he has come for us." Kariss smiled, her eyes shining as she looked at her lifemate and then back to Draven. "We're going to be a family again. We're going to be where we were meant to be."

"We were meant to stay here! With grandfather and the others! I will not go." Draven yelled, stamping his feet as he crossed his arms over his chest. Kariss bit back a grin. Oh yes, he was his mother's son. Mirror image in every way. She pulled him to her, hugging him gently as she placed a kiss on his soft cheek.

"Draven Icilian Darkmere...." She began slowly and he knew he had better listen to his mother. "Look at me, look into my eyes. Sweetie, have I ever lied to you about anything? No. Have I ever hurt you or made a bad decision for you? No." Kariss swept the hair out of Draven's eyes with a finger and then continued with the softest of smiles. "Then you know this is right. I would never do anything to harm you and your sister. Your father has come for us. We must go with him. You know this."

Draven tore his gaze from his mother and looked at Ezra, watching how his sister clung to him. He cast his eyes down to the ground for a few silent moments before moving out of Kariss' arms and flinging himself at Ezra, his shoulders shaking from unshed tears.

"Pappa." He cried, his arms tight around his father's neck.

Mar 19th, 2004, 09:04:13 AM
He held both children and let a few tears fall himself. Placing a kiss on both their heads, he smiled at them. His babies were once more with him and nothing....nothing was going to keep them from him ever again.

"Yes Draven, It's me.....and I wont be away from any of you like I have. I love you all too much for that."

He looked at the twin and shook his head as he placed a hand on either child. She looked so much like him and Draven like Kariss. Looking up at Kariss, he couldnt wait to wake up with her next to him instead of an empty room, and empty bed.

Mar 19th, 2004, 11:02:36 AM
Kariss smiled at the three of them, at the picture they made and then she glanced around, her eyes going wide for a moment.

"Ezra, we really should hurry." She whispered. "I'll go pack. Spend this time with the children."

Kariss caressed his face with the back of her hand, taking in every line in his face before leaning in to kiss him tenderly. She winked at him with a flirtatious grin and disappeared quickly to pack.

Mar 20th, 2004, 10:22:31 PM
He watched the twins display their skills in the things they were taught. Alexi went first with her whips. He was astonished at her use of weapons such as that one and a hand went over his chin as he smiled....she was definately like him, no too much in the use of sith magic as the others of his family, but had his prowess in the arts of melee combat.

Then came Draven's turn and Ezra was amazed at his sons ability to harness the darkside and use the sith magic he was so far taught. Even though his father hated him so, and he held similar feelings towards the old man, he was an excellent teacher. He would let Kariss bring Draven back to further his studies with the arts of the dark arcane. And his father was the best he knew of to teach his son.

"Very good both of you, You two make me proud.... very proud of you."

He said as he clapped for them both. His children were growing rapidly and he had missed alot, hopefully Master Daiquiri wouldnt be too angry with him for coming for them, He just couldnt wait any longer and vampyres went crazy when that happened.

The twins sat on either of his lap and they were telling him stories of what went on since he was away. Very interesting to say the least....alot had happened since.

Dante Imoralia
Mar 21st, 2004, 10:25:54 AM
Dante Imoralia emerged slowly from the shadows, his red eyes watching his best friend's son reunion with his children. He could feel Kariss' elation during the meeting he was in and had to excuse himself to see what was making his dear friend so happy.

To see her lifemate on Khar Sian, coming to ge them, was like a stake in his black heart. Since Kariss' arrival their many years ago, the two had become extremely close and at one time, he had entertained the idea of stepping in to fill Ezra's shoes should anything happen to him...that was of course until he met Kieren. A smile played on his lips as he silently walked forward, his hands in the pockets of his pants as he approached the Darkmere heir.

"Ezra." Dante said softly, watching as he slowly stood, Ezra's eyes narrowing. "I guess I do not need to tell you that the Pack is after you to reel you in." Dante looked back over his shoulder in the direction Kariss had torn off to. He smiled, looking to the ground and then back up at Ezra. "Waste no time getting out of here."

Mar 21st, 2004, 01:02:10 PM
Placing the twins down off his lap, Ezra stood and eyed his father's oldest and closest friend suspiciously. His father would be close. Most times where ever Dante was Fulkrehm was not too far behind, and sometimes vise versa. He knew the pack was out for him....but he needed his family with him. To face this dilema and give him purpose to continue. They were his "foundation"...his rock. And not even Dante himself was going to keep them from him....not even his father.

It was his last words which caught the wayward vampyre off guard. He was actually.....trying to help? He wasnt going to try and detain him? Now ths was interesting.

"Dante." He said as he acknowledged the clan elder. "Yes, I know they're out looking for me. Why do you think I came in through the back door?"

He smiled a coy smile. Rash andimpulsive he was.....non-comforming to Khar Sian's laws he was....stupid he was not.......well....sometimes *smirks*.

"You know why I'm here. I need them Dante, more than ever."

Dante Imoralia
Mar 21st, 2004, 01:31:39 PM
"Your sister has wisely sent them on a wild goose chase to the other side of the galaxy, allowing any time to be seperated between you and the Pack." Dante murmured, smiling lovingly down at Draven as he ruffled the boys hair. "I will miss them dearly, but you are right, you need them as much as they need you."

"Your father is being detained right now with an 'emergency' within the Council. I do not know how long it will keep him from coming home, but use this short time wisely, my friend."

Dante began to pace back and forth, his eyes watching out for Kariss or Fulkrehm.

"Kariss and I have become close during your absence, Young Darkmere." Dante said, as if needing to explain his helpfullness. "She is quite the lifemate for you, I must say. She has grown to trust me like I her and I want her to be happy and I want nothing to stop that. I know you are doing what you can to get the help you need and if it helps you to have Kariss and your children, stop at nothing, Ezra."

Mar 21st, 2004, 02:30:27 PM
He smirked at the information Dante was handing out. Izabell was protecting him a she always did against their father. Sometimes she made it difficult to know which was the older sibling. But he loved her dearly for it. And now Dante....helping him.

" I dont intent on camping out in the back yard."

He stepped up and embraced his old mentor. It was Dante who taught him how to wield his daggers and any other weapon he could get his hands on.

"It's good to see you again Master."

Using the title he always had a hard time with. Remembering the one time Ezra had actually gotten the ever serene elder to actually get irritated over trying to expalin to the adolesent Darkmere Why he had to call him that and ending up totally dismissing it because the teen couldnt adhere to it.

Now many years later, he spoke it freely. Who ever was helping him with his turmoil was also shaping him up some.

Dante Imoralia
Mar 23rd, 2004, 08:12:03 AM
Dante's eyebrows rose at Ezra's use of 'Master' and a slow smile hit his lips. He now knew just the extent of the help he was getting. Kariss and the children would be just fine. That was his own worry.

"You're doing well, Ezra. Keep it up." Dante looked back over his shoulder to see Kariss in a blur of black vinyl hurrying to Ezra with their things packed, halting when she saw him there. "Do not worry, Kariss my dear, I'm only here to make sure the two of you leave quickly."

He could see the shock registering on the lovely Kariss' face before she threw him a brilliant smile, coming to hug him. Dante laughed, enfolding the enchantress in his arms, taking a moment to say a silent farewell to his friend...a moment her lifemate would permit him. He pulled back, placing a hand on either side of her face and smiled down at her, his red eyes brimming with unshed tears.

"Take care of him, of the children. I will miss the three of you dearly." Dante placed a kiss on her cheek, hugging her to him. He looked at Ezra with Kariss in his arms. "I will let you know the things that are happening here. When it is safe, I would like to see you again. May I have your word on that, Ezra?"

Mar 31st, 2004, 11:56:56 PM
The wayward vampyre smiled and nodded at his old mentor. He would like a meeting, a quiet time to chat and catch up on years of absence. And also it was his promise to Dante that he would take care of his family. As he should.

"I would like that Master. And yes, youhave my word as a Darkmere, that I promise to uphold it."

Stepping up, he took Dante's hand in his and shook it. A little more life, one that the Ezra of old used to have emitted from his eyes. He was back and for once...he was happy.

Apr 1st, 2004, 08:46:45 AM
Kariss smiled up at her friend, placing a kiss on the corner of his mouth as she hugged him tightly one last time.

"Say my goodbye's to everyone, will you, Dante?" She asked softly, running a hand through his long hair. "Especially that gawd awful mortal." She added with a musical laugh.

Stepping away from Dante, Kariss turned and smiled lovingly at her lifemate. She curled herself into his strong arms and looked into his eyes.

"We must go quickly, Ezra." She whispered, watching as Dante nodded at them, then turned quickly to leave.

Apr 11th, 2004, 04:44:46 AM
Gathering his family with him, Ezra stopped and stood for a good few moments looking at Nehekara....his birthplace. It had been centuries....two and a half to be exact that he ahdnt stepped foot upon its ferrocrete walkways....the dark halls of the Temple...the soft buzz of the council chambers. Even the well lit halls of the Watcher's citadel. All of it he missed.....and that included his family here.

At the tug of his shirt, he turned to see Alexi pointing to the ship. He smiled and nodded and walked quickly with them to the Empress Marva. With Kariss in his arm, he kissed her before they boarded. Now it was off to be together as a family, in a place that was believed to be the last place to find sanctuary.