View Full Version : Leaving...

imported_Natia Telcontar
Mar 16th, 2004, 09:40:30 AM
...for the weekend since I'm going on a bus trip. Leaving Thursday night and arriving Friday afternoon in Calgary. Let us pray that I will get to see some of this mythical snow substance which ppl believe exists.

I'll be getting home on Sunday, but probably won't be on the boards until Monday since when I get home, chances are I'll be going straight to bed since on this bus trip, we are pulling two red eye expresses (for those that don't know, we are driving all the way there without stopping to get sleep)

Let's see, Vista Alor, Lorani T'sava, Marga Alton are all affected (cause it's me) and will not be posting. I've only listed my more active characters since I don't have many threads with other characters going right now.