View Full Version : Back in the Groove

Quay'Na Rakai
Mar 16th, 2004, 04:41:30 AM
It had been a couple of days since Marcus had discovered Quay's pregnancy and since she had kept a low profile. Her mind was constantly filled with thoughts on the baby, thoughts on Anthony as she tried to continue with her own personal training.

Today she once again, up at the crack of dawn on Trilith. Dressed and ready for some physical activity she left the castle and walked into the vast forests. She'd been doing this for a couple of days, each day going just a little further. While she studied the ground, the trees, even each turned leaf.

The animals were very friendly as they greeted her every morning.

Being out in nature made her forget about everything, all her problems seemed to be far away,

Even though she told herself she would accept this pregnancy, inwardly she was having a hard time doing so. Every time, she'd get so close and then the horror of what really happened would replay for her and turn everything topsy-turvey. She wished Anthony were here, God how she needed him!

He often had a way of calming her, one of which no one else had, but once everything was said and done....would she still have him? The question had brought many tears, tears that she had tried to stop, but she hadn't the strength.

Quay almost hated to think of what Marcus thought of all this, he had just become her new master and her life had suddenly been turned inside out.

So, at the moment she was going to release her mind of it and exercise. It was about that time, she came up on the set of trees that she had been wanting to find. They were tall, massive even, with branches and limbs running along every direction. Nearly connecting them to each other.


With her bare hands, she began scaling the nearest tree, finding handholds that a 'normal' human would never be able to find or use. The exercise experience was what she had been wanting, it had been a long time since she'd excerised like this other than the trees in the GJO garden and those didn't really count.

It didn't take the Lost Padawan long before she was on the lowest branch which was about thirty feet in the air.

Quay fell into the rhythm of the Force and took off, she ran along the branch as if it were a sidewalk, even as it got smaller and smaller. As her weight began to bend the branch, she sprung, flipped and landed on the next one. The rush of air that she felt was exilerating. Along the next branch, she did a double handspring and came down on the branch in a split. All this done with grace in every move. From that position, she lifted her body up onto her arms, rolled her hips and brought her legs into a perfect handstand, this was her element.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 18th, 2004, 02:01:50 PM
It was with curious eyes that a silent being watched from the ground. Quay'Na was very talented and it was obvious that in this dangerous form of exercise, she held no fear. Quietly moving through the mixture of tall grasses, fallen leaves, and twigs, a large figure with a looming shadow came to stop in a patch of sun. This was nothing ordinary to Trilith, and in fact, the planet had not seen a creature like this until one was brought here. It was a wolf, and appeared to be completely content watching the Padawan.

The sun shown brightly upon its beautiful grey and white coat with distinct black markings. The blue eyes pierced even the thickest air as they came to rest upon Quay's figure. As if on cue, the wolf ran toward the tree and placed two paws upon its large trunk, appearing to smile a toothy grin up at the Padawan.

Of course, it was known that Quay would have no idea that this wolf was not just a mere creature belonging to the forest. In fact, this was a Lost Jedi as well, the Knight Xazor Elessar that Marcus had told the Padawan of. It was about time they had finally met to get to know one another -- but first, the Garou would find out more about her as she was.

Quay'Na Rakai
Mar 18th, 2004, 04:40:22 PM
Quay'Na opened her eyes and looked down. She saw the wolf and carefully, brought her legs back down to the branch and stood up again.

The markings on the wolf were beautiful, the most amazing she'd ever seen. It was almost as if the wolf had been looking for her.

Drawing herself into the essence of the Force, Quay took a seat on the branch allowing her legs to dangle.

Greetings, my friend. I am Quay'Na, I mean you no harm. The Padawan smiled down at the wolf.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 18th, 2004, 06:55:04 PM
Xazor smiled inwardly, but her toothy smile was the only thing that was reflected. Just as Quay'Na had done, the animal sat back on its haunches and looked up at the Padawan. Soon she began to speak. It was a curious thing to Xazor that the woman could speak to her in the first place -- though she still possessed the mind of a human, she was quite less than human. "She can speak to all animals -- I remember Stig telling me of her." The woman thought silently.

Soon she gathered her words and projected a gentle voice into Quay's mind. "Greetings Quay'Na -- I am a friend of the forest and a companion to your Master." She began, not lying in anything that was said. Blinking as her eyes focused upon the woman's face, Xazor continued. "I have heard much of you, but I saw you up in the trees and I had to stop you to learn more." Again there came silence in Quay's mind as Xazor shifted her weight slightly, her eyes still upon the woman.

"There is something special about you -- I can tell already. Why is it you do not fear me? Afterall, I am quicker and stronger than you -- do I not pose a threat to your being?"

Mar 18th, 2004, 07:02:30 PM
As Xazor spoke to the woman up in the tree, I sat just a few feet behind her and listened. Indeed, I am deaf and it is a known fact to most who I come in contact with, but I only need the Force. Smiling to myself, I shook my head and looked down at the ground before me, wondering why it was that my Master always played these games with the people. Being the educated being that I am, I never found fun in such trivial things -- but I was coming to realize the lesson in the games she played.

Sighing to myself, I rose to my feet from my laying position and slowly approached to sit beside my Master. With a bow of my head, I made my presence known to the woman and looked over at Xazor. "Master, what is it you are doing out here with the human?" I questioned with a look of amusement. For being quite a normal wolf and Xazor being Garou, we were similar in size, coloration, and markings. In fact, we could have passed for being from the same pack, and in my mind, we were. Looking up the tree at the human, I smiled as best I could and decided an introduction was needed. "I am Kaukauana -- companion to the crazy one here." I nodded at Xazor, unaware of the fact that she was going to keep her name hidden for now, so I decided not to drop it to make sure. This was going to be quite interesting for the Lost Padawan. Quite interesting indeed.

Quay'Na Rakai
Mar 19th, 2004, 04:47:39 AM
Originally posted by Xazor Elessar

Soon she gathered her words and projected a gentle voice into Quay's mind. "Greetings Quay'Na -- I am a friend of the forest and a companion to your Master." She began, not lying in anything that was said. Blinking as her eyes focused upon the woman's face, Xazor continued. "I have heard much of you, but I saw you up in the trees and I had to stop you to learn more." Again there came silence in Quay's mind as Xazor shifted her weight slightly, her eyes still upon the woman.

"There is something special about you -- I can tell already. Why is it you do not fear me? Afterall, I am quicker and stronger than you -- do I not pose a threat to your being?"

Marcus never said anything about a wolves, but perhaps it slipped his mind in all the emotion that had surrounded him as of late.

Quay's mental voice touched the wolf's mind again. I am a symbiont with nature and I would know through the Force, if you were planning to attack me. The animal Kingdon is my realm, my calling.

The Padawan took notice of another wolf coming along and making itself known. Quay heard it's comments as though they were spoken in a normal conversation.

Originally posted by Kaukauana

"Master, what is it you are doing out here with the human?"

"I am Kaukauana -- companion to the crazy one here." This was going to be quite interesting for the Lost Padawan. Quite interesting indeed.

Greeting Kaukauana, I am Quay'Na. She said with a smile. She felt no threat from either animal at the moment, but things could change. Quay'Na reached into the Force and sensed for danger, any danger. One could never be too certain with new animals, she would remain guarded, without looking as if she was doing so.

Mar 24th, 2004, 08:40:43 AM
I bowed my head to the human, smiling again as much as I could. She seemed nice enough, and I could tell she meant no danger to myself or my Master. Still, I kept my guard up without anyone knowing, just in case she decided to attack. You never could be too sure with humans these days -- they seemed to be a nasty bunch, the lot of them.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Quay'Na." I touched her mind as before and glanced at Xazor, still wondering what she was doing this for. I never saw her speak to another human while she was changed, and it made me wonder if she had plans and a reason for doing so. "We must speak later." I told her, but of course, all she did nod silently, keeping her eyes up on the woman in the tree.

What an odd sight it was, for sure.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 24th, 2004, 08:46:27 AM
It was interesting, everything she said about nature. It was known that because Xazor was Garou, she too was linked with the wilds. In an instant, she could have called nature to her bidding if the need came to be. The Knight smiled to herself and decided to ask a few more questions before revealing the secret behind her form.

"How do you know that, pup? What if you came across a skilled hunter who never let his intentions be known -- and you were caught offguard. It could happen and you can never be too sure." It was not a warning, but a piece of advice that the Knight had ignored at one point in her life, until she had been caught offguard. It was good to rely upon the Force, but to rely upon common sense was foolish.

"So what are you, young one? Some kind of tree dwelling human? I've never seen one of those before. Why not come down here and speak with us face to face? I assure you, we are not like the hunters I spoke of. You would have known by now if we wished harm upon you." Xazor hoped she had gained a bit of trust from the woman, and perhaps, once she came down -- the Knight would be able to reveal herself and her true identity.

Quay'Na Rakai
Mar 24th, 2004, 08:41:34 PM
Quay'Na nodded slightly. Alright then, I shall come down. She glanced towards the ground, it waa a pretty good drop. With ease, Quay stood up and walked towards the trunk.

It wasn't long before she unraveled a vine and tested it's strength. Pretty good. With a deep breath, the Padawan gripped the vine and carefully lowered herself, hand over hand all the way to the ground.