View Full Version : Fledgling, In Fertile Soil, Take Root (Kyashi)

Gav Mortis
Mar 15th, 2004, 12:03:51 PM
Since the showdown at the Happy Sunshine Teahouse, Gav had made quick work of helping his latest young protege, the boy Kyashi, bid farewell to his old life and welcome a bright future. It starts here, in Iziz City where the boy will find his new home and family, the Kuklos Ataxia. His wounds healed and pride mending, Kyashi would undergo his first day of training with his master and what better way to start than with some harmless mischief in the park?

"See those apples up in that tree, boy? I want you to start picking them."

Mar 18th, 2004, 09:06:59 PM

His wounds were almost healed, his body still sore from the goings-on in the tea-house, Kyashi covered his eyes with his left hand as he stared up into the tree tops. He looked from them, to his new master, then back.

"With the Force?" He asked, slightly embarassed. He had been trained in using the Force in the past, but felt more than a bit rusty lately. Okami had trained him to kill -- he didn't see where any of that training would come into play here.

Mar 18th, 2004, 09:11:57 PM
"Using the Force, yes." Gav confirmed, looking down at his young apprentice.

"I want you to pick those apples as quickly and accurately as possible. Do it."

Mar 18th, 2004, 09:20:15 PM
He stared up at the tree, focusing on the branches. They begin trembling slightly, gradually growing into violent shakes. Several apples fall to the ground, bouncing off the grass at the pairs feet.

The shaking stops, and Kyashi gives Gav a sheepish grin. "I suppose that wasn't as accurate as it could have been..."

Gav Mortis
Mar 24th, 2004, 09:02:41 AM
"Do not focus on the branches; focus on an apple, sense it's size and weight, then forget about mass and quantity for such measurements matter not when you have the Force as an ally. Picture it in your mind then pick it from the tree and pull it to your hand. Repeat this until the tree is bare; the more you do something, the better you will become. Plus I want apple pie after dinner tonight."

May 1st, 2004, 01:10:28 AM
Again the boy focused, this time taking what Gav had said into account. He selected a single apple from the tree, concentrating on it, imagining it being plucked from the tree and landing in his hand.
The apple shivered, falling from the tree in slow-motion, into the boys' waiting grasp.

Gav Mortis
May 5th, 2004, 02:38:15 PM
"That's good." Gav folded his arms, pleased, then took the apple from his apprentice's graps and bit into it. His mouth half full he continued with his instructions.

"Now as you're pulling each apple to your hand, see if you can perform any fanciful tricks with; you have a great gift so don't be afraid to show off with it once in a while; but remember what I said about mass and quantity not mattering. In fact, see if you can accurately move more than one apple at once."