View Full Version : Delicate negotiations

Ezekiel Frost
Mar 13th, 2004, 09:30:35 PM
This is one of those situations that no one wants to be in. As things stand, one of the New Republic's supply depots near the Balmorran Empire's borders is no longer in New Republic hands. An unknown force has taken the depot and is holding hostages. As well, the entire depot is shut down, creating a more than minor shortage of basic necessities needed in other New Republic outposts in the area.

Normally, troops would simply be sent in to take care of the situation and return the depot to its rightful owners. In this case, however, such a solution will not work. It is strongly suspected that the culprits are from the Balmorran Emprie itself, if for no other reason than the fact that there are no other groups capable of such a feat anywhere in the area. As such, if a large group is sent to quell the disturbance the usurpers will simply retreat to their territory and repeat the process at a later date. Such a situation occurred not three months ago, and the Republic is not willing to repeat the ordeal.

For that reason, Ezekiel is on a shuttle to start negotiations. His first priority is to secure the release of the prisoners. After that, he is to do what is necessary to prevent such assaults in the future. Though not a statesman, Ezekiel's special gifts with the Force make him very persuasive when dealing with others... VERY persuasive. He can only hope his abilities will lead him through to a favorable conclusion.

Rigel Bismarck
Mar 30th, 2004, 02:50:58 PM
ORD Trasi was a very nice planet. It had many lush grasslands and dense forests, plus an indigenous population of doglike people with a nose for curiosity. What made it most attractive to Rigel Bismarck, however, was the handsome facility known as Dellalla Base.

Set on a relative plateau to the surrounding grasslands, Dellalla was nothing less than the visible symbol of the Republic presence on the planet. The base architecture was a grand, arching style with domes and rounded entryways. In the center of the base sat a warehouse containing full supplies for troops to no less than five planets in the surrounding sector, and a great deal more tertiary planets the New Republic did not hold militarily.

Such was the nature of an ORD: Ordinance and Resource Depot.

Originally, the attack on the base had been a simple raid- an in and out attack to take the supplies and be gone before anyone was the wiser. In mid-strike, however, something of interest had come up.

So Bismarck, Admiral of the Balmorran Empire, took swift and full control of the base. Enough troops remained to garrison it for a few weeks, and the base personnel remained hostages in their own brigs. Two cargo ships had made jumps to lightspeed before help could arrive with instructions to muster a rescue attack if Bismarck did not follow within a few days time.

"Sir, they appear to be bringing a shuttle in."

Rigel turned towards the tactical display. "Ahh, yes. Their negotiator. Allow him to come no further than 200 meters beyond the front door. And be careful. A Jedi strike team may be ferried in."

Shouldering an ysalamiri nutrient frame, Rigel headed towards the parapet above the garrison's main entrance. It was time to see what could be gained from this venture.

Ezekiel Frost
Apr 11th, 2004, 10:21:57 PM
Ezekiel hears his pilot speaking to the ground control and receiving instructions from them. After the brief interchange, the shuttle enters the landing area and touches down on the planet's surface. Shortly after, Ezekiel exits the vessel.

He is immediately greeted by an officer, identifying himself as Captain Arnaut. As the captain begins to lead Ezekiel to whoever is in change here, Ezekiel speaks. Using the Force, he augments his voice to more easily "persuade" the soldier. He decides to set up a post-hypnotic suggestion on the man for later. It won't last more than a few hours, but that should be enough. In an oddly echoing voice, he gives the man the command to obey later.

"Listen well, soldier. When ya hear me say the words, 'The scythe cuts both ways, sparky," you will follow my orders to the letter, as if I were your commanding officer. Until then, you will act as normal. Are we clear?"

When the soldier nods, blank look on his face, Ezekiel releases the man from his hold. He follows the man in silence for the rest of the way, preparing his negotiations.