View Full Version : New Republic Tech?
Mar 12th, 2004, 03:07:31 PM
In light of the Battle at Bestine I believe the NRSF should begin developing A few new Weapons. Defensive weapons like a Anti-Projectile cannon and a new Anti-fighter flak type of weapon. The standard Quad Laser though a wonderful anti fighter weapon could use some help.
Let me know what you think. I can design a prototype After the battle of Bestine and test it if approved.
Mar 12th, 2004, 03:41:51 PM
Yes, i agree we need new weapons. I have a couple of ideas. One pertains to your idea of weapons designs. The US Navy uses the Phalanx CIWS which fires rapidly to destroy incoming missiles. Would it be possible for the NR to research and deploy a laser gatling similar to the CIWS to destroy missiles and fighters? My other question is that I was thinking of designing a new frigate for the NR, does anyone have any objections or requests?
Mar 14th, 2004, 07:23:39 PM
I just designed something like that.. id sell it to ya but it might explode when you recieved it :p
Lion El' Jonson
Mar 15th, 2004, 02:40:05 AM
If you're going to design a frigate, draw up the preliminary design, then send it to me, Jarek, and Telan. The most important thing is that this frigate has a mission; there has to be a reason for it to supplant the Nebulon-B.
As for the Vulcan Laser, I think it is doable. Although it wouldn't have a 10th the power of a normal laser, that would still be sufficient for taking out missiles.
Mar 15th, 2004, 12:07:33 PM
I was thinkning of a solid round Velocity type weapon. Resmbling my chiss Sabot cannon. using 42 MM High velocity rounds. It does not need the focusing equipment of a laser and fires at a higher speed and the Projectiles reach the target almost instantly due to there velocity. It will take the place 0f 2 Quad lasers but for Anti Projectile pourposes it is worth the sacrifice. Also A anti Fighter Flak Cannon which fires Ionic detonators. It will launch the Pods at a high rate in wide despertion. It will also take the place of 2 Quads but it luanches 8 Pods at one time with a 13 Sec delay in the rate of fire.
Mar 16th, 2004, 01:25:30 PM
Alright, Ill post the preliminary design here too to get some feedback from other members also.
The reason for designing this frigate is that in light of the newer more powerful ships being introduced by the Imperial Faction the Nebulon B is increasingly lacking in firepower against those ships. The Nebulon-B has several structural weaknesses as well such as the slender midsection that connects the bow and aft parts of the ships which can be easily destroyed. This new frigate will be more heavily armed an will be able to operate as the core ship of small border fleets providing more firepower for the same number of ships
Length: 500 meters
width: 250 meters
height: 150 meters
hyperdrive: 1.3 past lightspeed
Crew: 1300
Troops: 2 companies of recon/strike troops
Consumables: 4 months
Cargo space: none
shield generators mounted on dorsal ridge
Small vessel complement:
1 x X-Wing squadron
1 x A-Wing Squadron
15 heavy turbolaser batteries
12 turbolaser cannons
4 heavy ion cannons
6 quad lasers
4 quartet missile launchers
Teleran Balades
Mar 16th, 2004, 03:37:16 PM
Heavy turbolasers on a frigate?
Mar 16th, 2004, 10:15:32 PM
its 500 meters. For some reson the NR likes big Frigates. Pointless but hey. call it a cruiser. Look at an assualt frigate. 750 meters! Fun Fun
Teleran Balades
Mar 17th, 2004, 07:09:09 AM
An assault frigate is bigger than a strike cruiser.
Mar 17th, 2004, 10:14:57 AM
ill modify the design then:
Length: 500 meters
width: 250 meters
height: 150 meters
hyperdrive: 1.3 past lightspeed
Crew: 1300
Troops: 2 companies of recon/strike troops
Consumables: 4 months
Cargo space: none
shield generators mounted on dorsal ridge
Small vessel complement:
1 x X-Wing squadron
1 x A-Wing Squadron
10 turbolaser batteries
12 turbolaser cannons
2 heavy ion cannons
10 quad lasers
4 quartet missile launchers
Mar 17th, 2004, 12:15:07 PM
A strike Cruiser is 450.
Hey Tie why so many Troops? Are you trying to replace the Neb B or the Assault Frigate?
And I would do 8 Ion Cannons not 2 Heavys. higher rate of fire. Needs sublight speed rating. Hull rating in RU, Shield Rating in SBD and maybe a back-up Hyperdrive rating and it looks good to me. Big Bold and Burly Frigate.
Mar 17th, 2004, 03:06:37 PM
it could actually be use dto supplant both design but its mostly to replace the Nebulon-B. What do you think is normal for a frigate in terms of RU, SBD and back up hyperdrive. Ill make the backup hyperdrive normal but ill make the shields and armor a little better than average since the NR needs a tough medium sized ship that can deliver heavy firepower. As for the troops this ship is also meant to be used at the core of small border fleets that can handle small missions on border worlds as such so thats why there are troops to fight border skirmishes and such.
Mar 18th, 2004, 01:41:52 AM
1,900 Ru
2,800 SBD
Mar 18th, 2004, 02:21:53 PM
alright the frigate will have a hull rating of
2000 RU
shild rating
2850 SBD
16MGLT backup hyperdrive
Mar 18th, 2004, 02:50:47 PM
no the 16 mglt would be the sublight speed but a 12 backup hyperdrive would be good also
Marcus Telcontar
Mar 18th, 2004, 04:26:18 PM
I was thinkning of a solid round Velocity type weapon.
The NR, because of Tohmahawk's facination with projectile guns, is already got ballistics of a rail gun and guass nature for ground forces. Now, while there is nothign stopping other factions from producing projectile weapons again, I've tended to try to make sure such guns are very rare only used in the elite forces. as a ship bound weapon, I'm not sure it'll work.
Lion El' Jonson
Apr 2nd, 2004, 06:29:43 PM
I agree with Marcus. The biggest problem we'd have with projectile weapons would be ammunition; whereas a Laser Cannon just needs blaster gas and energy from a ship's power plant, a solid-round projectile weapon would require immense amounts of space to carry any significant amount of ammo. The current problem with the US CIWS system is that its depleted-uranium rounds are heavy and take up a lot of room. Because of this gun's immense rate-of-fire, it gets maybe a 20-30 second burst to shoot down missiles, and then you're a sitting duck.
Tie, the frigate is coming along very well. I'm going to consolidate the stats and post them in a new thread.
Apr 4th, 2004, 03:16:54 AM
OK a Plasma Based Flak Cannon. Plasma Is short ranged by nature so it would work well. Any comments?
Lion El' Jonson
Apr 4th, 2004, 04:50:34 AM
Much better. The only problem that we might have with plasma-based weaponry is that it encroaches on Star Trek territory (I'm a TNG and DS9 fan, but what the hell...:lol), but that probably won't be a problem. The job is yours, Reshmar! :D
Apr 4th, 2004, 02:12:42 PM
Very well then.
Tie, you want to work with me on this. They would aid your frigate in its anti fighter Capabilities?
I'm thinking charged plasma arrays. ?
Plasma cannons are basically lasers which use a vacuum and electrically charged particles. to create the plasma. then use magnetic fields to eject the plasma. Easy enough. I'm invisioning a cannon much like the WWII British Mounted anti air guns. 4 Exit Muzzles on a turret firing in tandem to increase rate of fire and decrease heat build up.
The arry would include the cannon itself, all the guidance and targeting equipment, and turret housing it would be about as large as a Turbolaser Cannon.
Teleran Balades
Apr 4th, 2004, 03:12:14 PM
Ha, short ranged my @#$. The plasma torpedoes Tear and I are coming up with will show the plasma can be used long-range...once we fiqure out how to keep the plasma condensed enough that friction with the other partcles will keep it burning.
Apr 4th, 2004, 09:23:17 PM
Plasma weapons are short ranged. when dilivered with a projectile you arnt actually using it as a weapon. you are just useing the plasma as a warhead. the range comes from the projectile.
Marcus Telcontar
Apr 5th, 2004, 07:22:24 PM
Hey, wait up, plasma weapons are common in Star wars.
What do you think Blasters and turbolasers really are? They are plasma weapons. and, so is lightsabres. No need to reinvent the wheel :)
What i'm surprised with is that true laser weaponry are canon, yet not used a lot here. I think a laser cannon would be a superb anti warhead weapon. It cant really be fighter based as the power demands are far too high - but on a capital ship, why not?
Apr 5th, 2004, 08:39:11 PM
Im just trying not to use something which is already done. The SOV and Fed have Laser based Gatling So does the NR. Adapting that wont be difficult. But what I'm trying to do is make a Wide Dispersion Weapon. Lasers can not work like Flak Cannons. You have to focus them.
A plasma cannon works completely different then a laser. A laser uses gas to create a beam of energy. More or less. A plasma Cannon uses a vacuum tube to charge Particles creating Plasma. then expels them via electoMagnetic force. Tesla Built one in 1932. Good thing Hitler passed on the design.
If we are limited to useing lasers then ok let use a laser Gatlings, but we will be limited in our defensive posture because of the lack of a flak type weapon.
Lion El' Jonson
Apr 6th, 2004, 05:40:25 AM
Tesla was an absolute genius; in my opinion he was waaaaay beyond Einstein in their respective areas. It is interesting as to how George Lucas chose to have lasers portrayed as in Star Wars; whereas a real-life chemical or plasma-pumped laser hits its target almost instantly, and with extreme accuracy, lasers in Star Wars can be dodged, seen, and distorted...but enough about science. :lol
Marcus Telcontar
Apr 6th, 2004, 06:41:15 AM
Yes Reshmar, I understand how they work. The problem is, a plasma blot also has to stay focused, because it will loose energy too fast to be any use in a dispersion pattern. It has to stay focused.
I'm not sure a flak type defence weapon is needed actually, not when shield and magnetic field effects could be played with. Or if we really want to amuse ourselves, working out how the siesmic charges work in AOTC and seeing what we can do to adapt
Apr 6th, 2004, 02:18:02 PM
True. I'm just throwing out ideas.
I wasn't to worried about focusing the plasma since it was going to be more or less carpet bombing of space. An energy pulse Mine does exist already and could be very useful but were back to Ammo again. 2 to 4 On a fighter for countermeasures would be nice though..
Apr 8th, 2004, 02:14:57 PM
Ok im giving up on new tech. How does Canon tech sound?
this type of plasma torpedo was known as a shieldbuster, or a rotten egg. The T-33 was designed to detonate at a shield's perimeter, creating in intense radiation burst. This burst was several times more powerful that the combined power of a capital ship's ion cannons, and knocked out the target's shield generators. This allowed particle weapons to finish off the target. The T-33 was one of the New Republic's strongest weapons.
A ship board launching system will be equiped to the New Rejuvenator Class Star Destroyer
any problem?
Apr 8th, 2004, 03:57:21 PM
I was thinking of another new defense system for NR ships against massive Imperial missile attack. I propose a multi cell missile launcher similar to that found on Aegis ships. The missiles will be smaller than proton torpedoes and will have a substantially less damage potential but it can take out other missiles and can be a close in point defense system against close in strafing fighters. I was thinking of 80 missiles to a cell along with a software system similar to that of the Aegis system.
Im also going to be designing a couple of new ships foremost the Adamant class battlecruiser. Ill put the initial specs here so i can get your feedback again before i put it on the official ship design thread.
Redic Scott
Apr 8th, 2004, 04:18:09 PM
I actually researched that for another RPG:
Ship Defense Missile/Battery
This is a battery filled with small missiles with a high-explosive fragmenting warhead. Each missile is about 30 cm in diameter and 1 1/2 meters long. The tip of the missile has a very sophisticated sensor package which tracks the target after recieving the data from the ships main computer. Once recieved the target is locked and the missile can follow it on its own. Each missile "talks" to each other and makes sure not to lock on to each other. It monitores the speed and range to the target and once it gets close it manuevers right into the targets path, or just slams into it. Milliseconds after slaming into the target, be it another missile or fighter. If the missile misses its target is would either explode right after, showering shrapnel in all directions and hopefull hitting the target. If the missile computed thinks it has enough fuel left, the missile will turn around and race after its target. Each missile is magnetically luanched toward it's target to save on fuel and only ignites its engines onces it's close. Once ignited the missiles manuever into position and will have some fuel left to manuever. They are equiped with manuevering thrusters for faster manuevering and the booster make them faster than any fighter on the battle field. They have a maximun flight range of 700 km with fuel or about 3 minutes of combat flight time. The magnetically fired missile will driff/fly as long as needed toward a target.
The battery usually consists of a various numbers of launchers with 4 reloads per launcher, each reload takes 2 seconds. The battery can fire all launchers at once and reload immediatly, recieve more data and fire again. As I've said before each tube launches the missile with magnetic resinance, which accelerated the missile to high speeds toward it's target.
Here are some other techs to look into:
Defender Defense System
This is a computer system designed by Stellar Enterprises to help ships in a fight. It is linked to every system aboard a ship and can be turned on to take full control. It monitors the whole battle from thousands of bits of information it gets from every fighter. Each ship and fighter has to have an encrypted data link in them so that all the data they recieve is sent back to everyother ship. The captial ships equipt with this system will talk to each other and develope battle strategies occording to what the enemy does. This system can be made to act indepent as well and it doesn't have to always control everything. The captain can have it control the guns only, or just some guns, or just tell him when the enemy does something. It can self analys a battle and bring the needed weapons to bear on a ship. The system will also constantly scan the enemy and all ships for weaknesses. It can transmit them to all the other ships in the group or just the captain and let the captain deside.
This massive computer system does trillions of calculations per second and is much faster at reacting than humans. This system is perfect for anti-missile defense when teamed with laser cannons. It can calculate the speed, distance, closing time, type of weapon, what weapons can be brought to bear, and direct the firepower into the way of the missile. (The Computer system kinda works like the Phalanx system on most US warships and the Aegis system, if you don't know about it I'll explain). Hopefully the system will hit the missile and destroy it away from the ship. It works best against larger capital ship launched missiles/torps, and against a mass of fighter torps.
The system also aways monitors the ship that it's in and checks ever system aboard the ship. If the shields go down or get low, it will automatically transfer more to that area, or rotate the ship to bring fresh shields into that area. It can instanly call damage contol to an area that is hit and control droids on board the ship to do things that are neccessary. The system isn't in full control, so if somethign happens it shuts off the ship crew can take control again and do everything. This is a help system.
Mind Contol Interface
This is a helmet that is like any other, although inside it are scanners and recievers that monitor and interprit brain waves and electormagnetic fields that the brain gives off. Modern science has shown that the mind, when thinking and working, gives off minute amounts of electormagnetic frequences which, with the right technology, can be interprited. This helmet takes the thoughts of the pilot and converts them in into electrical signals that could control a fighter or any ship for that matter. It is like the cognition hood the vong use, only mechanical. It would make pilots respond quicker. They would think turn right the fighter would bank right and turn.
This could mostly be used by the jedi, since they have the most control over their mind and are highly disiplined. They would have the necessary focus it would take to fly a plane and not think about anything outside it. To use this tech, one would have to be fully commited to the thoughts of control and not other feeling that one would have in life. Pilots can learn to use this, but it would take immence trained with a huge pay off at the end.
Reactive Armor
reactive armor is additional armor for ships and vehicle. The armor would be attached to the ships/vehicles hull and jettisoned with tiny explosive charges at an incoming turbolaser blast or warhead. The plate would come off at an angle and deflet the blast from the ship, causing less damage if it was a turbolaser blast or no damage if it was a warhead, since it would explode against the plate and not the ship itself.
Lion El' Jonson
Apr 9th, 2004, 04:51:43 AM
I'm okay with everything...except for the mind control. That's waaaaaay too sci-fi for Star Wars, and takes us into the realm of Star Trek and undecipherable technobabble. I'm very happy with the reactive armor however, and the missile battery sounds very nice also.
One more thing, the defender computer thingy might not be accepted too well if we deploy it. AI-based systems were tried before, and every RP they were in died due to godmoding. I'd suggest that we drop that technology.
Marcus Telcontar
Apr 9th, 2004, 05:26:58 AM
One more thing, the defender computer thingy might not be accepted too well if we deploy it. AI-based systems were tried before, and every RP they were in died due to godmoding. I'd suggest that we drop that technology.
Agreed. I'd rather not go down that path. However, war droids and such might be a shot. I had an experiment with them and also true cyborgs. Now, I dont see this exactly being an NR thing, but I was thinking of an interesting change of direction for Tohmahawk.
New tech should always be interesting, not too complex and above all rare.
Ship Defense Missile/Battery
I like that one a lot. Proceed.
Reactive Armor
Unnecessary weight, given the state of shield technology. Anything with enough power to break a shield would more than likely render armour like that toast. With our lower powered projectile weapons in RL, yes reactive armour is a good idea. But SW weapons are a factor times more powerful. As well as shield and armour tech.
It seems to me that rail and guass gun tech isnt used however to the effect it could be. They are indeed far more capable in RL than their absence in SW would suggest. Really, really big projectile guns like howitzers and the guns on say a WWII battleship would put a huge hole in most SW armour and shields.
The other thing not really looked at is nuclear and FAE weaponry. A nuke and FAE work more on overpressure to do their damage, rather than the direct blast, formidible as they are. The shock wave needs soemthign to travel in and vacuum aint it. However a nuke warhead to a SD would be still nasty. FAE in atmo would suck the air out from a shielded target, ignite and send superheated air back. The basic bunker clearing.
But I think we also want to steer clear of nuclear tech, tho FAE may be amusing in ground senarios
Redic Scott
Apr 9th, 2004, 08:48:09 AM
Thanx for the approvals. I just wanted to say that the DDS was tried out at my other RPG, Strands of Fate, and everything really worked out. Nothing was godmodded because the system can't see beyond peoples moves and doesn't make anything more powerful. All it does is simulate battle senarios and picks the more appropriate actions and than asks the commanders if they would like to emply them. The NR in the vong books, uses advanced battle computers on most ships and calculate the best tactics, so why not use a better version here. This system would provide our ships and bridge crews better communication with fleet assets and would make the fleet work together more.
This would improve our chances with the Imperials since they have better ships and tech than use. Until we can match them, this system would help a lot. It can also limit crew size and therefore increase room for weapons systems and shield systems, or fighters.
I propose making a small group of these ships and than experimenting with them. I mean if people DO start using them in godmodding ways then we can always take the systems off and not use it again. All I'm saying is that we can try it before just shutting it out completly.
As for reactive armor, it can work because the plates fire off before the hit, not after it, like in todats reactive armor. With it firing off and detaching before the hit, the armor allows the ship a little extra time since weapons impact the armor away from the ship and don't have a chance to actually impact the ship. To further provent from turbolaser blasts, the plates could be coated with heavy laser reflective coatings. I don't know if it would be possible to make a turbolaser reflective one. Just thought I would ask.
I would use rail cannons, but it might seem as if we are taking it from some imperial groups and I dont know if that's ok.
I was also thinking about having overlaping shields. In SW books there are a lot of refrenses about fighters coming together to overlap shields and make them stronger. Maybe we can fit ships with like 3-4 shield generotrs and project the shields through each other and making them overlap or come together.
Apr 9th, 2004, 12:49:21 PM
A 55 cal 480mm Shell can penetrate 16 feet of reinforced concreate. thats traveling at 25,000 Fps slow by SW terms. that would penetrate Almost any armor In The SW universe.
SW has rail guns. When I was reserching my Terminator Velocity cannon for the chiss I found alot about them. They are just considered obsolete. they have good penetration but do not have the explosive power of a Trop. A proton torp is like a small tactcal Nuke. A capital grade torp has a wooping 30 Meg warhead. So while projectile launchers have there use .making big holes in a ship they dont do as much damage to a ship as a whole
the Terminator has a 540 MM advanced projectile traveling at 1/3 the speed of light. well Redic knows what it can do, it would basiclly ignore shields. and penetrat armor up to 36 meters thick. But It wasn't designed to be used. just to have in case it was needed.
My point is. :lol Sure there are alot of ways to make a rail gun or projectile cannon which can be very effective but Torps are still a better weapon to be used. with Hyper velocity cannons you get into some freeky superweapon type stuff. I can literally turn a ship into swiss cheese with the terminators.
I gave up on new tech for the NR anyway. Im ust creating newer updated versions of old tech. The Taim and Bak XX-12 for instance. but I do like the defense missiles. They are one of the better creations of my buddy Redic there. :lol
Lion El' Jonson
Apr 10th, 2004, 01:13:58 AM
Still, slamming railgun rounds into shields until they pop is a good leadoff for a torpedo strike...
...might be worth experimenting with for a torpedo boat-style spinal-mounted railgun, and a few torpedo launchers. A few of these ships drive in, take out the shields in any one sector with their railguns, and then unload a payload of torpedoes, rockets, or space bombs on the unlucky target. :lol
Marcus Telcontar
Apr 13th, 2004, 07:16:50 AM
To further provent from turbolaser blasts, the plates could be coated with heavy laser reflective coatings. I don't know if it would be possible to make a turbolaser reflective one. Just thought I would ask.
Ask away, no question out of line. Turbolasers are not lasers actually, they are plasma weapons, just on a hopped up scale with one hell of a lot more hit. reflective coatings wont work in this case
remeber, shields as used on space craft arent that great against impacts, they are not designed for it. so a axial rail gun would probably break a shield and the torps do their work.
Reshmar, thanks for the info on torps, I didnt actually know that. so that's why they are rather effective!
Lion El' Jonson
Apr 19th, 2004, 05:08:57 PM
Originally posted by Marcus Elessar
Reshmar, thanks for the info on torps, I didnt actually know that. so that's why they are rather effective!
What, you didn't actually think we would be using chemical explosives in this day and age? :lol
Apr 19th, 2004, 05:36:23 PM
I'm just wondering cause this will be an integral part of my new ship design. Is an AEGIS type computer system permissible here?
My next idea is a fighter weapons system. Similar to the 2.75 inch rocket pod found on the Apache attack helicopter i propose a similar system able to be mounted on fighters mounting a large amount of smaller unguided rockets for ground support and close in runs on cap ships/
Then can we put improved jamking pods on NR fighters as a counter against Imp missiles?
Apr 20th, 2004, 10:44:35 PM
they already have a system like that. the V wings carry them alot. they can be used for space as well as atmosphere.Im not sure what they are called but ill look into it for you Tie.
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