View Full Version : Coming Alive (Sin)

Angelina Kincaid
Mar 12th, 2004, 02:25:30 PM
Hit sticks.

Something new she'd found, while on a mid-level tour on Coruscant one night. The Ocean warrior/Jedi found them to be very relaxing.

She lit one up and had called her friend Sin...Sin...something...over to endulge in her new found treat.

Drunk and high, what other way was there to be? But, she did have to be very careful. This was the Jedi Temple and she did have custody of her daughter now, but she was staying over with a friend tonight, so Angelina was ready to let loose.

She had needed this so bad. She had no master to work with and nothing else to do, so why the frell not? Nothing was stopping her, Hunter was safe and she wouldn't do this around her--well not all the time.

With a deep drag, she awaited her friend and looked at the nice array of bottles on the table across from her. This was going to be a lot of fun.

Sin Vamel
Mar 14th, 2004, 09:29:05 AM
Like yours truly, Angelina was without a master and was quickly becoming what I referred to as a Padawan Wannabe; an innitiate who had been waiting so long for a master that he or she starts to forget why they came to the temple in the first place and will eventually revert to old habits, like drinking and drugs; again not too dissimilar from myself. We were both hanging on at the Order, waiting to be picked up and shown the way but yet our only absolution was to be found in spice, alcohol and each other. Her bell rang.

"Hey Angel, I brought the provisions." I announced as the way slid open and she stood, draped against the doorframe already half buzzed. A warm grin and in I step and give her a gentle pinch on the cheek before I head over to her neat, little table and set down two bottles; one a cloudy white, the other a neon green which was actually glowing of it's own accord; and a small, silver box.

"This is that bottle of Milky Way I said I had stashed somewhere and that is Emerald Sunrise, a liquor which used to be made on Alderaan before it went 'Boom!'." I open the silver tin, revealing different coloured cigarettes. "And I got True Blues, Vex Poles and a few Cerebro X stims."

With a chuckle, I watch Angelina dreamily waltz over to the couch before I seize her by the waist and pull her down. She sighs and I catch an unfamiliar scent.

"Your eyes are all bloodshot. What have you been smoking?"

Angelina Kincaid
Mar 14th, 2004, 10:19:29 AM
" A new relaxer..." She smiled, with not a care in the world. "Hit sticks. I found them in mid-Coruscant the other night." She pushed a blonde lock of hair from her eyes and readjusted her tan tank that was going halfway up her back.

Angelina sighed happily. "But, that's only just a start, Sin. I'm ready to take it to the limit....I really want to cut loose tonight."

She looked over the array of bottles, but the neon one really caught her attention. "I'd like to try some Emerald Sunrise to begin with." The Padawan already had two glasses set aside for them and a small array of shot glasses ranging from one shot to three.

Sin Vamel
Mar 15th, 2004, 08:29:22 PM
"Okay." I replied a little uneasily, and reached for the bottle, but the thought of what Angelina had said stuck in my mind. She wants to 'Take it to the limit' and I don't like the sound of that one bit but if I say anything it will only make her uncomfortable. So I just pour our drinks, my hands and face illuminated from the eerie green glow, and with a sigh I plonk the bottle down.

"So Angel," I begin casually as I hand her a glass of Emerald Sunrise. "You said you want to take it to the limit tonight, huh?"

My throat burns and chest reels as I take my first sip but my eye contact remains fixed, there's too much on my hand to concentrate on drinking right now. Having witnessed first hand what it's like to take it to the limit, I don't want to see Angel going down the same road. A warm grin.

"What's the occassion?"

Angelina Kincaid
Mar 16th, 2004, 09:19:31 PM
Angelina looked at the glow of the drink in amazement and then as Sin asked her what the occasion was, she took a gulp. Letting the strength of it burn her all the way to her belly. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath once it was down.

Angelina was quiet for a moment and then answered. "I signed the decree for Disolution of my marriage today. It would've been ten years this year." She took another gulp and winced slightly as it burnt again. "I let him go to marry that wench he knocked up."

She leaned forward and grabbed a colored cig and lit it up quickly and took a deep drag.