View Full Version : The Chamber

Darth Vader
Mar 12th, 2004, 04:18:34 AM

The black sphere at the center of the room opened up like an evil lotus, its glossy petals falling away slowly to the floor. Inside, a stark white chair rested, along with an extensive array of devices.

The Dark Lord of the Sith stepped forward, through the gap in the chamber panels, and sat in the chair. With a whine of pneumatics, the chamber drew inward on itself again, the top panel descending from above to form an airtight cocoon, away from the outside world.

As this cocoon wound tight, another opened. A hiss of pressurized air broke the seal on his mask, as Vader dislodged his helmet, and pulled the faceplate from his visage. Droid appendages inside the chamber held both items, as a manipulator arm rigged with intravenous needles approached, and sank the hypodermics into a series of ports on each arm.

Cut off from the world, the reborn Darth Vader seemed an ironic shadow of the man he imitated. The twisted science of his cloned origin, and the malicious dark arts he fully embraced were assaulting his body in tandem. His skin was pale. The irises of his eyes had taken on a horrific jaundice, turning them yellow. Here and there, jagged blue veins could be seen running beneath his skin.

It was now a bi-weekly affair, to spend hours in this dungeon, rebuilding his body. The stronger he became, the more his flesh protested. It was written into his very destiny to obsess and covet such power, at any cost. Even the very foundations of the Dark Side he had mastered required that he pour himself into their dark furnaces, to fuel his power even more. Though rarely used, these techniques would devour the user's own life force.

Now, the ultraviolet pulses began, triggering controlled mutations to "correct" the small aberrations in his genetic makeup that were now inevitable. As the purple light strobed in carefully-measured patterns, Darth Vader murdered another part of Anbiraa Hicchoru's waning humanity.

Mar 12th, 2004, 10:56:08 AM
Sometimes Jorshal wondered if his wandering through the palace would lead him to more trouble thatn he could handle. But in his own mind, there wasn't enough trouble on Corellia that he couldn't handle. The hallways had changed from the typical elegant and covered with paintings, statues and busts to dull, plain and quiet. It was much like being in a hospital, sterile in more ways than one.

He rounded the corner and came to a door. he passed his hand by the reader, but the room was forbidden to him. All the more reason to go in. Jorshal took out a small knife he kept with him and fiddled with the scanner until the lock was disabled. The door whooshed open and startled him. Even the quiet noise of the door seemed like too much.

In the middle of the room a black sphere stood. It was very plain on the outside, there was nothing on the surface that could help Jorshal identify it. He walked closer to it and examined it some more. he broke his stare from the sphere to the machinary around it, quietly humming. This place was eerie, no doubt about that. Still curious, Jorhsal got close to the sphere again and hesitantly touched it.

Darth Vader
Mar 16th, 2004, 12:14:14 AM
The chamber hissed open, durasteel blossoming out once more, to reveal a fully-armored Dark Lord. Rotating about in his white medical seat, the obsidian Sith's lifeless death's head seemed to glare down at the child.


Mar 17th, 2004, 08:49:32 PM
He quickly jumped back as the pod opened. The seat then turned around to face him and the imfamous helmet of Darth Vader was glaring at him. Jorshal squinted as he studied the Sith Lord. He was indeed fearsome, like the history books said he was.

"I was just curious as to what went on in here." Jorshal said and thought he should have downplayed his trespassing a little more. Better yet change the subject, "What is this thing?" He said and approached Vader.