View Full Version : Chocolate Shakes, then? (Falcon and then open)

A'jorrah Mazzic
Mar 11th, 2004, 09:03:25 PM
A'jorrah Mazzic entered Yog's Bar and Grill, opening her jacket she pulled out just one blade, nothing more...nothing less. She kept this blade on her always, it had been a birthday gift from her nearly adopted daughter, Kes'la Bardo.

The handle of the blade had been handcarved by the younger woman and had been very artistically done. Kes had a natural nack for art, like no other.

A'jorrah handed over the blade and continued in. Before the massive destruction of the Dark Angels Palace, the woman would've been clad in something rather tight and form-fitting. Now, that she was more or less a businesswoman by day and a bartender by night and not to mention....seeing a Jedi Knight by the name of Falcon Gyndar, she found herself dressing a bit more consciencous.

Her long dark hair hung gorgeously over her shoulders as she found a seat near the back.

A'jorrah's old ways were gone and the new 'A'jorrah' she really liked. She sported a dark blue business skort with matching jacket and turtle neck.

The necklace Falcon had given her had become the perfect finishing touch to the ensemble. She had just finished a meeting a while ago with the District Orphanage Council and had gotten pretty far with some fundraising ideas she had. But, she was tired now and her feet ached from the heels she wore.

A'jorrah was hoping that he had received her message she left him on his comm to meet her here for a light dinner and some conversation. And possibly, some chocolate shakes.

A smile crossed her face as she thought of him, Falcon was everything she had wanted in a man and more. He was perfect in her eyes, so perfect.

"Would you like anything to drink, ma'am?" The waitress asked, bringing her from her thoughts.

"Two ice waters, please. I'm expecting someone." She smiled.

"Yes, Ma'am."

A'jorrah watched the waitress leave and looked towards the door, hoping to see her Knight in shining armour.

Falcon Gyndar
Mar 13th, 2004, 01:20:05 PM
He'd received the message just as he finished some business...Jedi business..

As hopes would have it, he had the space in his schedule. Falcon left his room immediately after hearing A'jorrah's message, still in his robes, which were of darker colour, and headed down to Yog's. Both A'jorrah and himself were busy with their duties, but still found time to connect.

It was something he definetly didn't take for granted. Not that the knight took anything for granted, for that matter. He greeted the NR officer at the weapons desk, and when he look on in to Yog's, and spotted her.

If anything, it brought a smile to his face after a long day of furrowed brows.

Falcon went over to the table she'd selected, and bent over, placing a hand on the back of her head, and giving her a kiss on the cheek, and a genuine smile afterward. He then sat down at the seat across from A'jorrah. The knight looked the tiniest bit worn, but such is the life...

"How was your day?"

A'jorrah Mazzic
Mar 13th, 2004, 09:03:43 PM
"It just turned a bit more wonderful, now that you're here." She smiled back. "I had some fundraising ideas that I think are going to go through. I worked for hours on them the past few weeks and all the meetings I went to, to get it organized. The outcome is going to be awesome. It's to get new plumbing fixtures in House 2, new kitchen flooring in House 1 and insulation in House 5. It will probably take a while, but I'm going to make sure it gets done and done right the first time." She was so excited about being part of this.

"So, now you know of my day, how about yours?"

Falcon Gyndar
Mar 15th, 2004, 01:32:29 AM
Falcon holds up one hand, counting on his fingers...

"Council, Council, and oh, more council."

The knight heaves a sigh, grins, and then laughs. "I also updated myself on the Order's member database. It helps me to know who all the students are, and some background on them, if it's there, so I can interact with them better. Did some work with some of the padawans, and checked in on a few others. Haven't had much of a break, but that doesn't bother me..."

Takes a gulp of the water in front of him, then finishes half the glass. "Mm. That's good. I didn't realize I was so thirsty..."

A'jorrah Mazzic
Mar 15th, 2004, 04:21:22 AM
A'jorrah reached across the table and placed her hand over his and gave it a squeeze. "Well, I have an idea for later, come over and we'll order out, have some drinks by the fire and end your day with a nice back rub and a soak in my hot tub." She winked and gave him a smile.

Falcon Gyndar
Mar 16th, 2004, 01:44:25 PM
Falcon rolled his eyes, not at ridiculousness, but at the fact that the idea really pleased him. He pretended to slump onto the table, then sat up really quickly, taking her hand in both of his, and leaning forward intently, laughing a little.

"My lady, are you trying to melt me? Because that sounds like just what I need."

A'jorrah Mazzic
Mar 16th, 2004, 09:09:34 PM
A'jorrah smiled deeply. "I think you deserve some good pampering for once and I'm just the woman to do it."