View Full Version : 5 Years

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 11th, 2004, 03:53:19 AM
Has it really been five years?

(Warning - this could be offensive or egocentric for me. Hey, gimme a break, it just one post :) )

I believe so. It was about this day (March 12) that I was employed in a new job and as I was bored, I ent looking for info on the the then to be new Star wars movie, The Phantom Menace. Being as great a Star wars fan then, I encountered Theforce.net, then, followed a link to arrive at a small board run by Brandon, named jawafortress.net. I remember seeing a few now gone faces - Jonathon who was in the famed lineup outside the theatre for countingdown.com, Sir Dizzy, a few others I know no one here has ever heard of. Seemed like a an okay site, so I posted as Darth Q, Q being a nickname I had gained through some rallying exploits and bookmarked the site. Sort of never really posted much, I remember seeing Lounge Lizard appear, Rmiao, Darth 23, a few others whom still populate www.coruscantcity.net. I remember the frenzy when TPM came out and I rememebr the beginnings of what became SW-Fans - the original Star wars vs Titanic Ezboard. It gained a reputation and gained a lot of posters like Figrin D'an, plus some trolls. Oh, there were some good trolls in the true sense of the word. It was entertaining to watch CINEMATIC, NuBoy00, Katie, Rose and a whole slew of Titanic loving morons fight and bitch with Star Wars true believers. I occasionally piped up, not often for I was a pretty small voice in a very big pond. and, I didnt realyl have much to say.

Met a few people over ICQ. David, who used to admin, Boricua and Yog. No, Yog was later. I rememebr when Itala Marzullo was a respected poster. I remember Jonathon and Lounge Lizard becoming board admins.

I remember the day Itala declared the sith were going to take over the baord and TSC came into being. I saw Sir Dizzy's reponse the day after and the Jedi Order, which we now know as GJO was created. Then, ranks were given in how many views you had of TPM. Figrin D'an was one of the original jedi Masters!!!! So was Lounge Lizard. Me, when i joined up a day again later, Iwas a mere Padawan and not really much noticalbe, tho I was gaining a rep as a Aussie troll basher and rally maniac. Had a good argument with Rally vs F1 with I think a Darth Bane. Ezboard forced registration names and I had oe of the first global accounts, Darth Q. Under userid 500!!!!!

I think it was late May / early June that CINEMATIC began a troll war and she named us Star Wars fans Turbogeeks as soem sort of insult. Now, that seemd to me like a good name for someone who liked cars and computers, so in a fit of up yours, I registered Darth Turbogeek. Much to my surprise, the "up yours troll" got noted and a whole new and proud 'Council' of Turbogeeks [TG] began.

I think this really was when I became not just another poster, and became a identity, part of the culture of a fast growing forum. some measure of that identity was that I was part of the great SW-FANS / cc.net schism after several mods and admins were turfed by Brandon for.... I cant remember now. I know it was somethign stupid. I was involved quite a bit and when cc.net came into being, I was one fo the moderators.

However, after SW-Fans was nearly wiped out, people like jjwr and CMJ kept it going. Youc an see who was left by lookign at who posts in the Box Office forum. Loyal to the end, all of them. I however sort of missed SW-Fans and the place I started RP;ing as a Jedi. Thence, I actually started to pop by and say hello.

Meanwhile at cc.net, the FORCE WEDGY was born, invented to show my now contempt of Itala and some of his idiot band of Sith. There was a fairly competitve atmosphre in the now developing roleplay enviroment. In many ways, I did innovate and change what was goign on, because I began to write out my attacks and defence, instead of a one line "I CUT AT YOUR HEAD!!". It made a real difference and lead to my own reputation as a writer. I also remember whent he Force Wedgy became ineffective as all the Sith, most who couldnt put two words together to defend agaisnt half page humourist wedgy destruction of their genitals, began not to wear clothes. Lady Vader was fighting Turbogeek in a kitchen. As there was no wedgy possible, I used my imagination and did something totally ilogical and actually spread across other boards - the Force Frying Pan.

I really didnt see that joke turning into what it did. It's famed now. You can ask old timers anywhere about what a panning is and they will know. It's one of those things that becomes part of board folk lore and culture.

Along the way, I became the first Jedi Master to be promoted on RP skill. That was so long ago, it seems hard to believe I was anything else but. Somewhere aong the line, I helped engineer the reconcilliation fo the cc.net Jedi and the SW-Fans Jedi into the GJO.

really, in those early days, there was so much I did to create roleplaying as we know it. My contributions still exist, the three Laws of No Kill, No Main, No Godmode were put into the first RP FAQ. a lot of the first FAQ is my work and parts of it are in existance still today. I always resisted loads of rules, for I like freedom of expressiona nd believe common sense is king. I still believe it today and frankly, I ignore plenty of guidelines and rules because I still only run by 4 rules. The three Laws and the Use Common Sense and Fair Play.

And frankly, I always will.

I remeber Ogre's first appearence and being impressed with his writing. I also remeber Reaperfett, Gav Mortis and so many others. Shay Kaylon was a RP 'partner' we worked on so much together. I remeber btching about the 'relationship' RP that really were far more trouble than what they were worth. saw Vampires appear and argued loudly about how they didnt belong in RP. Actually, I still dont agree, but I've shut up and stay clear. Seems better that way.

Some idiot made me a Moderator. I remember the first run in with Rama and Jedah Lynch. -_-

The tornament.

My wife deciding to join in and helping her disguise who she was. And seeing her beat the sith out of the Jedi. Lord Fire Blade really was known as a true bad <smallfont color=#FFFFFF>-READ THE FAQ-</smallfont> Imperial and swept all before her / him. The eventual Turbogeek / LFB match up was ugly. and a lot of fun.

What else from those early days?

The 1000 posts Council war that was won by the Jedi in a timed ambush.

The infiltration wars when Darth Chicken made a total idiot out of TSC admins, cause Yog and I did some very creative hacking to beat IP checks and more. The eventual ban on infiltrations when Mara Jade made a mockery of the lot of us by playing both sides against each other. Infiltrations nearly destroyed roleplaying. so... it was and still is the only instant "Your Banned, no argument" offence.

some idiot made me a RP Admin.

The first GJO Ezboard.

Which died by a rogue admin.

The second Ezboard GJO.

The Great Jedi Council War. 600 posts in a day, 1516 in total before Ezboard themselves closed the thread as it was trashing one of their servers. The Imperials doing what the Sith failed, inflicting a defeat onto the Jedi. Carefully prepared defences by the Jedi and a few days spent repelling invaders blown to crap by a one post assassination by Lord Fire Blade. Do you think the Jedi were peed off how our hard work was holed by one post? Were we what!

The second Council war thread.

The RSO forming. Yes, I was Venom. Frell you Rama, I truly loved peeing you off and hiding that fact, with some help from Helen, who eventually took the account over. She lead the invasion on Bespin when the first Nameless New Republic Tech post literally deep sixed the whole carefully thought out invasion. One post I am still proud of. One of the best thread RP hijacks I've ever done. Helen didnt speak to me that night, she was so livid.

It really was a brilliant post.

Oh, amonst all this was Dark Fury. A novel about RP events I wrote.

There was Learning to Cry. Still a RP highlight to me.

Dagobah invasion.

Damn, how much has there been? It's all a blur now. There's been so much done, so much written, so many fights and arguments, laughs, Frell You butthole and the such, it's hard to write them all down. In all the changes and the literally millions of words, there's been players liek me, Charley and Gav, Lady Vader, Figrin. Theres not many from 1999 still here, but you can see them easily.

I remeber meeting Shawn and his nasty mate Fewdman, who became Morgan evanar. I rememebr being shocked at seeing Holly's RL picture and how good she looked. Sexy chick who roleplays?????

Believe it or not, Holly's not the exception. There's some damn nice lookers around this place.

But this could go on forever and indeed, if you search through this place, youll find Marcus or Turbogeek appearing everywhere. It even amazes me.

So, while 5years is a long time, I know my time here isnt unlimited. I know one day it'll end, but that day is not today. Today, I'm celebrating 5 years of a really great waste of time. 5 years IS something to make a fuss over.

I have a few threads I still am proud of. Learning to Cry, sick Cycle Carolsel, Learning to Live, which is still going. I'm proud of what I left behind with the Jedi and what I'm trying to do with the Lost. I'm proud of the friends I made and the enemies I dissed out.

I've enjoyed my time and even though I know this'll probably be the last year I'll be here, I dont regret much. This place has been a sizable chunk of time. And as such, I really want to thank some people.

First, Barbara. I dont think anyone but you know just how long we have been roleplayign together. I twas a shock when I worked it out. You naughty girl for putting one over me for so long. But, it's been fun, aint it? we've prbably done to death the Adopted father / Daughter storylines, it always seemed we end up at that point, dont it? Are you trying to tell me something? LOL, yeah I know, you have said it before privately. Well, I'll say it publically, I'll be well pleased if a real daughter of mine turned out like you in many ways.

Second, Holly. Girl, aint we had some talks and fun? I remember forming Arya with oyu, working on SCC and so many other things. Bitching about lack of sex, your complains about jonesing for a hug... well I wish I could get to the USA and see you get married. You deserve the best. I also love how my observation you look like Carrie Ann Moss took off. It true, you look uncannily like her.

third, Julie. You've dragged me back into general RP. I aitn knwon you long, but the chats have been worth it and I look forward to more roleplay with you.

Morgan - Nah, we dont see eye to eye, but whatever. I appreciate someone with a lack of BS

Also the people who I've admired with your Photoshop work. It's been envy at the skills that's driven me to do better and in some ways, I have.

There's so many others I can acknowledge. Gav, Live wire, Lady Vader (I'm still pissed you had us conned fo so long!) Yogurt, too many Jedi to name...... a big frell you to the trolls and Itala too.

Will there be another five years? Nah. Things will end. I dont really think SW-Fans will go on for much beyond Ep III. It'll be a miricle if this place still exists in another five years. I doubt I'll be here much after Ep III, for my life has changed and I know I'm moving on. I dont think I;ve mentioned thins much, but I've started my own business, because I couldnt find a computing job. It's beginnig to grow and fire along, to the point where I really think I can make a go of it. I have more than a half dozen decent clients now and a pool of home users, both of whcih is growning and I'm about to take over the comptuign work for two medium sized businesses which WILL keep me on the hop from July. Seriously, if your good with PC's shoot me your resume and I'll think about sponsoring a work visa. Be warned, you better be good.


Yeah. Five years.

with much respect,

Marcus aka Far too many other ids.

Mar 11th, 2004, 07:48:57 AM
I tip my hat off to ya Mark. :) And, to be honest, if this IS your last year...this place just won't be the same...Where would we be without you funny, and often psychotic, antics?:)

In all seriousness though, I wish you luck on the business, and, hell, if you're ever in New Mexico...:)

Mar 11th, 2004, 07:56:16 AM
COngrats :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 11th, 2004, 11:27:52 AM
Five years and you still haven't read the FAQ or learned how to use spell check. :rolleyes

However, good times were had by all, I think we can say safely. Thanks for outing it that I bitched about a lack of sex to you. :o :p (i'm so glad I'm getting married!!)


imported_Ambrose Braeden
Mar 11th, 2004, 12:02:15 PM

Ryla Relvinian
Mar 11th, 2004, 12:49:02 PM
It was around August of 2000 when I became a padawan to Jedi Knight Leia Solo, and I remember being so frightened of some of the Masters at the GJO. Can you believe that was almost four years ago? I kept seeing these people with [TG] after their name, and wondered what that was for.

And now, of course, we have the Marcus Elessar Memorial Golden Frying Pan hanging above the council chambers. Ryla has gone through so many changes, but none so many as your various incarnations, bud. Now, no thanks to you, I think "Hey, what's Marcus doing here?" whenever I see Aragorn.

*toasts* Here's to another five years! :)

Mar 11th, 2004, 01:03:59 PM
Very, very cool. For years this (and CCNet) was a home away from home for me (while I'm at home), so its definitely great to see it last so long. I wasn't ever really able to get to know most of the people here that well, but it was absolutely fantastic nonetheless. This place (and its previous incarnations) definitely got me through some grueling middle school and highschool years. I think the few people I got to know the best during my short roleplaying career here on AIM was Fett, Fire Hazzard, Ryla for a short while, Kat Kariena, Rebel X, Itala (yes, even him), and occasionally Leia Solo and Leeloo (even though I'm not quite sure what to make of our conversations). And I'm sure I spoke to the rest of you at some point on the boards or online. I definitely usually wasn't outgoing enough to make introductions myself, so it was great that they were friendly enough to make sure I was having a good time. Now that I'm in college, I still feel some sorta bond to this place although I'm a few years removed, which is something I share with each of you.

Lucianus Adair
Mar 11th, 2004, 03:42:48 PM
I myself have been with GJO since ezboard. I started with... oh god.. I can't remember. Umm.. Kaman Jeris Deliai (her master was Nichos Marr)....I started my RPing with TC, then I went to Ezboard, being involved in the Black Fleet, TSO, GJO and the Marzullo Clan. Once or twice over the years i've vanished for months on end( Who can blame me, I was in school, cadets, choirs, marching band, orchestra... babysitting. Not to mention EXAMS. Crikes!) And probably some other things of which made it out that I had about 0.5% of my time to myself. I got to wondering now how I read so many frelling books in my high school years with so little time to do ANYTHING.

Heh, well, we manage.

Miriya Cailis is my oldest character, my first character, who has yet to have died. I give kudos to my school friends, who got me in on all this crap, it's been an enriching waste of time, and if I hadn't come here, I probably would have (Dare I say it) gained my sanity and become mind-numbingly dull.

I'm sure none of us suffer from insanity, because we all enjoy it.

I suppose i'm most well known here as Falcon Gyndar. I could name off all the characters i've created solely for SW purposes, a great deal joined with storylines of my dear friends, who play Natia and Shanaria, who also started at TC. I don't think I could smack a number on all my characters past and present off the top of my head.

Hera, Daiq and Raz...Girls, you remember the days back when. Yeah, there's one or two people you probably didn't know I played.

I say Cheers! I raise my glass to another glorious many years, and I love you all, even if your goal is to torment me sometimes...



Mar 11th, 2004, 03:47:04 PM
Why, only last year it was four years.

Mu Satach
Mar 11th, 2004, 03:50:35 PM
Gawd... I was just thinking the other day that it had been about 5 years...

Mar 11th, 2004, 06:42:52 PM

I was hoping for some more tact on the matter of Rama. Over the years he's taken massive hits for things that you wouldn't understand. I guess I'll make this short, Rama has gone through heck for his group, and doesn't diserve half of the gruff he got when he was here. (TSE Hacked twice, other secret forums hacked, ect)

But congrats for being here for five years... Now if you'd get into your target suit, we could get this going...

Xazor Elessar
Mar 11th, 2004, 11:33:23 PM


Lots and lots of years for both of us.... :) Indeed, no one will ever really know, Mark -- no one but you and I. :D That's just fine with me too.

I'm so proud of you and all you've accomplished. I wouldn't be where I am today in so many respects if not for you. Truthfully, you've saved my life a few times.

Yeah, the father/daughter thing has been played out so much -- it's awesome though. Most days I come on here and when I look for you online, I'm looking for you as Xazor would. :)

Thanks for one hell of a trip, my friend. A waste of time? Maybe -- but the best way I can think of wasting anything. ;)

(P.S. It's funny to see things in this thread that you and I remember, and people wonder how I know.) ;)


Lady Vader
Mar 12th, 2004, 04:19:48 PM
That was beautiful! I think I'm gonna cry!

*Raises champaign glass.*

Here's to another 5 years! :)

Lady Vader was fighting Turbogeek in a kitchen. As there was no wedgy possible, I used my imagination and did something totally ilogical and actually spread across other boards - the Force Frying Pan.

*Wipes a tear from her eye* I feel so proud I was the instigator for that. And I was the first to be panned! What an honor! :D

Lady Vader (I'm still pissed you had us conned for so long!)

TEEHEE! ^_^;

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 12th, 2004, 04:37:15 PM
Xazor I remember making you your first sig!!!! though its only been 3 years for me. Though me and Marcus have butted heads I just want to say congragulations. Staying on the boards and writing for that long is truly an accomplishment. I stopped for a while because it seemed that it was all I thougt about what I would say with my character.

Hello to all the old timers, Charley, Lillian, Lady Vader, Jenny, Daiq, Hera, Miriya.. Whom im rping with now and can't believe I havent crossed her path sooner. It always amazes me that there are people that I still havent rped with. A vast army of members makes for great storywriting and adventures. Hope the board is around another 5 years because as you know Dalamar is always hungry for fresh blood:lol

Figrin D'an
Mar 12th, 2004, 05:00:20 PM
Originally posted by Marcus Elessar
Figrin D'an was one of the original jedi Masters!!!!

Thanks for making me feel old, ye bastard. :mneh

I think we need to have a "5 Year Club." There's maybe half a dozen of us that would qualify over the next few months. Make it like a special symbol that can be put on sigs or something. :)

Xazor Elessar
Mar 12th, 2004, 05:11:42 PM

Yeah, I remember Xaz's first siggy made by you, Dalamar. :D It was awesome and I was so excited to have something good for a change. :D


The good ole days. ;)

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 12th, 2004, 05:13:22 PM
Old timer? :mad -shakefist@dalamar-

Mar 12th, 2004, 05:45:14 PM
I think we need to have a "5 Year Club." There's maybe half a dozen of us that would qualify over the next few months. Make it like a special symbol that can be put on sigs or something. :)

I'll be joing the ranks come June. *whips out walker*

Mar 12th, 2004, 06:03:46 PM
I will sometime soon. I don't know exactly when, but I use Fett as my time marker. :)

Mar 12th, 2004, 06:37:25 PM
Yeah you were here first, despite being 3 years old or something ;)

Mar 12th, 2004, 06:39:43 PM
my number's up in mid april, if I remember correctly.

Mar 12th, 2004, 06:52:58 PM
I came round these parts in May 1999. So, I got 5 years coming up too. But like then, no one knows me. :: wave ::

Hey! I can say I have had the same character as my sig for 5 years. Can anyone else?

Mar 12th, 2004, 06:55:10 PM
Fig nearly could for avatar.

Figrin D'an
Mar 12th, 2004, 06:56:43 PM
Originally posted by Eve
I came round these parts in May 1999. So, I got 5 years coming up too. But like then, no one knows me. :: wave ::

Hey! I can say I have had the same character as my sig for 5 years. Can anyone else?

*raises hand*

Same username since the very beginning.

And Boggy has been my avatar since the beginning as well

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 12th, 2004, 07:17:22 PM
I didnt use an character in an avatar for ages. Anyone remember what I used to have and for the real trick question, which avatar replaced that one?

Mu Satach
Mar 12th, 2004, 07:42:41 PM
Damnit... I should know that one....
but thats about it been so long I can't remember squat. I vaguely remember a picture of Q from Star Trek.

I can't even remember when I finally came out of lurker mode I think May... but I'm not sure now... hmmm... I do however remember staying up all night at the computer labs almost every single night that summer. My roommates thinking I was nuts and posters thinking I was a guy because I had a pic of Ash as my avatar. =P

Mar 12th, 2004, 09:39:59 PM
Hey! I can say I have had the same character as my sig for 5 years. Can anyone else?

Yup. I've never changed LV's or AB's avatars in the almost 5 years I've been posting and RPing.

Mar 12th, 2004, 09:42:14 PM
That's three of us.

Mar 12th, 2004, 09:50:52 PM
me too!

I had an animated one at the very onset, but changed to Jaime Pressly once I figured (or rather once Rage told me how) to up load her picture.


Mar 13th, 2004, 12:27:19 AM
Originally posted by ReaperFett
Yeah you were here first, despite being 3 years old or something ;)

I was 11/12. :)

And as for not switching chars...I think I have the award for the MOST times my character got switched...especially when we were all still using tabled siggies. :)

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 13th, 2004, 12:29:59 AM
Originally posted by Alpha
I was 11/12. :)

And as for not switching chars...I think I have the award for the MOST times my character got switched...especially when we were all still using tabled siggies. :)

Dont forget record for changing sides.

Mar 13th, 2004, 11:27:39 AM
There WAS that...:)

Mar 13th, 2004, 12:34:42 PM
Originally posted by Marcus Elessar
I didnt use an character in an avatar for ages. Anyone remember what I used to have and for the real trick question, which avatar replaced that one?

If I remember correctly, you had an animated .gif image of an mac computer destroying a computer with microsoft on it. Or something like that. I'm not sure about the one you replaced it with. I remember Force Master Hunter had Neo, but DTG had..... Aragorn with a cloak and the cigarette thing?

Mar 13th, 2004, 01:18:33 PM
Actually I think it was IBM destroying the mac...:) Mark, do you still have that animation stashed away somewhere? :)

Mar 15th, 2004, 08:40:59 PM
I didn't end up joining till around May-ish of '99, but I also found the board thru the old jawafortress. I know I'm not really into the RP thing, at least not anymore. Many, many moons ago when CC.net first broke away Atreyu, jjwr, and myself basically started our own Jedi Order. We all eventually faded away, but I believe some of our underlings ended up being reconfigured into the reconciliation of the two boards.

It's been a good time - and yes alot of old timers still haunt the BO & Entertainment Forum. As that was THE Forum when it first began. Ahhh good memories. Thanks for all those who date back that far. :)

(Oh yeah, I've had Oskar Schindler as my avatar for a LONG time, though not since the very beginning)

Azhure Darkstone
Mar 16th, 2004, 12:34:33 AM
Man, the memories. I've been here for four and something years and it's kinda freaky to read all that was going on. I joined around September 1999 and I was 15? then. Yeah I think it's 15. I was looking for a place to use my creativity and escape. Escapism is the main reason for most things I reckon.
My list of character have been SapphireDragoness, AssasinateItalaMarzullo (one post only, I didnt really like him), Saharia and now Nieheine, and some character I used for a month that was in some Empire (a group that seemed to have dissapeared a while ago). I have to say you can't love an internet website, but I am fond of this place, even with its downsides, but this invisable old-timer would miss it and will miss it when she leaves. I was never the one who spoke up a lot or made a lot of funny posts or raised hell so generally I've always been an active-rper floater.

That first post as SapphireDragoness, I saw that a year ago while mindlessly playing with search, and have never found it again. Also saw the day I left GJO for the first time as Saphire and for some reason it still felt sad to read it. The first character always seems to be the one closest to your heart. Funny enough a lot of people think when Saphire dissapeared I did.

I certainly remember Itala, I'm sure most do who were around there, and not many with any compassion. I kinda miss the old ezboard though, I don't like frellboard but I did like that place. Don't ask me why. So many memories back then, so many old faces that arent around any more. For an odd reason I remember DragonLord1, never really ended up knowing him well anyway, but that name has stuck in my mind. I remember the post when darth Turbogeek died, man how many people posted to that? Jedi and Sith alike paid their respects, it was almost as if it was more than an rp. When Jeseth Cloak died as well - the first time.
I remember CheezyFeet and those aim chat rooms where a lot of us would talk, that never really seems to happen, at least the times I can get on, anymore. I remember having huge jello fights with LeeLoo - they were fun. They are good memories yet they never acutally happened, only virtually. The internet is a strange thing.

Maybe if we have lasted for this long we can last a lot longer because there will always be starwars fans, even without the new movies. Who knows? SWFans has become a heck of a lot more impersonal than it used to be to tell the truth, and the rpers are more distant probably because SWFans is so big now, but we're still going.

Mar 16th, 2004, 07:46:16 AM
Azhure~I can't remember completely, but I'm pretty sure DragonLord1 was one of the nicks I had that was only used a lil bit...:) For some reason, Alpha is the only character I've played through the entire thing...any others I try just seem...flat.

Shade Magus
Mar 16th, 2004, 01:29:44 PM
hey...my five years will be coming up in.........what two three monthes? whenever june is......man that was a long time. As far as changing I think I kept only three going, but stopped using one about three years ago. Now it is just Shade and Yurza.........man I remember when Kat Kariena first took on Shade as a Padawan.......and I think i even had a few run ins with Alpha when he was going back and forth between Jedi and Sith.

Selinica Miriya
Mar 16th, 2004, 02:22:36 PM
Like, I said, i've had Miriya around since TC. That started for me uh.. lemme think... I think I was in the 10th grade by then...not too sure.....It's 5 years by now for me, which, coincidentally, is the same time I met whom I consider one of the best people in my life, Nobeone. Some of yaz from TC-daze might recognize that name.

Cheers to Daiq, Hera, Raz, Athena and was it you, Syren...You were Ice, if I recall..... Yeah, I was Lord Shade, Bwahahahaha!

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Mar 16th, 2004, 08:43:51 PM
I spent four years at TalkCity and Ive been here going on two. Are we counting roleplaying in general or just the boards?

Mar 16th, 2004, 09:06:56 PM
You have been on the boards longer than that. A while back you just didn't come to the boards much, but you've been around as long as me. :)

Mar 16th, 2004, 09:25:36 PM
Hah, I still remember TC. Dunno if anyone would recognize me now though. It all started when I first went online, woohoo, and I saw a banner ad for a Star Wars chat at a place called TalkCity. Hahah, and I remember you had a drop down menu to choose a name prefix, and obviously mine was Darth-007. Good ol' days.

Vishalla Daoked
Mar 17th, 2004, 11:47:14 AM
Man has this thread brought back memories. I've been RPing with the GJO for just over three years now I believe. Before that I was at TMC and before that at TC.

You're Welcome Miriya for hooking you onto the RPing online.

What I find funny when I first got started RPing online is my dad found TC first and thought that I might be interested in it. Needless to say, I was interested. My first couple of times I was just a guest there and didn't have my own username but after I found the rooms that I liked, I regestered my username. Short while after that, my dad told me he didn't want me on TC because it wasn't safe.

Did I listen to him then, nope. If I had have listened, I wouldn't be here today, Miriya, and Leten probably wouldn't be here either since I showed them both the way to TC.

Started in TC in late 1997 (if I remember correctly) and have had a blast since. Some of you I've RPed with, others I haven't but want to and I hope over the years to come, I'll get to RP with you.

Here's to another 5 years of RPing.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Mar 17th, 2004, 02:18:59 PM
Vishalla, who were you on TC and what rooms did you RP in? Miriya I definitely remember - ahhh, the Sith Infiltrator - how I loved that RP chatroom!!

Vishalla Daoked
Mar 17th, 2004, 05:38:33 PM
I RPed Damia and Aleona at TC.

*goes silent as she remembers the fun she had in the Sith Infiltrator*

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Mar 18th, 2004, 12:34:10 AM
omg!! You were mine and Hawk's adopted daughter! :lol I had no idea that was you :)

Aleona Quinn
Mar 18th, 2004, 12:49:11 PM
Well, I have gotten a character here for Aley. I just haven't used her much because of other things which I'm doing here. As some ppl would put it, it's a small world.

Apr 25th, 2004, 04:13:22 AM

Five years is an incredible achievement my old friend, one in which myself and many others that started here around the same time have failed to accomplish. Truly a great achievement.

As the years roll on one's mind grows hazy as to the details that have lead this forum from what it was then to now, so it is always a wonder to read others accounts and reminisce about the good, the bad and the ugly you, myself and many others have seen come and go. I find it amusing that you mention Darth Q - I still remember that day you decided to re-log in with that account for a change and myself and a few others, not realising it was you, spent the next 20 mins making fools of ourselves posting directions to CC.Net and giving SWFans History 101 lessons thinking we had a newbie on our hands. ;)

Not many can boast to have been here since the beginning (or close to it) and still remain to tell the tale, so again congratulations on reaching such a landmark is in order, and may it lead on to many more years to come.


- David

Syren Wyssholt
Apr 25th, 2004, 12:36:24 PM
Originally posted by Miriya Cailis
Like, I said, i've had Miriya around since TC. That started for me uh.. lemme think... I think I was in the 10th grade by then...not too sure.....It's 5 years by now for me, which, coincidentally, is the same time I met whom I consider one of the best people in my life, Nobeone. Some of yaz from TC-daze might recognize that name.

Cheers to Daiq, Hera, Raz, Athena and was it you, Syren...You were Ice, if I recall..... Yeah, I was Lord Shade, Bwahahahaha!

Dang, good memory. Yeah, I was Ice. I remember just about everyone who use to rp/chat in the SI, Jedi Temple, NabooTempleRuins, NabooSwamp, DeathStar and I don't think I ever popped into the other rooms. I remember NobeOne fondly. He made me a CCG card using my original pic I used for Ice. I have his address, just never wrote. Caught up with him a couple of months ago on CF and talked for a bit, but that's about it.

No idea how long I've been coming and going from SWFans, but I think I'm on my 5th or 6th year now of rping. I remember how Itala had General Scorpion hound the bejeebus out of me to join TSC when I first started going to TC. Funny thing about that is, I joined, then Scorpion and I became great friends ... (I thought he was weird at first :p )

:lol Daiq and Hawk and all of Hawk's kids :) I'm so glad he's my brother!

I had no point to make in this thread, but the memories are both fond and some are bittersweet. Oh yeah, I remember Darth007 too.