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Abbyka Laine
Mar 10th, 2004, 11:16:26 PM
Women tend to learn their lessons hard, and no one harder than Miss Abbyka Laine. When close friends and family began to warn her about something, she only tended to want it more. Like Trevor. He meant nothing good, he came from blood that longed for misdeeds and money. Even if that meant betrayl and abandonment.

No matter how much her family attempted to reprimand her, she kept going out late at night to see him. And one night he spoke of taking her with him, out to the stars and beyond. She was hooked. They left that night without a goodbye or a regret... at the moment. Abbyka kept lying to herself that this slime was the one, that he was going to take care of her and love her forever as she would for him.

But things just don't always end up the way that you intend....


The air was crisp and the sky was clear, what better night to meet her one true love? Abbyka gleefully tiptoed out of her bedroom silently and towards the front door, a smile on her face so bright that it lit her path the entire way. But even with her happiness, there was always danger around the corner. Like her bratty little sister who would scream the moment she saw her, and their parents would wake up and lock her in the room forevermore.

But tonight was her lucky night, her sister was dead asleep and so were her parents. So even as the exit to her freedom opened, they did not know a thing. As they dreamt of a day their daughter would be safe away from Trevor, that same daughter ran off into the night to run away with him.

He had asked her to meet him at the local cantina, which had made her slightly weary due to the establishment's reputation for housing bandits and what not. But in her delusional mind, her prince charming would protect her. So she entered the cantina without any hesitations and went right to work, looking around and over heads to find Trevor.

As she had expected, everywhere she looked she saw death stick dealers, smugglers, thieves, and some creepy unexplainable men that kept staring at her. The moment she caught sight of those eyes on her, she began to feel frightened and backed towards the door a bit. But even as she had changed her mind about being here, a rough hand grabbed her upper arm. She gasped and turned around, about ready to lay a slap mark across this buffoon's face.

She stopped upon seeking the face and lept on top of him. "Trevor! You scared me, don't do that!"

Trevor remained silent, holding up the young teenage girl with both arms. His face seemed rather cold tonight, but it didn't matter to Abby, she knew that was how he was.

"Abby... We need to talk..." He said, prying her away from him.

Those words had scared her the moment they escaped his lips. Was he dumping her? Here of all places? But he continued, ignoring the tearful eyes that she was failing to fight back.

"I'm going to be leaving tonight on some special business.. You're coming with me." He said, rather a demand than a request.

The smile returned to her face as she nodded. "Of course I'll go! You can't leave me behind."


As time had passed, Trevor's demeanor had not changed. He was still callous and unemotional towards her, never saying anything unless spoken to. It was really beginning to depress her, but she kept her mouth shut, afraid that saying anything about it would make him angry. So she spent her days in the back room of his ship, writing in her diary as any eighteen year old girl would do.

And finally, one day, Trevor finally said something to her as they prepared to land on Tatooine.

"Abby... no matter what, no matter how much of an idiot I am... I love you." He said, not even bothering to look at her.

She was simply happy to hear those words from his mouth and did not ask why he had not looked her in the eye when he said it. So she continued to follow his commands as they opened the hatch and left the ship. Soon they would come across their destination... A Hutt hideout.

Trevor, by then, had grabbed Abby by the wrist and held it so tightly that she felt the circulation leaving her fingers. She began to protest but he simply held tighter. He spoke to the guards outside, who then led him inside to the "throne room".

On a rather large looking pile of pillows sat a beastly looking Hutt. Abby was repulsed by it, but tried to keep her comments and facial expressions to herself. She had never seen a Hutt so close before, but she knew what kind of business they were into, which made her look at Trevor with worried eyes. Why here? What did he have to do here?

"I have brought what you wanted for me to pay off the rest of my debt." Trevor said, his voice sounding somewhat irritated.

The hutt said something that Abby did not understand, but by the way that her love's face looked at the reply he recieved made her realize that this was not good. Not good at all.

He nudged Abbyka forward, letting go of her wrist slowly and whispered something to her. "...I'm sorry."

"Trevor?" Abby said, turning around as he began to walk away. "Trevor wait!"

Trevor did not turn around, not even as guards snatched at her wrists and dragged her towards the Hutt on the pillows.

"Trevor!" She shrieked, struggling against the alien men that were now putting a collar around her neck.

Even as he disappeared out of sight she kept calling his name, kept telling herself... "I'll wait for you..."

Years passed and Trevor did not return. She was left behind to repay the debt that he had created onto himself by borrowing from the Hutt so many times. She still could not understand what the Hutt was saying, nor did she know his name. All that she knew was that she was a slave and that she had been stuck here for five years. Would somebody ever find her? Would she ever see freedom again?

Xazor Elessar
Mar 11th, 2004, 09:20:40 AM
Perhaps it was a foolish thing to do, but perhaps it was a matter that needed to be taken into her own hands. Either way, the strong will of a woman could not be quelled, even by an army of a thousand. There before a mirror that was her height in length, stood one particular woman who would never have her mind changed about any action that she committed. Instead, she would advance upon any army, by herself, and fight the battle until justice was served.

Her hair, done up in the many braids with silver coins woven into them, was pulled back into a large pony tail at the back of her head. Though waist length when straight, the golden locks now only met the middle of her back, but they were out of the way. Beneath the flowing black robes that they rested upon was a layer of beautiful armor, dark blue to grey in color. It was difficult to get anything past it to the simple layer of black pants and black tanktop below. At her waist was a weapons belt, fully prepared with everything that she needed, but mostly, her lightsaber.

With satisfaction, she nodded and looked down at the boots on her feet, also lined with a strong fortified metal. "Perfect." She smiled and bore her elongated canines. With her hands, protected by the gloves beneath the gauntlets that she wore, Xazor Elessar drew up the hood of her cloak and turned to face the other side of the small room that she was standing in. "I know what I'm doing." She spoke confidently to herself before exiting the refresher. The large ship that was now parked upon a great sand lot was her own, and though she could handle flying here to Tatooine herself, she had hired someone to fly for her so she could get ample rest.

"Thank you, Captain." The Lost Jedi Knight spoke in kind tones as her cyan blue eyes met those of the man at the controls. He nodded silently and with that, the Garou woman took off out of the ship and began trekking toward a small village, her destination. From a pocket within her robes, Xazor pulled a datapad and clicked it on. There before her appeared a picture of a woman -- a teenager in the picture. "How different could she be?" The thought crossed her mind and she shook her head. "Maybe this is a mistake." She looked up at the approaching village and sighed. No one knew that Xazor had come on this mission, a personal endeavor that the Jedi Knight had decided to take. It had been too long since she had been out and about, and it was about time to put and end to some activities that would continue unless stopped.

Abbyka Laine
Mar 11th, 2004, 09:48:47 AM
Unknowing to the rescue at hand, Abbyka woke within her chambers as usual. She was rather spoiled in her slavery, but she would give up the veiled canopy bed and jeweled slave garments. She prefered things they way they were... back home, when she got excited over getting the most simple of things because she did something honorable to earn it. But here... she was no longer as innocent as she had been. She felt tainted.

Looking around the pink veiled room, she lay there wondering where the guards were, what time it was. She had nothing more to do than wait for them to come fetch her whenever Xuro wanted her to dance for him or serve him his digusting live meal. The chains kept her confined to these quarters until she was needed. Thats the way it had always been.

She sat up and hunched over, staring at her hands and trying to remember happiness. But all she felt right now was resentment... anger. Three years ago she still loved him despite her suffering, but at this point, she wanted him dead.

Her face contorted suddenly as she picked up a pillow and threw it across the room. "IDIOT!"

Just as she had raised her voice the door opened and three servents came in. They were all dressed alike, clad in white skimpy tops and skirts. Xuro's taste just oozed off of these degrading outfits, but they had been here much longer than Abby, so they were broken deep inside. They had grown used to this lifestyle.

Without so much as a word, they helped Abby up from bed and began to change her clothes for her, replacing her lingerie with an armor like bikini top and bottom, the bottom covered in a somewhat see-through mini skirt. While two of the three girls finished lacing the knee high boots, the last began to put make up on Abby's face.

Abby had never spoke to any of these women before, she had tried not to speak to anyone. She did not want a reason to want to stay behind just in case someone did come to find her. But it was lonely this way..

Before she could decide to speak to this woman putting on her make up, the two guards walked in, speaking to the three girls in a tongue that Abby could not understand. But from the outfit she was wearing today, she could tell that she was being brought to Xuro's Cantina today. Dozens of his other girls would be there as well.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 11th, 2004, 10:39:02 AM
A bit of sand kicked up at the Knight's face as she made her way closer to a large complex that appeared to be inside of some kind of cave. No light would ever reach there, it appeared, unless there were some hidden windows that the woman did not see. To her eyes, though, it was a wretched establishment. It was exactly where she was headed, though. Sighing inside, the Garou continued until her steps took her to stand before a guard. He looked at her with questioning silence. "I have been summonded by your Master and he wishes for you to allow me inside." The woman spoke slowly in tones soothing to the guard. Slowly she bent his mind with her own and without hesitation, the alien being opened a large door before her, and Xazor was allowed inside.

The Force allowed her to see all around her without her eyes needing to be everywhere at once. Not to mention the fact that her ultrasensitive ears picked up on every little sound that resounded off of the walls. There appeared to be no one in the central chamber where the Knight stopped and placed her hand upon her lightsaber. There was a figure approaching, from her right, who had a rather dark aura about him. In a matter of seconds he appeared, holding a gun of sorts in one hand and approaching her. "Stop. You do not want to harm me, I am here to speak with your Master." The woman said calmly, allowing her mind once again to enter that of the alien creature. She bent his will to her own and he reholstered the gun, bowing and taking his leave. "Good, all is going well." The woman thought outloud to herself.

Just across the room was another door, smaller than the first. Behind it she could hear the voices of several men, and just a few women. Music filled the air and the aroma of food cooking early in the morning touched her sensitive nostrils. Still, there was an uneasy feeling surrounding the little cantina, and with good reason. They knew not of the one that would be making a visit today. They knew not of the power that she possessed, nor the damage she would do if they did not cooperate. With careful step, Xazor made her way toward the door and with one hand, slowly opened it to a lively scene before her. Hand on her lightsaber and her mentalist abilities ready to go, she stood prepared for whatever faced her.

Abbyka Laine
Mar 11th, 2004, 11:05:35 AM
The three women backed away when the guards approached too close for their personal comfort. They scooted away on their knees, then turned and sat on their own heels, as though bowing to these men who were not much better than themselves. Abbyka remained where she was, narrowing her eyes through the thick mascera and tiny body jewels on her eyelids.

The guards laughed at this reaction, as they always had. She was not one to be broken easy, and they knew this. That was why she was Xuro's favorite. She did as she was told, of course, but she never showed that she was enjoying it or anything. And she could get away with this kind of disrespect towards these men because of the favoritism their boss showed towards her. So they simply unhooked the chain to her collar from the floor and led her out of the room.

Just down the hallway would be the back entrance to the cantina, where all the slaves went to prepare for their day's humiliations. They led her through the door, through the kitchens, and down another hallway to a dressing room with the three girls in tow. When they entered, the guards attached the chain to the wall and stepped aside to allow the girls to finish getting Abby ready.

Once the girls had finished with Abby, they scuttled off down the hallway to begin waitressing the tables as they always had everyday, leaving the guards to tend to her. They once again took the chain and led her out of this room and back to the kitchens. There were several women dressed as the other three were, hurrying around over hot stoves and struggling with live creatures.

One such girl was attempting to shove one final bit of Xuro's meal onto a plate with a cover over it. As she attempted to lift the lid, several arms and squeals reached out from beneathe, but failed at escape as the girl succeeded in shoving the last one in. ONce she had, she held the lid firmly down and lifted it, handing it to Abby.

Abby's lip curled as she took it, holding the lid down as much as possible. Whatever these things were, they were pretty strong and jumpy today. Maybe they knew what their fate would be once Abby walked out of this room.

Without waiting for the guards to give her the signal to move along, Abby turned and practically dragged them by the chain into the main room of the cantina. The music was loud as usual, the regulars of the cantina gathered around the band giggling away in their native tongues.

She ignored everything around her, even the eyes that followed her across the room to Xuro's pillows. He had not arrived yet, leaving Abby to hold onto the plate until he would come. Disappointed for once that he wasn't here, that she would have to keep a hold on these disgusting things, Abby sat on her own spot on the floor next to the large pile of cushions.

As she got comfortable, the guards attached the chain to the floor and walked off, leaving her to the pillows, the meal creatures, and the slave that was on the other side of the pile. The other was a favorite as well, although Abby did not know why.

She looked at her from the corners of her eyes. noticing that she was holding a large ornate glass filled with some vile fluid. This would only have to be Xuro's drink for today. He would want more later, more than likely, and since she was not chained to the floor, she was free to go to the kitchen to fetch the new drinks. Perhaps she was the favorite for being loyal enough to be allowed to do as such without escaping.

The music suddenly stopped, catching Abbyka's attention to the large double doors just ahead thirty feet away. Most of the slaves got to their knees, the favorite next to her standing obediantly awaiting for the entrance of their master, Xuro the Hutt.

Adia Issoris
Mar 11th, 2004, 11:40:41 PM
Adia hated desert planets with a fiery passion that outshone Tatooine’s twin suns. They were the most decidedly wretched places in the entire galaxy. She mentally decided to add one condition to every job she took from here on out: NO FRELLING DESERT PLANETS. Unfortunately, her current contracted lacked that stipulation. Logically, her search for Abbyka led her to one of the most famously miserable backwater ball of dust in the universe.

Getting sold into slavery had been disturbingly easy. All Adia did was pretend to be drunk and loose several hands of cards for slightly more than modest sums of money. The difficult part was not killing everyone except the gambler involved. She and slavers had a long, tragic history. The system for payment was simple. The house was now in debt to the gambler Adia lost to (Tavers L’shim), and he would be compensated with how much he was owed, minus ten percent.

Although short (157 centimeters), her chin length red hair, pointed ears, borderline muscular body and emerald green eyes made her an obvious standout from the other sand-worn women in the casino’s hold. The turnaround on Adia had been made in nearly record time, which was nine hours and forty-eight minutes. The assassin had been sold in ten hours and seven minutes. First, though, she had been oiled up, and paraded naked in front of potential customers, including a hutt. If gifted with the power to erase one species from the face of the galaxy, Hutts were near the top of Adia’s list.

She had been poked and prodded into uncomfortable positions and poses, and she did her damndest to cry a lot. Sand in the eyes helped. I am not being paid enough to endure this dren. Adia ended up selling to Xuro for seven hundred more than her debt, so all parties were satisfied. Except for Adia, of course—she wanted a hot bath and a cool glass of water on a planet far, far away from this dust bucket.

Adia fought to keep her urge to kill the Hutt and it’s minions down as she was led into the Cantina by a collar with a chain. Apparently, the slug had quite a harem going. She would keep an eye out for Abbyka later. For now, Adia was determined to look downtrodden so she could learn the ins and outs of Xuro’s operation.

Mar 12th, 2004, 05:12:33 PM
A figure wearing solid black robes was sitting in a dark corner of the cantina and was watching the other people in the room. Ragnarok was a Merc and He had made the mistake of taking a job from Xuro

The job paid good and thats all that really mattered to Rag at the moment but now he wished he had never taken it. He hated slavery and would gladly be the one to put the slime ball down

Now He was waiting for Xuro to come out and pay him the money for the job he did. The guards had taken his weapons away saying he can't have them inside the cantina

As he waited Rag thought back to when he was almost a slave. He had worked for his creator without as much as a thank you for his work and now he was droid without a master and could make his way in the galaxy on his own.

He watched as the girl was led into the cantina and chained to the ground "If only I could free all the slaves here and kill that slug" He said silently so that no one else could hear him.

Abbyka Laine
Mar 16th, 2004, 02:29:33 PM
The cantina was now completely silent, something unusual for most outsiders. But when it came to Xuro, he demanded attention when he was to enter a room. Especially on a day that he was to recieve new slaves. In his opinion, when people acknowledged him, they would acknowledge and respect his property as well.

He slithered slowly from the large double doors and approached his throne of pillows, four guards surrounding him with blasters held at ready. He watched the two girls waiting for him and smiled in a digusting manner, speaking to his guards in his native tongue.

"The girl is still fiesty? A nice change of pace. Most of these other slaves bore me." He said.

His eyes looked away from Abby and towards the girl that had been obeying his every order without digust or contempt. She had at first been like the others, but had come to accept her fate. Now she was quite faithful and did not show that she might puke upon seeing him.

"Hm." He said, climbing on to the cushions.

He reached over and patted the obediant slave on the head, then grabbed his glass. The room remained silent as they watched him take a sloppy sip from the drink, vomit like goo dripping down from the corners of his dried up lips.

"..." He paused, giving the glass back to the slave to hold onto. "I am pleased..."

The crowd seemed to relax as the music began to play again, glad that no one would be dragged into the pit with the rancor today. Usually if Xuro was angry or bored, he would grab a random person and have them tossed into this pit. That or two would have to fight to the death. Amazing how money can make so many foolish bandits pledge allegience to a Hutt as cold hearted as this.

Maybe thats why Trevor gave her up to the Hutt... She glared at the slug from the corners of her eyes as he reached down to pat her head. As a reaction, she brought the plate up over her head to block his attempt and tempt him to other matters.

It worked. With a chuckle he grabbed the plate and turned his attention to stuffing his face. Relieved, Abby began to look around the room to see who was new to the crowd and who was missing. Some had disappeared along the years, due to getting caught by authorities or getting murdered by Xuro's men for owing a debt. Today there were several new faces, including a droid.

She blinked for a moment, shocked that a new droid would be here in the cantina, especially one of this design. Usually Xuro owned another series of protocal droids, nothing like this one. But maybe he had recieved this new one as an offering to pay off a debt from someone.

So she stopped staring and looked towards the main entrance. Anytime now, new slaves would be brought in to be initiated into Xuro's harem. Abbyka winced, recalling her own initiation. These girls would be humiliated beyond all belief, and most of the weaker minded ones would break down and lose their own sense of will... like most of the slaves here.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 16th, 2004, 02:30:32 PM
Xazor stepped into the club and began walking through throngs of people, or rather, slim. Her eyes moved about from beneath the hood of her black cloak as she came to stand still as silence swept over the room. From a large door opposite her, a slug-like creature crept out much to the dismay of a few of the slaves. The expressions on their faces before he glanced their way told stories that Xazor did not even need to hear. Sighing and shaking her head, the Jedi Knight examined the slug a bit more before turning her attention to the area surrounding his large throne of pillows. "There has to be a way." She thought to herself before he reached the pillows and laid down upon them.

It was a disgusting sight, to say the least, but Xazor knew she would have to deal with him. "Here goes nothing." She thought before taking several steps forward through the crowd that continued its busy chatter. Upon reaching the edge of the throng, the woman was stopped by two guards who appeared to not have much more braincell activity than the ground which she walked on. "Your Master wishes to see me." She spoke gently, touching their dense minds and being their will to hers. Without question, the Mentalist was allowed to pass and she approached the Hutt.

"Greetings Master Xuro." The woman began with a bow. Her hand was upon her lightsaber the entire time, waiting for anything that could happen. "I'm here to strike up a deal with you."

Adia Issoris
Mar 19th, 2004, 10:01:14 AM
Why did even a milk run have to be so… gross?

The rubbing oil slimed against Adia's dirty clothing, which made a disgusting paste of muddy grime. She could feel sand grains every time she moved. It also made her thin top translucent. Her bra had been conveniently lost.

It made looking uncomfortable easier. No acting involved. Adia glanced at the blonde.

Holy frell, it’s either a Jedi or a total idiot.

She took another glance at the entourage. The Assassin had never seen a Jedi in action, and decided to bank on the rumors of their skill being greatly exaggerated.
Maybe she’s both.

Smoke from the Hutt’s ever-present hooka wafted up. Adia sneezed. Now her eyes really did water.

One of the twi-leki guards glanced at her, and raised a brow.

“I’mb allergic. Theb ahhh ahh-cho! The smoke.” The assassin wasn’t vain, but the mucus running out her nose and over her lips must have looked at least as disgusting as it felt.

Mar 21st, 2004, 04:24:35 PM
Ragnarok caught a glance of Xazor's face. He'd seen Xazor around the Jedi Temple when he there with his master "I wonder what she's doing here?" He said to himself standing up while pulling his robes around himself and moving to a table closer to the stage where the hutt was

He sat down and watched to see what Xazor's next move would be.

Abbyka Laine
Mar 21st, 2004, 07:59:57 PM
The Hutt was shocked to see someone moving through the crowd so soon after the music had restarted. Usually most of the patrons were rather paranoid for their lives and remained respectfully standing for at least a few more minutes. And as the woman approached, his interests grew, but only for the reasons of possibly adding to his harem.

Abby, on the other hand, shook her head and took the moment of opportunity to scootch away from the slimey creature as much as possible while his attention was elsewhere. All the while, her thoughts were on how foolish this woman must be.. that or very brave. But in Abbyka's book, both were one in the same.

"Greetings Master Xuro." She said, bowing. "I'm here to strike up a deal with you."

The hutt began to chuckle, finding it funny that a woman who appeared to be so innocent in features would come here of all places to ask him for a favor. His guards that were still standing behind Xuro and at the sides alongside the slaves looked weary at how close the young woman was, handling their blasters intently.

But Xuro waved his hand to the four of them and glanced at each of his slaves, especially his loyal slave who glared at Xazor. Eventually she calmed down as well.

"Young lady, what is it you want with me?" Xuro gaffawed, his voice deep and hearty.

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 24th, 2004, 10:43:38 AM
Dalamar was hungry. He had sensed the force in the young lady and had followed her down into this cesspool. Soon hunger faded and interest grew. What would draw this virtual angel down this hole. An alien with a blaster confronted her using the force she moved past him easily. Not knowing that she was being followed. Dalamar reached out lightly with small tendrils of the force to get a feel for this female. Lupine! She was lupine, Dalamars interest grew with each passing second.

He started to think the universe would be a lot more interesting with this small woman in it. The Warlord could see she was on a mission. He would do something against his own character because he liked her, her audacity in coming down here alone and her bravery. The Vampyre would help her. Clinging to the shadows he followed her down.

Entering the Cantina everyone gave the vampyre wide berth knowing him for the death dealer that he was... but he paid them no mind, Dalamars crimson eyes never left Xazor.

Greetings Master Xuro." She said, bowing. "I'm here to strike up a deal with you."

"Young lady, what is it you want with me?"

The Vampyre stood silently, waiting to see how this played out. Also to see the the golden girl would need some assistance. Assistance he was ready to give though he could not say why.!

Xazor Elessar
Mar 24th, 2004, 11:42:39 AM
Xazor smiled beneath the darkness of her robe as her eyes fell upon Xuro's face. Something in her begged the question of whether or not he deserved to die for the activities that he ran, or if perhaps he did not even know any better. Something told her the latter was false, but one could never be too sure. All she knew was that slavery was an abomination to society and it had to be stopped.

The young woman stepped forward, moving closer to the Hutt. She could see people staring at her, but had no idea that Dalamar had been following her and now stood watching her actions too. Perhaps she was foolish, and that thought never left her mind, but this had to be done. "I'm willing to make a bargain with you, if you would like." The Jedi Knight began as she looked Xuro right in the eyes. "I know you run a very nice slave trading business, amongst other things -- and I have some information that might pique your interest." The Knight knew how these games worked, and that is why she decided to come here in the first place.

"I have records showing that some of the slaves that you own, unfortunatly, harbor a disease that could potentially wipe out your entire flock." She paused a moment as a few gasps were heard. The Jedi Knight pulled a holopad from her pocket and pressed a few buttons to bring up a false report, mandating that all of the slaves with this "disease" be quarantined. "I have here a mandate from the G.H.O or Galactic Health Organization, that all people, slaves and those in bondage included, must be quarantined if they harbor the disease Tricoresterioitis, or TRO." A look of false concern crossed the Knight's face. She shook her head and offered out the holopad to Xuro to take a look for himself.

"Included are the names and profiles of several slaves of yours who have this disease, but have either not told you -- or they themselves are not aware." Xazor looked around at the group gathered near Xuro. How she wished to free them all, and if necessary, take their place. "My bargain to you, then, is simple. I need to take about three or four of your slaves that have this disease, and in return -- I have six new, healthy women ready to serve you. In fact, they are the most obedient, and not to mention, beautiful ladies I have ever met."

This seemed to be going well, but Xazor reached into Xuro's small mind and touched his reasoning just a bit to make him even more attentive to her. This would ensure that he would agree with her plan. "You'll notice some of the names on the list. I know you have had a few slaves die off on you already, and perhaps some of them were on this list, but I am not sure. The few that I would need are as follows: Sandari Matka, Alizah Samfrandi, Abbyka Laine, and if she has not yet passed from us, Zora Clengor."

Xazor shifted her weight slightly, pulling a bit more on Xuro's reasoning and perception, hoping that by will of the Force, he would believe her. "If you would like pictures, profiles, and even a meeting with the six women I told you about, I can arrange that right away." The Knight decided to add this as incentive. How could Xuro refuse such an offer as this? If he did, the situation would call for more drastic measures for sure. Either way, Abbyka would get out of this place and would gain her freedom again.

Adia Issoris
Mar 25th, 2004, 06:10:29 PM
Adia gaped, wide eyed and amazed. It took most of her will for her mouth not to drop open. If she was trying to rescue Abbyka, this was the most bizarre and perhaps stupid way to do it. Mind you, she was clean and didn’t have rubbing lotion all over her, with sand sneaking into rather uncomfortable places. And no water showers here, oh no. Frelling desert worlds. There wasn’t a shot in hell on this. Hutts were exceptionally stubborn, Jedi powers or no.

The assassin sneezed again. On the inhale, she did her best to pay attention, but to little avail. The smoke still had her allergies on overdrive. Her nose didn’t want to work. Adia’s eyes began to tear, washing out the sand. She closed her eyes, and felt her nictitating membranes slide over. It helped her look a touch glassy eyed, which wouldn’t hurt her helplessness act.

The guards didn’t seem to be buying it either. Whatever the Jedi was playing at didn’t look like it was going to work.

Adia examined her bonds. The cuffs and chains were made of poor quality metal that at most amounted to a decoration. It might hold one of the sand worn women, but Adia was neither sand worn nor human. She chewed her lower lip and sneezed again.

Mar 25th, 2004, 10:57:54 PM
Ragnarok had no idea what was going to happen next. He paid no notice to Dalamar as he entered but kept his vision centered on Xazor and Xuro I wonder if I can help this Jedi out at all? He thought to himself knowing that if a fight broke out he could help.

Abbyka Laine
Mar 26th, 2004, 10:02:27 AM
"I'm willing to make a bargain with you, if you would like." Xazor said. "I know you run a very nice slave trading business, amongst other things -- and I have some information that might pique your interest."

Abbyka scoffed inwardly. Nice slave trading business? Who was this lady? Anything that had to do with slaves was not nice at all. Everything about it was as unpleasent as whenever Xuro tried smiling.

"And what information could you possibly have that would interest me?" Xuro said, slightly intrigued, only from the natural curiousity anyone would have upon seeing someone so foolish as to step so close to him.

"I have records showing that some of the slaves that you own, unfortunatly, harbor a disease that could potentially wipe out your entire flock."

Dozens of people in the crowd began to mumble amongst eachother, frantic that some of these slaves, some of the ones they had interacted with, could be contagious. Was that why so many of their fellow bandits had disappeared? Were they wrong to believe that Xuro had them assasinated and what really happened was that they died of a mysterious disease?

Even the guards appeared uneasy, looking at each of the slaves warily, even to Abbyka. Abby herself remained quiet as well as the other favorite to Xuro's right.

As the strange woman began to key a bunch of things down on a datapad, she spoke once again. "I have here a mandate from the G.H.O or Galactic Health Organization, that all people, slaves and those in bondage included, must be quarantined if they harbor the disease Tricoresterioitis, or TRO."

While chatter was still going on, Xuro remained quite calm, not showing whether he believed this story or not.. such as his nature.

"Included are the names and profiles of several slaves of yours who have this disease, but have either not told you -- or they themselves are not aware." Xazor continued, approaching Xuro.

The guards at his sides tensed, one of them retrieving the datapad from her personally instead of Xuro daring to himself. Besides the fact that it could be a bomb, Xuro was always too lazy to do too much in the way of movement.

"My bargain to you, then, is simple. I need to take about three or four of your slaves that have this disease, and in return -- I have six new, healthy women ready to serve you. In fact, they are the most obedient, and not to mention, beautiful ladies I have ever met."

The guard held the datapad at eye level to the slug, who began to silently read the fake information. It all began with what the disease was and that there was a quarantine was required of everyone including slaves.

"You'll notice some of the names on the list. I know you have had a few slaves die off on you already, and perhaps some of them were on this list, but I am not sure. The few that I would need are as follows: Sandari Matka, Alizah Samfrandi, Abbyka Laine, and if she has not yet passed from us, Zora Clengor."

The entire room became silent suddenly. Abby's face dropped when she heard her own name, but had no time to panic about any dangers she was in when the slave on the other side screamed.

Xuro's face did not look pleased at all. His other favorite threw herself on him and began to sob.

"No, master! Don't let her take me away! I beg of you! I will always be in your service!"

Being that Hutts were immune to mind tricks, Xuro grunted angrily at Xazor. "You may not have two names on that list! You will not!"

Realizing that whatever this disease was... it meant freedom. But she knew that Xuro would never allow this woman to take her. She was one of the favorites after all. But nevertheless, she stood up and yanked at her chains, wishing they'd pull free.

"Don't listen to him, take me with you! I'm sick of this sand rock, I'd rather die of a disease than stay here serving this slug a repulsive meal everyday!"

Xuro motioned with his hand towards Abbyka, sending the guards to force her back onto the floor. But she struggled against them. This entire scene caused many of the other slaves to cry out too.

"I have that disease, I know I do! Take me with you!" One slave called from a corner.

The entire room was now a complete disaster. Slaves were pulling at their chains and pleading while patrons were either leaving or trying to stay away from the slaves. This all only made Xuro's anger boil beyond anything it ever had before..


The room hushed and all movement stopped. Most faces of the women in the room were desperate and tear stained. The favorite that was loyal to Xuro continued to sob and cling to his disgusting body while Xuro gathered himself for a moment.

"Sandari and Abbyka are not to leave, they are to remain here. Zora is in fact dead and the final woman will not leave either due to your proposal causing me such headaches."

Xuro licked his lips and somewhat grinned, causing Abby to gag. "As for you, you will listen to my bargain... Either you stay here as a slave... Give me those six slaves without taking any of mine.... or you die. The choice is yours."

The guards at his sides leveled their blasters, as well as the guards located at the back of the room, aiming right for Xazor, awaiting her decision and Xuro's word.

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 26th, 2004, 11:02:23 AM
Dalamar saw all the events that played out before him. Calming himself he let the darkside of the force build up in him. He knew that many people where getting ready to die. He waited, his eye's on the lupine. He would see how she would play this out and act accordingly. His black gloved hand rested on his Katana.

The Death Dealer tensed his muscles ready for the eruption of hell that was soon to follow, His red blazing eyes never leaving the golden angel in the center of the room.....

Xazor Elessar
Mar 26th, 2004, 02:54:01 PM
Xazor's eyes remained upon Xuro the entire time. Chaos slowly broke loose and soon, the entire cantina was in an uproar. "Perfect." The woman thought to herself. It would be the best situation if the entire place was raging. Unfortunatly, the situation caused the Hutt's anger to rise, and the Jedi Knight could easily see this. The Force gave her several warnings and she knew that there was great danger in being here.

She shifted her weight slighty and took the datapad back into her hands, placing it back in the pocket of her robes as she had done before. Still, despite the outrage of the slaves and patrons, the woman remained calm and still -- centered in the Light that surrounded her. Several of the slaves cried out, reaching to her, begging her to take them with her. More claimed to have the disease she had spoken of, while others simply sat in silence. The reactions broke Xazor's heart, but she knew this was necessary.

Just as Xuro began to speak, the woman shifted her weight and listened intently. He would not budge and even her powerful mentalist maneuvers would not work on his mind. "Must be too empty upstairs." She thought to herself and had to stifle a laugh at the thought. As soon as she was still as before, Xuro opened his mouth a last time to speak. "As for you, you will listen to my bargain... Either you stay here as a slave... Give me those six slaves without taking any of mine.... or you die. The choice is yours."

The woman attempted to look as though she was really thinking about the choices set before her, but in fact -- she was not. This was exactly how she had wanted it to go, and now she had everyone right where they needed to be. Shrugging her shoulders slightly, Xazor looked at Xuro with a smile. "Then I die. Either way, Xuro -- your unwillingness to cooperate has just cost you a lot of money. You loose." The Knight laughed to herself slightly as she glanced around at the men holdilng guns at eye level.

"I came here on a peaceful mission, offering you something you foolishly have refused -- and now, you're throwing everything away. So shoot me. I am prepared to die." The words left her lips in a soothing, calm manner. Today, the Garou would live, though -- and this little cantina would learn the true power of a Jedi. Today, they would come to understand that the will of a woman could not be matched by that of a disgusting worm like Xuro -- as big as he may have been.

Adia Issoris
Mar 30th, 2004, 08:05:38 PM
The slaves were being reeled in, including Adia. Her collar had been yanked on rather harshly. Already irritated, this brought her blood to a boil. She had enough with being treated like an animal. A low, panther-like growl rumbled forth from the short redhead. Her eyes dilated, and then shrunk to narrow slits as adrenaline hit her bloodstream.

“Never heard one growl befo…” She crossed her arms, bringing her hands to her shoulders, and exploded outward. The assassin’s bonds broke, and her fists took two of Xuro’s guards in the throat. As they collapsed to their knees, Adia pulled one’s blaster, and the other’s vibrosword. Almost casually, she executed the pair with the sword. With practiced accuracy, Adia began to systematically kill Xuro’s thugs, most of which had never really been in a firefight. She had killed another five before someone yanked the chain to collar on her neck.

The assassin spun, bringing the vibrosword upon the chain. It sliced clean through. Good metal was difficult to find on Tatoonine. Her leg snapped up, and the heel of her foot drove the man’s nose into his frontal lobe. Adia’s pattern was deliberate, either making the target behind her Xuro or another guard.

If this kept up, she would run out of guards quickly.

Mar 31st, 2004, 10:48:31 PM
Rag jumped to his feet. Two compartments in his Hips opened up to reveal two small blaster pistols which he grabed. a few guards where coming in through the cantina's front door

Rag pushed a table unto its side and started shooting at the guards, He ducked down behind the table as weapon fire rained down of him. He jumped up again and fired back, four guards went down

He moved out from behind the table and started to move toward the front entrance firing at the guards as he went. Several shots hit his thick armor plating. He kept moving while ducking behind tables and pillars as he went

He soon reached the door and the last standing guard droped his gun and raised his hands "I surrender" The man said and rag grabed him by the neck "where do you keep the weapons?" He asked and the man pointed to a small closet set in the wall

Ran droped the man and opened the closet. It was full of weapons but there was only one that he wanted. He grabed his Heavy Repeater and steped back into the Cantina and duckedbehind another table and watched at the patrons ran through the now clear doorway Lets see what happens now he thought to himself.

Vampyre Dalamar
Apr 1st, 2004, 02:58:00 AM
Dalamar stood still as all chaos broke loose. He watched only one person the angel in the center of the room. A guard moved on her flank. The Warlord struck out like a viper killing the man and sheathing his sword in an instant. Standing stoically he cared not for those that died around him and stood passivly as the rabble ran in all directions.

Xazor was all he cared about he was not here for slaves or any other kind of situation. Only the Jedi and what she was up to interested him. Her sheer goodness overwhelmed him. In a way made him want her. But he was Sith he would not weaken his resolve but would stand, watch and if she needed it assist....

Abbyka Laine
Apr 1st, 2004, 06:51:26 AM
As chaos broke loose, the blasters changed range from Xazor and everyone in the cantina began to scatter. Supposedly something was going on towards the back that Abbyka was unable to see from the floor. But whatever it was, the guards around Xuro set to work immediatly to protecting their boss and his favorite girls.

"Undo her chains. I want whoever is responsible dead.. immediatly." Xuro said as he motioned for his loyal favorite to stand.

The guards formed a protective and tight circle around the three and began to lead them out of the room. But their escape would not be so easy. Abbyka kept struggling and trying to pull back, but the guards were too strong for her. She had been confined for too long to be strong enough to put up much of a fight. So eventually one of them threw her over his shoulder, causing her to kick and scream.

"Call for the other assassins!" Xuro bellowed.

Abby could sense a bit of urgency in his voice although she could not understand what he was saying. So she looked up and saw what was causing his distress. A young girl was hacking her way through the crowd towards them without so much as a blink. Everyone around her was falling as soon as they dared to raise their weapons, without time enough to take one last breath.

"Separate, take them to the safe house."

With that, Xuro slithered out the cantina door first with two guards protecting him. The remaining guards left behind him, taking the two slave girls with them. As soon as their feet took them outside of dangerous grounds, they began to quicken their speed to ensure that they could get away.

"HELP!" Abbyka shrieked.

The guard holding her grunted in some other language, holding his blaster up and tapping the butt of it against her head gently. She took this as a warning that he would have to knock her out if she wasn't quiet, so reluctantly, she remained silent for the remainder of the trip.

As for Xuro, he had turned down a separate path. He had gone left instead of right, and he would end up in the room where he was keeping several hired men who were trained to kill. In a situation like this, he believed it to be only a mere assassination attempt when it was merely a rescue on Abbyka's part. If he had known any better, he would have brought his two slaves with him into the room that was better protected than his vault of goodies.

Xazor Elessar
Apr 7th, 2004, 08:39:30 AM
Xazor smiled within herself, knowing that her plan had worked once again. Now there was widespread chaos and the whole room was up in arms. No one really had any clue as to what was going on, and that made the chaos a way out. At the front of the cantina, a young woman who Xazor had assumed was a slave, lashed out at the guards and began taking them out left and right. It was apparent to the Knight, now, that this was no slave -- it was someone trained in the activity of killing. "A hired killer?" The thought was unavoidable and it crossed Xazor's mind.

Behind her remained the immortal who sought to give aid if she needed it. That time had come as the slaves and Xuro went separate ways. The Jedi Knight ran from the center of the room toward the back door and flew out it. "Someone, come with me!" the woman called back into the room and in a flash, she was gone. It would not take her long to break into the safe room where the slaves were being held. Abbyka would be freed if it took everything the Garou had in her.

Adia Issoris
Apr 7th, 2004, 09:03:15 PM
With Xuro's flight, any remaining resistance from the five lackeys left behind broke. They took one brief look at Adia’s cat-like eyes, the veins standing on her forearms, and dropped their weapons. She retrieved the scabbard for the vibrosword, deftly wrapped the belt around her waist and buckled it with one hand. It looked rather comical on her, but no one was laughing.

The assassin could smell where the hostages were taken to. Perfume wafted through the corridor, while Xuro’s trail stunk of smoked spices. Adia dashed after the blonde woman, although she was a minute ahead now. The winding corridor occasionally branched off, but the scent was fresh.

Adia’s eyes went wide as a smart rope wrapped around her ankle. She had a brief moment of gravitational disobedience, where it seemed she lay prone, and then was slammed to the ground. Her legs began to gather for retaliation when the rope’s owner hit her with several hundred thousand volts. Adia screamed as her body twitched of its own accord.

Vampyre Dalamar
Apr 9th, 2004, 01:59:31 AM
Dalamar followed discretly behind. He watched with interest as a female prisoner gave the guards hell, she then strapped on a belt and went looking for more trouble.

One of the guards was able to rope her and subdue her with a stun rod. He seemed to get quite a sadistic pleasure out of hurting the young slave. He hammered her again and again but the little thing had an incredible fighting spirit. Dalamar mocked himself, whats next widows and orphaned children... The Guard looked on in shock as a red rose blossomed in his chest...

Dalamar removed his Katana from the guards back kicking him cleanly off his blade. The female slave twitched but she would be alright. The door was going down Dalamar could see the slug was going into lockdown mode. Using a nearby Rod he jammed it into the seal keeping the door open. Sparing the tough slave a quick glance he ducked under and followed after Xazor. In these narrow halls it would soon be hard for him to keep concealing his prescence from her....

The lights dimmed and the vampyre smiled, "they dont have a chance in hell do they?" Clicking his boot blade the vampyre made himself ready it was time to feed......:smokin

Apr 10th, 2004, 01:33:21 PM
Rag stood back up and looked around the room. It was empty ecept for the few guards that where still breathing and several bodies that wernt. one of the doors across the room opened up and a few heavily armed men trooped in.

Oh crap Rag thought as he noticed the powerful weapons in their hands. He moved his hand as his side compartment opened again and he pulled out a two thermal detonators. He set the time release and threw them at the guards who scattered at the sight of the bombs

Rag turned and rag though the door that the others had passed thought moments ago. the walls shook as the explosives went off in the cantina. He ran on until he found Adia laying on the ground

He carefuly picked her up and held her in boths hands and he continued cautiosly down the passage wondering where the Jedi had wandered off to.

Abbyka Laine
Apr 15th, 2004, 10:48:41 AM
Abby's captors finally made it to the entrance to the secret room that Xuro's treasures were hidden. They opened up the floor with the push of a button on their belts then scattered down the stairway with the two slaves in hand. Once they were within the safety of the room, they closed the entry and let go of the slaves.

Abbyka glowered at the guards and looked around the room. It was completely filled with jewels and spices, as well as creds and death sticks. She upturned her lip at the sight and sat down on a nearby barrel to rest her tired legs. All that kicking and screaming had taken it's toll on her, especially since she had not been running or anything to keep her legs strong in years.

The guards were speaking to one another in a language that Abbyka could not understand, but they looked uneasy... Bored of this, she turned her eyes towards the other slave girl who looked completely frightened, her face tear stained and hands trembling.

"Oh give me a break..." Abbyka whispered. "Who gets attached to a disgusting fat slug?"

Xazor Elessar
Apr 24th, 2004, 12:36:15 PM
It was just then that Xazor stopped. Her sensitive ears had picked up on the sound long ago, but now it was in very very close range. Of course, she did not know what it was, but she was soon to find out. "Who's there?" The woman spun around, lightsaber ignited and in hand. Her eyes moved about the shadows as she heard the faint words of the one following her.

Suddenly she caught sight of his face and spun around quickly, bringing the blade of her weapon to his neck. "Who are you?" Perhaps it was a bit aggressive, but the Knight was attempting to protect herself long enough to free Abbyka. There was too much at steak to trust anyone at this moment.

"Are you following because you want to help me?" The Force was nudging her to believe so as she set her eyes upon the stranger's. He seemed dark, but with good intentions. She was very strong in the Force and knew immediatly that he was, indeed, a Dark One -- but that there was something good within him. He was there to help her, and she could believe this. "Sorry." She spoke without hearing his answers first before pulling the blade away from his neck a bit.

Adia Issoris
Apr 24th, 2004, 03:09:56 PM
The ceiling was moving. No. That wasn't right. Ceilings don't normally move. Awareness flooded back swiftly. Adia kicked her legs up and pulled her knees to her chin suddenly. She fell from Ragnarok's arms, leapt to the side and drew the vibrosword in one motion. Here eyes looked like a cats. Her ears had focused forward, on him.

"Who are you, and what do you want? Quickly."

Apr 24th, 2004, 04:02:35 PM
Rag didn't want to stop to talk since the slave girl need their help "My name is Ragnarok. I'm trying to stop the Slug and free the slaves" He said not going into details.

Vampyre Dalamar
Apr 24th, 2004, 10:39:30 PM
The light from the blade lit his pale face, his red eyes could be seen quite clearly. He was silent, she was feeling him with the force so he left himself open to her probe, He had to admit he liked her even now with her blade pressed to his neck. Had anyone else done such a thing his natural desire to strike them down would have risen in fury. But with her he had almost a sense of pride. She was not his but never the less it was there.

He was hesitant to reveal himself from the shadows, but like he said there would be little point in concealing him self further. He was impressed that her reaction was one of a warrior born. She let her sword fall and spoke, "Sorry."

Dalamar only nodded, the time for discussion was later. He conveyed the urgency of the hunt to her through the force, she was a quick study. She nodded and turned immediately back to the hunt... The Warlord followed like a dark shadow as he had done previously...

Abbyka Laine
Apr 29th, 2004, 08:44:51 AM
By that time the cantina was completely cleared out. Frightened smugglers that did not want to deal with the fight fled while those that did were already dead or too injured to go on. Which made things easier to get to the slave girls and Xuro... Or so it seemed.

Battle droids that Xuro had recently purchased approached Xazor and Dalamar's path, their mechanical movements echoing down the hallways.

Meanwhile, Abbyka still sat waiting in the treasure room, trying to think of a way out. But the guards were fully armed, and there were a few of those droids located in the treasure room at all times to make sure that no thieves left alive.

Adia Issoris
May 7th, 2004, 04:08:59 PM
"Fine. Lets keep moving." Adia didn't lower the sword. Ragnarok moved somewhat quietly, but battledroids were another matter entirely. Distant, metallic mechanical clanks echoed through the winding halls. She hoped that they were not shielded.

Before Ragnarok rounded the next corner, Adia jerked him back.

"Do you have any ion grenades? Maybe an ion blaster?" It was probably too much to ask.

May 9th, 2004, 03:30:33 PM
Rag reached into his side compartment and pulled out a small Ion Grenade "This is all I have."

May 13th, 2004, 02:27:55 AM
Dalamar stood dumbfounded as out of the blue Xazor just dissapeared. A battle droid appeared in front of him. Firing his Gauntlet the line struck true sending a charge to the robot frying its operating systems. The Vampyre found a hatchway, his reason for being there seemingly disapeared. Jumping into the small acessway he went up and out of the building. The Sun had long since faded from the sky and the vampyre was happy to be out of the hell hole that the Hutts called a home.

Remaining calm he looked to the night sky trying to sense Xazor but she was gone no where to be found. Shrugging his shoulders he moved on looking for a new angel to feel his life. After all what else could he do..

OOC: Seeing my way out of the thread without ruining the story. Thanks for the fun guys be back when I can, see you around adios. :smokin