View Full Version : Pondering the Future

James Prent
Mar 10th, 2004, 07:43:39 PM
[cont from <a href=http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&postid=638696#post638696>here</a>]

She'd sat in the booth for three hours, drank six cups of caf and gone to the refresher twice.

It really wasn't helping. The server droid was heading over for the eighth time, and James schooched out of the booth and got to her feet. "Don't worry, I'm leavin', don't want to overstay m'welcome." All of the caf in her system was making her feel sick, and as she dropped credits on the table she felt the overwhelming urge to go for a walk.

Fresh air, as could be had on Coruscant, brushed over her exposed skin as she left Yog's, walking down the pedway. Bathed in neon lights, she felt a little better and tried to get her thoughts out of her head.

Sin Vamel
Mar 10th, 2004, 07:51:41 PM
And when the object of my attention left the bar, I left the bar and closely followed in her footsteps, all the while wondering what it was I could say to start a conversation. After six cups of coffee I figure it wont take much to whip her up into a verbal frenzy, what with all the caffene buzzing around inside that petite, shapely body. My pace quickened until I was walking alongside her and I looked across, she stared straight ahead; clearly her mind was somewhere else; and I couldn't help but grin.

"Excuse me, missy. I couldn't help but notice you back at the bar and when you left, well--"

"Um-- missy? Hello?"

James Prent
Mar 10th, 2004, 07:58:41 PM
Startled, James jerked slightly to the side, and looked at the man walking next to her. "Hello...? I'm sorry, have we met?" She stopped her forward progress as she realized this wasn't a mugger, and offered him a smile. "Wait, I think I remember, didn't I meet you at Yog's a few months ago? You're a fellow padawan, aren't you?"

James smiled a bit more at the good looking guy in front of her, and then grimaced, pressing herself against the railing as a couple of Whiphids passed by, taking up most of the walkway.

Sin Vamel
Mar 10th, 2004, 08:21:17 PM
A scowl creeps past my lips as the bulky aliens squeeze past and despite their stink, I close in making it more difficult for them to pass, giving one a sly nudge with my shoulder as it did so. My disliking for aliens has never been a secret but my mood swings drastically back into good humour as my eyes fall upon the young lady once again.

"A fellow--" I shoot her a puzzled look and then as realisation dawns upon me, answer my own unspoken question.

"Padawan! Oh yeah, right. Yeah, that's me."

Feeling a bit dumb now, I find my hands thrust deep into my trouser pockets and a curt nod and grin sustains the moment. Then as soon as my hand retreated to it's safe haven, it's out once more and extended in greeting.

"Sorry, my manners are a bit frelled today. I'm Sin."

James Prent
Mar 10th, 2004, 08:49:16 PM
The small padawan grinned in reply, and shook his hand. "And I'm James." She was having a hard time figuring him out, but he was nice, and good looking, and she needed to get her mind off of what she'd been thinking about over six cups of caf.

"Ah, care to walk with me a bit, Sin?" The Whiphids had passed, and the press of people filled in the space the aliens had vacated. She laughed, and grabbed his hand again as beings pressed against her. The padawan was only five foot tall, and apt to being shoved around and caught up in the flows of foot traffic. "Although I usually don't walk around this area of town much."

Sin Vamel
Mar 10th, 2004, 09:25:20 PM
Impressed that James had the courage to hold my hand without knowing much more than my name, I shunned my original perception that she might be something of an air head and with a certain degree of satisfaction, walked along with her and all the while, felt my confidence healing it's wounds.

"Well then, James, you can consider me your tour guide. I know these parts like the back of my hand so you're in for a treat." Then I paused in my step and offered her an appologetic look. "Actually, now I come to think of it, I don't think there's much around here to admire - apart from yourself, of course."

With a sly grin I tugged gently at her hand, beckoning her onward with me while I tried to hide how pleased I was with what I considered a well placed bit of flirting.

"So if you don't usually walk around this area much, what brings you here today? You looked like you were in a bit of a hurry when you left the bar."

James Prent
Mar 10th, 2004, 10:03:09 PM
She hadn't really intended to hold onto his hand all this time, but as they walked, she thought, why not? He was a fellow Jedi, and as such, couldn't be all that bad. And with all the jostling of bodies it would have been easy to lose him in the crowd otherwise.

James rationalized it all she wanted, but she knew it came down to the fact that it had been a while since she'd had a boyfriend, and Aaron Belargic was a bit old fashioned when it came to 'calling' on a girl.

She'd blushed appropriately at Sin's comment about admiring her.

"So if you don't usually walk around this area much, what brings you here today? You looked like you were in a bit of a hurry when you left the bar."

"Ah, well, I spend most of my time at the Temple, workin' on my studies." Her newly constructed lightsaber was hanging on her hip under her outer robe, evidence of her dedication and progression in her training. "I don't get out to Yog's very often..and I'm from a few sectors away, this sector of Coruscant really isn't where I used t' hang out, y'know?"

Sin Vamel
Mar 14th, 2004, 07:56:01 AM
"That's pretty much how I feel about the upper levels, especially all those swanky spots around the Jedi Temple, although the Bar and Grill isn't too bad. Mind you, my heart has a place for anywhere that sells steak and beer."

It then dawned on me how James knew me; she was the Scrumble girl who snatched my stim and lost her head at the bar a couple of weeks ago; and I had to stop myself from smirking at the memory. She was cute even if a bit naive. Plus she was one of those studious types my brother had told me were out of my reach. Yeah right.

"As for around here, there's a couple of okay spots we could visit to mellow out and have a good time." I took her into a narrow alley, it was clean since we were still on the upper levels and it lead out into a a much less busy street. "

"I'm not sure if you know of it, but we can go to the Liquid Louge." I glance across to James. "Where did you used to hang out? You don't seem like the kind of girl who would've ran into me in the past."

James Prent
Mar 14th, 2004, 02:46:08 PM
She shrugged, "Well, not here in Coco District, that's for sure. I live - well, used to live in the Hannab sector, and after I got out of school I worked in one of those all night diners, y'know, the ones where you should never order the steak." They ducked out of the alley into a larger street and she breathed a sigh of relief at the lack of foot traffic.

James gently disentangled her hand from his, and added, "Between working and sleeping I didn't get out much."

Sin Vamel
Mar 15th, 2004, 02:33:45 PM
"And by the sound of it, you haven't been making up for it much, if you don't mind me saying." I said offhandedly and before James could protest, added: "We'll have to do something about that."

We crossed the street and headed towards an interesting looking building; the front comprised of blue glass and on the other side of the blue glass was water, no doubt held in place by another pane of glass inside the building, it made the interior of the club look all distorted and blue; this was the Liquid Lounge. Not that I ever frequented this place for a social visit but even the rich like to have a good time and I liked money.

"So lets leave the meditation books and waitress uniforms at how and have us some fun. What do ya say?" I nod at the entrance and took James gently by the hand, giving her my trademark smile of reassurance.

James Prent
Mar 15th, 2004, 02:57:17 PM
The place looked fantastic. James had seen it before, but had never had cause enough to go inside. "Well..." She looked at Sin's smile, and finished, "..what could it hurt?"

They walked to the door, and she peered through the water to try and get a glimpse of the inside of the club. Blue and green lights lit up Sin's face, and as she couldn't see a thing inside the club, she looked back at him. James grinned nervously, and felt the urge to smoke as her nervousness grew. She took a deep breath to calm herself, and allowed Sin to open the door for her and usher her inside the Liquid Lounge.

Sin Vamel
Mar 15th, 2004, 06:10:19 PM
"That's the spirit."

It's about the only reply I could manage to come up with in time before we would both be drawn into one of those uncomfortable silences, and I hate those, plus it's not like James and I have much in common to talk about. Not yet anyway, I keep telling myself, just wait until she has a drink or ten down her then we'll be chatting away like we've known each other for years. So what if she's an honest and hard-working young padawan and I'm just a criminal lowlife fronting as a padawan for a wad of cash? We both have our needs.

"Now this is what I'm talking about, it might be a bit too swanky for me but it's no holds barred and no expense spared, especially when in the company of such attractive company." I catch her eye then gesture at a pyramid of green bottles behind the bar and add with a smile. "Just keep your eyes off the champagne list and we should be alright."

A playful nudge as I stood alongside James was enough to get a smile out of her and in we went. The floor was made of midnight blue marble and there were no stools here, only sofas of white leather and chrome tables. There were a few steps flanked by bubbling water pools set into the floor and at there centre, fountains poured.

"Careful here, the last time I visited I ended up on my backside thanks to a wet patch on the stairs." I confessed with reluctance.

We took a seat and I offered here a drinks menu.

"Anything you want."

James Prent
Mar 15th, 2004, 08:38:00 PM
"Careful here, the last time I visited I ended up on my backside thanks to a wet patch on the stairs." James laughed as Sin confessed, and she sat carefully on one of the white leather sofas.

"Anything you want." He handed her a menu, and she flipped it open to see a wide selection of quality liqours and drink specials.

James grinned at her new accquaintance. "I've always been partial to Bantha Blasters, but I think the occasion calls for somethin' a bit more refined." She turned the menu toward him, open to the martinis, and winked. "How about an Alderaanian white martini with extra olives?"

Sin Vamel
Mar 15th, 2004, 09:11:36 PM
"Aren't we posh?" My eyes went wide and I frowned theatrically, then breaking into a smile, slumped down beside James to browse the menu for myself. I'd never drank here before and half of the items listed I wouldn't even be able to say correctly, let alone know what the hell they are. Not that I'd ever admit to that though.

"I'll have a--" I paused, finger on chin, then concluded: "--A Bloody Mary!"

"Just kidding!" I laughed, holding up my hands in defense as James gave me a look, and I glanced back at the menu. "Krast, I think my grandmother used to drink that dren all the time. Not my cup of tea if you know what I mean. I'll have a Geruviaan Tovash, beer would suit me fine, but like you said, something a bit more refined."

"I'll be right back." And standing, I headed off to the bar. Halfway I stopped and turned, carelessly shouting back to James and attracted the attention of some unimpressed patrons, not like I cared. "Oh, and if you feel like putting your feet up just kick back, take your shoes off and have a lie down. Just don't be picking your nose and wiping it on the leather!"

Grinning, I turned and made my way to the bar where I adressed the barman with a curt nod. Then in a hushed voice. "Where's Retro? He's meant to be here."

James Prent
Mar 16th, 2004, 03:27:23 PM
James flushed madly as he shouted at her from across the room, and weakly waved him away, resisting the urge to cover her face from the now interested patrons. She tried to remember how she'd gotten here in the first place - it seemed an accidental meeting now had gotten her out of her comfort zone.

After leaving her life on 'the outside,' as some of the padawans liked to call it, James had immersed herself in her studies. On days off she'd gone home to visit her parents, although they weren't sure what to make of her anymore. Their athletic, but small, daughter was now learning how to take an opponent's head off in a one on one lightsaber battle. She used to run track... they'd tell their friends, and James felt the distance growing between them, although she tried to stay the same.

It was hard not to change. She had ideals now, and a code to live up to, although she'd always been a pretty moral person. Her vice was stimcigs, but she hadn't had a one in a month. James was working her way at a madcap pace to knighthood, and rarely had time to come out and 'play.'

She remembered that she'd been trying to get her mind off of the vision she was probably going to try and seek, but that just caused her to dwell on it again. James, knock it off and have a good time! Sin was leaning against the bar chatting with the barman, and as he looked back at her he smiled. James smiled back, and turned to look closer at her surroundings.

Sin Vamel
Mar 17th, 2004, 08:59:36 PM
"Alright, alright, then I'll wait - give me an Alderaanian White Martini with extra olives and a Geruviaan Tovash on the rocks." I silenced the bartender, a relatively new guy who clearly felt threatened by people like myself, probably had a run-in with one of the more shady characters in the area. Perhaps even got on the wrong side of Retro himself.

Retro was a man of notorious reputation for having a short temper and violent tendancies towards those who were unfortunate enough to not have the credits they owed and couldn't pay up on time; ironic that he himself fails to adhere to his own standards of punctuality; but I will humour him nonetheless, for my own good. Drinks in hand, I thank the shaken employee for his 'On the House' service then head back to James.

"Sorry about the wait, he's a new guy and I had to explain to him what olives were, do you know they're rare these days?" I frown almost immediately, what the frell!, I'm talking about olives now? Quickly, I retreat to my drink, a little pink the cheeks no doubt, then take a look around. It's unusually busy for this time of day. Then, thinking of something to say albeit a last resort, I turn to James and grin.

"We knew this question was coming but what kinda things have you learned to do since becoming a Jedi? Do you know any cool tricks?"

James Prent
Mar 18th, 2004, 01:04:39 PM
"Tricks?" She frowned slightly, and sipped her martini. Stim! In my hand, now. Her body was screaming for nicotine. "Ah, we're not supposed to do 'tricks' as it were. Padawans are under some pretty strict rules, as you know."

He looked at her, and she looked back at him, her brain running on overdrive from all of the caffiene she'd ingested earlier. "However, I have learned how to levitate things, and I am working on telepathy now."

Sin Vamel
Mar 18th, 2004, 09:01:14 PM
"You're lucky. I don't even have a master yet and the only useful thing I can do with this Force is know when someone is about to pull a blaster on me. It's saved my butt quite a few times in the past but levitating objects?" Wearing an increadulous look, I whistle, turning to my drink on the table. It burns in my chest but I'm used to it. Carelessly, I whip out my silver tin and slip from it a regular stim, no special ingredients this time which was becoming increasingly rare for me.

"Smoke?" I mumble, stim stuck between my lips, holding out my cigarette case to James. Then after lighting up, I add, with a half smile:

"Well, go on then, tell me what's on my mind."

James Prent
Mar 19th, 2004, 04:08:10 PM
"Well....it's not all that simple...at least, y'know, not for me. Yet, that is." James sipped the martini again, and decided that finishing it probably wasn't the best idea.

She'd accepted the stim, and placed it between her lips. Sin leaned forward and lit it for her. One sweet exhalation later, she shrugged. "I'm not that good, but lemme see what I can find out about the mysterious Padawan Vamel." James' lips twitched in a grin, and sat back, the stim smoking between her fingers. "Just try to relax, and don't resist if you can feel me"

James focused on his forehead, and then let him shift out of focus as she concentrated on the Force. She could feel it flowing through and around him.

Sin's out of focus face smirked as he took another drag off of his stim, but James didn't notice. "You're... you're concerned. Someone is late...?" She sighed, and focused again on him. "I can't read actual thoughts, only the most advanced telepathists can, but I can get a sense of what a person is thinking."

Sin Vamel
Mar 24th, 2004, 11:58:14 AM
"Well, that's pretty good." I remarked with a nod and a frown which said 'I'm impressed', and as casual the situation may be, I found myself squirming in my seat a little uncomfortably. In retrospect, I guess, it wasn't the best idea to ask a telepath to read your mind when your a criminal undercover. No harm done though.

"I'm supposed to be meeting an old friend of mine and he's supposed to be here now; Retro is his name and we go a long way back." My lips curl into an amused smirk at this but I care not to indulge James in anymore of my thoughts right now. Instead I go back to what I know:

"So, have you ever thought about using your telepathy to find out what people think about you?" I ask, tempting James to confess, with a mischievous grin I break eye contact and flick the ash from my stim. "I mean surely you must get curious; never wondered if there's some girl who holds a grudge or a guy who thinks you're hot?"

James Prent
Mar 24th, 2004, 06:21:05 PM
"Well... of course it's a temptation, I suppose. I wouldn't do it though." She inhaled from her stim and exhaled slowly, letting the smoke trickle out between her open lips. "I think the best part about life are the little surprises...and it's a bit unethical too, I suppose."

She tapped off the excess ash, and added, "So your friend, what does he think about you joining the Jedi Order?"

Sin Vamel
May 5th, 2004, 10:03:03 AM
"Well, I don't know; I guess we'll find out soon." Came my answer coupled with the quirk of an eyebrow, I chuckled then lean back in my seat, looking to the ceiling.

"Retro isn't the most Jedi-friendly of people and for a long time, so was I. Knowing him, he'll probably think I'm kidding and will have some trouble coming to terms with it but when all's said and done, he'll probably just laugh."

Out of habit, I cast a glance acorss to the entrance hoping to see Retro; not that I didn't enjoy spending the time chatting with James; but given the circumstances, I can't help but feel a little apprehensive about informing my old associate that I had become a Jedi and had brought my Jedi friend to visit his place of business. Hopefully the topic wont surface and we can get our talks done with as quickly as possible. To avert the attention, I fire off a question at James.

"You seem like the poster girl for Jedi ethics with your high moral standards and unfaltering commitment to study and training. Don't you have any little, embarrassing blemishes on that spotless record of yours?"

OOC: Sorry for taking so long to reply, I totally forgot about this thread.

James Prent
May 10th, 2004, 02:28:35 AM
She laughed nervously, "Ah, well, of course I so, but I don't like to talk about my flaws anymore than the next person." Sin's encouraging smile and the drink in her hand made her shrug her shoulders. "Well, you know, it's really just kid stuff. I had a few boyfriends in school, fooled around, that sort of thing. Stole a candy bar in third grade, cried all night when I got caught."

James brushed her hair out of her eyes, and drew in another deep drag off her stim. The alchohol and the cig were mixing together in a delightful way.