View Full Version : If you could visit 10 people on the forums, who would you visit and why?
Mar 10th, 2004, 03:53:09 AM
Rules are pretty straightforward.
1. Drew & Peter (Gav & Garrett): They seem alot like me. They have fun, they rock out. They party hard. I could see myself getting along with these guys very well.
2. Jenny (Vega, Dasquian, etc): She seems level-headed for her age, and I'd like to hang out with her / corrupt her beyond repair.
3. Sonja (Eve): I just know I'd have a good old party with her. She seems like somebody I could talk with forever, and probably argue with alot. Then, we'd get more boozed than an IRA meeting.
4. Taylor (Taylor Millard): He likes the finer things in life, and so do I. I wouldn't mind drinking expensive booze and smoking expensive cigars with him, in moderation.
5. Walter (Darth Viscera): I owe him a lot of drinking and fun for all the stuff he's helped me out with.
6. Mark (Marcus Elessar): Somebody who's been here as long as me. I'm a bastard, and I want to argue with him in person. I also want to educate him on proper beer protocol.
7. (Ryla) : You're tall and good looking. I'd like to get to know you better. You have some intense nerd behavior, but thats never stopped me before.
8. Nick (Reaperfett): You are a nice guy, and I'm convinced that time spent with me will only increase your self confidence and make you lighten up. That, and you'll probably wind up telling funnier jokes.
9. Rebecca (Daiquiri): I've already met Jenn (Hera), and you're the LaVerne to her Shirley. You are an awesome person, and I wish I could get the chance to meet you in person.
10. Kitty (Sorsha): You are the yen to my yang, in a creative kind of way. I would really like to pick your brain face-to-face. You're a bit bizarre, but I like that. I admire your creative spirit very much, and I think we'd have a lot of fun.
Mar 10th, 2004, 04:24:18 AM
1. Charley. Why? You're a blast and I want to see your gun collection, and challenge you to a drinking contest I'd be sure to lose.
2. Andrew (Kale) Hey, we've got a book to finish, and I still need to give you your Christmas present.
3. Christin (s'Il) You're too far away, dang it! I miss hanging out with you, and I think I still owe you a table dance in my shiny red shirt that isn't so shiny any more since it went through the wash.
4. Andrew (Gav) I've got to see this Krazyhouse you keep talking about, and bug you at work so that I can alleviate some of the lameness of it.
5. Marie (Ryla) Though it would mean I'd have to go to Proteland, I think it would be worth it. You're great to talk to, and I've got to see some of the costume creations you've made, and possibly get measured for that greatcoat...
6. Mark (Marcus) I'd get to visit Australia and dispell the myth that we look a lot alike. That, and I've got to see what your Pig can do on a dirt track.
7. (Jamel) I want to hit you soooo hard with the grammar hammer.
8. Patton (Akkrabbim) To witness your ninja skills, and see your armory of guns as well. And that katana I keep hearing about.
9. (Figrin) So we can shoot the breeze, and talk about intellectual things. You're a frikkin' lot smarter than me and I'm jealous.
10. (Morg) You're in Florida. Lucky skunk.
Marcus Telcontar
Mar 10th, 2004, 04:56:38 AM
:lol Charley, you'ld find I would hardly say boo in RL, I'm only obnoxious on-line :D
Lets see......
1) Morgan (Chris) - Show him how to really get a car to dance and swing on command. And hopefully find a forest and really get some sideways drifting going on
2) Xaz' - Cause we've been RP'ing together for one hell of a long time and it'll be cool to say hi.
3) Natia - Hugs in person, delivered to your door.
4) Julie (Quay) - Haven't eally been chatting for long, but I'ld like to say G'day to you too
5) Holly (Lilaena) - Cause you have been a good online friend and I'm annoyed I wont get to see you married. I told you someone would come along, didnt I? see? I was right!
6) Mitch - Late night. Spinning crap about cars. Rally videos. Which pizza woudl we order?
7) Christin (S'il) - Cause she'll kill me if I dont say g'day and show off my mad rallying skillz
8) Andrew (Gav) - No reason. He just seems cool and straight up sorta guy
9) Kitty (Sorsha) - I want to see if my mental image matches reality.
10) Rie (Lady Vader) - So I can pan you in person
11) (Yes, this is cheating and not 10) - Charley. Why? Well, you are an interesting, if overly opinioned person. Be a good and interesting visit
Mar 10th, 2004, 05:49:05 AM
Originally posted by Charley
6. Mark (Marcus Elessar): Somebody who's been here as long as me. I'm a bastard, and I want to argue with him in person. I also want to educate him on proper beer protocol.
I have an image of a drunk C3P0 :D
Hmmmm, ten people. Sorry if I miss anyone off, only been up 5 minutes :)
1 - Taylor
2 - Holly
3 - James
4 - Brian
Bit of a cheat, having already met them all, but it's my list, I make the rules! :)
You're all really cool people and I had a blast meeting you last time, so I'd like to again :)
5 - Christin - You're always fun to talk to, even when you're busy
6 - Charley/Patton - That way, I can SEE Charley groan at my jokes! :D Seriously, I enjoy talking to you two.
7 - Dru/Peter - You both talk to me, it'd be cool to hang out. Plus, I can force Dru to rewatch Army of Darkness, Clockwork Orange style :D
8 - Rie - Providing no hammers are present ;)
9 - Daiq
10 - Hera
Darth Viscera
Mar 10th, 2004, 06:19:04 AM
I wish I could do more than 10, I don't like the notion of leaving a lot of people out...
1. Alexander "Chili Pepper" (Master Yoghurt): A real yoda accent I will do for you, hmm? Also I want to see for myself if Norwegians are really so hairy that they have to comb their teeth, and see the Stortinget. If there was a "Best Human" award, he would win it. There's not a mean bone in his body. Not to mention, he's the best pilot in the galaxy, be it in a Me-109, a Zero, a MiG-29, an F-16 or even an X-Wing.
2. Christin (s'Ilancy): Because she, Taylor and Matt got together in Washington D.C. and invited me to come along, but at the time I was too much of a wet blanket to do so, and I'd like to make up for it. Also because she's my best friend in the whole world, and my big sister. :love
3. Matt (Telan Desaria): See above. Also, I believe it's quite possible that you're not entirely stable.
4. Taylor (Taylor Millard): See #2.
5. Rie (Lady Vader): Because I had such a good time back in November, and that only reaffirms my opinion that she's a super lady.
6. Charley: Because he still owes me 2 beers and a "Heather", and I intend to collect.
7. Sean (Sean Piett): Because one day I'd like to get together with my long-time partner in crime and co-conspirator.
8. Andrew (Khendon Sevon): See above. The three of us think so alike that we'd make an excellent trio of shifty-eyed supervillains.
9. :huh (Daemon / Gormul Hyfe): I want to see what a bizarre-acting evil genius looks like without having to look in the mirror or in the mirrors of andrew and sean.
10. Jenny (Dasquian): I want to corrupt you first, and we're very like-minded about some things.
Mar 10th, 2004, 06:55:52 AM
In no particular order:
1.Mark (Marcus) - Simply because I wanna meet the other old timers in person. :)
2. Charley - Well, aside from the impressvie weapon collection, see #1
3. Xaz - Ah, one of my best friends on here. :) I'd love to chat with her face to face.
4. Fetters - Heh, one of the ones who is nearly as much of a smart-@** as I am. :)
5. Jenny - I wanna meet our resident elf pretty-boy. :) lol.
6. Rie - Another one I wanna meet in person, cause they're so awsome on the boards. :)
7. Kitty (Sorsha): Mainly to see if you're as evil IRL as you are IC. ;) I joke, of course, but I'd still like ta meet ya!
I should have four more...It's too early in the morning for me to be thinking...I'll add more in later today. :)
Kelt Simoson
Mar 10th, 2004, 07:09:30 AM
Jenny (Dasquian) Althrough we already met, i miss that crap outta ya :(
Charles Charley Charles: We got some gameing to do bud, seriously. I'll beat your butt on any game from here to china town :D
Chris (Morg): So i can bathe in the richness of your sarcasem, and although we started out disliking eachtother ya really helped me with my writing and i owe ya a few beers for that.
Taylor (Millard): Miss you man, you also were a kinda father to my progressed writing and ya also helped me in RL situations to owe ya need a hug from me :)
Kitty ( Sorsha ) The mother of blood thirsty gut ripping RP, plus a damn good mate.
Christin (S'il) Well she and i have talked about meeting before, beer, gaming and noodle eating...and ya still owe me that bloody chickin!
Dru : Well man you have just been the best liverpoolian friend ive ever had, and your the ONLY...liverpoolian friend...ive ever had...i swear dude this summer im coming to visit :)
Mitch: Although you and i aint talked much as of late i think you need to introduce me to some decent music and visa versa, i can imagine stacks of music and a pizza...:)
Tegan (Dragoness Girl) Your like the first person i RPed here with as Sieken and the other was jenny and ive met jenny twice so its about time i met you...but you can bugger it if you think im gonna go clubbing!
Holly (The Engaged one) * salutes* Basicly beause your a friend and ya hepled me over the years ive been here become a better person..even if i never told ya...
Morgan Evanar
Mar 10th, 2004, 09:32:28 AM
1) Dru and Pete: When they party, they party hard!
2) Christin: I now upgrade someone else's computer to be better than mine. Lesigh.
3) Dani: I need to visit Chitown anyway. Also, because you rule.
4) Kitty: duh.
5) Salemn: so quiet. I wonder why.
6) Mark: Hellllloooo to AWD drifting. You have a friend with an S15, right? Right!?
7) Jenny: drnka wofl night!
8) Daiq! and HeraJen: come to me, hawt mamas ;)
9) Sonja: Hopefully we won't kill each other. I think we owe each other several drinks.
10) dammit. I also want to visit Mitch, Ryla and Fig. :(
Mar 10th, 2004, 09:33:01 AM
1. Charley aka Sanis Prent – He’s an intelligent guy and also a deep thinker which would make for great conversation. Not only that but as he stated, he likes to go out and have a good time and I’m pretty sure we’d click right off the bat and enjoy some wild days and drunk nights.
2. Holly aka Lilaena De’Ville – A pleasant and funny girl who with both brains and beauty makes a great package deal. I had quite a crush on her and in the past my interests in meeting her would be somewhat more than platonic but now given we’re both taken, I’d still love to meet her all the same.
3. Mitch aka Sejah Haversh – An extremely talented artist and as such appreciates good art and music; he introduced me to The Squirrel Nut Zippers; Mitch has a great sense of humour and I’ve no doubt I’d love his company and spend most of my time convincing him to do a joint art project of some deranged sort.
4. Mark aka Marcus Elessar – Been here since the dawn of time and he’s forever lived up to my expectations of being the coarse, loud and outspoken kind of Aussie that I love and is much after my own heart in that respect. You’re a funny guy and can be pretty extreme at times which would make for a trip to Australia to remember.
5. Chris aka Morgan Evanar – I didn’t get to know him as fast as the others but he has qualities about him that admire such as his brutal honesty and it’s blunt delivery, he also has a sound sense of humour and is genuinely interesting. Of all those at Fans, I could imagine him bopping away to System of a Down and Metallica with as much gusto as Peter and myself.
6. Rie aka Lady Vader and Audra aka Live Wire: The latter of the two is scarcely around anymore but she was my muse and guide deep into the realm of roleplaying almost right from the get go and Rie is a darling and I’d love nothing better than to sit off with these two somewhere in LA and bitch about Julian and the crazy old days at TSC.
7. Jenny aka Vega Van Derveld and Rebecca aka Daiquiri: You two have to be mentioned together because you’re like some dastardly duo and in fact, I don’t think I could imagine meeting one without the other despite you live on the opposite sides of an ocean. Jenny is a very funny and mature girl who I think should I ever venture that far north, would be great company. And Rebecca “The Missus” Daiquiri, is just an angel…in disguise of course but if I ever do meet you, I think I’ll hug you to death.
8. Nick aka ReaperFett: Likes Army of Darkness, has a dodgy taste in film and humour but is such an all round nice guy who likes to have a good think and chat. If we ever meet, I’m going to turn you into the loudest SOB the Midlands has ever seen and it will suit you because you have the personality for it. Plus I’d get to beat you up for all the bad jokes and films you’ve made me watch.
9. Taylor aka Taylor Millard and James aka Silus Xilarian: I have to mention both together because they make such a great team and should we ever meet, would keep me entertained. I’d run a mile everytime Taylor would light up but he does have expensive taste which is a good thing in my book, and is an all round nice guy. James would be the guy I could rip into for hours on end and know that he could give back just as good as he got, I always need to be around someone like that.
10. Brian aka Pierce Tondry: I’ve enjoyed many a long natter with this fella and I look forward to many more, he’s got such a level head on his shoulders and I could imagine him as being always up for a good laugh. Always the gent too, which I’d no doubt have fun laying into him about it but him being so laid back would just laugh it off. I could see us drinking beer and listening to the Foos.
Ka' el Darcverse
Mar 10th, 2004, 09:58:09 AM
1. Fig: Swell guy, could see what my life would have turned out like had I not turned tail and ran screaming away from the chem engineering major. :) Oh and I'll show up in nothing but Illinois apparrel
2. Charley: Because I'm going to teach you that Leinies and Budweiser are good beer!
3. Daiq: You live like 30 miles away from me when I'm at my parents and though I haven't talked with you much lately. I always enjoyed our chats.
4. Telan: Meet the soldier who go shot in the street rather than on the battlefield. That and I think you are an all-around good guy.
5. Jen: I just want to go to England!
6. Marcus: I just want to go to Australia
7. Taylor: Smoke some a box of Hemingways (my treat), drink some expensive booze (your treat). Meet the most refined man on the internet :)
8. Zasz: He's cool and I always wanted to meet a freak of nature.
9. Snack: Dang I should have had him alot higher than this! Coolest guy I've met online bar none.
10. Callista (Jen2): You rock, you text message me and i think my fones going nuts because its too high tech for me.
Xazor Elessar
Mar 10th, 2004, 10:41:24 AM
1. Mark (Marcus Elessar)- Because you've been so inspirational to me. Truthfully, you're like an older brother, and at times, the father I've never really had. I am planning on somehow getting to Australia to meet you. :)
2. Chris (Terran Starek, Jeran Conrad)- Aside from Mark, you're my best friend here. You've gotten me through some rough stuff and to hang out in reality would be awesome! We will meet someday!
3. Julie (Quay'Na Rakai)- What can I say? You're also one of my bestest friends and we should really hook up for that conference! I think that we could have a blast!
4. Tony (Alpha)- You're my bro! I have to meet up with you someday! I'm sure we will -- we'll have to plan it. You're just so goofy and interesting like me!
5. Jen-Jen (Vega)- Wow, guess I have a lot of best friends here. *Huggles* You're one of the most interesting people I've met and through the years, I've learned a lot from you. We should hook up!
6. Taylor (Taylor Millard)- You are quite the character, dude. We need to hang out in real life sometime.
7. My Sasha (Sasha Kovalev)- I have no idea where you disappeared to, but you became such a brother to me and to meet you in person would make me smile! ;) If I find you, we will hang out! ;)
8. Kitty Cat (Sorsha Kasajian)- YAY! :D You're so fun to talk to and so scary to RP against. ;) We would have an awesome time if we met! We should try to someday. :)
9. Snack - Because you're so interesting, and even though we haven't really talked much -- I follow you. ;)
10. Fett - Because you could probably make me laugh the whole time. Others may not find humor in your jokes 100 percent of the time, but I do -- 110 percent of the time (until the joke is about me). :mneh
*HUGGLES EVERYONE!* I want to meet you all! ;)
imported_Natia Telcontar
Mar 10th, 2004, 10:50:10 AM
Man, I've givin this alot of thought of the years I've been here. Years. Sheesh, that makes me feel old and I'm not old. Well, I'm in College, but I'm not old. There's alot of ppl who I want to meet so I'll just name a couple.
1)Mark(Marcus Elessar): Gotta get a huggle fest in some time. And who cares if I'm a huggy person. Somebody who wouldn't complain about hugs.
2)Jen(Dasquian/Vega/etc.): Gotta meet a girl who plays a male so well. When I was new here, I honestly believed you to be male.
3)Amanda(Faith Lerf): Been RPing with you even longer then I have here. Have got to meet you. Would be one really good visit.
4)Navaria: Sorry, don't know you name other then this one. Neat person who also has alot of patience. A must for me.
5)Garen and Mitara: What can I say. They live a short distance from me and I wanna meet them in person
6)Rognan Dar: First person to have a Lorrdian aside from me here that I know of.
Right now, can't think of many others but I'll get back to this when I'm not preparing for an icky test in wonderful math.
Ppl who will never make my list of want to meet is: Falcon(already know irl), Shanaria(again, already know irl)
Ryla Relvinian
Mar 10th, 2004, 12:12:32 PM
intense nerd behavior
I'll take that as a compliment. ;)
This is a really interesting thread... Off the top of my head, and in no particular order, I'd have to say
- Mitch/J'ktal et al (Because, gosh darn it, I now know where your exit is!!)
- Nick/Figrin (Smart and interesting, would be a good person to learn tons from. You also share my obsession with correct grammar! Wo0t!)
- Jen/Das (Ditto on the "plays well with (as?) boys" comment. You seem to be a really nice person IRL and I enjoy reading your LJ.)
-Mark/us, and, of course, Helen(ias) (Hey, anyone who puts up with rally cars, sw obsessions, and general goofing off has got to be someone interesting.)
-Charley (I'm sure you'll be thinking 'obsessive nerd behavior' when I have you bent over my knee, naughty boy.) ;)
-Rie and Hubby (Awwwwww... we still need pictures!! *slams fist on table* I demand pictures!!)
-Holly and manslave er... I mean... fiancee? (Let's do coffee sometime...)
Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 10th, 2004, 12:21:25 PM
hmm. I guess I'll rule out all the people I've already met, for obvious reasons...I've already met them. :mneh
1. Dru and Peter: Have to count you as one, because I can't think of one without thinking of the other. Dru - I had quite a crush on him and in the past my interests in meeting him would be somewhat more than platonic but now given we’re both taken, I’d still love to meet him all the same. Or, should I say, ditto? Peter - I have to go dancing with you, because I've talked about it too much, and now I have to make a fool out of myself. Partying with you two would be awesome.
2. Fett - Mr. Funny Man....tell me a joke! No, really, I'm just kidding. When I go to England, you're definetely on the list of people to look up. Wait, I already met you. Oh well. I have to see the Fett in it's natural habitat.
3. Jen-Jen! Must meet the girl behind the bloodthirsty Lupine creations, and the fair haired twins, and the... you have too many characters to mention! An imagination that rivals my own, and funny to boot. Gotta meet ya!
4. Mark and Helen: Mark - you've been such a good friend to me over the years I've been hiding out online, that it would be a crime not to finally meet. I won't lie and say that sometimes I wouldn't have liked to pan you, but I think overall your encouragement has really made a difference in my life. And yes, you were right, he did come along eventually. And Helen - I have to meet the woman who is able to put up with all of Mark's BS. ;) Plus, I need a tour of Australia... j/k
5. Mitch: Your artwork is amazing. The conversations we do end up having late at night on AIM are so off the wall outrageous I know you'd be great fun to hang out with. We must do this sometime. You, me, and ...
6. Ryla! We already met once, but that was hardly enough. We live so close together it's a crime we don't make time to do 'coffee' although I hate the stuff.
7. FIgrin D'an : you're smart and stuff. Yeah. Vegas baby, Vegas. :)
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Mar 10th, 2004, 12:30:45 PM
Ive thought about this before and I honestly cannot narrow it to just 10 people. Everyone here on the board(s) brings something special, whether its an amazing talent at writing, awesome humor, insightfulness, a shoulder to lean on, an ear to listen with or even a good argument. Id be happy to meet any of you at any time :)
Mar 10th, 2004, 12:41:40 PM
We have that in writing, remember. You'll be happy to meet ANYONE :)
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville
I have to see the Fett in it's natural habitat.
Well, I spend 90% of my time in the Fett Cave/my bedroom, so it's not much of a natural habitat :)
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Mar 10th, 2004, 04:16:44 PM
^ yes, but the mold and fungi growing rampant hide the manmade interior ;)
Shade Magus
Mar 10th, 2004, 05:19:39 PM
????tough question. I'll get back to you on it
Xazor Elessar
Mar 10th, 2004, 05:42:06 PM
Wow, after thinking about it more, I've thought of more people I'd like to meet. :)
How about, Natia, Leten, Brandon (Verse Dawnstrider), My dear Jakob Burton :)) hmmmm.......there are others and now I keep forgetting names. :\
I'll post again, I'm sure. :D
Figrin D'an
Mar 10th, 2004, 06:16:30 PM
I wouldn't know where to begin on compiling such a list. There's so many people I'd like to meet.
Thanks to those who want to meet me, though. It's nice to know that I've made an impression, in one way or another.
Mar 10th, 2004, 06:27:24 PM
1: Sorreessa Tarrineezi: Surely I don't have to explain why.
2: Dae Jinn: I want to give her a hug. Yes, that's right. I would visit her simply to hug her.
3: Salemn Lysce: We were supposed to meet while she was living in Atlanta, but a vacation to Germany kept me from it. >_< I also promised her that I'd bring her a bottle of Egg Nog, and dammit, I'm gonna bring her that Egg Nog!
4: LD: She was, for a long while, the voice of reasonf or all my crazy RP ideas. I'd throw one at her, and she'd shoot it down (very nicely) and help me rebuild it in a better form.
5: s'Il: I wanna see her draw, and get some advice for my own art from her.
6: Sejah: Same as s'Il. Just trade all the female pronouns for male ones.
7: Sorsha: I want to meet Kitty because she's a very fun and charismatic person to be with.
8: Rognan Dar: My longest lasting Padawan, ever.
9: Kyle Krogen: Because meeting Rognan will automatically make me meet him.
10: Wei Wu Wei: Yes he's my brother, but I've not seen him in ages.
Dae Jinn
Mar 10th, 2004, 06:29:29 PM
No-one will ever come to
In no particualr order (and I doubt I can think of ten people :x)
Zeke and Wei
Fett (you're just too popular :lol)
The SC boys (aka Verse and Jakob)
Damnit, how could I have forgotten my ickle Kitty?!?! *mauls her!* ^_^;
Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 10th, 2004, 07:49:19 PM
Originally posted by Inu
4: LD: She was, for a long while, the voice of reasonf or all my crazy RP ideas. I'd throw one at her, and she'd shoot it down (very nicely) and help me rebuild it in a better form.
lmao, oh, the good old days. :D
Mar 10th, 2004, 08:12:14 PM
Well, I'm met tons of ya already (and not just from here, but from CCnet as well). What can I say... I get around. :D
And in all honesty, I want to meet everyone I haven't yet met (and frankly, I wanna see those I have met before again... miss you guyseses!)
And thanks to all who had such nice things to say to me *puts on helmet, grabs hammer, drags hubby in, and prepares to bitch about the "old days"* I promise you'll get your chance at meeting me. :D:D:D
Azhure Darkstone
Mar 10th, 2004, 10:06:03 PM
Sieken/Mikeal: Cause your one of peeps I got close to and your a good listener, and it would cool to meet you too. How long have I known you now? over 4 years?
Miryan: Cause you just rock man. Your also someone I can talk to. A good guy just to have any kind of convo with - philosophical, intellectual or down right silly. One of those people who doesnt make you feel stupid whatever you say.
Marcus: basically, your aussie and I've never met you. I don't know you very well but always nice to meet a neighbour. I think your good at what you do and your definantly a colourful person, and a decent person when it comes down to it.
Jen: Havent spoken to you in a while, but you've always seemed like a cool person. You've helped me rp-wise quite a few times and it's appreciated. Plus your an old-timer like me lol.
Matthias/Siobhan!: Cheating here but give me some slack, your kinda far away, all the way in Woddie land and I don't see you much. This girl is very very cool people and you should all want to see her :), plus she's aussie so it includes a trip down under, sound cool or what?
Snack: Well, I'm kinda hungry and wouldnt mind a bite...joke. Your a funny guy and it'd be cool to hang out.
Wei Wu Wei: you seem pretty cool and you make good conversations.
George Lucas: Like I'm one of your big fans, you totally rock man, like I love your imagination. Starwars was a bright spark of yours.
.....hey I can dream can't I? Who knows, he might check this place out :)
while we are dreaming -
Anankin Solo. You are SO hot. Ok, now back to reality.
Leia - I know you don't rp here anymore but you were such a gorgeous person. I would love to meet you.
Anubis - another oldie who doesnt rp here anymore: I WILL meet you face to face one day I swear, but I will not make any promises when. You owe me a call :-P
All the aussies: I'd love to meet all of you.
if that ten? too lazy to check so ciao.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Mar 10th, 2004, 10:48:04 PM
Well I know where to begin... Kitty! :D I already met the Ogies...
After that .. too many to name :lol
Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Mar 11th, 2004, 12:59:18 AM
1. Zeke: for easy reasons
2. Kitty since I've had quite a fun time in rps and talking to her in the omega chat thingy
3. um, dammit, too tired to think of any more...
Mar 11th, 2004, 02:08:35 AM
Since I can't think of many people I'm going to list people I've already met too :mneh
1. Christin - I never actually talk to her, but I'm sure if we met we'd get along great. She seems like a cool person.
2. Nup - Already met
3. James - That way he can knock out guys for me. :crack
4. Dyne - Already met..
5. Jenny - Come on. She's Jenny. And I love her ^_^ Also,
I want to corrupt you first
well, maybe not.
6. Morg - Already met
7. Daiq
8. Charley
Shanaria Fabool
Mar 11th, 2004, 11:35:03 AM
:cry Nobody likes me!!! Only Xazor said she wanted to see me, and that was on her Second list! :cry
Oh well*Shrug*
My List:
1) Xazor
2) Mark & Helen
3) Jen-Jen
4) Wei
5) AB
6) LD
7) Figrin
8) Fett
9) Garen & Mitara
10) Navaria
Reason for all:
Great people! Fun to RP With (Not sure about Fett)! and Great sence of hummor!
Selinica Miriya
Mar 11th, 2004, 04:06:01 PM
Originally posted by Shanaria Fabool
:cry Nobody likes me!!! Only Xazor said she wanted to see me, and that was on her Second list! :cry
I like you, Shan hunny! I try to come and visit on at least a weekly basis...Besides, didn't I just see you last night?
Let's see here:
Daiq(Puppies!!! Tell me, are they cute? I want one!)
Rog (If you take me for a drive, I promise no back-seat driving. Unless you ask my advice. And i'll try not to laugh AT you.)
Kyle (i've come to realize that if I meet one, i'll most likely meet the other.
Kack (It's ok to complain! Well, to me, anyways. You Know I don't mind. REALLY! Except for drama queens. They should be shot-on-site. Rock on! )
Sieken(Just because. Well, hell, you're nice to me!)
Quay(Girl, you are the source of many of my amusements...)
Fett(So I can point my finger and laugh, instead of just SAYING i'm laughing at your jokes.....Hmm....)
Natia, Leten...I already know you. I've already met you, but you're such great friends, that if I lost my memory, i'd gladly meet you again!
By the way, Dae, I live in canada, too!
Nathanial K'cansce
Mar 11th, 2004, 05:32:40 PM
I can't believe people here want to me meet me. o_O
What the frell is wrong with you!?
I'd prolly wanna meet....
Hera, Diaq, Sorsha, Dale, LD, Ogies... Figgy maybe, since he's all engineering like, and I'm going to be soon, Morg and Nup, Maybe chuck, Taylor and Brian.
Well, that's 12 for you all!
And Dae, Xazor, PJ ... And Sapphy just cause they want to meet me too. ^_^ The rest of you must gawk from afar
Gah, another note to self: meet more chicks.
Razielle Shadana
Mar 11th, 2004, 07:51:12 PM
:D I'm on a list! YAY!
I am sure I will once again forget some people and get yelled at but here goes..
Jenny -glomps- Jen rocks, what else can I say?
Nupraptor - *bites* too possible, being so close
Morgan - *waves* I suppose I should see you while I am seeing Shawn. ;)
Miriya - *hugs* Cause we came from TC *gasp*
Saurron - :p Must meet the Master...
Bowdin - met last week! ^_^
Snackums - cause I own his ears
Athena - cause she is like having a lil sis
De'Ville - cause she is awesome
Callista - cause she is a sweetie
See told you I would forget someone! SCORPION! -scrumps-
Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 11th, 2004, 09:02:46 PM
Er, here's my last two.
9. Razielle, because she agrees that 15 yr olds are a plague on the earth. ;)
10. Morgan - Because I HAVEN"T YET and he's been an awesome friend over the year(s!) and I think I owe him dinner for putting up with all my questions.
Make that last three.
11. Dae - to give her a hug. :hug
Mar 11th, 2004, 09:20:59 PM
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville
Er, here's my last two.
9. Razielle, because she agrees that 15 yr olds are a plague on the earth. ;)
I, as a former 15 yr old, resent that! :)
Mar 11th, 2004, 09:50:26 PM
You owe him dinner and not me?
Figrin D'an
Mar 11th, 2004, 09:56:24 PM
She owes everyone dinner. That's just the way it works.
Rognan Dar
Mar 11th, 2004, 11:54:58 PM
Oh, gosh...I would love to meet EVERYONE! I really would. And I have thought about it too. I was thinking that, as soon as I get my license, which will be a while, is that I would go on a road trip and go visit everyone that I could drive to. But I dont think that is going to happen....anyway.
1. Natia/Marga: Ditto what she said. It was cool to have someone else that was the same species (and I picked it out before ever really coming here, really). And since then its all been great. Trying to guess all her characters was fun too.
2. Shanaria: You to have just been a blast for me. Gone through some weird times now and then, but just over all great to RP with. And the same thing with the characters. To many to keep track of.
3. Zeke: My longerst lasting Master, ever. Going through two other masters was not easy for me when I started. I was even considering having Rog jump ships. But I;m glad that I stuck with him and he has ever since been a great advisor to me. :)
3a. Wei: Going to see Zeke wouldn't be the same if I didn't see you as well. You, too, have been great at helping me with things and just being there. You have really inspired me in my faith.
4. Miriya/Falcon/Jame:
Rog (If you take me for a drive, I promise no back-seat driving. Unless you ask my advice. And i'll try not to laugh AT you.) I dont know where that came from...
I'd go see ya because you are the only person that has ever really wanted to be related to Rog. Second, because you but up with my and such. And I'd just like to go see everyone in Canada.
5. Quay: Girl, your are just cool. You have spent so much time on this forum, making all your little plans and schemes (though I tend to call them soaps). But really, its just that I could never come up with things like you.
6. Garen: I dont know why, but I just kind of felt like a big brother to your character. Not that I really played it out, but thats just kind of how I look at it.
7. Marcus: If someone like you have been around for as long as you have, and seeing all that you have posted and writen. Man, it would just be great to meet you in person. I remember the first thread that we were in. If I choked up your drink and spat it all over my face when I was trying to talk to you about getting a master and such. Will never forget that...
8. Fett: Because you make bad jokes just like the rest of my family (namly my dad) and I think I would just be totally numb to them.
And for 9 and 10, they would have to be Ryla and LD (if I wasn't related and not already met). LD is really great. She puts up with the most from me. No one should have to go through what I have done to her. And some thing she might not even know I did, and that makes it funny.
Kyle Krogen
Mar 11th, 2004, 11:59:20 PM
I think LD's comment about 15 year olds was aimed at me since I am infact 15 years old
Julie aka Quay'Na Rakai: Becaise I've done more posts with her then everyone else and she's always there to talk to me :)
Razielle Shadana: Cuz she's awsome and is always there when I want an opinion on a sig i've made ;)
Jezebella Shadana: If I visit Raz I going to visit her sister too...
Justin aka Wei Wu Wei: becuase he's cool and has helped me alot in my role-playing and I would love to visit my fellow brother in christ...
Zeke: Because he actualy put me on his list ;) and becuase he's cool and can make the funniest thread that always make me laugh *cough* cockroach invasion *cough*...
Marcus: Because you seem to be the only person as crazy as me. and its always ful to hang with fellow siggers and your always doing something funny (Burping fire,panning someone,and other things)
and ofcourse I will be visiting everyone on Rogs list with him when he goes to visit them ;) :)
Syren Wyssholt
Mar 12th, 2004, 09:08:16 AM
Hmm. This is somewhat of a tough question to answer. I think my list begins with those I'd like to meet in order to see if old burnt bridges could possibly be mended.
Razielle Shadana
Lady Vader
Others that I'd like to meet just for the purpose of killing the curiousity cat (and because they're cool people - probably most from the old days where we first met)
Darth Hawk - Somehow, Hawk became my characters brother. It was all I could think of at the time to get him to quit hitting on me both IC and OOC wise :) But, as we continued to play and talk with each other, talk on the phone and whatnot, we became as close as a brother and sister. Those who didn't realize that we are not blood related were pretty surprised to find out that we are not related in real life. Aside from my fiance, Hawk ( and Matt ) is/are my best friends. I'll get to meet him at CIII so I'm looking forward to finally being able to give my bro a force wedgie :lol
Scorpion - Man, the talks that we've had over the years have been some of the best and the rp's that we've had with each other are among those that I remember the most. Miss you, Scorp :)
Patrick139 - Granted, he doesn't rp here but he does hang out and post on occasion in other forums here. We still talk on aim and msn often and he still sends me silly photos of himself that brighten my bad days. Luv ya, Patrick :)
Zasz!- Man, it's odd at first to get to know an rper, then to talk to him and his parents on the phone, but it was great! He has this thing for my daughter and he always makes me laugh. Hope the parental units are doing great, Phil! Miss you, bud :)
LordDeathVader - Ok, he doesn't post here anymore and I'm sure I'll get beat up for mentioning his nickname but I don't care. Jake and I get along great and we still talk over msn when he is able to sign on. Best of luck in the future to you, Jake :). You're a terrific rper, an even more wonderful person and friend to have, and when I think back to how we met - it still makes me laugh.
Erm, there might be more, but I can't think of them at the moment :\.
Abbyka Laine
Mar 12th, 2004, 10:01:08 AM
Don't know many people here yet. So my list is short and reasons why mysterious and shall remain as such.
Je'gan Oler'an
Morgan Evanar- Fun to talk to on aim, lives not too far off.
Keagle- Just to harass you some more.
Sasha Kovolev
Peter Tondry- Pleasent guy
Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 12th, 2004, 10:43:02 AM
Originally posted by Rognan Dar
LD is really great. She puts up with the most from me. No one should have to go through what I have done to her. And some thing she might not even know I did, and that makes it funny.
WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!?!!? :eek
Originally posted by Kyle Krogen
I think LD's comment about 15 year olds was aimed at me since I am infact 15 years old
Don't worry, in a year you'll no longer be a plague.:hug
Originally posted by Morgan Evanar
I've been a real dick lately. :| Which questions?
About computers and stuff. And yes, I owe everyone dinner.
I think I already bought Charley a few dinners though. Can't be sure. Fridays was on me, if I recall correctly. ;)
Razielle Shadana
Mar 12th, 2004, 11:17:54 AM
You come to FL, I'll buy you dinner. ;)
15 year olds..are a plague. I myself was a plague at that age.
Mar 12th, 2004, 11:20:56 AM
I'm a lovely young man... :(
Dasquian Belargic
Mar 12th, 2004, 12:07:33 PM
I like this whole get Jenny drunk/corrupt Jenny theme that people have going on here :mischief. Now I have to whittle this down to 10? Nnngh. Can’t. In no particular order (except the first one):
Daiq – Because I feel so comfortable talking about anything with you, and we can have a good laugh. You could take me out for a taco.
Kitty – Same reason as Marcus, I have to confess. Plus you are my big sis, and I need to bring you mint-flavor Aeros. I think a night out with you would be one of the best ever, too. So party with the Kat, huzzah.
Razielle – Like with Kitty, I get the feeling that hanging out with you would be a blast. If only for ego-stroking purposes. Nah, I kid. We could sit about discussing the merits of kidnapping Guy Pearce and how blue guys rock. There is the reason I gave at SWRPG too, of course.
Charley and Christin – Even though I think I might end up unconscious from so much alcohol, I want to meet you both at the same time. Hijinx and hilarity are bound to ensue.
Visc – Like you say, we are pretty like minded on certain things. I get the impression that if we did meet, we’d talk about said things a fair bit, maybe encourage one another out of our shells. Plus, you make me laugh!
Silus and Zasz – NWN LAN, anyone? I feel like I should meet you both at once, just for the full effect of being around guys twice as tall as me. Silus, because you are a good friend and keep me amused. Zasz, because if I didn’t list you, you’d go mad! No, I kid. We could sit, chat and listen to a little SRC and LP.
Blade – We could hang on your farm. I think I would have the most laughs with you. We make a good duo, and you have a voice like Vin Diesel. What more reason do I need? Seriously though, you put up with a lot from me and still act like a real friend, and for this you rock.
Nup and Ogre – to thank you both, in person, for your work on the site. Nup, you are really random so I think there’d never be a dull moment with you. You can do more Simon Templeman impressions for me. Ogre, you’re a great guy. Miss roleplaying with you.
Rie – The Sherlock to my Watson. We need to get to one of those theme pubs, seriousleh. Or act out or plan or wandering around London pretending to be Elves. Or pirates! Either way, you are a ball.
LD – Yes, we don’t talk much but you remind me a lot of a good friend of mine. You are funneh and I like roleplaying with you, so there.
Brian – my official online big brother. You are so very thoughtful and have made me feel ridiculously special on a couple of occasions, and for this reason I love you.
Morgan – You have the best taste in music ever. Every good band I have ever discovered has been through you. Plus you are very funny and ogle-worthy. What’s not to love?
Dale – because you are the master, and we can share our love of the Whedonverse.
Others … Crystal, Fett, Taylor, Xazor, Dru, Ryla, Oriadin… lots of people to be honest. I want to meet EVERYONE <strike>and have them corrupt me</strike>.
Mar 12th, 2004, 12:27:19 PM
I make an effort to join this forum just for more attention from you, and you don't even put my in your list? Well I've got news for you, Jen. I won't keep giving you all that wild sex if you keep hiding me from your friends.
... o_o or something.
Dasquian Belargic
Mar 12th, 2004, 12:48:41 PM
:uhoh What have I told you about talking about this in public? Get back in your cage, you bad boy :spank
Quay'Na Rakai
Mar 12th, 2004, 01:13:14 PM
Oh, geez...where to start....okay, here goes....
I may have more than ten too, it's impossible to pick and chose!!!
Amanda (Mylia)-You've always been there for me and we were pretty much newbies at the same time. We've shared a lot of happiness and sadness over the past months and I'm just glad that I'm here to share more of those times in the future!!!! You are righteous, sis!!! Love ya!! :D
Jenny (Dasquian) You have quite a spirit when it comes to you RP-ing, there is never a dull moment. I have enjoyed our talks, our Rp's and look forward to more!! Keep at it, Jen!!!
Mark and Helen (Marcus and Helenias) I'm putting you two together, it's only right. I've really enjoyed Rp-ing with both of you and I would love to go to Australia and visit that outback. The closest I've gotten is...the restaurant. But, oh well, I really look forward to my future Rp's with both of you, you guys are quite the duo!!
Kyle (Kack) Man, I've got to get to NY sometime, you sound like so much fun to go out and have some Vodka with. Our talks are one in a million and I'd come out just to give you a hug!!!
Mike (Kelt) I'm sitting here thinking about this one, yeah you are quite a fantasic dude! You are gonna go places! I've really enjoyed our talks, RP's and the fact that you are in England and one day I want to go there and hear the difference between posh and posh-posh in English accents. I'm sure you can fill me in.
Barbara (Xazor) Gosh, where to begin...we've had an awesome time RP-ing. I'm your biggest fan!!! Ya know, between your creativity and mine, we could come out with a top Soap hit and it would by-pass the Young and the Restless (top soap now) by a long shot!!! We are quite the duo!! Yes, I agree we've got to go to the convention together next year! That is a must! But, really, you are a true friend and I'm always glad to RP with you and have our talks, We have a long road ahead of us too in RP land, I'm sure we can find a way to fill in all the blanks!! :D
Rognan and Kyle- Hey, bro's!! You guys are awesome!! Rog, I always enjoy a good laugh when I chit chat with you. *smiling* You just have a way of making people smile, never lose that ability, it's cherished!! Kyle, you are the little brother I never had, you are always a joy to talk to and Rp with, keep up the good work!!
Brian (Pierce) One of the first people that came to me when I started here. You welcomed me and helped me in one of my first RP's. *Balance on me....* I'll never forget that, I think my jaw hit the floor, but I rolled with it and it turned out awesome. Your friendship will be charished always!!
Falcon (Falcon) Haha-your real name has never come into our conversations besides *heya*, so Falcon it You are an awesome RP-er and I always look forward to our RP's and our talks. And besides, you're from Canada, my homeland!!!! Keep up the great work!!!
Mac (Jackson) I've really enjoyed our talks and RP's and hope there are plenty more to come!! You were missed when you were 'on the farm'. It's so good to have you back!! Hugz!!!
Jakob- You are awesome, dude!! As a friend and a writer!! You're RP's have always been a blast!! Miss seeing you on as much, but I know that RL, so take care always!! Hugz!!
And my last would go out to...
Sage Hazzard- Whom I miss dearly and would love to hear from...and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Just know that you are missed!! Hugz!!!
Xazor Elessar
Mar 12th, 2004, 01:30:40 PM
Ooooo yeah!!!!!!
I miss him too -- he gave my my lightsaber and uh...well, yeah. *Winks at Marcus*
I'd like to meet him too. So my top ten isn't's more .... 100. :lol
Mar 12th, 2004, 02:59:31 PM
George Lucas: Like I'm one of your big fans, you totally rock man, like I love your imagination. Starwars was a bright spark of yours.
Been there, done that. :D ^_^;
Rie – The Sherlock to my Watson. We need to get to one of those theme pubs, seriousleh. Or act out or plan or wandering around London pretending to be Elves. Or pirates! Either way, you are a ball.
How bout wandering around being Piratey-Elves on a Sherlockian quest? THE GAME IS AFOOT! :D :rollin
(efls and wofls in enlgand! ^_^ )
Garen Selore
Mar 12th, 2004, 04:57:57 PM
Wow! People accualy want to meet me? I'm supprised! I don't do much here. Sometimes it seem like the only reason people know who I am is because I got draged by a car and Mitara let people know about it.
I don't meen to offend anybody, but myself and Mitara are not likely to meet up with any of the other people on the boards, unless we happen to meet at random on the streets of vancover, get talking for some unknow reason.
My family has had a number of bad experences with meeting people in person that they met on the net. The worst of them was 5 years ago when my Sister was Raped and beaten by her Online Pen pal, putting her in the hospital for 2 months. I'm not saying that any of you would do me or Mitara any harm, but since out of the 10 times people in my family have met up with people they met Online 7 of those times they were Beaten, Robbed, or Raped by those people.
So, Again I hope not to offend anybody if I deside to keep my online and offline life seperate to the point where they will not mix offline.
Figrin D'an
Mar 12th, 2004, 06:19:16 PM
Originally posted by Garen Selore
My family has had a number of bad experences with meeting people in person that they met on the net. The worst of them was 5 years ago when my Sister was Raped and beaten by her Online Pen pal, putting her in the hospital for 2 months. I'm not saying that any of you would do me or Mitara any harm, but since out of the 10 times people in my family have met up with people they met Online 7 of those times they were Beaten, Robbed, or Raped by those people.
So, Again I hope not to offend anybody if I deside to keep my online and offline life seperate to the point where they will not mix offline.
Wow... after all of that, I can't say I blame you.
My condolences to everyone in your family who has suffered because of such things. :(
Mar 12th, 2004, 06:36:37 PM
Nothing there to offend Garen. If you're not comfortable with meeting someone you shouldn't.
imported_Blade Ice
Mar 13th, 2004, 01:18:04 PM
Mine are these in no order.
Jenny - I would say so i can corrupt you but I already know your corrupt. In fact I should probably blame you for corrupting me. We get a long reall well and are fights don't seem to last,w e make up and become friends in instant almost. We can handle each others antics real well to. Best of all we can give each other crap with out hurting feelings. I honestly don't know if i would be here if weren't so dang mean.. Nice to me.
Daiq - The older woman of my dreams :lol. I can talk to you about anything and you never get upset and tell me to back off. You are part two of the duo I blame for corrupting Inoccent me. I was a quite kid until i met you. Now people actually know who the heck i am all because of you. I feel sorry for them.
Kitty - I know I bring you down with my pesimist attitude but you are able to bring me back from that. You get on my case when I through pity parties for myself. You kick my butt when i get behind. You tell me exactly how you feel and I respect that. With out you I would have destroyed what good there was left in my reputation.
Dale - We don't get to talk as often as I would lik, do to you being busy with school. I love rping with you because you seemed to bring out some of the best in me especially when I rp as Jason Dreggs. You have both stuck up for me and told me when I have done wrong. To me your more then a mod or master your a friend.
Quay'Na Rakai - I have to admit for being a guy who hates playing a Jedi character especially one that is way to much like me. You for some reason keep me in the game playing Jackson to his fullest extent. I'd love to meet you just based on that but you are also nice to me and put up with my absenses really well when i forget to inform you I'm going to be gone.
Fett - I wasn't going to name you because you left me off your list but I deceded to be nice this isn't a populatity contest. I try my best to show you that your not a bad guy and that you need to quit pitying yourself. This is hard comeing from a guy who is a pesimist himself. Yet I keep try because I know someday your are going to admit you have friends here at fans and in the real world. I for one am your friend, also look at all the people who named you on there list. People do like you fett.
Siek - you didn't name me eather maybe its because I yell at you when you don't post to threads. Who knows I really don't care I still want to meet you.
Marcus - Odd yes. Why because me and you don't talk we have very little interaction and I made you mad several times. You don't think I'm funny and you more then likely don't like my rping. Reason i want to meet you, to prove that all of the above is just a figment of your imagination.
Morg - I don't talk to you really and I don't know why that is. I read allot of your rp and OOC stuff. You come off harsh sometimes and sarcastic. Yet I tend to get allong with people like that. I guess I would just like to get to know you.
Charley - Your allot like morg in the respect that i don't really talk to you. Yet you like to drink and rp which are some of my hobbies as well. Again I'd like to meet you to get to know you a little better.
Morgan Evanar
Mar 13th, 2004, 01:44:15 PM
C'mere Blade.
Mar 14th, 2004, 09:51:25 AM
Originally posted by Blade Ice
Fett - I wasn't going to name you because you left me off your list but I deceded to be nice this isn't a populatity contest.
Well I could only name 10. There are many I missed due to space, not not wanting to meet them. Jenny, Ryla, Phil, Sejah.....didn't have the space.
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Mar 14th, 2004, 11:04:35 AM
Would the heavens open up and lightning rain down on you, had you named more than 10? :mischief
Mar 14th, 2004, 11:06:52 AM
With my luck? :)
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Mar 14th, 2004, 12:00:08 PM
'nuff said ;)
Lady Mylia
Mar 14th, 2004, 10:43:37 PM
Hmmm... for starters... Quay-ditto! Man... that would be awesome... SW convention? :D
Natia- oh yah! That would be some times... after what... 2 years or 3 years of RPing together?
Kack-we'd party it up! that's be exciting...
I've already met one person here, or I'm pretty sure she still RPs here... Callista... I've been RPing with her for a while as well... longer than Natia... she's awesome... come to FL again Jen! See the palm trees :)
hmmm... more later... too tired to think...:zzz
Shade Magus
Mar 14th, 2004, 11:51:23 PM
you know....I don't think I really talk to anyone here so I guess that I can't really put anyone down. what a shame:(
Wei Wu Wei
Mar 15th, 2004, 12:34:20 PM
Oh Dear. Only 10, huh? Let's see who I can think of to go visit.
1. Sieken Kasstra (Mikey) Cause he's just cool like that, and we've talked a lot online.
2. Dae Jinn We also have talked a lot online, and darn it, it would just be nice to get to meet you.
3. Kyle Krogen The first Padawan of mine, what would I do without you?
4. Rognan Dar (Rog Dog) Who knows how on earth me and you got started talking, but I'm glad it happened. You're a good friend of mine.
5. Charley We don't talk too often, but when we do, I can be sure to get solid advice, or at least good conversation.
6. Alana Stormcloud We used to talk a lot back in the day, but now not so much. That, and you were one of the first friends I ever made on these boards.
7. Neyasha Ah yes, another Padawan. And you post very promptly. So, it would be cool to get to see you.
8. Navaria Tarkin TEACHER! Where would I be where I am today in the RPing universe without you? It just wouldn't be right if I didn't pay my teacher a visit.
9. Lion El'Jonson Another good friend from back in the day. We had some crazy RPs together, and they were all a lot of fun.
10. Azhure Darkstone In the short amount of time I've known you, I feel I've gotten to know you pretty well. It's a pleasure to have conversation with you. It would be fun to have some other conversations face to face.
Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 15th, 2004, 01:28:06 PM
I plan on going state by state and meeting *everyone...* and then going to Europe and meeting everyone there.,
We have any posters in the bahamas by any chance?
Mar 15th, 2004, 01:32:13 PM
Closest would be Puerto Rico :)
Mar 15th, 2004, 01:40:32 PM
I'll be in the bahamas if you buy me a ticket there.
Mar 15th, 2004, 04:34:30 PM
Lil subtle hint there, Crystal? :)
imported_Natia Telcontar
Mar 16th, 2004, 12:25:29 PM
Amanda, we've been RPing together for about 3-4 years now.
LD, what about us lonely ppl in Canada which don't live in the States?:cry? Do we get to meet you as well??
Garen, it's perfectly all right to keep your online and offline lives seperate. I do that to a point myself, but I am willing to meet ppl as long as I have my significant other with me.
And for those that are wanting to know, I'm not spilling who it is here and if you wish to guess and have a chance at being told, PM me.
Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 16th, 2004, 12:38:38 PM
Oy, I can drive to Canada, I'd do that too. :)
Dasquian Belargic
Mar 16th, 2004, 12:52:42 PM
Natia - I'll come to Canada, for as long as you want me to, providing you can give me a place to stay. I'd love to go to Canada. It has the best music evar.
Mar 16th, 2004, 12:55:53 PM
As well as moose, Mounties, Wolverine and Alpha Flight :)
Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 16th, 2004, 01:19:20 PM
Mounties and Wolverine.
Rasha Vill
Mar 16th, 2004, 01:29:28 PM
So Thats why there is never a mounties around when you need one! LD Is eating them all! She ate Wolverine TOO! NOOOO!!(That must have been tough on the teeth)
Shade Magus
Mar 16th, 2004, 01:38:05 PM
Rasha Vill
Mar 16th, 2004, 01:42:02 PM
Ummmm... I don't think you got that right Shade
Shade Magus
Mar 16th, 2004, 02:00:58 PM
i don't know......sounds right to me.
lol. sorry, about that I hope I didn't offend anyone, but it is a joke that me and a few people have with that word.
Rasha Vill
Mar 16th, 2004, 02:08:46 PM
No offence here... But lets see if that word works....
"Oh No! I've been robbed! *sigh* Where's a Mountme when you need one!"
... Nah, I still don't think it sounds right to me.
Falcon Gyndar
Mar 16th, 2004, 02:10:07 PM
Jen, i'd be careful about that saying to Natia that if you came to visit for her to find you a place to stay. She has two bedrooms, one of which is not being lived in, and she might lock you up...I'm surprised she hasn't tried that on me yet...:lol ^_^;
Rasha Vill
Mar 16th, 2004, 02:12:04 PM
Don't worry Falcon. Natia has plans to do that after the teady bear picnic.
Shade Magus
Mar 16th, 2004, 02:14:03 PM
yeah but if you use it right then it is hilarious. for example the classic use. this is from varsity blues btw
Congradulations on the game tonight.
Well congradulations to you too officers
congrads for what?
well for getting to wear such cute mountme hats.
well not right away, but maybe after a few beers...
Selinica Miriya
Mar 16th, 2004, 02:18:32 PM
*gets frightened, loads gun...ehhh.... water gun :smokin *
I'd like to see her TRY.....I refuse to be a caged animal....
Shade, you are a goofy nut, man.
Shade Magus
Mar 16th, 2004, 02:19:48 PM
uh-huck. yep goofy that's me uh huck :)
Azhure Darkstone
Mar 16th, 2004, 11:47:57 PM
goofy nut....someone needs to change his CT NOW! That's a really good one. Almost as good as the person (who I never found out who it was - lucky for you) who gave me 'typo queen'.
Mar 17th, 2004, 12:03:01 AM
oOooh Canaduh
imported_Natia Telcontar
Mar 17th, 2004, 11:07:33 AM
Jen, I'd need to meet you first irl before I even consider letting you stay at my place. No offense, but I have a policy of only letting those that I know irl stay with me. So send me a plane ticket to where you are and I'll pay you a visit, get to know you and then you can come and visit me and have a place to stay and you can meet some of us crazy Canadians.
*looks at scheduale*
But the ticket can't be good until after I'm finished at school.
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