View Full Version : out of the Blue (Sov and chiss)

Captain Jeffers
Mar 9th, 2004, 01:03:21 PM
In the darkness of hyperspace the blue white lines smudged against the black background was all Captain Jeffers had seen for 5 days. His trip was long and he was ready to be home. The last 2 years had been a grueling yet fascinating experience. Life with the Chiss was completely different to anything he had imagined. There colonial lifestyle offered a way of life which was very appealing but still it was not home. There technology never failed to amaze Jeffers and there ability for problem solving was equally impressive.

When Jefers had first Met Lash he had his misgiving. Now he understood the man and his motives for his brief stay with the Sovereignty. They were a people at peace. who loved peace and would protect there way of life at any cost.

A alarm went of shaking Captain Jeffers from his trance like thoughts. he looked down at the panel and was immediately excited. Ten Minutes till reversion. Ten minutes till he was home. He knew there would be questions and interrogations but that did not matter. He was home and could not wait to see the Blue, White ball what was Thyferra.

A flash of brilliant light and the disappearance of star lines marked his return home. Before him sat the giant globe of water and jungle and plains. Thyferra. A beautiful world with a checkered past. It was good to be home.

Captain Jeffers
Mar 18th, 2004, 03:19:30 PM
Captain Jeffers looked at the planet for a moment then began entering the Co ordinates he had been give upon his arrival. The engines kicked up and the Shuttle began moving towards the planet. Jeffers watched the steady flow of out going ships filled with cargo and supplies. Business looked good on Thyferra.

In the aft Compartment of the shuttle sat 5 blue skinned Chiss. Jefers had never met them and found it odd they would be coming to Thyferra. He had said little to any of them but could tell by the way the others acted the man siting aft most in the cabin was an Important Man. His broad shoulders and grim expression was just like the other Chiss passengers but the 4 closer to the front all seemed to give him his own space.

As jeffers Neared the planet Traffic control contacted him again and cleared the Shuttle to land. Jeffers increased the power to the small shuttle and dove for the planet. the Dark Star field was soon replaced by a growing brightness as the fire enveloping the shuttles descent cleared. Swiftly the shuttle crossed the outer edge of the atmosphere and began a free fall type descent until the repulsors kicked in. The shuttle shook slightly and Jeffers began slowing the descent.

Not a word or a noise came from the 5 behind him. They sat as the most always did staring out into nothingness at something Jeffers figured only Chiss could see.

Ahead was there destination A high rise within the heart of the massive city. Here the department of Military affairs resided. This was the destination of his passengers,

Mar 22nd, 2004, 05:23:15 PM
OOC: ignore this

Mar 22nd, 2004, 05:26:47 PM
Lash Sat at his desk looking out into the hydroponics garden outside his office. Though the Bunker housing the Chiss Senate and CEDF Command were many miles below the frozen surface of the Planet life flourished in the cave system which the Bunker was built. Very few of the native Csila vegetation was saved before the ice age which now held the planet had begun. Records tell of a world green and fertile. abundant with life. Lash knew he would never know Csilla as such a place but help out hope the ice age would end and the home of the chiss would once again be as it was mallinia ago. A rap at the door rang through the quiteness like an alarm claxon. Lash turned from his hypnotic gaze and spoke. "Yes come in."

A blue skinned officer of moderate build walked in holding a pouch. He saluted Lash then laid the small item on the table . Saluted once again, Turned, and walked out of the room without a word. Lash watched the man as he left and waited till he was gone and the Door shut again. He looked down at the small pouch which he knew held a data disk. Lash more or less knew what it was about but the disk would erase itself if left in the pouch more then 30 minutes.

Lash took the disk out and slid it into the data disk slot on his desk. A small holographic image popped up. "Prefect Captain Jeffers has made it to Thyferra and will present Commodore Galt upon arrival. I will inform you as soon as we receive word from the Commodore. Berret out ."

The image disappeared and lash sat back in his chair. the reports he received daily told him of fleet movement and preparations by both the Sovereignty and Federacy. They were poised and ready to strike. soon his fears and the fears of the Senate would be upon them. A Imperial civil war was about to break out. A war no one would win no matter who was the victor.