View Full Version : Embrace The Darkness...[Ambrose]
Anthony Scott
Mar 9th, 2004, 09:24:52 AM
It had been a rather trying week for Anthony as he attempted to get a grasp on the training he needed. After speaking with many, Alana being the first, the young fledgling was referred to another Vampire that he had yet to meet. "Ambrose? Hmm, sounds like an interesting fellow." Anthony thought to himself and smiled as he entered the training courtyard.
His dark brown eyes, nearly a black in the lighting, shifted about the area before he came to stop beside a bench. "He should be here any moment." And with that, Anthony sat down and sighed deeply. Perhaps today many of his questions would be answered. Perhaps today he would begin to see his purpose and recognize the power within his heart.
imported_Ambrose Braeden
Mar 9th, 2004, 11:26:32 AM
It was early this evening, Ambrose had arisen and talked to the Lordess Alana about a few matters that he needed to attend to. She had mentioned that he start and continue the training of her apprentice Anthony Scott. And of course, the Vampire was more than pleased to do her bidding. He had no quams against anyone in the Shrine. The Vampire went to his chambers, put on a new set of clothes and his weaponry and headed out for the training courtyard.
After a little walking, the vampire reached his destination. There were no other beings out in the courtyard this night save for the Dark Knight and another being. Ambrose had felt Anthony through the force, although he had never felt it before, he would grow accustomed to his presence after a while. The Vampire walked up behind the fledgling, knowing all to well that the fledgling vampire could already sence his presence in the darkside if he was concentrating. But Anthony did not move to look at the Sith Knight. Ambrose walked around the bench and sat next to the fledgling vampire and did not talk for a long moment. The silence was broken by the more mature vampire.
"Anthony Scott. We have never met before. As you well know, I am Ambrose Braeden, the one Lordess Alana had told you about. I can see that you have many questions. They will be answerd in time..."
Anthony Scott
Mar 12th, 2004, 10:16:53 AM
Anthony could feel his presence as soon as he entered the courtyard. Power engulfed the area and Anthony was taken by the feeling. He had grown accostomed to Alana's aura and knew how it felt when he was beside her. It was different with this one, though -- for Anthony had never met another Vampire in his life, save for the time when he first visited Roon and was introduced to another council member.
As Ambrose sat down beside him, the fledgling inhaled deeply and turned his head to face his new teacher. Yes, he was correct -- so many questioned rested heavily upon Anthony's chest. Questions, secrets, lies -- too much weighed upon his shoulders but today, he would begin on the path of power and someday, he too would possess a strong aura like that of Alana and Ambrose.
Sighing inwardly, Anthony nodded at Ambrose's words. "Yes, Master -- my mind years to know the answers." He spoke quietly, the inflection in his voice hinting to the fact that he was definatly not from around these parts, or anywhere that Ambrose may have found familiar. He simply smiled toothily, not giving too much away about himself, but not closing himself to the knowledge of the one who was about to begin on the journey of teaching him.
imported_Ambrose Braeden
Apr 22nd, 2004, 11:02:24 AM
"Yes, Master -- my mind years to know the answers."
Ambrose looked down into Anthony's eyes. They reminded the Dark Knight of a child's eyes by the wya that you can just look into a small childs eyes and can tell that they are learning by your actions. The Sith Knight knew that Anthony Scott was still a newly turned fledgling but the only reason that he is mentoring the young apprentice is because the Lordess Alana had asked him to. But she had knew that Ambrose would be much harder on Anthony than she could ever imagine. That is all thanks to Lord Soth. Lord Soth had turned Ambrose and had taught him everything that he knows. Now it is time for Ambrose to pass on his knowlege to someone else.
"I know that you hanve many questions for me Anthony. But those will be answered all in due time. For the time being, tell me of what the Lordess has taught you since she has turned you..."
Anthony Scott
Apr 26th, 2004, 03:27:01 PM
Now this was an answer that Anthony was rather ashamed of. It had been so long since Alana had turned him, and she had been so busy with her own life -- that Anthony had been forced to discover things on his own. His learning had been minimal, and it was all due to experience. Shaking his head, the immortal sighed. "She hasn't taught me anything due to time restraints."
Anthony thought a moment and paused, wondering how this would effect his training with Ambrose. "However, I've been learning a few things on my own." He gave a half hearted smile, knowing that he had been proud of his own progress. "I did train as a Jedi before I came here, and I continued practicing the basics of what I learned at the Academy. Things such as how to tap into the Force, how to feel its presence, and how to block pain."
He paused for a moment once again and smiled. "Though the pain thing, I seem to have forgotten about -- I discovered something interesting about pain and anger. When I link them, I gain strength in certain areas. These things all have questions with them, but I figured explaining myself first would be best."
imported_Ambrose Braeden
Apr 26th, 2004, 07:48:25 PM
"Though the pain thing, I seem to have forgotten about -- I discovered something interesting about pain and anger. When I link them, I gain strength in certain areas. These things all have questions with them, but I figured explaining myself first would be best."
Ambrose thought of how he was taught to use his abilities in the force to their fullest. That was one trait of Lord Soth's that the Dark Lord was glad about. He thought that you either gave it your all or did not bother with it. The Sith Lord looked into Anthony's eyes and smiled.
"You will soon learn that we as Vampire's are much more stronger with the force than humans are. That is what we live by, so your abilities within the force are inhanced as a Vampire. Your strength is something you have to master as I did. It will take a bit of combat training to do that."
Ambrose stuck his thumb nail into his wrist, piercing the skin. He let go of his wrist and closed his eyes. The Dark lord concentrated upon the force and upon his wound and the skin had closed over the wound as if it had never happened.
"Concentrate upon your wound through the force and your healing ablities with show themselves to you..."
imported_Ambrose Braeden
May 12th, 2004, 11:12:56 AM
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