View Full Version : Highly Determined (Morgan)

Rhianna Ravenloft
Mar 8th, 2004, 11:01:46 AM
Trying to attract as little attention to herself as possible, Rhianna followed Dasquian's advice and went to the Council chambers. For once she didn't keep her eyes lowered, She was a girl on a mission now, after all. She was determined to get past all of her uncertainty and if going to Yavin would bring her the peace she needed to do that, so be it. She would go to Yavin.

Pausing just before entering, she chewed on her bottom lip. Who am I looking for again..? Master Evanar. Thats it. Brushing some wrinkles off her skirt, Rhianna took a breath and proceeded inside. She had absolutley no idea which one he was, what he looked like or where to begin. Her eyes shifted to each face. None of them knew who she was, either probably. She hadn't been on Coruscant long before she had left for Tatooine. Aside from Dasquian, she really didn't know anyone. She was just going to be patient and observe them all until a solution presented itself.

Morgan Evanar
Mar 9th, 2004, 06:44:22 PM
Morgan was sitting, looming over a display that held facts and estimations for the upcoming Yavin IV project. He was triple checking to make sure everything was in order. The last supply run had been boring, but being off Coruscant had been invigorating.

The Jedi rested his hand on his chin, muttering numbers and bits and pieces of cargo to himself. To start, him and Rie needed a decent supply cache, but after Yavin's temple was established, he wanted to move it to be increasingly independant in terms of outside resources.

His comm beeped.

"Evanar speaking. Can't make lunch? Mmmmhm."

"I guess I'll have to make it up at dinner. You sure you can't run up just for a few minutes?"

"Lady Mystt, thou has wounded me. See you tonight."

He switched the comm of, and sighed happily before going back to work.

Rhianna Ravenloft
Mar 9th, 2004, 07:07:50 PM
She was just going to have to ask who was who, there was no way around it. "Evanar speaking..."Rhianna twisted to the side to see where the voice had come from. She had a few options, but she wouldn't have to play the guessing game because the man spoke again a second later.. "Lady Mystt, thou has wounded me. See you tonight." . Those were both the names Dasquian had told her! She was in luck.

Rhianna waited until Master Evanar had finished his conversation, then timidly cleared her throat to annouce her presence. "I am sorry I didn't mean to overhear your conversation.. You are Master Evanar? Dasquian told me you might help me.."

Morgan Evanar
Mar 9th, 2004, 09:01:34 PM
Morgan nodded, and waved dismissively at the fact that she overheard the brief wordplaye between himself and Rie.

"Aye, I am." He looked her over quickly and unobtrusively.

"I might. Are you a Padawan here?"

Rhianna Ravenloft
Mar 9th, 2004, 09:39:49 PM
Rhianna smiled proudly. "Yes, that I am.." Instinctively her fingers dropped into her pocket to fidget with the worry stone. She wasn't quite sure how much to tell Master Evanar. She supposed if she was going to explain her desire to leave he would want to know why.. But she would keep it simple until she could work up the nerve to rehash the disturbing memory.

"Dasquian said you might be leaving for Yavin with some of the Jedi. I wondered..that is, I wanted to come along." She stopped fidgeting and looked at him earnestly. It was true, in her heart. If she could just get away she could work out her remorse on her own.

Morgan Evanar
Mar 10th, 2004, 05:27:47 PM
Morgan watched her body fidget nervously. Either Rhianna was very unsure of herself or she wanted to run from something. In either case, He would find out, and hopefully be able to sort it.

The Jedi Master nodded.

"Coruscant can wear on even the strongest of us. You are welcome to come along, Padawan. But on one condition."
Rhianna looked a touch nervous. Morgan smiled.

"Tell me your name, so I don't have to refer to you as "Padawan, Learner, or Miss."

Rhianna Ravenloft
Mar 10th, 2004, 05:40:56 PM
Letting go of the breath she had been holding, the Padawan smiled. Finally it seemed she would be going somewhere that she could better herself and by doing so help others. But the first step was easy enough, her name. "Rhianna Ravenloft current Jedi Padawan - former Fortune teller, at your service, Master Evanar."