View Full Version : Fledgling Insurrection
Iden Hyde
Mar 8th, 2004, 01:34:38 AM
It had been two days since gabriel Hyde, having returned from Delteon and his successful negotiations with Imperator Sevon. Most of his time had been spent going over what would had been planned with Yuri Moroketh - the commanding officer of Terrisz'Voss' fleet. Both had been working non-stop to ensure the safe transport of ship supplies and materials to Cathar, the planet isolated enough to facilitate the building of a fleet without gaining attention. Yag'Dhul would still be used, but the ships built would be nothing more than fighters; and even those were being constructed beneath the planet's torrential waters.
All of the department heads had been notified, meetings held, and plans discussed to ensure that all knew what would be following in the next few months. It had taken no amount of convincing to secure support for the course of action taken, and not surprisingly, every individual involved had eagerly agreed, already beginning to put forth their fledgling ideas on how to better equip the technology already being developed.
With each passing hour plans and designs were solidified even more, and while there would be no end, it was still beneficial and comforting to know that the men and women of his company were ready to essentially go to war. Given the slim chance to shrug off the yoke of the Sovereignty, such an opportunity was jumped up.
And now, sitting in his office with Yuri Moroketh and Mer Kunnon before him, Hyde couldn't help the feeling of restlessness at what would transpire.
He addressed Moroketh. "I trust our shipments have been reaching their destinations?"
Yuri Moroketh
Mar 9th, 2004, 11:28:24 AM
His crisp, black uniform devoid of any unwanted wrinkles, Yuri Moroketh nodded his affirmation. So far everything had been running smoothly, according to the plans set forth by himself and Hyde. Inwardly he knew that the road that lay before them would be long and excruciatingly hard, but he was willing to stand beside Hyde no matter what. The two had already been through too much for him to back out now. As it was, Yag'Dhul was his home, and he'd be damned if the Imperials controlled it it any way shape or form.
"They are. Nothing as of yet has hindered their departures and the random jump coordinates we provided are being used everytime one of our ships jumps out of the system. Our regular production rate has remained steady, and to the best of my knowledge, fighter production is keeping a steady pace." He turned to Kunnon. Am I correct?
Jake Snake
Mar 14th, 2004, 09:10:29 PM
Jake's eyes opened slowly, there were no alarms, no drills. This wasn't a military command. He missed those. He missed being with his men, missed being in training, missed being realied on for leadership. He was needed here, but it wasn't the same. As his eyes focused on the cieling and than his head turned slowly, looking at the chrono on his night stand. It was time to get up.
Expressionless, Jake got up and fell to the floor. He did his ritual excercises and went to the fresher. After 5 years in the Federacy navy, his routin was never interupted, unless of course they were in battle or had drills. Rubbing his eyes, Jake stepped into the shower and felt the cold water wash over him. For some reason, the cold relaxed him and made him feel alive. As the water made him wake up he focused on his mission here. He had a job to do and he was going to do his best.
He got out, dried and off and than went back into his bedroom. After putting on his captain's uniform, Jake went to mirror and made sure he was presentable. He had a meeting to attend. Jake went over to his drawer and pulled out the ankle holster with the pistol in it. Placing his leg on the chair, he strapped on the scanner proof holster to his ankle and covered it up. To his belt he hooked on his other heavy blaster. He lifted up 3 small dots and placed them inside one of his pocket. With that he took one last look in the mirror and walked out of his room, locking it right after.
He had memorized the entire map of the compound so it took Jake a short time to get to Hyde;s office. Outside it he sat down and waited to be let in.
Merr Kunnon
Mar 14th, 2004, 11:22:05 PM
"That's right. We had a few speedbumps in the beginning, but all the kinks have been worked out. And we need better air conditioning. I had to change suits about four times, and I was still sweating like a...."
Merr caught the sideways glance that Yuri was giving him, and cut his analogy short.
"....yeah, it was pretty hot."
Iden Hyde
Mar 15th, 2004, 05:40:10 PM
A raised eyebrow was all that met Kunnon's words, and Hyde nodded. He knew it was hot where theyd decided to set up the second starfighter installation, but it needed to be done.
"I know its hot there, but the only safe location for the Tleilass Yards is closer to the core than the regular ones. Keep in mind please, that these deeper yards are confidential - I have a meeting with the new liaison from the Federacy, and he is not to know about them.
"I'm assigning him to you, Merr, but remember this - he's only to know about our current yards. Not Tleilass."
Yuri Moroketh
Mar 15th, 2004, 05:48:52 PM
Moroketh kept his face impassive. He knew that there would be a liaison; the news wasn't new to him. He and Hyde had already gone over what would happen, and the Yevethan stood quietly.
At Hyde's nod though, he turned on his heel, heading for the door to admit their new Federacy liaison. Hand reaching out, Moroketh turned the knob and pulled the office door open to look down at the man waiting.
He gave the man a nod.
"Captain Snake."
Jake Snake
Mar 15th, 2004, 06:20:41 PM
Jake sat there and looked straight ahead. In his hand, hidden in a fist, was an ordinary looking rank cylinder. However, the look was where all similarities ended. What looked and scanned to be a rank cylinder was actually a spy tool. From one end came out an invisible laser beam that bounced off the office door and back. This beam measured the small vibrations of the door and decoded them into actual speech. This was than recorded inside the cylinder itself and also transfered into Jakes nueral link so that he could hear what was going on inside the room.
He had gotten to office a bit late and had missed most of it. The door was also thicker and so the vibrations weren't coming through too well. The only thing Jake heard was something about the heat and than the last part about something being hidden from him. He didn't know what was hidden or where, but he would have to try and find out somehow. When he started to hear sound approaching the door, Jake shut off the cylinder with a thought and than casually looked at it for a second before placing it gently back into his pocket and adjusting it. It would seem that he was just holding and admiring the small rank cylinder. As if he had only been promoted a short time ago and was still excited about it.
When the door opened Jake looked at Yuri and stood up tall, in a military manner. He nodded back, "Sir. Are you here to escort me into the meeting?"
Merr Kunnon
Mar 15th, 2004, 06:54:32 PM
As Jake stepped into the room, Merr immediately walked over to him with a warm smile on his face. The brash technician gave him a quick once over then offered a handshake.
"Merr Kunnon, your pleasure to meet me....I noticed you were looking at your rank cylinder. Just promoted? What rank? I bet your momma sure is proud."
Iden Hyde
Mar 15th, 2004, 07:08:17 PM
Remaining silent, Hyde watched as Kunnon began hovering over their liaison as soon as the man stepped into the office. With a raised brow, Terrisz'Voss' CEO leaned back in his seat as Moroketh closed the door to the office. So this was the liaison that Imperator Sevon had sent.
His black business suit impeccably crisp and devoid of wrinkles, Gabriel Hyde allowed himself a ghost of a smile.
It would be interesting to see how this meeting would go.
"Captain Snake. A pleasure to see that your arrival on Yag'Dhul was unhindered by our Sovereignty overseers."
Yuri Moroketh
Mar 15th, 2004, 07:29:57 PM
Shutting the door, Moroketh stood tall - much taller than the other occupants of the room, standing at seven feet. He towered over the others, and wasn't above using his height and bulk to in any situation. Hands folded at the small of his back, the Yevethan looked down to Snake and then Kunnon, before finally sending his piercing gaze towards Hyde.
For now though, He'd let Kunnoon have his way.
Jake Snake
Mar 15th, 2004, 07:35:31 PM
Jake smiled at the man, even though he thought the introduction was very arragent. He looked down, touching his cylinder, "Yes I got promoted a week ago, just before I was sent here. I'm a Captain. Also, my parents are dead."
This Jake stated with an expressionless face. He looked around the room and instantly studied all the faces, all the expressions, all the gestures, and all the motions. He analyzed the room in every detail and measured all distances with his eye. Instantly escape plans started to form in his mind. This was how he was trained and he was done with one glance around the room.
He looked up at Yuri with an expressionless face and studied him. The bulk didn't impress Jake that much, but he knew what the yevethan was capable of. He looked at Hyde again.
"Mr.Hyde, it's nice to see you again. It was nice to get in unnoticed. Shall we get to business?" He said and kept standing with his arms in the small of his back.
Merr Kunnon
Mar 15th, 2004, 07:48:24 PM
"I've never seen a Captain's rank cyclinder before. Mind if I have a look. See, they didn't give Yuri a rank cyclinder, everyone just kinda recognizes him and doesn't ask questions."
He smiled wider. It was pretty obvious that this meeting wasn't going to go any further until Merr was finished playing.
Iden Hyde
Mar 31st, 2004, 09:34:52 PM
With a raised brow, Hyde watched as Kunnon had his way with the Federacy's liaison, but made no move to put an end to it. Since the man would be spending most of his time with Kunnon as it was, Hyde figured he'd give Captain Snake the chance to see just what he was in for.
"Captain Snake," he finally said, rising to his feet, "I'd like to introduce you to Captain Moroketh," he nodded his head to the Yevethan, "... and Mr. Kunnon."
Yuri Moroketh
Mar 31st, 2004, 09:42:01 PM
With the barest of nods, Moroketh acknowledged Snake, but like Hyde, said nothing beyond a look that seemed to convey a sense of pity for the man - Merr Kunnon could be... excitable... at times.
He did however, access the neural communit built into his construct.
perhaps a break in your caffeine intake, mr. kunnon... ?
Jake Snake
Apr 4th, 2004, 10:33:50 AM
Jake looked over at the man, "I'm sure you can see if from where you are standing."
Jake looked back at Hyde as the man introduced the other. He nodded at both of the others, "We have already met."
He stood at attention and waited for the meeting to begin. Jake was getting a little annoyed with Kunnon, but held those feelings inside. His face showed no expression at all.
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